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The Highway Star

Setlist poll: jury’s in


The setlist poll is closed and here are the results:

  • Highway Star (58%, 1,040 Votes)
  • Perfect Strangers (56%, 1,006 Votes)
  • Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming (48%, 874 Votes)
  • Smoke On The Water (44%, 796 Votes)
  • The Battle Rages On (42%, 763 Votes)
  • Rapture Of The Deep (41%, 746 Votes)
  • Knocking At Your Back Door (41%, 740 Votes)
  • Fireball (37%, 675 Votes)
  • Fools (37%, 674 Votes)
  • Lazy (37%, 667 Votes)
  • Anya (36%, 652 Votes)
  • Pictures Of Home (36%, 644 Votes)
  • Speed King (35%, 640 Votes)
  • Child In Time (35%, 626 Votes)
  • Black Night (33%, 601 Votes)
  • Rat Bat Blue (33%, 601 Votes)
  • When A Blind Man Cries (33%, 599 Votes)
  • Space Truckin’ (30%, 534 Votes)
  • Strange Kind Of Woman (27%, 490 Votes)
  • Demon’s Eye (27%, 486 Votes)

Some random thoughts on this matter:

  1. First of all, a big thank you to everyone who voted or left comments. Your interest in the poll exceeded all our expectations. And thanks again to Martin Ashberry for the idea.
  2. You just can’t please everyone, setlist or not.
  3. A set comprising of top 15-20 songs would be not that far off the mark from what the band is playing now. Like it or not, it seems that they give people exactly what they want.
  4. On the other hand, 56% of those who voted would rather skip Smoke On The Water and hear something else in it’s place. See #2.
  5. Keep The Battle Rages On and bring back Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming! Also, Anya could be a nice addition to the North American tour. I remember once wearing a TBRO t-shirt to a concert in Toronto and was surprised as to how many people came over and asked if I got to see that tour.
  6. I’m sure for many of you it was an agonising experience of selecting just 15 songs and throwing out many more. To quote Jim Corrigan:

    The setlist poll is a case in point. I’m afraid it might be a big, “I told you so!” from the band. We can go on and say 15 isn’t enough, or Guitar Parade isn’t a song, etc. but the poll is, like many have already stated, much to our chagrin, bearing out what the band has been saying all along.

    I actually had a *very* hard time picking just 15 songs. Would I like all new stuff – yes! But! Would I miss some of the old stuff? You bet! It came down to what I really like – and yes there was some older stuff in there — Fools, for example.

    If the band has anywhere near the trouble picking a setlist for a tour, as it took me just to satisfy a poll (15) and myself (the songs), I truly now think they must go through some sort of musical agony coming up with what they think everyone wants to hear.

That should settle the setlist debate for now.

We are open to suggestions as to what other polls you would like to see on The Highway Star. Leave a comment below.

33 Comments to “Setlist poll: jury’s in”:

  1. 1
    Peter Neumann says:

    The message is: bring back Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming!

    It´s the classic Song from the Morse-incarnation and I really hope it will come back and be a regular part of the set for next years.

  2. 2
    Tracy Heyder says:

    And There We Have it!!!!!!

    Yes it was hard picking 15 from the list. But, that being said…..of course the voted list is similar to that of their present set list. The poll was limited to picking from 60 songs, when there are approx. 200 songs from all of their albums.

    My suggestion for the next poll is this. Don’t limit the choices. Do the same poll but open the choices to any and all Deep Purple songs from all their albums and see how that pans out. Either way, it’s all fun and I will be there in Atlanta on the 12th and St. Louis on the 24th this month to cheer for my favorite band, even though they may not play all of my favorite songs, my favorite band will be playing.

    I’m pulling for “Sun Goes Down” from Bananas!!!!!!!!!

    I will do a tour review for sure.

    I look forward to the new Poll.

    “As long as there is Deep Purple, how can I be Blue”?

  3. 3
    Chris Sigman says:

    Ya know, i couldnt agree more. I started out my set list and ran into the same problems. do I adore the new album?? oh yeah!…BUT I really can’t think of many DP albums that I DONT’s treasure. The end result is that I honestly couldnt come up with just 15 songs that would cover the bases, and I didn’t want to just send along my personal favorites set list. With any given DP show, its really hard to go wrong with any songs they play. Hell, Ian could sing me the alphabet and I’d be happy (As long as Steve, Paicey, Roger and Don join in!). The long and short here, I couldnt narrow my set list down to less than 26 songs, all of which I NEED to hear. I just couldnt grasp 15 sojngs out of hundreds. Couldn’t do it. I dont want a hit parade and it would be fair to everyone else if only my songs were played, and their not all necessarily ones that other folks want to hear. I am talking about Fools. I am talking about Smooth Dancer. I am talking about Anyone’s Daughter. How about Mary Long? Wasted Sunsets? Haunted???

    Hi I’m Chris, and I am a Deep Purple Addict.

    My only recourse? Im going to both New england shows and hoping for different sets!

  4. 4
    Martin Damary says:

    Which all makes me wonder, why don’t the band spend, say, three nights in each town and go through three concerts’ worth or repertoire? Fans would surely love it and Deep Purple could even enjoy the places they tour in. Maybe.

  5. 5
    mike whiteley says:

    Only 2 songs from the Morse albums made the top 20 ?!?!?!? Very sad.
    It seems there’s no incentive for Purple to keep recording new music…..

  6. 6
    Rich says:

    The last 3 times I’ve seen Purple they have NOT played SIFLS.

    Hopefully that will change with the upcoming tour.

  7. 7
    mr. moonlight says:

    The message is bring back Rithie Blackmore!
    And Blackmore is Deep Purple!

  8. 8
    Rascal says:

    I guess it shows DP’s current career is based mainly on nostalgia, with the more recent stuff receiving only a brief airing. Considering the age of the band, and comparing them with similar aged acts, this would seem normal.

    Mind you with the length of time DP actually appear on stage these days its no wonder we dont get to hear a broader spectrum of songs

  9. 9
    John George says:

    My favorite Deep Purple song with Morse is “Ted the Mechanic”! 5 star song!!!….I just made a MP3 cd of all my Deep Purple favorite songs; Gillian Band songs; Gillian Glover songs; Whitesnake songs, Tommy Bolin songs; Glen Hughes/Thrall songs; and Rainbow songs. 12.5 hours long!! Now that’s a set list!!……..(The first song is “Burn”)…..

  10. 10
    max says:

    I agree, Tracy! Don’t limit the choices! Do a poll where we can pick from all songs – or, say, the ones that Ian sang on record, because for obvious reasons he won’t do Coverdale’s songs, let alone the Turner ones. I would go for the likes of Smooth dancer, Place in line, Flight of the rat, Strangeways, Time to kill, Somebody stole my guitar, Pictures of innocence… and I would prefer every sinlge one of those to another go at Black night or Hush.


  11. 11
    igge says:

    Interesting result, but not really surprising. My list would include more songs off Who Do We Think We Are, Purpendicular, Abandon, Bananas & Rapture than the earlier albums. We’ve all heard the In Rock+Machine Head songs live so many times they’re very close to being boring. Blasphemy? C’mon, admit it, you all wanna hear the songs that has never been performed live before.

  12. 12
    Stathis Panagiotopoulos says:

    Does anyone know how many actual *people* voted? I have the feeling that the poll should go on for longer, to let more people use it, more “mainstream”, even “casual” fans/ concert-goers (I use the words very reluctantly, you know what I mean). I have the feeling that most of the people who voted are the hardcore fans, so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to the results.

  13. 13
    Jim says:

    How do you make everyone happy with a setlist with the awesome library of Purple songs? You simply cannot! I can honestly say that I will see them when they come to St.Louis in July wondering if this will be it, as in the last time I will see them as a group. I will savor every note because it has been a helluva ride. Also Blackmore is not Deep Purple, Purple is MUCH bigger than Blackmore, he was only a part of a much bigger picture.

  14. 14
    lewis dolgin says:

    I would love it if some songs from the battle rages on were on the setlist when dp tours america. anya,the battle rages on and solitaire would be magnificent when dp plays wallingford,ct aug 2,2007. no show would be complete without hearing child in time-never seen that song live.

  15. 15
    renzo says:

    No many surprises except Anya and Rat Bat Blue… but it could be nice a concert with 12 great songs about MKVI and MKVII and 4/5 classics. I think that DP is one of few band who still write great songs after 40 years, and is clear that they still enjoy’emselves.
    Sometimes I feel…., The Aviator, Hey Cisco, Fingers to the Bone, House of Pain, Bananas, Sun Goes Down, and almost half of Rapture album would be a powerful live set list.
    Long Live DP

  16. 16
    mr. moonlight says:

    Ritchie Blackmore is Deep Purple. Or at least biggest part of Deep Purple.
    Deep Purple is picture of Ritchie Blackmore with background – Gillan, Lord, Paice, Glover, Coverdale, Hughes, Turner, Simper and Evans.

    Blackmore is the greatest.
    This set list pool show the truth. All of two songs are Backmore’s music performed by/togheter, with/ Deep Purple.

  17. 17
    Nick Soveiko says:


    1,807 people casted 25,037 votes. how many of them are hardcore fans as opposed to casual? your guess is as good as mine. but the ranking didn’t change much since the first day, so results are fairly representative for THS visitors.

  18. 18
    Jim says:

    If Blackmores Knight came to your town to play and Deep Purple was there also on the same night who would sell more tickets??

  19. 19
    purplepriest1965 says:

    What conclusion are you drawing, Jim?

    If madonna sold more tickets than Blackmore or Purple, would you imply Madonna’s music has more quality…..

    Please never stop to try learning to think LOGICAL, please…..

  20. 20
    Gary Norcott says:

    Mr Moonlight – you really should get out more. The different incarnations of DP are just that, different, and the band is better for it and it’s what has kept it going. Blackmore, as much as we all loved his playing, was a pain in the ****, and when it comes down to the music, there’s a monumental amount of great music from the band from 1993 onwards that matches anything that went on in the early 70’s and mid 80’s. Just listen to it with open ears & an open mind and stop living in 1971. We were all there, and it was great indeed, but it’s great DP music now. For me, Purpendicular and ROTD are up there with the best. Enjoy.

  21. 21
    Bo says:

    I still miss Burn (I know it’s not a Gillan song BUT is Hush that?) and House of Pain.

  22. 22
    foxy says:

    DP will surely sell more tickets. Blackmore’s kind of music is not meant for a large public, it’s not understood by many. Just my opnion, anyway!

  23. 23
    Cranberry says:

    Old songs = nostaglia

  24. 24
    Frans says:

    What a stupid discusion with or without mister Blackmore.
    RB has made a great job with DP. He was one of them. And he has have a good feeling to make differents rifs and so on.
    But when he desited to stop I thought this is the end of a great band.
    Joe S gave Purple the reanimation they needed so the rest of the guys were
    convinced that they getting on with it.
    And when they presented Steve Morse in 1995 I was positive suprised.
    DP brings songs at the very past I never heard live, (pictures of Home and so on), they made again great albums.
    The solo’s witch Seve play’s (also RB songs) are 100% Deep Purple, he still looks enthousiastic, motivated. He loves the audiances soo for me its clear, Ritchie Blackmore, thank you for the years in Purple and Steve thank you very much you’l keeping Purple alive. I loved your guitar solo’s, you never dissapoint me, your Purple Albums are fresh. Please keep on moving with the band so I can show my children what kind of music dady prefear.
    (Sorrie for my English)

  25. 25
    dpprpl says:

    the interesting fact, rather, is that 2 shows of BN and Purple in the same town would mean a larger display of Blackmore songs, proving furthermore his majesty. (only that the DP set would be played by an excellent guitarist but without the soul, imagination and improvisational skills of TMIB)

    Desired songs: Hard Lovin Man/Woman combo, Wring that Neck, Mandrake Root, Solitaire, Sunsets, Spanish Archer, Strangeways, You fool no one, Soldier of Fortune (BN and WS play it)…. and why not… The Cut Runs Deep
    Just dreaming.

  26. 26
    martin correa says:


  27. 27
    Jim says:

    Purple Priest you are correct, Madonna would outsell them both but, we are comparing two different type of fans. Blackmore was a genuis with the guitar and no doubt still is, but if was up to him would there still be a DP??
    I will take DP with Morse or TMIB just so there is a DP, I’ve seen them both and they were outstanding. DP is band, a sum of all of its parts, no matter who was in or who was out I followed them and will until the end. Thanks!!!

  28. 28
    kevin t says:

    didnt some of you people attend shows in the 80s and 90s? they played a lot of these songs

  29. 29
    Mark says:

    Well, it’s all about what you personally like or don’t like, isn’t it. The poll was interesting though, as the band does seem to have a general idea what their fans do want to hear. It may not be all the songs that I want to hear, but if you’ve ever seen them live, you must admit it’s a great show no matter what they play. Personally, I would like to see a show with all Morse era songs, but then I’ve seen them live before, so I wouldn’t be disappointed not to hear the older songs. Well, maybe Highway Star,… You can see the bands problem. You may have heard Smoke,… a hundred times before, but why?, because they are great songs. Besides, some long time fans, or new fans, like my 13 year old son, never got to see them live in the 70’s, so believe it or not, not everybody has heard Highway Star live. It’s #1 in the poll because we have seen it live. How disappointed do you think my son would be, if he goes to his first Deep Purple show this year, and they don’t play Smoke? That’s the reason he want’s to go. The bottom line is, whatever they play, I will go see the show, because it’ll be great, because there’s hardly a song I don’t like. And that’s a good thing to know going in, isn’t it?
    Maybe one of these days Coverdale/Hughes/RB will tour with non-Gillan songs. That wouldn’t be so bad either,eh? You’d still go, wouldn’t you?
    Hey, guys, play whatever you want, but play more shows in Canada,eh !!! It’s a big country and costs a lot to travel. Looking forward to the show in London, Ontario, Canada.

  30. 30
    Chris Sigman says:

    Hey, I had kind of a groovy idea about what I would call an ideal Deep Purple Set. Rather than try and develope a wish list, which I previously mentioned I simply could not do and keep it fair to all and < 26 songs, why not this?

    How about 3 to 4 songs from each Deep Purple generation?

    technically this is already in play, but a complete set list that covers MKI thru MKVI would kinda sorta rock in my humble opinion. My personal fav albumns do not get the credit they deserve, and even DP with JLT, not the strongest effort, but better than most of what passes for rock n roll today.

    what do you all think??

  31. 31
    Paolo says:

    why the best song in Rapture’s album..not appear?
    Money talks!!!!!!!!
    a favourite setlist for deep!!!
    Intro/speed king
    no one came
    strange kind
    rat blue
    ive got your number
    one man’s meat
    knocking at
    mad dog
    hard lovin man
    living wreck
    black night
    super trooper
    smoke lucille!!!

  32. 32
    Manny says:

    These are my favorite songs.The song Highway star from concert Come hell or high water,and When a blind men cries from Perihelion are master pieces.You can’t forget Child in time,Anya,Beethowen,Lazy,Hush,Kentucky woman,Speed King,Black Knight.
    Deep Purple sounds the best when they are playing live.

  33. 33
    Fabio says:

    Deep Purple is biggest than Blackmore… But Jon is the Lord!!!
    Please bring back Jon Lord!!!

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