Deep Purple secret gig

It took place, folks! Thursday, May 30th, in The Multihouse Club in Esbjerg, Denmark. I quote the faxed report from Rasmus Heide in Denmark : "There were about 100-150 people seated at small cafe-like tables, watching Deep Purple going through the set list for the summer shows. The setlist appears to be the same as it was in the first leg of the tour in early spring, although the band did take a 15-minute break. As far as I know nobody at the show actually taped it, but we'll have to see. I think locally in Esbjerg the word was out about the show, but only among the people connected with Friday's festival". Rasmus himself wasn't there, he was notified 15 minutes before the show, which is 2 hours drive from where he lives!
Stathis N. Panagiotopoulos
Deep Purple Appreciation Society, Greece
Review : Deep Purple at Tobakshuset, Esbjerg, 30. May 1996

Deep Purple in Esbjerg, 30. May 1996? WHAT?!!
Yes, it's correct, tomorrow is the big day, DP will play at the Esbjerg Rock Festival. I drove to Esbjerg tonight to meet some of the fans from Copenhagen, who arrived today (the day before the big concert).
When I arrived in Esbjerg, some fans called me on my mobile phone and said that DP are playing at Tobakshuset tonight! So I drove to Tobakshuset and the first thing I saw is a tour bus and a truck. Tobakshuset is a little place, there's room for 200 in the audience.
I walked into the place and DP was on stage playing "Black Night", and continued with the total setlist from Germany (I think)!
Ian Gillan came down on the floor to us maniacs and gave us a beer between two numbers. There were about 100-120 people in the hall, mainly people who are helping the promotor of the festival tomorrow.
All people were sitting by tables, and we were sitting 1,5 meters from Roger Glover and Ian Gillan, who naturally were standing on stage playing.
The band were very relaxed and made lots of fun between the numbers and I noticed that the chemistry was on top and the mood was great! I'm sure that this section of the tour, as the first section, will be a great success with the audiences.
In the middle of the rehearsal concert they had a break to discuss the second half of the show, it lasted for 15 min.
Roger accidentally pushed his beer down from the drumstand, so he had no drink. So I walked to the bar and buyed him a beer, and gave it to him on stage. I think it's many years since a member of the audience have given the band a beer in the middle of a concert! :-)))) [Well, I saw a jerk here in Norway throw a pint in Ian Gillan's face in 1990, but I guess that doesn't count... ed.]
I hope my 36 pictures are great! [So do we! ed.]
It was a highlight to se a DP concert at a small venue with great atmosphere, very close to the band (1,5 meter). When I got up this morning I didn't know I would see a DP concert tonight!
Tomorrow, 31. May 1996, DP will play at 22:15 o'clock at the Esbjerg Rock Festival and the crowd no doubt will go wild!
Thanks Roger, Jon, Ian, Ian and Steve for a great rehearsal concert - keep on rockin'!
Today a big general newspaper called me and asked me to write an article from the concert. I agreed, naturrally, and I am sure it will be a very positive article.
Med venlig hilsen/Regards
Photos © Otto Poulsen/PT-Resarch Int.
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