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Line of struggle

Former Sabaton guitar player and current Majestica frontman Tommy Johansson has posted his cover of Child in Time a-la Power metal style, with plethora of guest appearances. Check it out if you’re a fan of the genre.

Thanks to BraveWords for the heads-up.

51 Comments to “Line of struggle”:

  1. 1
    Karin Verndal says:

    What a beautiful voice 🤩

  2. 2
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Trans-Siberian Orchestra


    does Deep Purple! 🙄 But it’s well performed and his (metal) heart seems to be in it. The parade of metal shredders in the solo part – let’s face it: everyone of them technically superior to what Ritchie groundbreakingly did in the original song, guitar technique has evolved in leaps and bounds since then – is kinda cute.

    I prefer this version though:


    Horror of horrors, I sometimes even think it beats the original, now lynch me in your just wrath you Purple posse! 😂

  3. 3
    Karin Verndal says:

    “Horror of horrors, I sometimes even think it beats the original, now lynch me in your just wrath you Purple posse! 😂”

    – the vocalist is doing fine here, but now I need to quote René: “I haven’t heard worse” 😂

  4. 4
    AndreA says:

    Beautiful but then they started with a series of solos and I was pissed off

  5. 5
    AndreA says:

    @ 2

    sometimes your ramblings make me feel like an astronaut lost in space..

  6. 6
    DeepOz says:

    The parade of metal shredders was unexpected and took the video from good to epic. Excellent concept, executed brilliantly.

  7. 7
    Coverdian says:

    B e a u t i f u l !!! In some places even stunning. With honour, energy and skills.

  8. 8
    Friedhelm says:

    Wow!!! I’m more than surprised: A really fantastic cover of this epic song. And by the way: They all look like rock musicians and their fans should look. This goes especially for singers who don’t want to fall their hair into their beer 🙂

  9. 9
    Friedhelm says:

    And Uwe: Feel lynched 🙂

  10. 10
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Now I feel depressed and rejected …


  11. 11
    Patrick O'Lowrey says:

    Better than the original lol

  12. 12
    Tony says:

    Turning to crime……let the good times roll….oh well !!

  13. 13
    Ivica says:

    Ok, that’s how HM bands do it with a lot of energy.
    Lots of energy, good production .. I miss .. more Purple emotions and passion.

    Gillan had an interview with Cro rock magazine in 2009 (on the occasion of the album “One Eye to Morocco” … I remember two interesting answers

    Journalist-Why don’t you sing “Child in Time” anymore
    Ian Gillan- “The last time I sang it, and it was a long time ago, I ended up in the hospital. It was never a song, it was an adventure with an uncertain ending. When I was young I had the strength to ‘pull’, but today I don’t have it anymore. That’s three octaves higher than all the other songs from Deep Purple’s repertoire. If you want me to sing ‘Child in Time’ to you once in Croatia, get an ambulance ready for me.

    Journalist -“Ritchie Blackmore also recently held a great concert in Zagreb. Have you ever seen his Blackmore’s Night live?”
    Ian Gillan- “No, I don’t have the right clothes for his concert”.
    There ..is an interview suddenly ended…

    Made in Croatia

  14. 14
    Mona Sundman says:

    Tommy is amazing and a multitalent person.

  15. 15
    Dr. Bob says:

    That was fun. But even with a plethora of guests they only did half the song. There are a lot of musician who can play almost any cover but almost none of them can write something as good as the orginal.

    @2 It’s been 40 years since I’ve listened to that version. I loved the band GilIan but I really don’t like the Ian Gillan Band except for the song Scarabus which was reworked into the metal masterpiece Disturbing the Priest.

  16. 16
    Fla76 says:

    This cover of Tommy Johansson is a totally flat song, even for someone who likes Power metal like me!
    aseptic sound, too fast intro, insipid solos by the various guitarists,

    let’s say that even if I haven’t listened to it for at least 20 years, I even prefer the version made by Malmsteen and Mark Boals on the 1996 album Inspiration.
    ultimately a useless and poorly made cover.
    of course, hearing the vomit of notes of these guitarists, I realize how good and visionary The Man in Black was in the 70s

    #2 Uwe
    I think STO has nothing to do with Child in Time in their Carol of the bells which is a church gospel standard as are the other TSO Christmas songs.

  17. 17
    Uwe Hornung says:

    For ultimate penance, lieber Friedhelm, I will now listen to this here on constant replay:


    Perhaps in alternation with this previous Scåndinåvian attempt of power-rocking it up?


    And what albums did Joe Jackson exactly listen to when he was a teen? The band must have been wearing deep purple rather than blue shirts …


  18. 18
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Not Power Metal, but pretty darn impressive, paying respect to DP’s improvisational side as well. Dutch band Navarone shows a lot of nuances in the way they play it:


    Best non-Ian-Gillan-fronted (live!) version of the song I’ve ever heard, seriously.

  19. 19
    Uwe Hornung says:

    What I don’t get in Big Ian’s refusal to still do the song is his reduction of the heart of the song to just the ascending oohs and aahs. They are NOT all the song is. It sounded great at the time, all the drama of it, the child in time screaming on against the violence and injustices of the world, yes, but to me the organ intro, the melody of the verses and the lyrics were always even more important. I was never a great fan of the fast shuffle part*** which sounds very late 60s/early 70s to me in its monotone, non-harmonic approach (there are no chord changes in it) and even the much-heralded Ritchie solo is a bit too much “Look, how fast I can play!” for my taste.

    If Purple performed the song today with Ian just singing the verses and the oohs while leaving the aahs to Don and Simon instrumentally, I would not feel cheated. There is so much more to the song than just being a falsetto tour de force. Sadly, Big Ian doesn’t see it that way.

    ***The reason I liked the IGB versions so much was actually that the fast shuffle part (which by the mid 70s already showed its age of conception) was dropped in favor of a more layered ‘Pink Floyd style’ dreamy ballad treatment.

  20. 20
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Fla76, I just made the connection to Trans-Siberian Orchestra because their music is melodic power metal too and for all its musical detail it often comes across as hamfisted. It is music made to overwhelm, sometimes very underwhelmingly so. The musical parallel to a popcorn blockbuster Marvel movie with lots of CGI.

  21. 21
    Friedhelm says:

    @Uwe: Watching Candice singing the song and smiling all the time, I ask myself if noboy told her, what the lyrics are about?

    And for the other examples: Why is Malmsteen famous and Navarone aren’t? Ir’s a mystery …

    And by the way; it seens lynching you didn’t have a real effect, it made everything even worse. Hope your ears still work after listening to Blackmore’s Night in constant replay …

  22. 22
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Friedhelm, I’m afraid Candice Lauren Isralow’s facial muscles have a permanent contraction that doesn’t allow her to do anything but smile! It is what an upbringing as a JAP (Jewish-American Princess) with piano & ballet lessons + child modeling since the age of 12 do to you.


  23. 23
    MacGregor says:

    @ 19- it could possibly be the lyrics Uwe. Maybe he doesn’t relate to them anymore or they are something from the past that suits that time better. That does happen with certain artists over time, from what I have noticed on occasions. It is best left in the past and I have thought that for quite a few decades. I only know the DP versions, my ears are NOT sullied at all. Cheers

  24. 24
    MacGregor says:

    I forgot that I did listen to the IGB version of Child in Time. I have always kept it in the original singers realm. Cheers.

  25. 25
    Christof says:

    Many ywars ago I took the bold decision to visit a Blackmore’s Night concert on the Esslinger Burg.
    Esslingen is a little town close to Stuttgart; the Burg is an old castle above the town looking nicely down on the Neckar valley.
    It was a bloody hot day, my friend and me didn’t buy tickets in advance. So we amde the way from the train station up to the Burg just to find out that at this particular entrance only people with tix were allowed. So we needed to go down again and take another steep way up to the right entrance.
    There was a looong queue where we stood in line with many other people. We wore denim, most others were wearing silly looking medieval garb and wooden swords, Tickets were rather pricey and just a few people in front of us the sign “Sold out” was hanged over the cashier desk.
    So we were rather disappointed at first and most of all veeery thirsty. To our delight, there is a “Burgschaenke”, i. e. an old fashioned pub + restaurant on the castle walls, so we went up there and even found a seat with direct view to the stage. A bit distant but really direct view. So we spent the saved money into loads of beer and nice food. After some strange opener, BN finally entered the stage – and we just sat there in disbelief. I had an idea what we had to expect – but what we saw was close to ridiculous (at least in our minds). It was strange to see the Man in black dancing across the stage in tights anbd the rest of the band producing la-la-la sounds.
    Anyway, to find the way back to the topic of this thread: they actually did perform Child in Time this night – and it was easily the worst version I had ever heard. All the sentiment, the emotion, magic – it was slaughtered that night by sunny smiling la-la-la (caveat: that is what we perceived).
    So actually the fact that it was sold out not only saved us the money for the tickets but also for me buying new shoes as probably I would have eaten mine to prevent me from throwing them at the stage…
    Since then I actively try to avoid Blackmore’s Night whenever possible.

  26. 26
    Karin Verndal says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your experience 😊

    I also wonder what Candice has been doing to Ritchie, since he of his own free will is “dancing across the stage in tights” ☺️
    Glad you at least had some good food, beer and laughs 😊
    (I wonder if you might have saved him from that spell he must be under, had he got your shoe thrown in his head 😄)

  27. 27
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Christof, I was at that BN gig too, actually, as BN gigs go, that wasn’t a bad one!

    BN live is an acquired taste. Frau Blackmore (I wonder, did she assume his name?) can be charming and funny, but 90 minutes of her is too much candy floss. Apart from the spouses, no one else in the band plays any crucial role.

    You probably can’t blame Candice for not understanding Child in Time’s deeper relevance, she wasn’t even born when that song was first released and barely five years old when DP split up in 1976. She and Ritchie are indeed a full generation apart. Things like the Vietnam War are remote to her.

    It wasn’t a good idea for BN to ever even consider covering that song. As ill-advised as ruining Dylan’s The Times They Are A-Changing. Ritchie and Candice are unfortunately very good at banalizing other people’s work – not intentionally so, they lack an understanding that some songs are not just chords, lyrics and melodies, but actually ‘mean something’ and have a sociological context.

  28. 28
    MacGregor says:

    Thanks Christof @ 25 for your story and the experience of missing out on raising your hands in the air & waving them from side to side in sync with the singing of la la la de da etc. You sound devastated to have missed out, he he he. At least you enjoyed yourself. What I was really getting excited about with your journey & attempting to get tickets to get into the gig was to read the line “and I swear I noticed Uwe Hornung in the queue all dressed up in the garb”. Alas it wasn’t to be, not to worry. At least you raised our hopes here that somehow one day, somewhere in time, someone will take a photo of Uwe at a BN gig all dressed to the nines in a Medieval outfit and waving a sword about. Thanks again, I enjoyed your journey and it sounds like nice part of the world. Cheers

  29. 29
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Journalist -“Ritchie Blackmore also recently held a great concert in Zagreb. Have you ever seen his Blackmore’s Night live?”
    Ian Gillan- “No, I don’t have the right clothes for his concert”.

    That was just another white lie 😁, Ivica, Sir Ian, Shrieker of Gillanbath & Disturber of Priests, has worn renaissance fetish garb for the notorious Dark Raider in the past, namely back in 1988 at Burg Frankenstein


    when DP promoted Nobody’s Perfect in Gemany.






    Only Jon Lord skipped the proceedings because he thought the whole event “rather silly”. This had no doubt to do with his childhood trauma of once having been forced to play one of the wives (!) of Henry the Eighth in a school play (no joke, Rick Wakeman found a pic of cross-dressing Jon in the archive of Jon’s former boys’ school in Leicester, I’ve seen it in a feature about Jon moderated by Rick, but I can’t find it in the web). So long before Jo(a)n was In Rock, (s)he was in drag, I had to one day divulge that here, there is no point keeping it secret in this day and age. I herewith implore Nick and Svante to move with the times


    and rename the site THE DEI WAY STAR asap!!!

  30. 30
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @27: “I wonder, did she assume his name?”

    Er, no – because then the name of the band would be Blackmore’s Blackmore! Duh.

  31. 31
    Christof says:

    Thanks Uwe for giving your view on the Esslingen gig!
    If this wasn’t a bad BN gig (in Suabian, the German dialect spoken in Stuttgart, Esslingen and surroundings “not bad” already means “very good” always following the “not criticised is praised enough!” rule) I don’t want to encounter a mediocre BN show let alone a bad one …
    And @28 MacGregor: no, I didn’t find Uwe in tights, waving his sword; while queueing I was too dehydrated to take a close look at all the knights, minstrels and pawns and afterwards I was more or less the contrary 😉

  32. 32
    Karin Verndal says:


    “You probably can’t blame Candice for not understanding Child in Time’s deeper relevance, she wasn’t even born when that song was first released and barely five years old when DP split up in 1976. She and Ritchie are indeed a full generation apart. Things like the Vietnam War are remote to her.”
    Sorry my dear Uwe but here you’re wrong! As in completely wrong!

    A lot of things happened before we were born, but that is NOT an obstacle to showing empathy!
    I wasn’t born during WWl and WWll, but I can assure you I’m not in the dark how to understand the horrors!
    She can read (I hope!), she can talk to, well her husband, to get a notion, she can concentrate on others….
    I was not understanding anything when Child in Time was launched, but still when I was old enough to comprehend more than my own colour of hair (sorry Candice, not hitting at you here ☺️) I felt chills down my spine, and I remember talking about the song and Ian’s voice (it seemed to me he sounded like crying 😢) with a near relative and I was touched in my heart and mind. Still am actually!

    And furthermore…. No wait, that was all ☺️

  33. 33
    MacGregor says:

    Those images Uwe, Deep Purple members dressed in the ‘garb’. Maybe the ‘pre minstrel tension’ that Gillan mentioned years ago was a little closer to home. Cheers

  34. 34
    Karin Verndal says:

    I love Ian P’s shoes here 😆

  35. 35
    Karin Verndal says:

    Svante, ‘duh’ is a word not used nearly enough 😄
    Thanks for bringing it out here, I will make sure to use it at least once a day 🙌🏼

  36. 36
    MacGregor says:

    Christof, Uwe has admitted he was at that same BN gig. Are you sure that you didn’t film any of the audience for a good laugh etc, especially the ones dressed up. Think carefully about this as this could be really important for all of us here. I don’t believe how close we are, I will pay big money for that film or even a photo or three. This is really exciting news. Stay tuned everyone. Cheers.

  37. 37
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “Er, no – because then the name of the band would be Blackmore’s Blackmore! Duh.”

    Not Blackmöre² ? 😁

  38. 38
    MacGregor says:

    @ 29- one of many reasons why I admire Rick Wakeman, he has good sense of humour. Yes it would be amusing to see that image of a young Jon Lord all dressed up. Let’s start looking for it then. Cheers.

  39. 39
    Christoph says:

    @29 – maybe you want to watch this at around 22:00
    Excellent feature, I saw it some years ago

  40. 40
    Uwe Hornung says:

    The last time I wore tights was in the early 60s in Catholic kindergarten after I had peed my pants inadvertently. Whenever that happened (not just to me, to anyone), the kindergarten ladies (enticing as this might be to some in connection with water sports, no, they weren’t nuns!) changed your trousers and you got unisex ‘Strumpfhosen’ they kept there just in case. I found the whole process so degrading that to this day I associate Strumpfhosen with having peed in your pants before. That certainly was true when you wore them at our kindergarten.

    Oh wait, during German Fastnacht/Carnival I once dressed up as Paul Stanley in full regalia in 1977 I think – that is when I wore them too. I hasten to add without prior leakage into my pants. And I had long underwear underneath, it was a very cold winter, we still had those back then.

    Karin @32, I hear you, but there is a vast difference between European history awareness and US-American one. I think that you’ll be hard pressed to find someone there as young as Candice (much less even younger) who has a good grasp of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement or, say, Watergate unless s(he) is a history buff or has studied political science. And that is not just the old trope that Americans are lightweight and superficial, uneducated etc, it is their collective culture that focuses much more on the present and the future than on the past. We Europeans glance over our shoulder much more often, Americans firmly keep their eyes locked on tomorrow (or at least what they think tomorrow should be).

    So Candice is likely well versed in all sorts of Renaissance and late Medieval Age stuff, because that is close to her romantic heart and she likes to cosplay that era, but late 60s counter-culture? I doubt it. And her hubbie, who apparently used to be a very famous rock guitarist who once even played with Zed Deeppelin I believe, has to my knowledge not ever been quoted with an even remotely political statement or opinion other than that he wants to pay less taxes, duh! Blackmore doesn’t give a rat’s ass about a lyrical message in his own music (rather strangely for someone who says he’s a Dylan fan) as long as it doesn’t get in the way.

  41. 41
    Karin Verndal says:

    Uwe are you complete sure you’re not led astray with her long blond hair and her innocent looks?

    PLEASE don’t make women worse than we are 😆

  42. 42
    Karin Verndal says:

    “other than that he wants to pay less taxes, duh!”
    😆🤣 I see the “duh” is spreading thanks to a certain admin on these sites!
    Or as Max, our very good friend in here, said today:
    I only know DU, can’t afford the H (that was amusing Max 😁😁)

    I’m planning to amp it up a bit, and will from now on use ‘DUH’ at least 4 times a day 🤩

    Btw Uwe, Ritchie being older than Candice, I find him being responsible for her being in the dark regarding events around the world!

  43. 43
    Karin Verndal says:

    “I will pay big money for that film or even a photo or three.”
    😆😆 and I’ll give some too!
    MacGregor, we would be making history as history never has been seen before! 🤩

  44. 44
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Christoph @39, you bloody Raider of the Lost Ark, YOU FOUND IT !!!

    J O (A) N L O R D

    I N

    D R A G !!!

    At 21:33 …


    Très lovely, tausend Dank! 😘 I’ve been searching for that feature for years.

  45. 45
    MacGregor says:

    @ 39 – Thanks Christopf, nice one pointing that out. Cheers.

  46. 46
    MacGregor says:

    @ 39- sorry Chistoph, a typo there with your name @ 45 with my comment. I have seen some of that Grumpy Rick documentary before, especially the last bit about Rick suggesting a statue of Jon Lord with his Hammond as a tribute. Maybe that bit was all I have noticed before somewhere as I certainly didn’t notice or remember the old school photo moment at all. A classic moment, especially with Ian Paice afterwards. Thanks again for that documentary. Cheers.

  47. 47
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Karin, long blond hair and innocent looks?! I’m more the guy who appreciates a little sinful experience. Virginity and innocence are overrated. As such I must say that the late Ms Tawny Kitaen in her Jaguar hood buffing prime


    is still the no 1 entry on my personal “Deep Purple wives & ex-wives” hotness chart! Alas!, I’m easily triggered. 🤗

    Is it love … 🎵🎶🎵

    PS: You always start the most inappropriate subjects, Karin!

  48. 48
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Oh my, Christoph, just watched it, so lovingly done by the BBC and the inimitable Mr Glitzy Cape, vielen lieben Dank.

    And I have to correct my self, Jo(a)n was the Duchess of York in Richrd III, not one of the adulterer’s and Catholic Church heretic’s many wives.

    Jon, you’re missed.


  49. 49
    Karin Verndal says:


    “PS: You always start the most inappropriate subjects, Karin!”



  50. 50
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Re raven, cat & dog: Good teamwork is everything!

  51. 51
    Karin Verndal says:

    Well, at least you didn’t find that inappropriate ☺️

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