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The Highway Star

Mission: Impossible?

Okay. There is a gap in the Deep Purple story books. There is a deafening silence during Deep Purple documentaries. There is a man who is still the voice of Deep Purple every time he sings “Hush” on classic rock radio in the U.S. and elsewhere (it still gets a lot of play in the States, dunno about elsewhere).

Rod Evans.

[to the tune of “Hush”]:

Rod, Rod
I thought I heard you worked as a doctor
Rod, Rod
You goofed in ’80 but we love you ever after

Where is Rod Evans? I don’t know, and I have been looking for Rod for years. Do you know? If so, get in touch. If you are Rod, and you’re reading this, *please* get in touch. All is forgiven. The 1980 thing was half a lifetime ago.

Come home, Rod Evans. Your public awaits.

If you happen to know where Rod Evans is now, we would love to know. Rod hasn’t said much about his time in Deep Purple or Captain Beyond or Mercy Hospital, and what stories he must have. Ha ha!

If you’re a detective or a spy or anything that involves investigation (but not radiation poisoning), maybe you could use your investigative skills and resources to (legally) find Mr. (Dr.)? Evans.

Give the Deep Purple historians a holiday present. Let’s find Rod Evans. We just want his anecdotes. We’ll have a 1980 moratorium.


30 Comments to “Mission: Impossible?”:

  1. 1
    Karl-Heinz says:

    As an old Deep Purple Mark I fan, it would be very nice to hear something personally from Rod.

    I think the first three Deep Purple longplayers are the most progressive ones.

    I also love Captain Beyond, The Maze and the rare solo-single (which is to be found on a bootleg).

    I think 1980 is long ago, and the mistakes are long forgotten. But I know there are a lot of Rod Evans admirer still today. Look at the Nick Simper homepage and read the guestbook:


    I can understand that Rod will have his privacy, but the internet is a real anonym platform – so maybe he would like to say some words to the fans.

    So please reply here.

    Have a nice christmas, Rod.


  2. 2
    legris richard elprupdeep@w.fr says:

    you’ll will see him on the 24th if you have been a good boy all year round.!!he is living in the north pole!!!!!!!!have a lovely christmas all of you.cheers. legs.

  3. 3
    scott wood says:

    i met a purple fan at a steve morse band show in sacramento around the time of purpendicular and we have been friends ever since. (pat) likes to recount the time he had an offer to meet rod evans in the 80’s or early 90’s but he passed on it! pat’s friends mother worked at a hospital in auburn california and heard of pats purple interest. she told her son to tell pat that a guy named rod evans who used to be deep purple’s singer worked there as a respiratory therapist. she arranged a meeting and for whatever reason pat did not show! he kicks himself for that still! i called that hospital the next day after hearing that story and asked the receptionist to page rod evans. she did but there was no reply. i have pulled up internet lists for respiratory therapists but found no rod evans. i am fairly sure he lives somewhere near me in northern california. i live in oroville and deep purple mk1 played 20 miles from here at the chico state university on april 30, 1969. i have checked a few of those “find anyone” websites and found many rod evans’ in california but none that match his age or the age is not listed and they want to charge a fee to proceed. if anyone has leads or wants to help get in touch. i will be glad to check near me as i am pretty sure he is in the area.
    scott wood.

  4. 4
    fan says:


    Please try and get in touch with Dick Rao in California. Give Thames Talent a call and speak to Barbara.

    Rod is doing fine.

  5. 5
    scott wood says:

    will the mysterious fan give me another clue? california is a big place! where in california? if you know rod is doing well you could save us some time…..
    and who is dick rao?

  6. 6
    fan says:

    call thames talent in CT. And ask for Dick Rao’s contact info.

  7. 7
    scott wood says:

    o.k., how about the mysterious fan email me personally!

    And The Address……
    if against policy of THWStar… rasmus (or whomever) has my permission to give my address to the “fan”.

  8. 8
    fan says:

    He works in San Francisco as a paramedic.

    The rest is up to you to follow up on.

  9. 9
    fan says:

    He being Rod. Please let us know what you find:)

  10. 10
    fan says:


    Try searching here.

  11. 11
    Rod Evans (not really) says:

    Oh, geez. You guys never give up?

  12. 12
    Marcelo Soares says:

    Fan, would it be that revoked license here?


    I personally happen to like Zabasearch, which took me to find the home phone number of mr.Linquito. Take a look:


  13. 13
    fan says:

    Bingo you have found him!!

    Mr. Evans was/is a licensed RCP in California and had some legal actions on his license due to a DWI conviction.

    Now you know that he is indeed alive.

  14. 14
    fan#2 says:

    sorry but you guys have not found him. thanks for all the useless info. i found someone who knows exactly where he is at, talks to him, and he is not telling!

  15. 15
    Tom Atkinson says:

    Come back Rod! Brilliant vocalist, if he is still working as a RCP somewhere, he will see possibly hundreds of people every week, and to them he’ll just be a doctor…

  16. 16
    Armworth says:

    For me, Rod Evans will always be the voice of progressive. I prefer the first three Deep Purple albums over any of their later work. I appreciate the technical capability of Ian Gillan’s voice and he is a great singer, but he ain’t Rod. Captain Beyond receives heavy play in my iPod too. I hope Rod comes back around sometime, if only to say hey.

  17. 17
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Missed out on this one as well

    So people who think I m a Blackmoron or a Deep Purple fanatic, forget it.

    What probably lured me away from THS between may 2006 and april 2007 was my time with Anke.

    And do you know what….
    I did not care….

    BTW. Rod……Come back!

  18. 18
    Holystargazer says:

    This message is for SCOTT WOOD
    I want to write him a private message
    anyone knows him personnaly and tell (or write him) to contact me please? at stngds9v@hotmail.com

  19. 19
    Rosemary says:

    I’m reading all this rubbish and I have to say that Fan #2 writes of false hope. He does not know him or anyone assciated with him. He only read this thread and put his 2 cents in.

  20. 20
    Rosemary says:

    A source of a source told me Rod is out of West Covina, California.

  21. 21
    Scott W. says:

    I was in touch with the webmaster of the now defunct Captain Beyond site a few years back (Hartmut Krinkle?) and he basically told me he knows where Rod is, communicates with him, and to leave him alone, do not attempt to search for him!
    That was Hartmut’s statement, not Rods! Rod has a protector it seems….

  22. 22
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Obviously Rod became quite the Ass Hole. I have a problem when one with the talent and then the gift as was given him buries it all and doesn’t use it. Captain Beyond was a blessing that should have catapulted him to superstardom beyond Purple. To this day, by favorite splinter project. Incredible record (the first one). I guess choosing to be a recluse and probably destitute is a better choice????


  23. 23
    John H says:

    I am about 90 percent certain I’ve located the Rod. It’s a shame about the bogus Purple, otherwise we might get to hear from Rod. From my research he is married with a college age son and he’s nowhere near West Covina. (I’m near there so let me know if you have info.) What’s curious is none of the son’s online friends or interests are about music or DP. What are the odds that Rod has also successfully kept his DP past from his family? I am not going to contact Rod or his son or give away the info I have. I also realized he’s about 30 miles from one of my uncle’s ironically enough, and I’ve actually driven right by his area a couple of times the past few years. Rod is still alive in December 2012. By the way, I also today was curious about judgements and if they expire. I researched that and found that while there is a statute of limitations for debt it can be renewed. So sadly this DP stupidity has probably silenced Rod from the music world for good. The next time we will hear about him is when he passes away. That’s a terrible shame.

  24. 24
    Kevin Smith says:

    I think Deep Purple’s trademark owners realize that Rod was used as a tool by a snake promoter. DP would likely release Rod from his liability if he promised not to use the name DP in any way going forward. I doubt they want to see him die broke, they just want to protect the DP name.

    I don’t have any concrete facts, I’m just basing this on comments I’ve read by key DP members like Paice, Lord, and Gillan.

  25. 25
    Rick Krenske says:

    If the man wishes to remain anonymous, let it remain that way. He has his reasons.
    In my opinion, it was Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord who really made Deep Purple.
    Jon’s gone and Ritchie is happy (even though he doesn’t smile much) playing his new music with his beautiful wife. Like the Beatles said, “Let It Be”!

  26. 26
    Jeogger Matthews says:

    I believe Rod was practicing medicine in Orlando, Fl a few years ago.

  27. 27
    Sandra Josephs says:

    A friend of mine told me He knows Rod’s ex wife & works on her car. She apparently live in Bergen county in New Jersey. Wonder if it’s true.

  28. 28
    alexandre says:

    He is living in Northern California. He is retired now. He decided to leave the music business a very long time ago and live a very private life. He became a Respiratory Therapist. But, he became very private.

  29. 29
    Christian says:

    Alexandre really??

  30. 30
    Leslie Fergusen says:

    I was just a friend of his when we all lived in the San Fernando Valley in Southern CA. I met him thru my good friend who was a Respiratory Therapist and she and Rod had worked in the same hospital for awhile. But the three of us and sometimes another friend would join us, as we would go out on the town and have a few drinks, sometimes, dinner and we did that for several years. I have since moved but always wanted to see how he was doing and what he was doing. He had a great sense of humor for sure. Hope he is well and alive.

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