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Smoke on l’Humanité

Last weekend Deep Purple played at the Fête de l’Humanité festival just outside Paris. This cheeky video ad for the festival aptly illustrates how the music we love transcends ages, races and, ahem, political persuasions:

A live video clip from the festival offers a unique point of view that may or may not explain certain things:

Thanks to Andrey Gusenkov for spotting the ad and to zerockerparis for the live video.

25 Comments to “Smoke on l’Humanité”:

  1. 1
    George says:

    I read info about Fete de L’Humanite that it attracted 500 000 (yes, I’m not joking, 500.000) people in 3 days this year.
    I also saw the video of crowd during Purple’s set – you can see the begining of crowd at the stage, but you simply can’t see the end of it. There were 100 000 people during Deep Purple set (90 000 people for the first day at Manu Chao’s set)
    here’s the link:

    It was Deep Purple’s biggest crowd for the last years, after one show in france in 2005 where Purples played to the audience of 180 000 according to Gillan (probably Purple’s biggest crowd since California Jam ’74)

    Congratulations guys, you still rock as ever!

  2. 2
    Bo says:

    Still THE greatest song/riff/tune ever. It will last forever!

  3. 3
    Roberto says:

    how many people there?
    there where only deep purple in this night?

  4. 4
    Henry cow says:

    it was a great moment in the “Fête fr l’humanité”!

  5. 5
    micke says:

    France is the place for dP at the moment, they did as george says a similar gig 3-4 years ago to a similar massive crowd.
    And recieving awards for best selling ticket too!

  6. 6
    Mathieu says:

    “It was Deep Purple’s biggest crowd for the last years, after one show in france in 2005 where Purples played to the audience of 180 000 according to Gillan”

    I was in Paris last saturday, as I was in Britany back in 2005.
    Gillan (an the others by the way)is mixing numbers.
    180 000 is the total of people who went during the 3 days event 4 years ago. There were about 60 000 people for the DP gig.
    As for the Fête de l’Huma, numbers are easy to find, but very difficult to check! It’s said that 600 000 people went during the 3 days, but it’s obvious not all of them watched gigs. The crowd for the DP one was estimated to be something between 85 000 and 100 000.
    On the same bill, there were Maxime Leforestier, Les Wampas, Arthur H (all french artists) and the Kooks just before DP.

  7. 7
    George says:

    I already posted it:
    It was festival, called Fete De L’Humanite, which attracted overall half-million people in 3 days.
    what about concerts, greatest attendance was during the Deep Purple set – there were 100 000 people at the show!

    here’s the list of Purple’s some biggest shows:

    1. 200 000 – California Jam, USA 1974
    2. 80 000 – Knebworth, UK 1985
    3. 75 000 – Rock festival, Germany 1985
    3. 80 000 – Giants Stadium 1988 (with Guns N’Roses & Aerosmith)
    4. 75 000 – Berlin Velodrome, Germany 1999
    5. 180 000 – Vieilles Charrues, 2004
    7. 100 000 – FoxFest, USA, 2005
    8. 100 000 – Fete De L’Humanite, France, 2009

  8. 8
    George says:

    and yeah, Micke, they sold 100 000 tickets in France alone, in 2007, during Rapture Tour 🙂

  9. 9
    Leray says:

    Enthusiasmic crowd.:80 000.
    Today,101 videos on You Tube.Great moment.
    I’m going to see them in Nantes.
    Since 1973:French Fan.

  10. 10
    elrupdeep says:

    hello guys
    the one you are taking about is “festival des vieilles charrues” in Carhaix -France.(think it was 2005) plus during 2006-2007 they played about 30 concerts in different towns in France .I was in zenith at Toulouse (nov-2006) with about 8000-9000 fans and also in Pau (fev-2007) with about 7000-8000. this coming autumn they play again there .
    Have to say and I repeat myself that DP even in the 70 never played so many concerts in France. they are popular as ever.it is not for nothing they have been invited at l’huma.
    by the way for the one who don’t know “fete de l’humanite” is the fete for the communist “french coco” as we say.they are not so many about 2%
    at the last election but is still a big FETE.

  11. 11
    elrupdeep says:

    is anyone can tell me if they can play the first “clip” on that page called “revisez vos classiques” which means “redo your homework”(in that case your classical or your essential).
    cheeeeeers. long live DP.

  12. 12
    Roberto says:

    I knew there were 150.ooo people during foxfest 2005 gig and not 100.000…I would like to have dvd and watch videos of these gig…Hope they filmed them…

  13. 13
    Roberto says:

    the only video I found are the one of france 2005 vielles charreux, Giants Stadium 1988 (with Guns N’Roses & Aerosmith and Fete De L’Humanite, France, 2009

  14. 14
    Richard says:

    I alway knew that Deep Purple was a band with communist guys !
    Ha ha ha….!

    More seriously I think that Deep Purple was more popular in France in the 70s than today. (Maybe because Ritchie…)

    (I’m a DP fan since early 70’s and I’m living in France)

  15. 15
    Angelo misterioso says:

    LOTS of pictures from the show in Paris from the very same guy who recorded that on-stage video here :

    Take care

  16. 16
    micke says:

    You can see on YT that at “Britany” dP had a massive crowd. Massive. If they all came to see dP, I don’t know.. but it was massive. ,-)

  17. 17
    micke says:

    And George they did some (two) gigs in the 70’s in Indonesia, Jakarta to some 100000 each.
    Don’t forget the festivals in the US mid eighties, Texas Jam one of them, 83000.

  18. 18
    Reinder Dijkhuis says:

    Wasn’t Live 8 broadcast to like a billion people? Even if not all of them were watching with rapt attention at the time, that must still have been their biggest audience.

  19. 19
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I can find huge numbers attending Mac Donalds too.
    Well as long its called Deep Purple?
    Most people dont have taste.
    Well, I did rephrase this one very nicely.
    Wondering if the Moderator Polizei has a moment in which they show a high or low level of tolerance.

    Great weekend guys!!!

  20. 20
    pascal says:

    I’m a French fan (from 1972), and yes, DP has always had a huge fan base here…I’m still surprised actually,by so many kids here (some very young) that know and appreciate Purple…

    By the way, I want to thank those legends for all the magic they have brought during nearly 40 years now…

  21. 21
    elrupdeep says:

    to richard 14
    I don’t contest the popularity…..of course they were popular in the 70 in France this is where and when I discover them.
    what I am saying is they never did so many shows and so many french towns like in 2006-2007. in the 70 they played what paris lyon and what’s it???
    cheers richard.
    je suis francais aussi et Richard par dessus le marche mais j’habite en australie.salut.
    long live DP.

  22. 22
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Me and some others here think Old Rog is being depicted as Santa Clause.

    Was that on purpose?

    Rogers next career?

  23. 23
    George says:

    18Reinder Dijkhuis,
    There were some 30 or 40 000 people at Live8 in Canada during DP set, not billion 😀

  24. 24
    Svante Axbacke says:

    George, Reinder talked about the broadcast, which was shown all over the world…

  25. 25
    George says:


    aaa ok…

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