NOTE: This is news.
Talk to Joanna for the latest rumours.
For upcoming releases please check here
If you have any news, please send them to the
August 30
As We Were Saying...
Problems with transferring the domain to the new server caused us to drop off
the Net for a few days, but hopefully it's all resolved now and we're back for good. We hope
we didn't scare you with our absence...
August 27
Rapture Of The Deep Cover
According to "The Aviator" and "Eagle Rock
Deep Purple's new album, "Rapture Of The Deep" will have
this cover. The 8 track (not complete
tracks) promo cover looks like this.
Thanks to The Aviator and
Eagle Rock Entertainment for the information.
August 24
Rapture Tracklist
Deep Purple's new album "Rapture Of The Deep" will be released
European version:
1. Money Talks
2. Wrong Man
3. Girls Like That
4. Rapture Of The Deep
5. Clearly Quite Absurd
6. Don't Let Go
7. Back To Back
8. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
9. MTV *
10. Junkyard Blues
11. Before Time Began
* = Bonustrack for a limited edition in Europe
Limited edition will be a metalbox and the CD will include an enhanced
part, as well (probably an interview).
Japanese version:
1. Money Talks
2. Girls Like That
3. Wrong Man
4. Rapture Of The Deep
5. Clearly Quite Absurd
6. Don't Let Go
7. Back To Back
8. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
9. Junkyard Blues
10. Before Time Began
11. Things I Never Said *
* = Bonustrack for Japan
Thanks to The Aviator for the information.
August 23
Rapture Of The Deep
Deep Purple's new album will be called "Rapture Of The Deep".
The song order might be different.
1. Back To Back
2. Before Time Began
3. Clearly Quite Absurd
4. Don’t Let Go
5. Girls Like That
6. Rapture Of The Deep
7. MTV
8. Money Talks
9. Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
10. Junkyard Blues
11. Things I Never Said
12. Wrong Man
Junkyard Blues (probably a bonustrack for Japan)
MTV (probably a bonustrack for a limited edition in Europe)
This is a sketch of the
album cover, which the band rejected. Watch this space
for the real cover.
The releases date is October 21 on
Thanks to The Aviator,
Deep Purple and ShopEMI for the information.
August 23
Gillan's Birthday
As you may know or not, but Ian Gillan became 60 last friday. He
were staying with Deep Purple's manager Bruce Payne. Ian Gillan wrote a letter
and you can read it here.
Thanks to Ian Gillan for the information.
August 18
Steve Morse on Tribute CD
Steve Morse appears on a tribute album to Pink Floyd's "The
Wall" called "Back Against The Wall". Steve plays on the song "Another Brick In
The Wall Part 1". The album also feature
Glenn Hughes, Keith Emerson,
Rick Wakeman (Yes),
Dweezil Zappa,
Steve Lukather (Toto) among others.
The album will be released on September 27. You can order it in
our shop.
Thanks to Steve Morse for the information.
August 11
Ian Gillan Interview
Garry Sharpe-Young talked to Ian Gillan. Here is a few bits from
the interview:
"‘No Worries’ was included because we really just wanted one new
song on there to bring us full circle so to speak. It’s a bit of a slow Blues
type number."
"I think ‘Gillan’s Inn’ will
be coming out in January 2006. Deep Purple will be on the road for a good two
years promoting this next album (Rapture Of The
"When I left Deep Purple in 1973 we were really just playing
Town Halls, City Halls, Theatres, that kind of thing. Now, we’re playing
enormous arenas all over the world, so the whole thing has just got much, much
bigger. The only place in the world that we don’t play the huge venues is the
USA, that’s because we’re only played on classic Rock radio."
"There is absolutely no ill feeling between Jon (Lord) and Deep
Purple. In fact, Jon very often phones us up backstage just before a gig to wish
us luck. He’s on the ‘Gillan’s Inn’ album too."
Read the full
interview here.
Thanks to Rock Detector for the information.
August 8
Deep Purple on TV
Documentary about Deep Purple will be shown on
The Biography Channel (U.K.)
on August 20 (8.00 pm, 12.00 pm and 1.00 am), August 21 (10.00 am, 11.00 am,
4.00 pm and 5.00 pm), August 22 (9.00 am, 2.00 pm and 10.00 pm) and August 23
(8.00 am and 4.00 pm).
Thanks to Colin Fairbrass for the information.
August 7
Deep Purple in Japan
Deep Purple is line up for a festival in Japan according to
Summer Sonic. In Tokyo
August 13 and Osaka August 14.
Thanks to Summer Sonic for the information.
August 7
Don Airey and Friends
Don Airey and Friends (Robert Hart, Keith Airey,
Chris Childs and Harry James) will do a couple of gigs in U.K. later this month.
On Wednesday 24th August (7.30 pm) they will play at the
Alnwick Playhouse in Alnwick and
on Saturday 27th August (8.00 pm) they will play at
The Stables Theatre in Wavendon, Milton
Thanks to DPAS,
Alnwick Playhouse and
The Stables Theatre for the information.
August 5
Deep Purple on Radio
Classic 21,
which is a classic rock station part of the
Belgian National Radio & Television Network (RTBF), will
broadcast a "Deep Purple
special" on Sunday, 7th August from 9am to 12 (CET). There will be a contest to win
DVD's, "In Concert 72/73". You can
listen on it by streaming in
24k or
Thanks to Maxime Cromps for the information.
August 3
Big Thanks to the Donors
A big thanks to Leslie Hedger, Ralph Pondman and Michael
Schumacher for their repeated donations and helping The Highway Star with the
June bill. For those who would like to help to keep The Highway Star online,
please visit the
Donor Page or the Shop.
Thank you all, without you, The Highway Star wouldn't exist.
August 1
Rapture Song Titles
Song titles from the upcoming Deep Purple album, "Rapture Of The
Deep" is starting to pop up. Ian Gillan
mention one in his last Dear
Friends letter, "Before Time Began". Other titles have been mention, such as
"Girls Like That", "Wrong Man", "Junkyard Blue", "Back to Back" and "Rature Of
The Deep". Watch this space for the final list.
Thanks to Ian Gillan
and The Aviator for the information.
July 31
Deep Purple in Classic Rock
In the latest issue (83) of the
Classic Rock Magazine (UK),
there is an "In Rock" feature,
celebrating the 35th anniversary of the album. The magazine was available from
27th July.
Thanks to Mike Taylor and
Lou Carvell for the information.
July 30
At Last, A New Home...
The Highway Star has finally managed to finish moving into the
new server, and hopefully we haven't forgotten anything behind. The content
files have had to be completely rebuilt because we could no longer assemble and
present the webpages as we used to. That means you may well find places where
the workmen forgot to finish -- and please
let us know if you do.
We've got some big expansion plans for once all the boxes are unpacked -- the
movie and sound files are coming back, we are thinking about creating a blog
community, and searchable databases of the Deep Purple details scattered all
over the website, just to name a few.
So, thanks very much for your kind patience of the past few months, please take
a look around and see that your favorite stuff is where you left it, and get
ready to try out the new features very soon!
July 28
Steve Morse DVD
Steve Morse Band live in Baden Baden, Germany 1990 is going to be
released on DVD. Expected release is in September.
Thanks to Steve Morse
Frank Winter
for the information.
July 27
Steve Morse Letter
Steve Morse found some time off (8 miles above the earth) and wrote
a letter. Here is a few bits:
"We ended up being able to play on "Live 8"
by virtue of some excellent planning. Our managers got together with Ryan
Aviation in Rockford, Illinois, and got us a big enough jet to
bring us to Canada,
then back to the U.S. for our next scheduled date.....the same day."
"Musical highlights for me were just being able to hear some
great artists play. I knew Randy Bachman's music from his hits with
Turner Overdrive, but I wasn't prepared for how well he sang and played. I'm a
big Bryan Adams fan, so I watched his set and said hello with a big smile on my
face. He always sounds fantastic."
"Perhaps the biggest deal for me personally was a conversation
I had with Mick Mars from
Motley Crue." "I got a chance to talk to Mick and tell
him that he was an inspiration to my son."
"The show last night in Bulgaria was amazing. 5 miles before
the gig, we saw people parking their cars on the side of the only road leading
to the remote outdoor location." "In that part of the World, Deep Purple was not
even allowed to be sold or listened to "back in the day!""
Read the full letter here,
part 1 and
part 2.
Thanks to Steve Morse
for the information.
July 26
Deep Purple Family
Roger Glover feature on a new CD called "Deep Purple Family".
Roger Glover can be found on the song "Strange Times". Other artist on the album
is David Coverdale, Glenn Hughes, Eddie Hardin etc. You can buy the CD
in our shop.
July 21
Roger Glover's Photos
Roger Glover have published some photos from the recording of
"Rapture Of The Deep",
Live 8 etc on his webpage.
Check it
out here.
July 5
Watch Deep Purple at Live 8
Deep Purple's show at Live 8
is available online. You can see the
show here.
July 2
Deep Purple at Live 8
For those who didn't see the show, Deep Purple did "Highway
Star", "Smoke On The Water" and "Hush".
July 2
Ian Gillan about Live 8
In a interview about Live 8,
Ian Gillan said:
"This is a front-on assault at a time when an awful lot can be
done. I think if you can put massive pipelines across Siberia and Alaska to
extract oil then it wouldn't be too difficult to build a few pipes to get some
water into places (in Africa)."
"No matter what the reactions of the politicians are, they
must be aware that it's going to become an issue as much as green issues and
social issues have become," he says. "I think they have to stop underestimating
the intelligence of the people in the countries where these concerts are taking
Ian Gillan also says he'll be putting the finishing vocals on
"Rapture Of The Deep" (the new studio album),
next week in Los Angeles.
Read the full story
Thanks to Jam Showbiz
for the information.
July 2
Roger Glover about Live 8
In a phone interview about Live 8, Roger Glover said:
"They're not asking for money, just raising awareness, and I
think that's a really bold move"
"There aren't many classic hard-rock bands on the bill", "In fact, we might be the only one they asked."
"Something this big, it's an honor to be chosen. You'd be
churlish to turn it down,"
"It's not a charity, but a way to promote a cause. A lot of us
see a lot of imbalance in the world, and a lot of times you feel helpless to do
anything about it."
It's a strict 15 minutes set. "Smoke on the Water" and "Highway
Star" is two of the three songs Deep Purple will play (the third song is
undecided). Expect Deep Purple on stage in
Barrie (Canada) sometime between 1 pm and 3 pm local time (5
pm and 7 pm GMT)
Read the full story
here or
Thanks to
The Advocate and
Greenwich Time
for the information.