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The Highway Star



Nigel Young provides some background for this, ahem, unusual piece of cinematography:

It is the bizarre, avant garde and arty film, P2, by Werner Schretzmeier and Juergen Schmidt-Oehm, which also includes Steppenwolf and Savage Rose and was filmed near to Stuttgart in early October ’69.

It runs for 47 minutes and opens with And The Address with the band out in the countryside on a motor bed (!), so the studio footage of them miming the track is minimal. They’re almost acting (Gillan: “Where’s my breakfast?” Jon: “Who turned the light on?” – these phrases are later spoken by schoolchildren in class). John Coletta also appears during this part, in a night shirt!

April, also mimed, is the full song but from one static camera. Two guys in hard hats set up the seats and music stands for the orchestra whilst Purple do the first part. The band are facing out onto a quarry, Ritchie is virtually unseen and Gillan can only be seen when he’s having a smoke. There are hundreds of men in swimming trunks (also in the opening number).

Hey Joe (mimed) was filmed at night and the (pre-The Stig) mystery biker (also seen in the opening track) delivers soap for the workers. It was shown on TV in March 1970, mid-afternoon.  

20 Comments to “P2”:

  1. 1
    napa man says:


  2. 2
    Roberto says:

    I’ve just seen this video but now I would the entire set!

  3. 3
    kraatzy says:

    Amazing location …

    Nice Video but the fact is: This a Mark-1 title we hear, not a Mark-2 we could see !!!

    Hey Joe … what you have done with that gun in your hand …



  4. 4
    ka6507 says:


    have the full film in top quality. Trade this film for rar
    othe stuff of Deep Purple or Rainbow!

    Please contact me: ka6507-234@online.de


  5. 5
    Hunter28 says:

    We very rather surprised at finding the clip mentioned above at your web-page, because it actually should not have surfaced here.

    The material the said clip was taken from is a 1970 German TV-broadcast, wich was shared on our board “Perfect-Purple” in its entirety and was meant to stay available only there for being shared among the “Perfect-Purple” members, without being distributed/made available to any other portals/outlets what so ever.

    These were the strict conditions on which the material the above clip was taken was made available to “Perfect-Purple by our respective uploading member.

    We at “Perfect-Purple” think very highly of the restrictions imposed by people who kindly share their material with us and pay utmost attention to the compliance with the restrictions they give and wishes they voice.

    Much to our regret on of our former members (meanwhile banned from our board) disobserved our uploaders wishes and restrictions regarding the distribution of the material, and hence it started being found at “Youtube”, your site etc..

    You has already been contacted in that respect !

    Consequently, and counting on your appreciation of the situation we kindly request you to remove the above clip – Hey Joe – (taken from the P2-tv-broadcast from your site at your earliest convenience.

    In case you should have any further questions regarding this issue you may contact us at support@perfect-purple.com

    Yours respectfully,


    (Moderator – Perfect-Purple-Board)

  6. 6
    Hunter28 says:

    In our previous comment, please read: “Youtube” has already been contacted in that respect ! / instead of “You has already…”


    (Moderator – Perfect-Purple-Board)

  7. 7
    Nupsi59 says:

    There’s another P2-Purple-Video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lye33thNc2E
    Happy New Year!

  8. 8
    Nigel Young says:

    There is an interview with Werner Schretzmeier which includes part of And The Address at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lye33thNc2E

  9. 9
    Pete says:

    What a crappy video…

  10. 10
    RAH says:

    Sure.. lets just hold this stuff for ransom, keeping it only at a special site or whatnot. Who cares? it’s well over 30 years old..share things of historical interest to all Deep Purple fans where ever we may be in the world, or, package it up and sell it like the History,Highlights dvd’s, I’d buy it. Just my thoughts on this.
    Come to think of it,I might try and search for my video tape (on BETA !!)of Deep Purple on MTV’s(USA)Guest VJ from 1987 and share that on some site, haven’t noticed that clip anyplace on the web.
    And yes, the P2 thing is a pretty weird video.

  11. 11
    Nick Soveiko says:


    we sympathize with your predicament, but genie is out of the bottle and there’s no point in trying to put it back in.

  12. 12
    martin says:

    Can anyone explain to me about Gillan miming… Mk I material? I love the irony.

  13. 13
    james jay says:

    @10 agreed. The music is great, however the video is terrible. I do think this version (song) is much better than the original. Same when DP did a version of The Stone’s “Painted Black” tune.

  14. 14
    Crimson Ghost says:

    (sorry anyone, but this person needs a Highway Star speeding ticket, as myself and so many others have had enough of this pure nonsense)edit that but please post my careful choice of words to him. I cannot because I will not join their community to tell them.

    Ich weiß, du bist nicht mit mir zu reden, aber da ich derjenige, der die DVD verteilt wurde und wird in Übersee zu gehen, um ihn mit wem ich will Aktien bin.
    Ich denke es ist Zeit, die Sie Menschen entweder den Mund halten oder herunterfahren. Solche ausgefallenen Wünsche auf, lachte und wenn ich sage, dass ich von Ihrer eigenen (treu?) Mitglieder bedeuten, da sie das Material und nehmen Sie Saatgut tun, was sie mit ihm bitte, haben Sie offensichtlich Untreue gibt.

    Deshalb habe ich nicht mit Zohan an Herunterladen von Karten wie die Ihre und andere mehr, es ist voll von Dogma! Ich kann produktiv erhalten 20 Konzerte in der Post schneller als ich fünf * deine * torrents sowieso herunterladen. Es gibt zu viele Trader Herunterladen für den Handel zu stoppen die Nummer Eins in zuverlässiger Weise zu erlangen Bootleg-Aufnahmen.
    Und man kann nicht alles verlangen, aber Sie kommen aus wie Sie dieses Material, hahaha Eigene! Und oben drauf du solche Forderungen hier auf THS, die nicht einem Hinterhof Musik-Sharing-Plattform / Forum zu machen, ist es die Premiere DP Fan-Webseite einige von uns seit 1993 besuchen.

    Lesen Sie sorgfältig, du bist nur Kontroll-Freaks, glaube mir, ich kenne den Typ und ich bin so müde, ich es seit 50 Jahren schlafen konnte.

    Bitte, kaufen Sie sich ein gewisses Verständnis, und einige Takt wenn man so will … Sie lesen sollten, was du sagst, handeln Sie wie die Polizei sammelt Purple oder so etwas, die konnte man nicht weiter von werden. Sie können verlangen, alles, was Sie wollen bei PP, viel Glück damit, aber hier? Ihr seid wirklich aus euren Köpfen! Kein Re-Encoding auf. Mp3, yada Blabla, es ist alles das gleiche alte lächerliche Forderungen.

    Viel Glück für Sie und Ihr fehlgeleiteten Filesharing Gewalttäter, die anders denken über die Dinge zu sein scheinen.

  15. 15
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I have to agree as you can see… and about the MTV guest VJ footage, you’re right, it has yet to turn up on the net, but then there could be just as much or more out there that has yet to surface than has, as crazy as that might sound. I can descibe it to you, so that tells you it is one piece I have yet to get around to transferring and sharing myself. Roger riding in the limo going into London clothing shops, live concert tid bits from Wembley 87 including back stage footage(once had me hoping they filmed a whole show or at least more existing footage, but then Ian’s hoarse was in gear so I can’t be bothered to really care anymore) hotel with Roger telling them they’re talking his language when being handed a bottle of champaign, etc… decent little airing. The girl fans might even like the few seconds of Ritchie in his undies holding a soccer ball, ha ha ha.

  16. 16
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    Still waiting for a full version of Hey Joe with Gillan at the mic. He is an awesome blues singer as with “When a Blind Man Cries”, and would truly love to hear a full bore MK8 version of “Hey Joe”.


  17. 17
    RAH says:

    Yes, those are the clips used in the MTV VJ segments,Ritchie’s few seconds are quite funny, Roger is great too. I really do have to find this in my collection, transfer it and share it, unless you beat me to it.

  18. 18
    Internet Police says:


    bla bla bla bla

  19. 19
    Henrik says:

    It´s laughable to the point of stupidity ro moan about a clip being taken from perfect-purple, when the site itself distibutes copyrighted material on a large scale.

  20. 20
    scott says:

    hello, i would dearly like to see this. anyone have a copy available? #4 is no help at all with his unrealistic trade wants.

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