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Without the support of these people this gallery wouldn't be what it is...
Thanks to:
Eric Amundson,
Sverker Åslund,
Ghassan Barbour,
Nicolas Beaufays,
Paul Bell,
Ricardo Bello,
Thomas Beutler,
Peter Blackmore,
Jeffrey Blair,
Geoff Brown,
Harald Bruckner,
Mark Cantin,
Robert Chagalia,
Denis Clucas,
Sandro Congi,
Melissa Cordell,
Jim Corrigan,
Tony Corsaro,
Brian Currin,
Dana McDermott,
Gerald Dietze,
Leonardo Jose Drumond,
Dan Dvoracek,
Cedric Feral,
António Martins Ferreira,
Manfred Frey,
Bobby Gervais,
Stefan Glas,
Andre Grimberg,
Jose Groba,
Andrei Gusenkov,
Olof Gustafsson,
Colin Hadden,
Benny Hadders,
Brian Hathaway,
Heikki Heino,
John Hopkins,
Res Hutter,
Chris Jankauskas,
Dirk Kahler,
Chris Kissadjekian,
Carl Kottmeier,
Sherri Kottmeier,
Hartmut Kreckel,
Akos Kuttner,
Fedor De Lange,
Werner Lefebvre,
Bobby A. Leiser,
John Lonsdale,
Mario Lucchesi,
Jamie McGee
Leonardo Ricco Medeiros,
Ronaldo Melussi,
Igor Metzeltin,
Thomas Mitschang,
Roberto Moraes,
Bernd Most,
Anne Murphy,
Peter Murphy,
Gerard De Natris,
Marianne Niemann,
Thorsten Nickel,
Chris Parsons,
Giacomo Picello,
Andre Pompeo,
Klaus Porzia,
Otto Poulsen,
Tatiana Östling,
Fabio Prikladnicki,
Thomas Rabsch,
Dereck Ramsay,
Sarah Reichdan,
Renato Rossetti,
Christian Rutz,
Dag Sandbu,
Paul Santa Maria,
Uwe Schnier,
Steffen Seitter
Ed Shaimas,
Tim Shockley,
Murray Shuttleworth,
Linda Simonetto
Juan Solorza,
Nick Soveiko,
Christian Stumpp,
Rodrigo M.Pueyo Takahashi,
Stuart P.Taylor,
Joachim Tuss,
Rodrigo Werneck,
Thomas Wieschke,
Rob Wolleswinkel,
Nigel Young,
Mario R.Zeller,
Denis Zuercher,
Serge Waldbillig,
Thomas Zeltwanger,
the others at this web-site
and finally
the band, crew and management.
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