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The Highway Star

Bend it like Gary

Deep Purple were featured in the BBC Radio 2 show The Rock Show with Johnnie Walker that aired on July 19, 2024. Ian Gillan and Roger Glover were guests of the show. You can listen to it on the BBC player, where it will be available for 30 days after the first airing. Gillan’s bit starts at approximately 14 minutes into the show, where he tells the story of him trying to prove to a robot that he is a human. Roger appears at around the 44-minute mark, introducing his pick for the rock god — Gary Moore.

Thanks to Darker Than Blue for the heads-up.

Comment to “Bend it like Gary”:

  1. 1
    Aireight says:

    Going from the Paice interview where he talks about Gary’s natural ability, to Big Ian’s favorite song with Simon’s GM influenced playing and then to Roger!

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