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So complicated


In a new interview with German publication Welt, Ian Gillan discusses Russian politics, title of the new album =1, Brexit, making friends in Germany in 1965, and almost setting his house on fire. All the usual caveats about reverse translations fully apply.

[…] Everything has become infinitely complicated these days. We have to give up our private data for the smallest of tasks. If you don’t do that, you can no longer take part in social life, in everyday life. That is the background to the title of our new album “= 1”. It used to be that three minus two was one. Today the processes that lead to this result are much more complicated. I know a scientist in Tasmania who gave me a very long calculation using square roots and other symbols to illustrate this. We have printed it in full length on the inside sleeve of the vinyl record (he opens the cover, points to a very long formula).

Read the interview in German on Welt.de or via Google Translate in other languages.

Thanks to Tobias Janaschke for the heads-up.

13 Comments to “So complicated”:

  1. 1
    DeeperPurps says:

    The truth is now revealed…..that Tasmanian scientist is MacGregor.

  2. 2
    Uwe Hornung says:

    It’s sad to see those spacious 70ies recording studios disappear one after another, each one with its own sonic character. Music needs to breathe, it needs room for full effect, just like it benefits from being heard in an actually existing space. But we live in an age where most music – even rock music – is made in a completely virtual environment to be then consumed via AirPods/earbuds. People don’t own hifis anymore, don’t listen to the radio, they live in small urban apartments and don’t need a car (with a good stereo) to get around. The only time they actually hear music loud out in the open is at the odd live gig.

  3. 3
    Gregster says:

    Geez…I hope it’s not in my hand-writing…

    Peace !

  4. 4
    John says:

    Did Brexit-supporting musicians (like Ian) who regularly tour in Europe not realise how hard it was going to make it as regards work permits, customs, merch sales … basically everything which used to be frictionless and easy?

  5. 5
    MacGregor says:

    @ 1- ha ha ha DeeperPurps, I wish. I would be hitting Gillan & DP up for royalties big time. It is probably Gregster as he is much more into the mathematical side of things. Mechanics & musical theory etc. One thing is for sure though, it will probably sit Uwe back on his backside as he is usually giving us innocent Taswegians a hard time & all. Mind you I wouldn’t mind playing it out a little though as Uwe is admirer of Gillan’s prose & this recent revelation could confuse him somewhat. Cheers.

  6. 6
    Uwe Hornung says:

    John @2: I think Gillan did very well realize that, but in line with his at times contrarian instincts didn’t give a damn. Unfortunately, Ian at the time seemed to have fallen a bit for urban myths like the (in real life non-existing) European Regulation about how curved a banana may be to still qualify as one. As the UK has now experienced first hand, the much derided EU rules proved to be non-abolishable in the aftermath because most of them made good sense (and they were in any case much less in amount and depth than national regulations).

    I read a while ago that for a band like DP all the BREXIT-created hassles and new hindrances to touring Europe are surmountable, they have an organization that could likely get a tour in North Korea done with all the red tape if they were allowed to play there. Where BREXIT has proven crippling though is for smaller bands that cannot rely on a well-oiled organization like touring behemoth DP, they simply tour the Continent less and/or need more preparation and resources in doing so, losing flexibility in the process.

    But that is BREXIT for you, very few people voted for it giving the consequences deeper thought. I’ve never been a fan of putting complex issues to referendums, it invites knee jerk decisions.

  7. 7
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @4 and 6: I guess the only stuff regarding DP’s touring being affected by Brexit would be the work permits for the band members, and whatever crew is British. I assume all tour operations and equipment originates from Germany so no need for complicated customs stuff. I have a feeling most of the crew is from the continent as well these days? for example, last I checked, the FOH sound engineer was from Germany and the drum tech from Italy.

  8. 8
    Uwe Hornung says:

    For Purple a lot is surmountable and their earnings give them leverage to invest in avoidance schemes like having a complete European backline and PA mothballed in German storage.

    But not everyone is DP and can afford tax advisors and immigration, tariffs + insurance/social security specialists:




    But after all it is for a good purpose: All that UK money wasted for the EU tyrants before is now saved and funding the NHS which has been going from strength to strength since 2016. These musicians are just moaners who don’t see the bigger picture of post-BREXIT affluence.

  9. 9
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Most drummers can only count to four (if sufficiently trained), with Herr MacGregor being such a Prog nerd, I’m giving him the benefit of doubt and say he can probably do a seven or even nine on a good day. 😂

  10. 10
    MacGregor says:

    In regards to big Ian’s disdain for the modern computer robotic way of things (which I agree with), what happens when he next visits Japan? Haven’t they got robotic receptionists at check in these days? ” Hello Mr Gillan, how are you today’, ha ha ha. Ian Gillan has suddenly left the building. He probably has encountered that already one would think, or perhaps not. Cheers.

  11. 11
    MacGregor says:

    @ 9 – I am honoured Uwe, thanks for such a high rating, up to nine. The only trouble is now I am going to have to learn how to get past seven. Cheers.

  12. 12
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Knowing Big Ian, his disdain for robotics would perhaps be mellowed by the quality of execution, no?


  13. 13
    dima says:

    50 years in prison for a music magazine? Has he gone completely crazy? Even Ukrainian propaganda did not come up with such nonsense lol

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