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Battle Rages On in Cosquin

In case you’ve been wondering what that after gig moment was all about, here is the explanation — Battle Rages On at the Cosquin Rock Festival as shown on Argeninian TV. Brings back painful memories of Hammersmith’2002.

Cosquin Rock 2009 on TV

Thanks to lolischiavonni for uploading the clip, and to Eirik Solum and Daniel Bengtsson for bringing it to your attention.

105 Comments to “Battle Rages On in Cosquin”:

  1. 1
    ormandy says:

    Gillan’s hangin’ tough.

    Nice keyboard work from Don Airey on the final buildup.

  2. 2
    anonymman says:

    my god! they should disband

  3. 3
    marcinn says:

    Any particular reason why they sould disband? His performance, in my opinion, is better here than on the Live Encounters DVD and the show from Paris 1985.

  4. 4
    George says:


    Please stop…
    Poor Gillan… if he won’t be able to recover, then he MUST quite Deep Purple and keep on recording solo albums. I think One Eye To Morocco is the maximum of what he can do and how he can sing nowayadays…
    So, he’d better to leave DP and begin solo-tour of Morocco…
    DP isn’t the band which we saw even in the 2006…


  5. 5
    AndreA says:

    everybody knows that sometime his voice gets badly.
    it is not the 1st time..it happens..

    Yes,I remember Paris 85…
    marcinn I agree with you..
    ..sometimes unnecessary judgments are free ..

  6. 6
    marcinn says:


    You never stop to amaze me with your alternate attitudes. When Ian is singing top notch, you say how great he is etc. But when he has a bad night you say he should quit DP or when they tour with the same setlist you say on the other forum Mark 2 should reunite. What’s wrong with you man? He was sick that night, it’s evident. The reviews I read all said he seemed to improve and now they have a break from touring so I strongly believe he will recover. And who are you to give him such a poor advice? Deep Purple is the band I love, last time I saw them in 2007 and Ian was singing as never before (talking about my concert experience). So please George, I believe we are all concerned but try to calm down a bit.

  7. 7
    Jim Murphy says:

    He sounds a bit better than he did at the Liverpool Empire in 2002, first half of the show Jon Lord and Roger Glover were looking at each other in disbelief but he carried on and his voice got better during the second half.

    Rock till you roll Gillan!

  8. 8
    marcinn says:

    And is it reasonable to judge the performance of the whole band on the basis of how the singer is performing?

  9. 9
    T says:

    One look at the close-ups of Gillan and it’s easy to see the poor guy was miserable. What a trooper for carrying on under very difficult circumstances.

    We take it for granted that a band gives a 100% sparkling performance when we go to see them, but one must remember that musicians of this caliber perform from night to night, day after day, and each time, the audience expects that same perfect show on their particular evening. Bands WILL have an off-night from time to time, and we have to allow for that.

    These gentlemen travel across the world constantly, and it’s easy to pick up colds and flu–not to mention allergies, pneumonia, eat bad food, etc. It’s a wonder they don’t get sick more often.

    Gillan should get a medal for even being out of bed on that night. He was clearly ill and looked exhausted. But he finished the song and got a little better as it progressed, bringing the high notes down an octave in order to make it easier to keep control.

    Calls for retirement are ridiculous. We are all allowed to get ill now and again, and sometimes it takes a few days–not to mention weeks–to get over something. I’m at home ill right now.

    The next time you have the flu, imagine getting out of bed, on a plane or bus and then having to perform at your peak for days on end. Now imagine your job is singing and you have a sore throat and clogged ears.

    On the up side,the band sounded great. It was a nice mix and Don Airey in particular stood out. Ian Paice is always great.

    Still the best band around.

    True professionals.

  10. 10
    John Bartone says:

    Good for you Marcinn!!! This guy George has got his head up his you/know/what… Long Live the Morse Era!!!!

  11. 11
    Eyal says:

    Hey, the man is just sick at that moment – it happens – did you wanted him to cancel the show – the band gave it maximom and the result is : Gillan is sick Deep Purple is healthy !!!

  12. 12
    Peter Elliott says:


    To answer that question, no, it is not reasonable to judge the entire band based on how the singer sounds but sadly, I think a great many people do.

    This is the problem with singers. They are the main focal point and they are under great pressure to deliver the goods. If Roger had been sick and playing badly, but Gillan was singing brilliantly, I doubt many would really notice or complain.

    I’ve been there myself. I’ve fronted bands on stage and there have been a handful of occasions when I wasn’t really well enough to go on stage, but there also isn’t much choice… to cancel means letting down an audience and extra expenses to replace that date. The show goes on, and the battle rages on, so to speak!

    Gillan has been singing, what? Almost 50 years now? He’s been through it all – look at the Made In Japan gigs… Gillan hated his performance because he was recovering from laryngitis and felt his voice wasn’t in as good shape as it could had been!

    Gillan would had been feeling great pressure on this night on Cosquin. On top of being ill and under the weather it is astonishing he was still able to perform and judging from this video, he copes rather admirably. His video apology, explaining what was wrong was honorable.

    I’m sure many of you here have seen Paul McCartneys’ 1999 Cavern gig thanks to Ian Paice being on drums. His voice is shot towards the end of it to the point I find it embarrassing, but hardly anyone complained and Macca made no apologies for what I thought was a below par performance. I cannot think of many singers who have taken the time and consideration to issue an apology like Gillan did. In my eyes, that makes Gillan a gentleman.

    I do think DP have returned to the road a bit too soon and that the set list is far too predictable. They’ve not had a lot of time to recover from the Rapture World tour. I must admit that Paice, Morse, Airey and Glover are playing extremely well and when Gillan has no throat problems I’m sure he sings just as well.

    But given the age these guys are now, I think we should all be thankful and make the most of DP whilst we can. The clock is ticking after all, so whilst we may grumble about the setlists, it’s still some kind of a miracle we can still witness DP live in concert. I have to give Morse and Airey admiration for what they do… stepping into the shoes of Blackmore and Lord and enabling DP to continue for us all to enjoy… if it weren’t for them we wouldn’t be here on this site right now.

  13. 13
    marcinn says:

    Agreed Peter!

  14. 14
    drew w says:

    I thrice that!!
    They have an off night big deal.

  15. 15
    mindcrime says:

    What a hell of a guy he is!!! Talkin’ bout big Ian of course. So, he has a cold, and some says they should dismantle??? I saw them last summer @ Pistoia Blues Festival, in Italy, and saw’em at the sound check, too. They played a few songs, and I can tell you all, it was perfect, astounding, powerful gig quality. There were no screams & headbangin’ & singing from the crowd, so you could perfectly hear how they played , and, above all , how Ian was singing. FAR FAR BETTER than lots of pro bands, even some 30 years younger.

    What I wanna say is that it’s perfectly reasonable for a rock singer like big Ian to have problems with the voice, but it really don’t mean he should quit. Still they know how to rock far above the others, and all Ian has to do is consider, maybe, to slow the pace, that’s all.

    I think we are just terribly lucky to see them still rocking around the world…and for all of us who play some instrument, or study music, seeing them live is always a unique chance to see real pro musicians doing ther job: to play at their best for people who have spent money and travelled to see them.

    It’s all about RESPECT…does anybody remember what it means? Sure the hell, they’ve given respect to us, all these years, now it’s our turn.
    long live…and healthy…purple guys!!!

  16. 16
    mindcrime says:

    ah, p.s.
    when I talk about respect I always forget about some ex member who didn’t really love the people worshipping him as a guitar hero….
    …but that’s another story, right?

  17. 17
    stoffer says:

    WOW!!! He sounded and looked really ill. Retirement… No Way!! Just some rest and relaxation and maybe some shoes and socks? Just like T said
    “Still the best band around”

  18. 18
    AndreA says:

    I heard an interview with Gillan…
    I don’t remember where I listened or read it..
    This journalist asked to him a question like “Gillan,tell me you best memory you get on tour in all these years” (a kind of question like this)

    and he answered that he was astonished and HAPPY to listen all the people in front of stage singing the songs that he was not able to sing because of his voice..

    I meaned what happened just 2 or 3 years ago.

    people…top to judge just from a video..

    LIFE GOES ON and never it is the same!
    GREW UP!

  19. 19
    AndreA says:

    stop to judge

  20. 20
    Annemie says:

    Although I do criticize my idol(s) now and then…it touched me deep to hear Ian singing like this.I heard it first through the telephone from a friend letting me hear this.

    Then I watched it on this site… And I can only give my deepest admiration for Ian, seeing how ill he is, and despite pain and trouble how he still gives all he can for this performance.

    Most important , I wish him a quick and complete recovery!
    The band plays also a very nice version!
    I cross the fingers 🙂

  21. 21
    HardRockPete says:

    They should’ve cancelled those dates because of Gillans condition. It’s not fair to the fans to just go on, and then deliver such bad performances. It doesen’t matter how good the band is when the singer is not well.

  22. 22
    heycisco says:

    Ian, you are the real deal. Old school, no cheating. Thank you for keeping DP alive and giving joy to so many people. Get well soon.

  23. 23
    Héctor de San Martín says:

    I say again that Gillan´s voice was different in DP 1st. show in Argentina. I saw that show and he was like ever. He looked ill in Cosquin and in the 2nd. show in Buenos Aires.

  24. 24
    George Martin says:

    I give him a lot of credit for hanging in there but as a hugh Gillan fan I have to admit that was hard to watch. At one point I almost thought I saw a couple of tears coming down his face. I know it’s easy for me to say but if your hurting that badly postpone the show for another time. To be honest I did not even watch the whole video, I don’t want to see him suffer like that. Get well and stay well!

  25. 25
    The Aviator says:

    At Sao Paulo, 15 days after Cosquin, Ian voice was way better, besides still ill.
    I was there.
    One night earlier Cosquin at Luna Park he was in good shape and I dont see anyone complain about his voice. So, all this stop talk is BS.
    A lot of younger stars cancell shows for a lot less than this.
    Gillan prove the respect he has for the fans, and give his best (as allways) on a night that a lot of us maybe just dont left the bed.
    From what I read at that night in Cosquin, the weather was unusually cold, and rainning, for this time of the year, here at South America. The next week in Brazil we face the hottests days in many years.
    I get a cold and stay in bed all day long just 4 days before the Sao Paulo show.
    My wife take high doses of anti-thermals just to get the seated places at Via Funchal.
    The MAN faces a hard times a do his best with a smile in his face!!!
    Props to Gillan!!!!

  26. 26
    elprupdeep says:

    george are u related to roberto?????just kidding! euh!! not really!!!!
    ask someone like jagger or anyone else to go to perform for two hours with such a cold and their answer will be f%#k the fans.
    thanks again mr Ian, and long live DP. Cheers.
    ps. even with a bad cold u are amazing Ian.

  27. 27
    Fernando says:

    Gillan was ill that day, and all over this south american tour.
    He carried it on, and did his best, which sometimes was really not what we expect to hear from sucha great singer. Lets consider some options, with examples:

    1-Some time in the end of 90’s or beggining of 2000’s, Bernie Shaw from Uriah Heep was ill, Instead of going do the gigs, they called a fromer singer John lawton to do it. OK, not a good comparison. Lawton is perhaps way better than Shaw. So, should they call another singer to do this tour? JLT would be certainly available, just putting on hold his Rainbow Tribute Project. Well, many would not attend the concerts. Personally, I prefer Gillan coughing ! Should they bring another one? Probably not.
    2-Gillan should do like that young woman singing in Nightwish, and just leave the stage, balancing his head ,and blaming it on Argentina´s cold or Brazil’s warm weather. I reaaly can’t imagine him doing something like that.
    3-They should only cancel the whole tour and let GIllan get better. THis would be reasonable, but I don’t know how much would that cost to managers and concert promoters, and suing processes and etc. Money Talks!
    4-They should split. And carry only solo carrers. Or replace Gillan in a definitive basis for some younger a liitle more pop singer. And soonafter split, after a deceptive album and tour, again ruining a part of Deep Purple reputation, just like 75 and 92 (every 17 years, could be a spell…). Or perhaps, bring Gillan back again.
    Choose your alternative.
    Long Live Deep Purple, even if not like in the 70´s.
    Peace and Love!

  28. 28
    HZ says:

    Well, I think that years catch everybody – Gillan is not able to tour as they did in 70s, rest of the band use their instruments and Gillan his voice. He was ill, and because of his years he couldn’t overcome it so easily. My opinion is that they shouldn’t tour so hard – and I think that Gillan will not be able to continue longer in this way. I’ll see them in two days in Dubai, yet now I’m not sure how will all that look, and I wouldn’t like to see him in pain on stage, where he must be because of promotors. I’d rather accept that they’ve cancelled the show. And yes, he should wear the socks and shoes all times, I think that he’s playing around with his health.

  29. 29
    HZ says:

    But he managed to do it to the end, unbelivable. And what happened in 85. in France was worse – it was just that he was younger and stronger, overcoming it easily and not being in pain as it’s obvious here.

  30. 30
    George says:

    hmm… well… I’m maybe not only the huge(est) fan of Gillan, but extremely fall in love with him… my friends still complain me about being a not normal fan, coz I’ve really exceeded my admirations to Gillan… but being such a great fan doesn’t mean being a deaf fan…

    I can’t give thanks to Gillan for such performance, even if he really did his best. I’d prefer to see the show cancelled, then to see how my hero dies on stage.

    You know, we all love him because of what he did in 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and in 00’s. I admire him as the greatest rock singer ever because of Child In Time, Gethsemane, FIghting Man and tons of songs he recorded in the decades, and of course, because of Live In Anaheim – this album brought us back REAL Ian Gillan In his absolutely BEST…

    When I watched this Battle Rages On from Cosquin, I felt how my Purple Dreams begin demolishing to the down, this clip was really the first one which made me think: “omg, this must not happen again”…

    Well, we saw Gillan in the same situation @ Paris 85 show, @ Live Encounters and @ many shows but we didn’t care, coz we know it was one-night problems… but having watched many HQ videos from the 2009 tour, I thought: fuck, this is NOT one night problem, and this is NOT Gillans good times & bad times, this is all what Gillan can do nowadays.

    You know, I’m going to see my first ever DP show in Turkey, July 20, it’s like “Dreams Come True” thing for me. That’s why I’m greatly worried about what we’ll see on the next DP shows. If Gillan won’t recover for the next shows, I feel their Istanbul show for me will be not “dreams come true”, but “destroyed dreams” thing…

    That’s why I said, Gillan must leave the band ONLY IF (IF) he won’t recover. Well, we can forgive him 1-2-3 shows like that, but NO ONE can forgive him if he sings like that on the whole tour…

    God bless you Ian, and do your best to recover… if not, it’ll be the end of Purple history…

    P.S after watching this video 3 days ago, still can’t stop thinking about it and thinking about whether go to see DP in Istanbul, or to stay at home and let myself remember only best days of the band. I won’t let myself to see Gillan live, on stage, trembling with pain like that and singing like my neighbour’s old dog… I’d prefer to remember The mighty, the powerfull, the greatest, the screamest Ian Gillan with the smile on his kind face…

    fuck… can’t believe I’m posting this about Gillan…

  31. 31
    cruise missile says:

    Hi George,

    I wish you’d rather polish up your language than spoil us with your adolescent speech. George must leave the HS-site ONLY IF he won’t better mind his words. How does that sound to you?

  32. 32
    George says:

    cruise missile

    leaving THS??? It’s not up to you, and it’s not up to ANYONE on this forum… it’s only up to ME… so, don’t even dream of me leaving my favourite DP site… 😉

  33. 33
    marcinn says:


    How do you know you’re the biggest fan around? Can even the ‘fan thing’ be considered in such qualities as being bigger than any of the people here? I think not… Being a fan and a supporter of the band does not mean you’re the greatest of everyone from the fan base. Each and everyone of us love the music in our own peculiar way, and you’re not able to say the nature of the feelings. And what about the people who do not take part in the discussions here? Leave the rat race to rats man… Here we do not think in such qualities as ‘bigger than anyone else’, or ‘better than anyone else’. We just elaborate on our favourite band.

    Obviously, he isn’t dying on stage on this performance. It is visible he is in pain, and he is suffering, but when you’re ill for some time, have a fever or something it is obvious you’re somehow distracted from the reality and your overall stamina and general ability to do anything are on the lower level. And I bet he sings better here than any dog in your neighbourhood. If you respect Ian so much as you claim, why you make such nasty comparisons to a dog? It’s beyond me…

    So this is all about your first live encounter with Deep Purple, isn’t it? I hope your ‘dreams’ won’t be spoiled, but if they will you shouldn’t blame the members of the band. It is you who has fixed ideas in the mind about them, and especially Ian. Can’t you understand he is no longer young, and his organism is more susceptible to catch infections, and the voice is most delicate instrument? Try to lower your expectations a bit, and understand them, and be happy that you can still see them performing live. And please do follow your respect for the band by using less offensive language.

    Have you noticed that the advice from cruise missile has the same nature as your advice for Ian?

  34. 34
    HZ says:

    My God, George, you are truly small child 🙂 Gillan is over 40 years on tour – I mean Plant doesn’t dare to try to tour any more, that’s why LZ will not continue with playing after O2. Honestly don’t be so demanding, you’ll not forgive him if he continues like this :-)You are unique with your statements, you know 🙂 lol unbelivable

  35. 35
    HZ says:

    OK guys, let him shoot these statements, they are just great – please George continue, just polish your language, no bad words, OK 🙂 I’m all hope that you’ll forgive Ian 🙂

  36. 36
    George says:


    yes, I guessed why Cruise Missile gave me this advice, and you may guess why i answered: “i don’t care what you say”…
    I maybe spoil my reputation by using “bad” words 😀
    but i don’t care, maybe as well as Gillan doesn’t care what we think about his voice? that’s what I mean in “spoiling reputation by bad words/singing and not taking care of what other people say”.
    the difference is, that I’m just 1 of tens thousands fans of the band, and replacable by another tens of thousand fans, so I don’t care abou my reputation here coz my bad reputation won’t hurt anyone here.. but Ian is ONE, he’s the biggest rock voice of all time, so, hi HAS to think about reputation, coz his bad singing hurts millions people, NOT alike my bad words, which hurts maybe 3-4 fans, or no one….

  37. 37
    George says:

    well, ALL OF US see that Gillan isn’t what he used to be even in the 2000’s and he can’t sing properly anymore. but difference between me and you is that I say what I think, with no makeup, you say what you would like to be reality, but it’s not. we all know that “Gillan sings great” isn’t realityi anymore, unfortunately, but you can’t believe that and thus blame me. In copmarison I see, I listen and thus I believe that “Gillan singing great” is just like dream. so if you’d like to live in dreams, it’s up to you, but it’s not my cup of tea. I say what i see & listen…

  38. 38
    HZ says:

    OK beside JLT, now Gillan is not good, because he was ill in several shows and can’t be like in his 20s. Good 🙂 My advice, don’t go to Istanbul, because Ian doesn’t sing like in 69-73, and his hair is short and white, no black grassy and long 🙂

  39. 39
    John Bartone says:

    Get lost George, believe me you wont be missed..

  40. 40
    marcinn says:

    Bad reputation isn’t surely hurting anyone here. But you have this bad attitude that may only harm you, no one else. I don’t know why you connect Ian’s ‘singing properly’ with high screaming? Can’t you see the time has been passing? Okay, would you mind him singing now the way he does on One Eye? Is it that bad? I think he lives up to his reputation being the greatest singer ever, every night on stage, and releasing such masterpiece as One Eye To Morocco. It’s not a big task to go on stage and shine every night. A big deal is to go on stage, knowing you’re not be able to perform as you’d like, but still keeping the show tight, and first and foremost doing it all with GRACE.

    If you think there’s one reality, you’ll see one day you got it all wrong. Reality is of the same abstract nature as truth. What is reality for you, for me might be just an illusion, what is true for you may be just a dismal lie to me. I don’t blame you, I only try to go beyond what I see and hear. Becuase judging anyone or anything on the basis of senses is simply to shallow for me. I have to go deeper and give some thought, consider some other factors. There’s more to it than meets the eye Goerge.

  41. 41
    marcinn says:

    HZ, after the show in Dubai, would you please give us some sort of a review? I’d be more than grateful. 🙂

  42. 42
    HZ says:

    marcinn, very nice.. To the point.

  43. 43
    HZ says:

    Yes, count on me – and belive me, I saw them also year and half ago, and it’s just as you said. Man, Ritchie is the best for me, I’m also playing a guitar, not profesionaly – but still I love Purple with Morse, I just enjoyed everything. Nobody should be so delusional to belive that’s possible for them to be like from Made in Japan days, but they are special band indeed.

  44. 44
    marcinn says:

    HZ, of course, we’re all have our opinions, tastes, and prefer different line-ups of this, as you put it, very special band. The thing is we should discuss them constructively and exchange our ideas, not offending the band members and each other here. There is too much violence in the world, why bringing it to this site?

  45. 45
    HZ says:

    Agreed, marcinn. Hopefuly Ian will be better for this show. He should pay attention to his health more from now, and not press down on himself – nobody will be hurted because he was sick and had problems with his voice 🙂

  46. 46
    marcinn says:

    Yes, I also hope now he is disillusioned and will take more care of himself. He knows we love him, and we would like to see him live for as long as possible.

  47. 47
    George says:


    NO, I didn’t say I want him to sing like in the 70’s, I’d dream if he will be able to sing like on Live In Anaheim.

    I’d like to see him in the long black hair again, but this would be not natural, coz his hairs are white now, and I adore it. Gillan isn’t JLT to wear makeup and lipstics in order to look more sexy, Gillan isn’t McCartney who’s 65 years old with brown hair… all in all, who cares about hair’s colour and length? Ian looks quite nice and NATURAL, that’s why I adore his white hairs – he’s natural, he’s what he is…

    Absolutely agree with you, I already said above that One Eye To Morocco is masterpiece, coz Gillan sings in his ability, low, deep voice. I don’t say that proper singing means good screaming. listening to Battle from Cosquin, pay attention that he can’t sing the phrases properly, he misses the melody and can’t control the tembre. btw, in one moment he screams quite well there, but I don’t care about his screams, I care about his singing. Singing deeply by NOSE, not following the melody, Not be able to control the tembre is what we got on this video, all in all this is NOT even the avarage quality of singing which we MUST get by Gillan, and plz, don’t argue abotu that, you can listen to it, watch the video once more…

  48. 48
    Roberto says:

    I just said months ago Gillan lost his voice but most of you disagreed with me…

  49. 49
    HZ says:

    Roberto, in 80s he wasn’t what he was in 70s. Sure that he can’t force himself to tour so frequently and sing so demanding songs as DP songs are, I told that before also. But to be so pathetic and say that everything is bad because Ian was sick in several shows is also not very objective thing to do. Well, in one day, he’ll stop to sing Purple songs – and in the end DP will stop to exist; except their legacy, it’ll stay with us. Hopefuly it’ll not happend this year, or next one. I’m all hope that DP will stay with us a little longer then everyone else. As they did, infact. So, I’m not disappointed, I mean, it happens.

  50. 50
    George says:


    what?? Gillan was better in the 80’s, remember Fighting Man? he hit 2 notes more there than on Child… and remember Toolbox’s screams…

    this video is made by me, IAN GILLAN’S VOCAL RANGE (1999-2006) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nr93Ggzg4Q

    listen to it, this is what I miss…

  51. 51
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Just like where I live…. “if you don’t like the weather, just wait ten minutes” same applies to Purple and Gillan’s voice a couple of times a year… if you don’t like how they sound, cath them in a few weeks, you’re bound to be relieved.
    In other words, lighten up and have some confidence, thats what a loyal fan should do, instead of taking every opportunity they can to number Purple’s days because of a few dates have been put to natures test.

    Someone said ‘childish’ but that doesn’t begin to describe it… you have to learn from those around you, how to behave fairly when the elements get in the way, it’s small stuff when you’ve been following long enough.

    Cheer up George, maybe that will work, as you’ve alrady been told to “grow up.”

  52. 52
    More Black says:

    When Blackmore come back,the things will be back on it’s place.Wait and see.

  53. 53
    More Black says:

    It’s time to mkIII reasemble again.David and Glenn are 10 years younger.

  54. 54
    The Aviator says:

    Yes, MKIII return and then we will relive only in memories the DP hard rock days.
    The band will turn somewhere between funk and renacentist music until The Man in Black rediscover he dont like to work with Hughes or dispute the creative control against Coverdale.

  55. 55
    marcinn says:

    More Black,

    Good joke that one with Blackmore’s come back. Made me laugh. 😀

  56. 56
    HardRockPete says:

    To George!

    How the hell do you know that the Paris show in ’85 was only “one bad night”? And how the hell do you know that the “Live Encounters” was only “one bad night”? Could you back that up? I guess you were there since you know this?

    Let me tell you, kiddo, I’ve been to Gillan gigs since ’92 (Toolbox Tour) and Purple gigs since ’93 (MKII), I’ve seen every line up since. The last time I saw them was the 15th of August 2008, and that was by far one of the best, if not the best, performances I’ve seen from Gillan since the Toolbox and Abandon Tour. His voice just don’t go away within 6 months. It all comes down to illness. If you’re to stupid to see that that’s your problem, but spare us your drivel and try to connect your brain to your mouth for a few moments.

    I strongly believe that Purple should’ve canceled/ resceduled those gigs, no matter how much it would’ve costed them. They have enough money as is, so that’s no problem. The loosers are the fans. What about their money??? They get charged a lot of money, and THAT’S what they are capable of delievering? I hope they’ll learn from this mistake, ’cause that’s what it was, and never do it again. We, the fans, deserve better!

  57. 57
    HardRockPete says:

    Damn it!:-(

  58. 58
    Thunderhawk says:

    Ah finally a profesionel recording of this song, performed by this line-up.
    I was getting tired of all the low Quality audience recordings.

    Ian has a cold, nothing wrong with that he stil does a great job, as the Fighting Man that he is.
    But it’s like they play this song, not as fast as they use to, and the main riff is missing one note.
    But then again, i love what Don does at the ending of the song, the trumpet kinda sound realy does the trick 😉 .
    Steve’s guitar solo can go on a little longer IMO, but DP does’nt cross the ten minute barriere anymore a few years now (and i kinda miss that).

    But still great performance, of the greatest rock band in the world DP!!! 🙂 .

  59. 59
    George says:

    well well well…
    Dubai Show is coming soon (tomorrow I think) so in 2-3 days we’ll see what Gillan is capable of – will he stay a GREAT Morrocoan singer, or a BAD Purple singer, or a GREAT Purple singer… I wish I was wrong on my comments… and if it’ll turn out that Gillan’s problems were only due to the flu, if he’ll sing as he used to do years (and month) ago, I’ll apologize for EVERYONE of you and for my hero – Gillan himself…
    I’d really dream if I was wrong… But I have quite bad feelings about the future of the band…

  60. 60
    More Black says:

    Dear fellas!I can’t agree with those who say the 1985 Paris show was crap.Gillan’s throat wasn’t that good but night was memorable.Ritchie in a rare good humor.We don’t have Child in time but…I wish we have more of that bad night.
    Ah wait…mk III is coming…

  61. 61
    DaveT says:

    I thought this was a website for FANS?

    A few facts for those who don’t know –

    Ian Gillan is 63 and has been in this business over 40 years, he’s not the 24 year old that sang on In Rock anymore. All bands have off nights and singers are very prone to cold and throat problems especially in hot countries like Argentina. He DOESN’T always sound like this and I for one of hopefully many thousnads will be totally gutted if or when Purple call it a day. I’ve seen Purple at least once on every UK tour since Knebworth as well as a couple of times in Europe and they are playing as well now as they have ever done, long may they continue and long may their fans appreciate what a gem of a band we follow!

  62. 62
    Tom says:

    I could not watch it. They should have cancelled. There is no excuse and it is not fair to the fans that expect a decent show. Saying the show must go on does not cut it with this performance. If you can not sing, you should cancel the show. I love Gillan but at his age, they should definately cut back on touring and never go on stage like this.

  63. 63
    The Aviator says:

    Heres a link of same song in Sao Paulo, 12 days later Cosquin.
    Gillan still have a lot cough, but the voice is way better.
    I think in Dubay he will be OK.


  64. 64
    The Aviator says:

    Sometimes I Fell Like Screaming


  65. 65
    HZ says:

    I’ve bought ticket – tomorrow is the day 🙂

  66. 66
    marcinn says:

    It’s evident in those videos his voice was improving. I heard he was just fine yesterday on Belgian Tv performing ‘No Lotion For That’ so thumbs up to Ian.

  67. 67
    AndreA says:

    yes marcinn,
    me too I’ve seen the video posted by Yhe Aviator where Gillan sing better…
    It happens that he could have bad voice sometime (it happended also in 80’s with his Gillan Band) : he is a human and sometimes some people forget this…

    sometimes people waste too many unnecessary words ..

  68. 68
    AndreA says:

    More Black @60


    I always remember the SUPER INTRO of the concert performed by Jon Lord (Bach).

    The concert was broadcast live on Italian State TV! pity that there was a idiot in studio-TV who spoke on for not doing record so by the fans …


  69. 69
    james jay says:

    to#9 right on–no one is the bionic man–and to cancel a show would be a disappointment to the paying ticket holders—They could do a millie-vanilli and play some 45rpm’s behind the curtains, however I am glad to see them soldiering on–what a band!

  70. 70
    Danny says:

    I saw DP twice on the Perfect Strangers tour and have seen every tour since that has come to North America. Gillan’s voice has never dissapointed me however there are some shows that were more memorable than others. I have to agree with Hard Rock Pete and George on this one though. If IG’s voice was that rough on all the other songs the show should have been cancelled….for the fans benefit and more importantly for Ian Gillan.

  71. 71
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    George #4 and those of your #’s that follow, Take a few deep breaths, absorb the majority of the other positive posts, re-shuffle your thoughts, and deal again. Your hand may then show at least a pair of aces…

    T #9, Well said. True professionals, no doubt.

    Peter Elliot #12, Amen, brother!

    More Black # 52, 53, and 60, Look up delusional in Webster’s…..

    This Mark all of these years later remain the sh*t….

    Vavoom! She went again! I’m wiggling out of my chair to nail the final 8 orb into the corner pocket….



  72. 72
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    Sh*t!! I just scratched on a gimmee shot. I should have quit while I was ahead….



  73. 73
    MB says:

    I first saw Gillan 30 years ago, when he had a heavy cold and couldn’t speak between songs. The guy get’s a cold now and then, his performances can vary (who’s do not?) but he has never disappointed me. Go to the gig, have a few beers with your mates and crank up the volume – no problem.

    As for the idea of cancelling, personally I trust their judgement. I have been there when a gig was postponed at short notice by DP – I had arranged time off work and had spent money on arrangements, but I know that if they ever do that then there is a very good reason.

    I feel lucky that they are still playing and I can still go and see them.


  74. 74
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 72

    Whats a gimmee shot?

    hould I know?

    Or better not?

  75. 75
    elprupdeep says:

    george and roberto if you are not related you should go to las vegas and get married!!!!!!!!!!!!.
    more black than ritchie keep on dreaming with your markIII and look at david he is just the shadow of himself when you are a singer you can’t live 4 or 5 months on stage and the rest of the year playing with the wife.sorry but david is terminated, and IAN IS NOT YET.
    long live IAN & DP.

  76. 76
    Peter Elliott says:

    I’m amused by the references to Gillan’s hair but it was the Paul McCartney reference that had me in stitches.

    Yes, Paul has brown hair and he is 65. What is blindingly obvious to most is he has been dyeing his hair for well over ten years. It began visibly greying in the mid to late 80s and since then, it has been regularly dyed. And you know what? I think he looks a total prat. Look at his increasingly saggy face… the dyed hair looks more like a wig. It just looks un-natural. I’m sure he had it dyed jet black for the 1999 Cavern gig and it looked awful. Paul fails to realise and accept that he cannot cheat the ageing process and the longer he keeps on dyeing his hair, the stupider he will look. That of course is his choice… if he thinks his dyed hair makes him look younger, then it’s time he went to see an Optician.

    Jimmy Page realised a couple of years ago that dyeing his hair black was looking stupid and so he grew it out and now has the white hair he was hiding for a few years. He looks a LOT better for it. Recently, Tom Jones ditched his hair dye as well and the result? An immediate improvement and a more natural look. The guy is now 68 and he knew he couldn’t keep on dyeing his hair into his 70’s.

    Coming back then to big Ian, he has allowed himself to age gracefully. He has been wearing his hair short for 10 years now – first time I saw it was in 1999 – and he looks good for his age. If he grew it out long like in the 80’s again, he would look ridiculous, and more so if he dyed it! Just imagine it – take a recent photo of Gillan and photoshop on his old long hair. It would look truly stupid and Gillan must think that as well, hence keeping it short.

    That’s Ian Gillan – he’s kept it REAL. He is ageing and it shows but he isn’t trying to evade it either. Jon Lord also let his hair grow white and with it tied back, he looks rather good. Paicey as well. At least they’re being honest and true to themselves unlike the ex guitarist with his hairpieces…

  77. 77
    Aleх says:

    I prefer Mk2 in any case!!!! That is the real DP – good or not so good. That is my point.

  78. 78
    Aleх says:

    And the voice of DP is Gillan’s voice – that is what I want to say. And we all become older and older. That’s is life. And DP should finish the work with this team, I think.

  79. 79
    AndreA says:

    hey Peter Elliott!

    and what about the pretty blonde Plant?
    oh ooohhh baby baby baby baaaabyyyyyyyyyy chick chick chic

    ooohh uuuhh

  80. 80
    Reinder says:

    I wonder if there’s something about that gig that we don’t know. As fans we don’t like to think about the business side of things, but what would have been the financial consequences of them cancelling the gig? Would there have been lawsuits? Is their liability insurance up to snuff?

    This stuff matters. Deep Purple’s history has been shaped at crucial points by lawsuits or the threat of them.

  81. 81
    Geno says:

    Gillan is the best, is the only one not to be good has to make a physical effort. It’s okay to criticize. What I would ask if the group is more dencansos between concerts, much effort one day after another. But otherwise great, unique

  82. 82
    elprupdeep says:

    200% agree with u alex.
    but if a disaster happen I am sure some rascal or chacal (rapace) I mean greedy one will take the opportunity to make some money with the name Deep Purple AND WILL REFORM A SEQUEL OF IT.

  83. 83
    BlackSparrow says:

    Maybe Gillan should grow his hair back and start coloring his hair again then he might be able to hit those high notes again. NO NO NO Just kidding Ian, I know you lost your voice on the Sabbath Tour and YOU MAKE ME NERVOUS pretty much finished it off. Gillan has done more for hard rock vocals than any vocalist ever besides Edgar Winter and so we should not care what he looks like, though myself I believe the long hair Gillan is the better Gillan we shall accept each persons individual likes or dislikes and let Ian save a little money on shampoo and conditioner. You know record sales are way down and hairstylists are very expensive just ask Brittney Spears.

  84. 84
    marcinn says:

    HZ, any news from Dubai?

  85. 85
    GerAssenNetherlandsAge51Male says:

    #83 marcinn >

    Deep Purple Black Night festival city dubai 20mars2009 :


    Ian Gillan on his way back !!!!

    Cheers to you all.

  86. 86
    GerAssenNetherlandsAge51Male says:

    #84(! ;)) marcinn > DEEP PURPLE – SMOKE ON THE WATER 2009 DUBAI CONCERT FILE : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbZAT8Y_MQc


  87. 87
    marcinn says:

    Thanks Ger. The voice is on the improve, and I’m glad and relieved.

  88. 88
    Aleх says:

    Thanks Ger. Everything is not so bad, to say more – better that it was in South America for sure. I only have not heard “I can’ hear you!!!!!!!!!!!!” on SOTW. But it does not matter. I will go to drink 50 gr. of vodka to Jan’s voice))))

  89. 89
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    “The Show Must go On”!!!!!!! But, sometimes there needs to be a Plan B.

    Been there, done that, as the Lead Singer and Drummer with my cover band ‘LOzT CAUz’ (click my name). It’s painful to watch our Hero here, in this particular state. I can see the pain in his eyes as he knows what he wants to sing, but hears what comes out of the monitors. I had a couple of gigs whereby we should have canceled due to being sick and unable to sing most of the tunes proper. We extended them instrumentally and even improvised on some instrumental blues and got through it, but it was a grueling experience for me and though there were few complaints, I was overwhelmed with embarrassment and what was normally a satisfying and fun event to partake in, became a painstaking 4 hours of horror…..

    That being said, had there been what I have constantly promoted and advocated, some ‘instrumental tunes’ in the works as a backdrop and something to rely on for a CHANGE and for improvisation sake (such as ‘B owed to G, or ‘A-2000′, or bring in ‘The Mule’, and jam it out for a long while) Mr. Gillan could thereby have a little break, when he as the Front Man and Singer could sit back while the band does some improvisation, and it would be totally accepted as normal, and in the end take Deep Purple back to the day when they used to do just that…..JAM!!!!!!

    I don’t want to be contradictory here. I don’t wish to go back to the day when the 30 minute song took up 1 third of the gig, but in this case, they should rely on their laurels and fill in where they have to in order to pull off a proper gig and to fill for their hero whom is lacking for the moment.

    Again, you may never know when the other band members are not quite ‘up to par’, but in the Front Man’s position, it’s hard to mask, and deserves special attention.

    Gillan is still the consummate professional and to be honest, he did a bang up job here, working through the song with his ability to go up or down in reverse in order to stay somewhat in tune and to be honest, he did an outstanding job under the circumstance.

    I think it’s time the Band partakes in a little ‘Plan B’ preparation for events like this……just for ‘Professional Sake’…and out of respect for the guy whom is sure to take the heat when the Sun Goes Down.

    As for all you Nay Sayers whom jump on the ‘Gillan Can’t Sing Anymore’, I guess you have never had to sing your heart out while being Haunted with a terrible throat cold…..Trust me, you are just plain ignorant to the situation, and you are taking pot shots at an artist whom still sings wonderfully, as seen throughout his career right up to his latest album which was just released….’One Eye to Morocco”……

    I think he and the band deserves a little more support from their supposed fans than the constant criticism that some of you seem to be on the edge of your seat to spew.


  90. 90
    HZ says:

    Hi marcinn, internet was unavailable to me yesterday 🙂 . I was on concert at Festival City – Dubai, as part of Dubai bike week, and it was great – just great. Way better then on 2007. when I saw them last time, before this one. They played first four songs with no pauses between them. Crowd was crazy, and my friend I was in first row 😉 communicating with Steve Morse by hands 🙂 – Everything was great, Ian’s voice was great – he had some problems later on in TBRO and ST but also Steve’s gutar was out of tune, and hi tried to fix it :-), they managed it well. I’ve heard the best version of The Rapture, as Ian said first intergalactic folk song :-), he was in great mood, and also Into The Fire, it was devastating. Paice was destroying drums – I was so close, I have great pictures from that night :-). Don’s sound was bit down, but from where I stood, everything was perfect. Though, it was obvious that Gillan is little bit thin, and seemed to me that such long concert with these demanding songs is not what he can do as he wants anymore. But, nevertheless I think that this was one of their best concerts nowadays, and I had really privilege to be there and in such good position. For me it was ultimate enjoy, as I was on 6-7 meters from Steve looking his great tehnique – Contact Lost and his solo was “intergalactic” also 🙂

  91. 91
    HZ says:

    To who can I send some pictures in THS from Dubai show?

  92. 92
    George says:


    thanks for your short review.
    I read In interview, Don Airey said: “On Dubai show we’ll play some songs which we’ve never played live before…” so, can you tell the setlist of the show, were there any surprises OR the same old setlist?
    returning to the setlist topic again, I LOVED the set at the first 6 month of Rapture of the Deep Tour, they included 6 new songs (rapture, Wrong Man, Kiss Tomorrow, Back To Back, Jankyard Blues and Before Time Began)…
    If we think of sorting out the 2006-2009 tours, the RAPTURE OF THE DEEP TOUR lasted over 1 year, and then they continued DEEP PURPLE WORLD TOUR.

    But in WIKIPEDIA, 2006-2009 Tours are titled as: Rapture of the Deep World Tour”. Rapture tour lasted 4 years, and it’s not normal. album tours usually take 6-12 months…

    And the last GREAT change in the setlist was Highway Star back as an opener… great…

    aha, and what about the audience? I read organizers were expecting 6.000-7.000 people to attend the show…

    btw, “Gillan is in BETTER form than he was in South Amrica” doesn’t make us to be happy, in South America he was in THE WORST form I’ve ever seen&listened. and yeah, “more then enough is never too much”… God bless Ian, wish you a strong health and THE VOICE. Luv u…


    First think what you post, and then post. I’ve never thought of MKIII reunion. Ritchie is doing his things, coverdale & Hughes as well, Lord is writting classical music and yeah, Paice is in Deep Purple. So, if someone wants to see DEEP PURPLE, we’ve got it – Gillan/Morse/Glover/Airey/Paice – this is Deep Purple… any other lineups WERE Deep Purple, it was in THE PAST. the band has progressed to the future since then and we got one of the best DP lineup just now, in 2009. So, who cares of MkIII?
    I really thought of MkII reunion, not bexause I miss Ritchie, but because it’s kinda curiosity – I Think: Ritchie & Lord back in Deep Purple, their new studio album in 2009, live on stage again – WHAT WOULD IT BE AND HOW WOULD IT WORK? and yeah, 2009 is MkII 40th anniversary year… so it would be just INTERESTING and HOT move to reunite MkII. though I do LOVE MkVIII and wish them a long live together…

  93. 93
    George says:


    follow this link, you can send reviews&photos to ths.com from here: http://www.thehighwaystar.com/reviews/2008/02/11/been-to-a-concert/

  94. 94
    George says:

    and send photos of concert to this e-mail:


    we’re waitting for your review and photos 😉

  95. 95
    marcinn says:

    Thank you HZ for the info, it puts the things in right perspective.

  96. 96
    Crimson Ghost says:

    The rasp is gone and his tone is back.
    Of course some of us know that humans get sick like every other creature on the planet.

    Thank you HZ!

    Set list?

  97. 97
    HZ says:

    Set list was the same, only they played Lazy instead of Mary Long, and no Wring That Neck, but there was SKOW. Place where they played in Dubai Festival City, and that’s the only place within Festival City for these purposes, holds maximum 3000-4000 people, and it’s open venue. It was even better, because last time I saw them they played in venue crowded with 10000-12000 people, and I was in the middle, venue echo and echo of screaming people was irritating. This was just great. But guys, I have to say, even though I enjoyed, and Gillan was just OK, and atmosphere was high up – Ian look really thin and a little bit weak. He should start eat and take care of his health.

  98. 98
    HZ says:

    I’ve sent some pictures to THS – I have Canon’s IXUS 950, so quality is average.

  99. 99
    George says:

    sorry but I didn’t understand, so the attandance for the 20th March show was 4 000 or 12 000?

  100. 100
    HZ says:

    It was about 3000-4000. George it was Dubai Bike Week in Festival City – so DP appeariance was curiosity more then “regular concert”, part of the bikers show (conection is more then obvious). But as I said, it was even better, pure joy. 10-12000 was in 2007. So, if you going to Istanbul, be in first or second row – everything else is “incomplete” in large venues 🙂 belive me.

  101. 101
    George says:


    haha, Ok, I’ll take your advice in consideration
    btw, Turkcell Kurucesme Arena holds over 7-8000 people, so I guess I have to enter the arena 1-2 hours before the show, in order to take first row.

  102. 102
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    purplepriest1965, (#74)

    A gimmee shot is a shot I should have made blindfolded. Like Tiger Woods missing a 2 foot shot.



  103. 103
    Pepe-Argentina says:

    Dios Míoooooooooo, ví el concierto por TV mientras pasaban algunas partes. Como fan de DEEP PURPLE me díó verguenza ajena ver a un GILLAN así, y tuve que cambiar de canal. No lo podía creer. IAN simpre vá a tener mi gran respeto, pero ya es hora de que siga su camino solista y deje que DEEP PURPLE busque un cantante para su digno nombre. Ni MARADONA puede jugar más en la selección ARGENTINA, ni GILLAN puede cantar más en PURPLE. Lo digo con todo el dolor del alma. Si bien en los shows en Brasil repuntó un poco su estado vocal, creo que o deja DEEP PURPLE o dejan de lado el lado monetario y tocan una vez por fin de semana, ya es un hombre que pasa los 60 años y notiene 20 ó 25. Lo que pasa que nadie, ninguno quiere vivir a la sombra de DEEP PURPLE. DEEP PURPLE es la nave madre y todos temen a sus carreras solista, es preferible vivir resguardados tras la sombra del monstruo que salirse de él, ya no son pibes y un estado sombrío a estas alturas puede hacer que entren en un estado depresivo importante. PURPLE es historia, es guita asegurada…..fuera de eso quizás la nada. Por eso creo que BLACKMORE es el mejor y más osado de todos, vió la decadencia mucho antes que el resto, inclusive que yo, que me negaba tanto. La gloria Púrpura sólo se recupera con el MK3. Ya no hay ideas, es una banda chata, que suena muy bien en vivo…….rar vez te puede decepcionar, pero la genialidada se la llevó consigo RITCHIE y ni que hablar que ya no está más JON. Hay Dios, ojalá me equivoque, pero es muy triste como vá a terminar esta historia. GILLAN es un grande, nadie discute eso, y una mala noche la tiene cualquiera, pero espero que se entienda a lo que me refiero. PEPE

  104. 104
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:


  105. 105
    Daniel Montoya says:

    PEPE , i will respond in English for people everywhere can understand…I understand you 100%….even the MK3 reunion could fail if its true that David (as I was told) is low in his voice also ….for me the last thing identified with the true DEEP PURPLE was the PURPENDICULAR album , power , groove , blasting speed , great solos , curiously JON was still there…then A BAND ON ,on my humble opinion, wasn’t as good …..lastly when JON retired…the sound was lost .
    What a pity .

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