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Reviewing Rapture of the Deep

Rob asked in a comment on this blog if I could post my track-by-track impressions of “Rapture of the Deep”. I was about to post it here in the blog when it got too long and I decided to include it in our ROTD special instead. Not my first impressions though but my impressions after hearing the album six times or so. Sorry it took so long.

It’s wierd for me to review Deep Purple albums. First, I’ve never thought of myself as a particularly good reviewer. Second, it’s hard to write something that makes sense when you’re a fan. It’s easy to fall into “whoa! Amazing” and that really isn’t helpful to anyone.

It’s a bit confusing when I put on a new Deep Purple album. I am one of those people who are lucky enough to so far always have enjoyed what Deep Purple has recorded, no matter who was in the band. Over the years, I’ve been accused of being part, or even head of, a “Deep Purple can do no wrong mafia” but that’s simply not true. I think most people who know me know that I can be very critical of the band, especially when it comes to what they are playing live. But when I listen to the album and think about what I should write about it, I can’t really think of anything else than “whoa!”, “great!” and “yeah!”

I’ve always had this problem but it got worse since I started working as a journalist. But then I have to realise that this site is not a regular paper for lots of “normal” people with perhaps, at most, a casual interest in the fact that one of the classic bands in the history of rock has released a new album, this is a site for Deep Purple fans. If I had reviewed a CD for a paper, it would certainly have looked different.

So, even though I’m not a big fan of track by track reviews, that is what it became this time. You can read the thing here.

21 Comments to “Reviewing Rapture of the Deep”:

  1. 1
    Peter says:

    This sounds really promising. How would you say Steve Morse playing is compared to the other Morse era albums? I hope that there soon will be some samples up and running so we ‘deadly’ can get a chance to hear it.

  2. 2
    Svante says:

    See, there’s another problem with reviewing. I may be a big DP fan but I have a hard time commenting on things like this. Maybe it’s easier for a guitarist but as a drummer, I wouldn’t even dare to compare Paice’s drumming on this album to other albums.

    Steve plays guitar, I can promise you that. :^)

  3. 3
    -Marko- says:

    How nice it really is to read someone’s comments about the RotD… It would be even more nice with soundclips… Any chance yet?

  4. 4
    Svante says:

    No permission from the record company to post clips yet, sorry. We are working on it.

  5. 5
    Arnaud says:

    Great review Svante. How is Ian’s voice ? And can we hear Roger’s bass properly throughout the whole record (I think it wasn’t the case in Bananas)?

  6. 6
    Svante says:

    Thank you. Ian is using his voice well and we even get the odd scream or two for those sho like that sort of thing. And Roger’s bass is clearly audible throughout the record with it being even more present in a couple of the tracks.

  7. 7
    Arnaud says:

    What about Paice ? The other review states that he’s laid-back. Another review said that there was a classic, Space-Trucking type roll… Paice hasn’t done that for a while, so, what do you think of it ?

  8. 8
    Svante says:

    What did I just say above? :^)

    “I wouldn’t even dare to compare Paice’s drumming on this album to other albums.”

    I don’t also think it’s relevant to compare performances more than 30 years apart. I think Paice has done a lot of good drumming since 1972. He was younger then but on the other hand he has more experience now. Same thing with Gillan and his voice. And all the guys’ performances of course.

  9. 9
    Craig H says:

    Thanks for the review. I’m quite prepared to wait for the full finished article and, as a keyboard player myself am looking forward to first “real” full contribution.

  10. 10
    Reinaldo says:

    I have listened to the whole album now (twice), so I will review it properly next week, but I agree with Svante. It is unfair to compare things, but I am disappointed with Ian Paice. The whole record seems to be a jam at studio and recorded. I would say “SLOW” for a Purple record. Thoser were the times of hard rock.

    Good listening though if you have “open years” but the die-hard Man in black fans will be disappointed again. This is no hard rock. It is a evolution from Bananas. I am thinking of a crossover between Abandon & Bananas. Not bad, not good. IMO.

  11. 11
    Svante says:

    If any Blackmore fans (note the difference from DP fans) still complain about this album not sounding like when Blackmore was in the band, they need to seriously think about what they are doing. Blackmore left the band 12 years ago. The longer time goes, hopefully the band will drift further away from the ghost in black. If one is a Blackmore fan more than a DP fan, I don’t understand why one hasn’t understood after all this time that DP is a band not worth bothering about anymore.

  12. 12
    Peter says:

    Have anyone heard the Japanese bonustrack ‘Things I Never Said’? What does it sound like?

    About the Blackmore issue above. If you miss him and can´t appreciate Morse playing and contribution to the band just go and get the latest Blackmore Night…

  13. 13
    Alan Johnston says:


    Firstly, I agree with the Blackmore sentiment – I once saw a fan being ejected from a concert who was clearly only interested in heckling. I if you don’t appreciate then let those that do enjoy it!

    I happen to think that Steve Morse is doing a tremendous job. The 3 studio albums so far released – I have found to be really enjoyable.

    Apologies (change of subject) but I have tried to e-mail THS staff such as yourself on the forum but the answer comes back as Undeliverable and that your e-mail is no longer in use – per the staff e-mail addresses listed.

    Have the e-mail addresses changed? And if so how can I e-mail THS?

    Apologies for the question!


  14. 14
    Svante says:

    We had some temporary problems with our mail when we switched servers a couple of weeks ago. They should work now. Sorry for the confusion.

  15. 15
    Marcelo Soares says:

    I know how hard it is to find a fair balance in reviews. You know who you want to talk to, but not only them get it. And even them sometimes don’t. In 2003, I reviewed Deep Purple’s concert in Porto Alegre (south of Brazil). They were the last band to play that night, preceded by Hellacopters and Sepultura. I said in the review I was there to watch Deep Purple, not the others. I mentioned I had even enjoyed what I had heard of Hellacopters, and added I had been beaten like crazy during Sepultura, all for the sake of being two meters away from the stage when Deep Purple was there. But Hellacopters fans read my review and thought I don’t understand anything about rock (because I didn’t say how amazing they were), and Sepultura fans wrote back saying bad things about my mother. But, dammit, I was there to watch Deep Purple. That was clear since the first paragraph.

  16. 16
    André says:

    Hi! I’ve heard the new album completely for several times now. I agree with a comment that says it is a mix between Bananas and Abandon. Definitely this is not a hard rock album. It’s an evolution from bananas.
    I noticed a variety of keyboard sounds in it (hammond, moog, piano, etc). Cool!
    I found kind of annoying the delays (and pre delay, in case of the ballad) used on the the vocal (I heard it with a headphone…).
    ROTD is probably my favorite song on the album.
    On November 1 and 2 they will play here in Sao Paulo (Brazil) @ Credicard Hall! Very Cool!! I’ll be there!


  17. 17
    Milan says:

    “I found kind of annoying the delays (and pre delay, in case of the ballad) used on the the vocal (I heard it with a headphone…)”

    I always refer to that particular thing as “ghost effect” as it sounds kinda ghostly to me. I seem to remember it was on previous Purple albums like Abandon too, but it was most definitly used on Picture Of Innocence from Bananas. I think it´s quite a nice effect if not overused and in the right context.

  18. 18
    brandon says:

    My Name Is Brandon And I Am 12.
    I Love Deep Purple I Saw Them At The Bell Center in Montreal.
    And I Have To Say Thay Pout On A Hell Of A Show.And I Have To Ask Why Dont You Like Bananas I Kinda Like It I Mean Some Of The Stuff Is Relly Heavy.I Play Drums For 7 Years And Counting.And Sum Of the Stuff On The Album Is Good I Actuly Like The Ballads On The Album.When I Saw Them And Thay Did I Think thay Did Haunted And I Was Blown Away.
    I Relly Like When Thay Did When A Blind Man Cries.But I Was Sickend With The Crowd Thay All Stood Up And Left.I Felt Like Telling All Of Them HAY Man What Are You Doing Your Hear Seing Deep Purple And Ther Playing ther Harts Out For YOU And You Stand Up And Walk Away? Come On.So Thats Why Im Saying Why Are You Abandoning Bananas And Waiting For Somthing Better When Thay Recorded Somthing For Every Deep Purple Fan To Love And Not For Someone To Say Agg This Sucks Lets Wait For The Next Album And See What Happens.

    P.S. Roger Glovers Bass Playing Is The Best!

  19. 19
    brandon says:

    But Thay All Came Back When Thay Finished W.A.B.M.C. And Did Smoke On The Water

  20. 20
    fernando says:

    que descaro pedir de mas , siempre he considerado que hace muchos a

  21. 21
    hak says:

    hi wise people i have a problem, i’ve just received the album!!:) it’s great. But i wanted to listen to it on my computer and i can’t because winamp doesn’t see the audio files on the cd. It seems it’s very well protected:| What programs do you use? any other solutions?

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