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Jon Lord sees tingling strings in Denmark

Jon Lord December 2006Tonight in Odense, Denmark, Jon Lord witnessed an impressive performance of his piano concerto ‘Boom of the Tingling Strings’ performed by the Odense Symphony Orchestra conducted by Paul Mann and featuring Nelson Goerner on piano.

Jon Lord and Paul Mann, December 2006

The near-sold out concert was a resounding success with a prolonged standing ovation, for which Jon Lord joined Mann, Goerner and the orchestra onstage. The full programme was the ouverture from Weber’s ‘Bride of the Hunter’ (Jægerbruden), Jon Lord’s ‘Boom of the Tingling Strings’ and Carl Nielsen’s ‘Symphony no. 4’.

Jon Lord onstage for ovation

After the concert, patrons were invited to a Q&A session in the next-door Carl Nielsen Museum. Here orchestra manager Jesper Lützhøft introduced ‘the Mann and the Lord’ to an attentive crowd of around 60 people. Over glasses of red wine, Lord, Mann and Goerner answered questions about their music.

Q&A with Lord, Mann and Goerner

Paul Mann asked how many Deep Purple fans were in the crowd …
Any DP Fans in the house?
… and remarked how loyal Deep Purple fans and rock in general are compared to fans of classical music. Jon Lord stressed how he doesn’t see his music as either or, as it is his ambition to break down as many musical barriers as possible.

At the end, Jon Lord signed autographs to fans young and older. This lady said how much she had loved the concert – but she’d never heard a Deep Purple record.
Jon Lord with fan

Look out for a more detailed report of the Q&A session.

During next week, Paul Mann, Nelson Goerner and the orchestra will record ‘Boom of the Tingling Strings’ and Jon Lord’s ‘Disguises’ for EMI Classics.

Watch tv interview with Jon Lord prior to concerts.

13 Comments to “Jon Lord sees tingling strings in Denmark”:

  1. 1
    Rasmus Heide says:

    Read interview with Jon Lord (in Danish):

  2. 2
    fra says:

    i can’t understand danish at all, can someone post here something about the interview?

    anyway, JL looks in a very good shape!

  3. 3
    Paul Mann says:

    Nice to see everyone in Odense.
    You might be interested to know that

    An extended feature on Jon Lord, with exclusive interview and music – including previously unheard excerpts from his work for piano and orchestra “Boom of the Tingling Strings” – will air on Radio New Zealand Concert FM’s “Upbeat” with Charlotte Wilson, between 12 Noon and 2pm (NZ time, which is 13 hours ahead of UK time) on Friday 22 December.

    For those not able to listen live, the feature will be available to download for a week afterwards at the following link:


  4. 4
    Pete Schuptar says:

    Who’s this Charlotte Wilson bird then……… eh?

  5. 5
    Paul Mann says:

    Damn. That’s my cover blown….!

    Well, Pete. If you would like to enlighten DP bloggers everywhere, please do feel free!

  6. 6
    Peter Schuptar says:

    Sorry…………my responsabilities only extend so far, maestro, lest I be acused of being a gossip and unfaithfull to the cause whichever one that may be. No clearly this is your job. Can you do it? I have enough to do over the next two weeks, thanks!
    Speaking of……….see you soon if you ever get out of Heathrow!
    Muddy Knees,

  7. 7
    Paul Mann says:

    OK, Pete.. I’m sure no-one’s that interested, but I am marrying Charlotte at the beginning of January, in New Zealand. We met when she interviewed me on her radio show earlier this year.

    And Pete Schuptar, erstwhile DP fan, whom I also met when he interviewed me for the Australian DP website a few years ago, is going to be my best man.

    So there you go.

    Happy Christmas everyone
    Paul Mann

  8. 8
    Rasmus Heide says:

    Well, well … Thank you both of you for sharing these tid bits with us here at THS. I don’t recall if we’ve ever before had the pleasure of announcing romantic plans from within the Purple Camp.

    On behalf of the full THS team, congratulations and please have a great one, Paul. I’m sure it will include emotional tingles on a completely different scale to those evocated in Odense recently. 🙂

    Happy christmas indeed.

    (By the way, how did the Odense recording sessions come along?)

  9. 9
    Peter Schuptar says:

    Now you’ve done it….I was hoping to keep my arrival in NZ a secret from NZ customs due to that incident in Auckland some years ago……..now I’ll have to grow a beard….or worse…..boobs. I’m not sure the suit will fit.


  10. 10
    Paul Mann says:

    Thanks Rasmus – so kind of you!

    The recording sessions went really well, and I think we have a great disc in the making. Due out sometime in the late spring/early summer, I think.

    And Pete…I think the beard and boob combination will suit you very well.

    Good luck!


  11. 11
    Henrik Maymann says:

    Hi, and thank you for a splendid evening in Odense, December the 8th.

    I have some questions concerning the actual recording of Boom of the Tingling String.

    Is the whole orchestra miked up, so there is a microphone for each instrument?

    Is it recorded onto a computer?

    And do you record the whole piece in one take, or do you stop if something goes wrong and take it from there?

    – best christmas reagrds and a congrats on your marriage.


  12. 12
    Paul Mann says:

    Hi Henrik

    Glad you enjoyed the concert.

    I’m not too sure of the technicalities, but the orchestra is miked up in various ways according to the kind of music being recorded. For this kind of recording, there is no need to mike individual instruments, as we did for the Concerto for Group and Orchestra, for instance.

    Yes all recordings are recorded and edited digitally these days.

    We certainly don’t record all in one take. We do many different takes and edit between them. It took five days of five hours per day to record just over an hour of music!

    Thanks for your congratulations, and all best for Christmas and the new year.


  13. 13
    Fabian J Lelo says:

    Hey Paul,

    I thought I saw your name advertised somewhere that you were in Auckland this year. Damn I should have come down. And all the best for the wedding next month.

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