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Submitting Stuff
 If you want to submit some images to the IMAGE GALLERY, please take the time and read these notes before mailing...
Submitting Images
- The correct address for
submitting binaries is photos@thehighwaystar.com.
- Please ensure you include a description of all images you send in. The
descrtiption should be send as "normal" ASCII-file, NOT MS-Word or something
(Of course you can use MS-WORD to type, just select "Save as text" when saving)
- If you're submitting concert photos, please ensure date and venue
are included in the description.
- If you're sumbitting tickets, please ensure you include missing
info in the description (if p.e. the city/country is missing on the ticket)
- Prefered format is JPEG (80% quality/20% compression).
- Prefered size is about 400 or 500 pixels
- If you send in corrections, please ensure you include the filename
you're reffering to. You'll find it in the upper region of your
browser ("http://blahblahblah")
- It might happen that not all your images are published. The IMAGE GALLERY
is an edited gallery and so it's editor's choice which are published and
which are not...
Don't hold your breath while waiting for your images / infos to appear in the
IMAGE GALLERY. I'm doing this gallery in my spare time, so it may take a
while until I find time for doing the next update.
Thanks for understanding.
Benny Holmstrom