NOTE: This is news.
Talk to Joanna for the latest rumours.
For upcoming releases please check here
If you have any news, please send them to the news
June 30
Ian Gillan Interview
There is an interview with Ian Gillan in today issue
of Warsaw's Metropol.
Thanks to
Joasia Ostrowiecka
for the information.
June 21
Meet Deep Purple
Deep Purple offering their fans premium tickets for
the upcoming North America Tour 2004 and a chance to meet the band. For more
info, check here.
June 21
Cover version of "Smoke".
A cover version of "Smoke On The Water" is on a
Brazilian Soundtrack CD, from the movie called "Cazuza,
O Tempo Não Pára". The movie is about a famous Brazilian singer called
Cazuza, who died in AIDS in 1990. Cazuza
were a singer in the rock band called "Barão
Vermelho" which sometimes played "Smoke On The Water". This cover version is
sung by Daniel Oliveira, the
actor who is Cazuza in the film.
Thanks to
Marcos Ribeiro
and Albertino Viveiros for
the information.
June 17
Play with Steve Morse
Before Deep Purple's show
in Szczecin (Poland), June 28th, Steve Morse will perform "Smoke on The
Water" with volunteer guitarist's on a special stage set up at
Boguslawa street in Szczecin. The event will start 14.00. Anyone who wants
to play with Steve should contact the promoter (Andrzej Malcherek). Phone:
501075910, Email:
June 14
Steve Morse Guitar Clinic
Steve Morse will do a guitar clinic in Reykjavik,
Iceland on the 24th of June. The clinic will take place at "FIH",
Raudagerdi 27 around 4 pm.
Thanks to
DPAS and
Steve Morse for the information.
June 8
Big Thanks to the Donors
A big thanks to Norio Fukuda who helped The Highway
Star with the May bill. A special big thanks to Leslie Hedger, Ralph Pondman and
Rob Prior for their repeated donations. For those who would like to help to keep
The Highway Star online, please visit the
Donor Page or the
Shop. Thank you all, without you, The Highway Star
wouldn't exist.
June 3
Purple T-shirt in a Movie
In the upcoming movie, "The
Stepford Wives", Bette Midler
is wearing a classic Deep Purple - "Perfect Strangers" era T-shirt. Watch the
trailer here.
Thanks to
Sebastian Gregory,
Al Johnston and
Tracy Heyder for the information.
June 1
Deep Purple In Art
There is an exhibition in Berlin, Germany called "Deep Purple In Art" taking
place from May 21 until June 20. This exhibition is a homage from the artist
Olga Stozhar to the 35th anniversary of Deep Purple and contains 100 works
dealing especially with Deep Purple Songs. For more info,
check here.
Thanks to
Niemann and Darius Bork
for the information.
May 11
Steve Morse Interview
The June issue of the Japanese guitar magazine, "Young
Guitar", has a interview with Steve Morse. He also show the gears he use on
the tour.
Thanks to
Toru Saegusa for the information.
May 8
Airey & Gillan Interview
The June issue of the Japanese magazine, "Burrn!",
has a 6-page article of Deep Purple. It's including a review of the 1st show in
Tokyo and 2 interviews. One with Ian Gillan and another with Don Airey.
May 5
Big Thanks to the Donors
A big thanks to Robert Prior for his repeated
donations and his help with the April bill. For those who would like to help to
keep The Highway Star online, please visit the
Donor Page or the
Shop. Thank you all, without you, The Highway Star
wouldn't exist.
May 2
Steve Morse Letter
Steve Morse took some time off during the
Bananas World Tour and
wrote a letter about the tour, "Living Loud" etc. Here is a few bits.
"Along the way, I also was able to play a couple of gigs with 'Living
Loud', the group that I wrote and recorded an
album with."
"Rather than try to describe the way the gigs
went, I will only say they were great and hope that they sound as good on the
DVD coming up."
Read the full letter.
Thanks to
Steve Morse for the information. |