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The Highway Star

Burn 2007

For all you Mk3 aficionados, here’s an audience shot of Glenn’s recent performance of Burn at the B.B.King’s in New York. The guitar work is positively different, so those of you who are sensitive to deviations from the classics, might want to abstain from this one:

44 Comments to “Burn 2007”:

  1. 1
    Heimdall says:

    Guitar playing aside (it was, shall we say, a bit underrehearsed) -If only Ian Gillan had a working rock voice like Glenn has, instead of being reduced to croaking and talk-singing.

  2. 2
    Joanna says:

    Thanks. You’re right. Fine perfprmance. -J.

  3. 3
    keith says:

    Glenn still rocks, amazing!

  4. 4
    Victor says:

    Heimdall’s remark: “If only Ian Gillan had a working rock voice like Glenn has, instead of being reduced to croaking and talk-singing.” Are you kidding me? We’re all entitled to our opinions Mr. Heimdall – I’d like to express mine. Ian Gillan is a rock god – and you’re not! Your “junior league” opinion of Mr. Gillan’s singing is so biased and off based I’d like to direct you to another web site – as in please go away & take the purple priest with you.

  5. 5
    Karl-Heinz says:

    A thrilling version. Ok the solos are a little bit strange.
    But a great sound, fine voice. And a hell of bassplaying from Glenn.

    Glenn bass line a gas…….

    I like it

  6. 6
    Joe says:




  7. 7
    duncan smith says:

    Sorry Joe I think you are way off the mark calling Coverdale & Hughes “Light weights” ; both have produced brilliant solo & group albums and are still going strong.

    Burn was THE album that got me interested in Purple and is still one of my favourites 30+ years on.

    Glenn Hughes is one of the greatest bass players in the world backed up by a fantastic voice – I really enjoyed this Youtube.

  8. 8
    Jim says:

    Glenns playing and singing are still awesome, but the rest of the band leave something to be desired. I saw MK III in America in ’74 and thought they were great, MK IV brought the band to new lows. As far as Gillan is concerned he is the heart and soul of DP past and present. DP MK II,
    MK III, MK IV all the way to the current group, different songs & styles some good some bad, thankfully there is still a DEEP PURPLE. Thanks

  9. 9
    Chrissy says:

    It amazes me how some people are still arguing and picking at each other about things that happened in the seventies.Come now guys this is the 2000’s.

  10. 10
    Heimdall says:

    Some facts (albeit not from a “Rock God”):

    Fact 1: Ian Gillan used to be a great singer, one of the best ever.

    Fact 2: I have been a DP fan for more than 30 years and I like all the lineups.

    Fact 3: Glenn Hughes used to be a great singer, and still is a great singer.

    Fact 4: Ian Gillans voice today is a sad shadow of what it used to be, mainly due his own excesses.

    I thought it was abundantly clear to most people (and had been for many years) that Gillan has ruined his voice, and is merely doing the best he can to cope these days -avoiding the stuff he can’t sing at all and transposing other songs to keys he can still reach (sort of).

    Where’s the bias? What’s off base?

    To Joe: In what way do you mean my comment on Gillan’s worn-away voice relates to MkIII:s failure to break the American market? That he wasn’t a member of that line-up, so I can’t comment on his voice? Or that DC and GH weren’t as good as IG, and therefore I can’t comment on his voice? Your logic eludes me.

  11. 11
    Joanna says:

    Don’t quarrel, guys! Ian Gillan has his good and bad days- as everyone. In Bournemouth his singing was cool.

  12. 12
    Eddie says:

    It’s a good job that Human beings aren’t assessed as to their worth by their Musical or vocal performances.

    Some like Hard, some like Soft centres to their Chocolates – as to which you would Compare Deep Purple Line Ups to? – Your choice – You like what ever takes your fancy.

    Of course, maybe we could ask some Power to introduce fitness regimens & dare I say it ‘Drug Tests’ to ensure the absolute prime of health performances from anyone screaming into a Microphone? – But that ain’t Rock ‘n’ Roll is it?

    Some days I like Burn over Highway Star other days I prefer Made in Japan over anything else – How does that affect my value as one who enjoys DP?

    Let’s not go back to School playground days of ‘My Daddy can Beat your Daddy at anything without spilling his pint’

    I never understood who this Mark was in the DP designations – he’s not listed on the CD sleeves – How do you find up to 7Marks anyway?

    The only question remaining unanswered surely is, Who’s the Daddy now?


  13. 13
    Ronald Gaerlan says:

    I think everybody is forgetting that the sound of Deep Purple was always Blackmore,Lord and Paice regardless of the singers. That I think has pulled people to huge purple audiences. Don’t get me wrong everybody were great singers, but without the 3 I mentioned albums did not sell well, and that is a fact.

  14. 14
    T says:

    There was nothing wrong with that solo–a fine job by the guitarist. Even Blackmore never played it note-for-note like the record from night to night and took tremendous liberties with it.

    This guy made it his own–which is what one *should* do–with enough thrown in to make it recognizable. That’s what ‘live’ is all about. I don’t want to hear someone playing a recorded Blackmore solo as if they were synching to a record.

    He did, however, have some tuning problems throughout (one string was way off), and it was Glenn who missed his cue.

    If anything was strange, it was the lack of a complete keyboard solo. Glenn took the melody himself and had the audience participate. I don’t think that was planned. Other than that, a very interesting version.

    Yes, Glenn Hughes still has a fantastic voice and pumps out one fantastic album after another. He was not in the correct state of mind back in the Mark III days–but he’s making up for it now.

    Gillan has a different style. It boils down to whether you prefer apples or oranges. I played with Gillan about a year ago. Trust me…he’s still in fine form. Aging perhaps, but aren’t we all…

    Jon once said, “There *was* a 1969…we were all there.” There indeed. How many of us will be touring like DP does at their age?

  15. 15
    igge says:

    A bit unrehearsed (and uninspired) guitar soloing there. Seemed even slightly out of time and beat in places. But Glenn can sing, though.

  16. 16
    Rikk Desgres says:

    I wish I got see that show. As for Glenn’s voice – great. Gillan’s voice-great. Coverdale’s voice – Unfortunately I walked out on a show the last Whitesnake tour. I hope it was a bad day.

  17. 17
    Ian Gillam says:

    What a fucking embarrasingly shit version of a shit song!!

  18. 18
    Peter Wolf says:

    From a fans perspecitve Deep Purple are and always will be a classic band!
    they have now been touring for over 40 years and that in itself is amazing.
    It all boils down to one thing, depends on your own personal tastes as to which era you preferred. “Machine Head”, “In Rock” the funk of “Fireball”
    and the all time classic “Made In Japan”. Now those 4 albums are awesome
    that cannot be denied!! We all no the story of Deep Purple, but with all the line-up changes and spinoffs we have been left with some excellent music.
    Gillans voice obviously isn’t the same i think he is now 60!!. I am uncertain
    if they are going through the motions so what but they are still touring,
    but the best years have already passed. “Burn is still a killer record/cd

  19. 19
    James Gemmell says:

    Glenn Hughes can’t hold a candle to Ian Gillan, now or in the past. Who’s kididng who? Hughes sounds like a frog on that video version of “Burn”. For Heimdall and others who contend that Gillan’s voice is shot, I guarantee you Hughes can’t hit the high registers like Ian did on “Gillan’s Inn”, nor half as melodically.

  20. 20
    Heimdall says:

    Say what you will, Ian Gillan’s voice is well and truly shot these days, which is really too bad. What’s strange is that he seems to have made himself believe that nothing is amiss, even though it’s abundantly evident every time he tries to force out screams he can’t possibly do anymore, and ends up with hoarse croaks, needlessly embarrasing everybody. Even weirder is the knee-jerk defensive reactions from some fans here -do you think the problem will go away if you simply deny it exists, or attack anyone who points it out?

    So silly.

    I think Gillan could sing a lot better if he saved his dwindling abilities and spared himself the pain if he just skipped the stuff he can’t handle anymore altogether; there’s no need for him to try to sing “Into The Fire” if he can’t cut it, or try to scream when he can’t do it anymore.

  21. 21
    Knud Pedersen says:

    Well – the sound on the Fender Stratocaster on this version of Burn – isen´t it great, pure Blackmore sound at his best, if only Mr. Morse had that sound, and about Gillan w/s Hughes, Hughes still can sing as he did i 1974, can Gillan that ?

  22. 22
    Marcelo Soares says:

    Singing is NOT about how high one can scream. Screaming is one of the tools, not the whole toolbox. Gillan sings differently today – although he gave up his trademark screaming due to his own abuses, he found out he can do other nice things with his voice. And he’s been doing a great job at that. Hughes is also a great singer, and he also can scream. My view about that is: it’s great to be a fan of a band that had both of them in their history.

    “My-fave-singer-is-better-than-yours” aside, the guitar player plays very well BUT he is underrehearsed. It’s not a matter of playing note by note the original solo, but knowing when to play along with the keyboard. In some parts of the solo, the guy seemed to be going in one direction and when he heard the keyboard was going in another one he changed everything.

    So, if we’re comparing singers, I’d say Ian chooses better his crew, or at least rehearses better…

  23. 23
    Solitair says:

    Can’t believe it! More shocking than this performance is the fact that there are still so many people here to praise it.

  24. 24
    marcinio says:

    glenn hughes sounds like a frog.
    his voice colour is not made for hard rock music.
    don´t get me wrong. i think he´s a fantastic singer but the colour or his voice is just not mad these kind of songs (except the part of the song which he also sang in the past)
    on burn his voice fited very well beacause coverdale did all the power parts. if you listen to his fused album ..songs like dopamine…his voice destorys the whole atmosphere..

    coverdales voice was always great. he´s a clever singer and changed his singing techniqe. so now he sounds a bit like robert plant in the past.

    gillan i still a great singer. but the power in his voice is gone. he´s only able to sing nice songs very well but as for the rock songs the power is missing.
    he´s 60?? so what..graham bonnet is also 60 (or 59). he still sings veryyyy high. i guess he could easily sing all the purple songs because the notes of his songs are all higher. today bonnet also struggles with his own songs but his power is not gone! that´s the difference

  25. 25
    T says:

    You have ONE guy from the band who originally did this song, and he wasn’t even the main singer on it. It’s not going to sound like the record, and it didn’t sound like the record when Mark III did it live. The Live in London version is different than the Made in Europe version or Cal-Jam version or Final Mk III Concerts et. al. etc. etc. und so weiter.

    Ritchie changed his solo every night, with certain bits being an anchor for it. The above was a live performance from a band not even remotely similar to the composers, and the guitarist had to wing his way through a technical problem–a way out-of-tune string, for one thing. I can’t tell which one…I think the D…and maybe others.

    If you have ever played live in front of an audience, there is nothing that can freak you out more than a problem like that. I’m grateful that I have never broken a string on a spring-loaded Strat while on stage…

    The guy worked around it and I still maintain he did a fine job. It looked like the audience was *oblivious* to the problem and were having a great time–and THAT is the bottom line.

    As for the Gillan vs. Coverdale vs. Hughes, vs., vs., vs… Apples and oranges.

    Some prefer Glenn Hughes. Some prefer Ian Gillan. There are times when each Mark or the other is my favorite. For example: Particular MkI songs are among Deep Purple’s best: “Mandrake Root,” “The Bird Has Flown,” or “Wring That Neck”. MkII is obvious. In MkIII it’s not just “Burn” and “Stormbringer” but “Sail Away,” “Mistreated,” and “You Fool No One”. Anyone could make a case for any singer–any guitarist–and it’s all pretty valid. Will the “real” Deep Purple please stand up?

    The point is that DP is any form is better than none–and better than most groups around who get a heck of a lot more kudos than DP does. All these groups steeped into the drug culture or with satanic images have always gotten more attention that Purple. How many are still around?

    I’ll take any version of DP over the junk that’s being put out by other groups–particularly all the hip-hop and rap trash. And I’ll take ex-members over it, too. And that includes the hardest working of the members–Glenn Hughes–who pumps out album after album and is constantly on the move.

    That’s because I’m a Deep Purple fan. Whether it’s Blackmore, Gillan, Morse, Bolin, Evans, Airey, Turner, Simper…it’s just another shade of Deep Purple. Purple is a philosophy and an attitude toward a particular kind(s) of music more than a list of people, and they continue to maintain this philosophy.

  26. 26
    Victor says:

    Well spoken (written), Mr. T!!! That’s precisely why I’m a fan of Deep Purple.

  27. 27
    Svante Pettersson says:

    Just a note to everyone talking about being “under-rehearsed”; Kollman has toured with GH for quite a while now and Burn has been in the set most nights. I think he should know the song by now. Any anomalies you hear is probably his take on the song, and maybe that broken string.

  28. 28
    1:0 für Purple says:

    T Rules!!!

  29. 29
    Cranberry says:

    Is this a Deep Purple appreciation site, or a bunch of ‘old women’ whining on about who has the best voice? The truth is most versions of DP have had their success regardless of who was the singer (apart from the JLT farce………Christ……..that was crap), their voices have changed over the years, and they now know their limitations.

    Whats next?? Who has the best hair, prettiest wife/girlfriend???

    Get a grip…………..you muthers!! Just enjoy!!!

  30. 30
    Heimdall says:

    T wrote:

    “If you have ever played live in front of an audience, there is nothing that can freak you out more than a problem like that.”

    As a guitarist myself, I totally agree. Having watched the video again a few times, it’s pretty obvious that this is a talented guy trying hard to make the best out of a tricky situation.

    I also agree with the rest of your post, well put. I still think it’s a shame though, that Gillan tries to needlessly push himself way, way past his (severe) limitations. He can still be good when he keeps within his current range.

  31. 31
    Dennis Keller says:

    I’m a fan of every Purple era thats come to pass. I’ve enjoyed the contributions made by each Deep Purple singer. I’m also a big fan of Glenn Hughes, and I enjoyed his band’s take on Burn.

    One would have to be hard of hearing, however, not to realize that Ian Gillan’s voice is not what it used to be. His delivery is still amazing, he’s still a world class front man, and his performances on the Morse era songs are first rate. His range has gone down quite a bit, however. Hell, the man’s sixty plus years old, and he’s been singing (and screaming) rock music for over 40 years. If you think about it, it’s surprising that he can still manage to pull some of the MKII songs off at all.

    So, those of you who took exception to Heimdall’s comments clearly are looking at things emotionally, as opposed to how they really are.

  32. 32
    Rascal says:

    I wonder who would win in a fight? Maybe we should have a poll?

    I imagine Gillan is pretty handy with his fists, maybe coverdale too. Mind you, Hughes can probably stand his ground.

    Blackmore vs Bolin i guess is a no-contest, Bolin probably wouldnt show up.

  33. 33
    Speedking74 says:

    It’s in the wrong Key.

  34. 34
    raphyd65 says:

    i was first turned on to purple around 1975 i was ten years old with my little am radio. any way around 1982 a friend of mine really opened my eyes to the awesomeness of the purple every album from shades of to come taste the band(at the time that was the legacy)then came all the rest here we are 2007 and there still is a deep purple, touring no less. last year we saw ian gillan at hampton beach nh. i was lucky to get there early and stood front row for the one and only 70,s king of rock the man is 62 years old and his voice was incredible he opened with no laughing in heaven. need i say more as far as glenn hughes goes great singer in his own right ,unfortuneatly i have never seen him live so really cant comment .all around the entire legacy of deep purples music is priceless

  35. 35
    Ronald Gaerlan says:

    To Ian Gillam,

    It might be a shitty version, but the song Burn is not shit. Probably you have shitty taste to music.

  36. 36
    T says:

    Interesting, raphyd65… Sounds a lot like my own story. In ’72, my brother and his friend Larry used to knock off the “Soul Train” from the juke box by bumping the machine and making the record skip to the end. Then they countered with “Smoke on the Water.”

    A couple years later, a friend of mine went out and bought a handful of LPs. It was a mix of “Stormbringer,” “In Rock,” “Who Do We Think We Are” and “Come Taste the Band” and “Purple Passages.” A very ecclectic mix. I guess that’s why I’ve always been very tolerant of the various singers, line-ups, etc. I listened to them all at the same time.

    Mark II is unquestionably the instrumental and compositional high mark, but each line-up has its moments for sure, and these guys are what inspired me to learn all these instruments. They are all my musical heroes.

    But any version of Deep Purple is in my book the best hard rock group around and their longevity speaks for itself. DP kind of ruined it for just about anything else as I find it difficult to listen to material not on their level. And that was from an early age. (I like Rainbow, later Sabbath, Michael Schenker, Gillan and Joe Satriani, but there are Deep Purple connections there, too!)

    I’ve seen the current line-up a couple of times and they never disappointed. I’d rather have this DP than none at all and I think they hold their own at any rate. Not the pinnacle…but probably the happiest times the band has ever had. That they enjoy what they are doing is very clear to anyone who has seen them recently.

    I had the opportunity to play with Gillan on the same solo tour you mention and you couldn’t meet a nicer guy. It was a dream come true (literally–as I used to have dreams that I was on stage with Deep Purple. Crazy stuff).

    Glenn Hughes is still one of the top singers–period. A long string of albums speaks for itself. “Addiction” is one of my favorites–a very heavy album–and the work with Tony Iommi is nothing short of classic.

    I’m going to ruffle feathers here–just my opinion–but I thought that next to Dio-era’s “Heaven & Hell,” the Hughes-fronted “Seventh Star” was the best of the Sabbath albums. I never cared for Ozzie. In my humble opinion.

    Nevertheless, get “Fused.” Awsome.

  37. 37
    reviewer65 says:

    Glenn Hughes has always been very ambivalent to me. His steaming bassguitar blows me away again every time I hear it, even in a low quality video like this one. But his voice (or better the way he misuses it despite some really great studio songs in the past the last years) seems to be still a “songkiller deluxe”. On the new Ken Hensley album for example he sort of showed his “capabilities” to ruin a song completely again on “the last dance” with his vocal artistics. I dont know what exactly it is, but it really kills the song for me in a way he already did on purple live versions with “you keep on moving” etc.

  38. 38
    Solitair says:

    Exactly, reviewer65! A great singer, but still these “vocal artistics”. Song killers to me as well.

  39. 39
    Mitzidupree says:

    Everybody in Purple (inc. Jon Lord) said that “nobody’s can’t change the Purple ‘s singer (Ian Gillan). It tried in 1973 that Coverdale and Hughes came. Burn & Strombringer still can’t reached that Gillan done (In Rock, Fireball, Machine Head & Made In Japan) with : Charts, Sales and many more.
    Burn reached the Top 10 Albums (UK & US) were helped from the Mark II single, Smoke On The Water (#4 USA, 1973).
    Coverdale & Hughes ‘re good voices & they ‘re more younger 7 years than Gillan. Coverdale was Bluesy Rock from beginning until now. Hughes was funky (1970 – 1980), in 1990 he tried to be (heavy) rock singers and did it.
    It’s different when you trying to “battle” the Purple ‘s singers.
    Gillan’s voice was unique and he still screaming (from 1966) until now and he’s introduced into rock music the “vocal belting” technique (Wikipedia).
    Everybody in music industries loves Gillan, for ex. Tim Rice, Pavarotti, Julio Iglesias, Tony Iommi, Joe Satriani, Bruce Dickinson and many more.
    So…please..let’s keep on Purple, ok ?

  40. 40
    Robert Daems says:

    I just like them all, some more than others, but all the DP singers have and had their value for the band.
    JLT is not one of my favourites, but he helped the band through a tough period. I think later on the band discovered that they would have a better future by getting rid of another member.
    Everyone who is playing in Deep Purple, or who has played in Deep Purple has made his contribution. That’s what we all love!

  41. 41
    Purpoz says:

    The guitar on this works for me, and I find it quite reminiscent of the original. When you consider the approach Blackmore took to his studio solos on stage throughout his DP career (& thereafter), there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this interpretation. One of Ritchie’s many strengths was his knack of hanging a live solo from certain reconisable hooks in the original, but then improvising / inventing everything else between – and Burn is a classic example. So, I reckon anyone taking on a Blackmore solo has a free pass to wander and explore the territory – it’s not taking liberties, it’s your duty!

  42. 42
    T says:

    Well said Purpoz.

  43. 43
    TonyfromTexas says:

    Why fight about who is better! We must all remember that we have ended at this site because one common ground. we are all, to some extend, Deep Purple fans. I have been a DP fan since I was 12 and just celebrated my 40th B-Day. At my age, there is no sense in knocking a person(people) because of his or her preference. In my humble opinion, i believe that IG, DC and GH are great singers. No singer is better than the other, they have different styles. They have contributed in one way or another to a great Dynasty. Yes, i like sabbath and zeppelin, but Deep Purple has a special place in my heart as well as in the hearts of countless people around this world. Instead of argueing, we must raise our voices and give them the credit that they deserve. Many times i have seen younger bands given greater credit for having a one hit wonder. It breaks my heart to know that people have not been given the chance to appreciate the greatness and power that DP has. In a time of mass communication, people should do some research and expose themselves to real music; that at times is served in very raw and unprocessed form. Only DP can serve it like this,MADE IN JAPAN. Go ahead, put on your headphones, close your eyes and enjoy any line-up you want. It is the same result. You will find yourself in a purple passage. I could go on and on, but i rahter let the DP gentlemen do the talking. IMHO, a purple freak

  44. 44
    tincholes says:

    Great version of 1 of the greatest DP songs ever! Glenn is a rock god, absolutely no doubt about it! He can still rock hard and reach all the notes.

    About the guitar work, it’s good, and not completely different from the original. The only thing that wasn’t good was the melodic parts of the guitar, this guy seemed more concerned on playin’ fast, but he still did good.

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