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Vincent Price is back again

For no apparent reason, the record company has posted a live clip of Vincent Price from To The Rising Sun (In Tokyo), released almost 10 years ago.

Thanks to BraveWords for the heads-up.

15 Comments to “Vincent Price is back again”:

  1. 1
    Ivica says:

    The excellent Steve Morse, …a minute and 20 seconds of magic !

  2. 2
    Karin Verndal says:

    “It feels so good to be afraid” 😄😄

    Love this song! Love this band 💜

  3. 3
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Steve and Big Ian will win any “ugliest T-shirt”-contest hand down. It will be a tie between them. But really: Roger, Little Ian and Don are a close third, forth and fifth! 🤣

    The song is nice though, always liked it. Don’s mock theremin sounds are great.


  4. 4
    Uwe Hornung says:

    We can’t mention ‘theremin’ here without pointing to Clara Rockmore!


  5. 5
    MacGregor says:

    A wonderful version and Vincent Price is back again, bless him. Good all round sound there and Morse’s solo is very good with that restrained approach, no twiddly dee bits. Certainly puts the ‘aficionados’ in place who say that that lineup was too ‘light’ or whatever they have said along those lines. Comical really, but some people have really short memories. Thanks for posting. Cheers.

  6. 6
    MacGregor says:

    @ 4- thanks Uwe, very moving that performance from Clara. To think that that instrument was created app 100 years ago. Being silly now, we can get AI to do all these things now, humans have served their purpose. Cheers.

  7. 7
    Steve says:

    Brilliant…and , dare I say …The good old days ! When the band was exciting ! I really miss Steve …bring him back !
    I really don’t like what the band has become now

  8. 8
    Fla76 says:

    I’ve never liked this song,
    rather, a sense of hatred perhaps.
    It’s definitely a song that only DP could do, but it’s probably the only Purple song that repulses me, as much as Queen’s Invisibile Man made me sick from the first time I heard it.

    Don’t ask me for technical explanations on this, it’s just a matter of these two songs transmitting to me absolute zero, cosmic nothingness (something that no other song by Purple or Queen has ever done)

  9. 9
    DeeperPurps says:

    I was at that show! At the Budokan in Tokyo in April 2014! Ian had worn that same faux tux t-shirt just a few days before in London at the Royal Albert Hall for the Jon Lord tribute concert.

  10. 10
    Mike Whiteley says:

    “It was like everybody woke up—like Rumpelstiltskin, you know, from their long sleep. And we all started rocking again”.

    Contrary to Don’s comment, this LIVE cut shows Steve wide awake and rockin’ on stage.A heavy riff and great solo.

  11. 11
    Andrew M says:

    The song is a bit grittier here than on the album, and all the better for it. Great stuff!

    @10: I quite agree, but I notice that Steve is smiling here. There are plenty of performances where–and I can’t blame him for it; he’s always rock-solid–he doesn’t have the energy and zest he had in the nineties with Purple.

  12. 12
    Mike Whiteley says:

    Hi Andrew- Yeah,you could see that,with his wrist problems,it wasn’t always fun for Steve.
    Btw,I don’t have the energy and zest I had in the 90s anymore,either. Ha !

  13. 13
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Auntie Pulplette, l u tulning Japanese?


    (Who said Klauts can’t sound like Toto if they give it ein bisschen a tly? Vee haff ze vvvays … Gleat numbel at the time!)

  14. 14
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Can’t we all just agree that Ritchie, Tommy, Joe, Steve and Simon all had/have their strengths and weaknesses, yet still left their indelible stamps on the various line-ups?

    That ‘who is better or worse?’ is sooo beside the point. DP have never had anything less than remarkable guitarists, period.

  15. 15
    BreisHeim says:

    I really, really love the Steve Morse era of Deep Purple. I will stick up for them forever.
    Wonderful albums, great concerts.

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