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Saarlandhalle, Saarbrücken, Germany
June 19, 2003
Lynyrd Skynyrd produced a performance out of the top drawer.
The crowd felt all the energy and power which the band put into their songs
and went mad. There was only one question after such a brilliant act: how can
Deep Purple top this?
Mission impossible!
Make no mistake, I am Deep Purple thru' and thru', ever since 1970 - however,
there was no way anybody could have come near Lynyrd Skynyrd's level of performance
that night.
Deep Purple had their highlights too and the crowd responded superbly. Steve
Morse was arguably the best guitarist on stage all night, but never before did
I miss those smooth transitions from riff to solo (to which a certain Mr. Blackmore
had spoilt us) so much.
On such a truly great night there was only one regret, and that was that Lynyrd
Skynyrd performed before and not after Deep Purple.
Anyway, thanks for a memorable night, folks!
Ernie Bernardy
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