Dining with Paicey

Front Row: Ian Paice and Ian Wright (DrumWright owner). Back row left to right: Chris Wright, Ryan Dobson, Julian Parkes, Ronny Grinstein, Mark and Christine Norman, Vance Withers.
A year ago Pearl Drums in cooperation with Ian Paice and his local drum store DrumWright produced a very limited edition signature drum kit. Grand total of 12 kits were available and each came with a promise of an invitation to a private dinner with Paicey himself. Music Radar reports that five lucky fans made it to Oxfordshire for the dinner, with another one been invited to a meet’n’greet when Deep Purple played in Sydney, Australia.
Ronny Grindstein travelled to the dinner from Norway. “For me, this is a 35 year dream come true”, he said.
Julian Parkes travelled to the dinner from Chester. “It was an incredibly enjoyable evening. I am sure I am not the only attendee who will cherish the memory for ever.”
Thanks to Music Radar for the info.
I’ve got the ticket for the next 21 of july! here in milano
July 19th, 2013 at 19:44What a wonderful experience for those devoted fans of Ian Paice, a memory to cherish for one & all, excellent story. Not to mention owning one of those drum kits, sheeeesh!
July 20th, 2013 at 04:51Paice is the greatest rockdrummer, ever. He swings and is vey steady in his playing AND he plays w/ a light touch. I just don’ t understand the reason for switching to Pearl.
July 22nd, 2013 at 13:59Lucky dogs!
July 23rd, 2013 at 21:52