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The straight and narrow

Glenn Hughes is celebrating his achievement:

Thanks to BraveWords and Gary Poronovich for the heads up.

22 Comments to “The straight and narrow”:

  1. 1
    James Steven Gemmell says:

    Good job, Glenn. One day at a time. Wish all the Purple People, band and fans alike, a happy holiday season.

  2. 2
    Gregster says:

    @1 I guess if after 25-years of being “straight” one is still remembering “those-times”, the issue may not yet be fully gone away !

    Well done, & stay straight Glen ! Keep that seat-belt-on while you ride in the wagon.

    Peace !

  3. 3
    Tony says:

    You keep on monin’ Glenn !

  4. 4
    Uwe Hornung says:

    It controlled much of his life for a very long time, so I’m fine with him rejoicing about leaving it behind even if that type of exhuberance approaching the religious is not exactly my taste.

  5. 5
    Leslie S Hedger says:

    Congratulations and well done Glenn!!

  6. 6
    Tracy(Zero the Hero)Heyder says:

    Uwe Hornung @4:
    Glenn has always given credit for his sobriety and extended life to his finding faith in GOD, ever since he kicked the habit that was detrimental to his life and which also took the life of his fellow cohort, bandmate and friend… Tommy Bolin. In all due respects, very few are successful in that accomplishment on their own or with AA intervention. GOD is amazing when one gives HIM the chance and is made the focus of their life. Sorry you find discomfort in that, but it is a rare and miraculous recovery and too bad so many others who have dealt with that demon didn’t find Glenn’s path. We have lost too many in the recent years who might still be here had they succumbed to a relationship with our creator….Congrats to you Glenn on your ever vocal appreciation as to who is responsible for your present status. The evidence is clear. May GOD continue to Bless you and I give thanks that HE has, so that we may have all of the music you have created and shared with us over the decades. The odds were against you, but HE carried you through and our world is better for it. CheerZ!!!!!

  7. 7
    Paul Bernays says:

    Thank God Glenn survived. What an amazing – and unlikely it seemed – achievement. A gift to all of us too, the music he makes and the life force he is.

  8. 8
    max says:

    @ 6

    With all due respect … I have known people that considered themselves very close to their ‘creator’ but it – or him? – did not keep them from dying because of their addiction. So maybe it is more down to the help you get, the will you have to, good luck or a mixture of all the above and more. I can see absolutely no evidence of any god doin’ the job here as there are on the other hand lots of people that never had any connection to any god that overcome addiction and enjoy a very long and happy life.

  9. 9
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Tracy, I’m happy for Glenn – and anybody else – to have recovered from addiction. And if they put that down for themselves as a work of God, I’m fine with that as well, horses for courses. Whether that needs to be communicated in an exalted-effusive tone or whether you cannot simply say thank you quietly to the deity of your preference is a matter of taste – I’m too wry a person myself for eruptive praise and worship. I’m neither an addictive person nor one that seeks solace or help from higher powers.

    And as for the far more fundamental subject of the existence of (any) God or not, I have decided to park the resolution to that question until after my death and the conversation with him/her/it I will then hold – or not. I haven’t slammed the door on any surprises, but I don’t count on the supernatural in the here and now either.

    Agnostic regards!😘

  10. 10
    Gregster says:

    @9 Good reply there Uwe. Non-offensive & yet open to possibilities, as many people find themselves feeling that way.

    Life’s journey is just that, a journey where for some, many infinite possibilities exist, & will reveal themselves when searched out. The choice is up to the individual, but it’s worth noting that the time has never been better to search however !

    Once again, keep that seat-belt on Glenn !

    Peace !

  11. 11
    Uwe Hornung says:

    One thing that is truly a wonder is that – given the amount of cocaine he once did – his heart has held up (though he had a heart attack once, many, many years ago). So many once heavy cocaine users were not as lucky and damaged their heart permanently and in the end fatally (think Robert Palmer or Rick Parfitt). Good genes, Glenn, thank your parents.

  12. 12
    MacGregor says:

    More like good luck than good genes me thinks. Many are very lucky indeed to be still here at this moment. Cheers.

  13. 13
    Gregster says:

    Yo, the “Pheonix Rising” DVD features extensive insight into MK-IV DP, & the antics that GH & TB got up to. Well worth taking the time to watch it should anyone be interested in Mk-IV DP plus GH & his life experiences.


    Peace !

  14. 14
    Gregster says:

    @11. Thanks for your post Uwe, I didn’t know that Robert Palmer was a snow-blind casualty & damaged his heart in this manner, with the obvious result.

    RIP Robert Palmer…

    And what an outrageous & many varied musically-stylistic career he had too…I must admit that in recent years learning about Lowell George & Little Feat’s involvement with his first 3-odd releases in the ’70’s made me acquire these albums, & they’re awesome records imo. That said, there’s no doubt that he then became a major-player through the 1980’s with Powerstation, & other solo releases in the radio-world, with massive success. I also grabbed a “classic albums” 5-disc boxed-set of his, & it reveals a multi-faceted musician, that could either create his own authentic style of music & sound, whilst also being able to successfully master the realm of traditional “Jazz & pop” with his later material. Who knows where he could have found more success had he been with us longer ? He may not now be revered as say David Bowie is, but he was quite a notable “chameleon-like, ever-changing” musician, that made the late 1970’s & 1980’s radio good to listen to. He made his mark, & left his stamp, that’s for sure ! And his albums contain no “filler” per-se, but the tunes dive deep into becoming their own entities.

    Peace !

  15. 15
    Svante Axbacke says:

    In the immortal words of a rock singer we all know: “Another thing I won’t discuss is reeeeeligion, it always cause a fight!”

  16. 16
    Uwe Hornung says:

    By Thor, you’re right, Norseman, let’s not provoke the wrath of the Gods!

    Robert Palmer was extremely talented, but he preferred being in the studio and being creative to standing on stage reenacting or improvising. Whether with Alan Bown, Vinegar Joe, solo or the Power Station, he was never comfortable on stage or communicating with an audience, it just wasn’t his habitat. And he hated touring. That automatically limited market saturation. He’s known for his music, his immaculate voice, the hits he wrote and an iconic vid, but not for live performances. That doesn’t mean he couldn’t cut it live, he just didn’t like it. More Brian Wilson than Tina Turner.

  17. 17
    Rock Voorne says:


    I think owning a beachhouse in sunny California, having great friends, a very professional Betty Ford clinic, DP and a Tsunami of sessionwork royalties helped a lot.

    I was amazed by the foul language Glenn used when I saw him, first time ever, at Vlietpop, Leidschendam.
    Once I met a guy standing in line at De Boerderij in Zoetermeer who have me his phone number because allegedly he had the whole show on video….


    I lost the number, damn!

    Maybe people here know how to get that recording?

  18. 18
    Michael says:


    Glenn’s heart did indeed suffer from his substance abuse. There was more than one heart attack. And in 2013 he had to have a heart surgery. Some content on California Breed reflects on that. Remember “Breath”?

  19. 19
    Uwe Hornung says:

    “I was amazed by the foul language Glenn used when I saw him, first time ever, at Vlietpop, Leidschendam.”

    Well, he’s from Birmingham after all. Go watch the Peaky Blinders Netflix series to hear how they talk (and swear) there!


  20. 20
    Uwe Hornung says:

    Michael, I have to give that a listen then, danke. I was underwhelmed by California Breed (the guitar work wasn’t up to scratch) both in the studio and live, but will revisit now.

  21. 21
    Rock Voorne says:

    @ 11

    I knew of his kicking the habit so I did not, again money and budget interfering, his book, which was alleged a lot about the additionstuff.

    I only later read he had a relapse around 1997.

  22. 22
    Eitablepanties says:

    Awsome Glenn, 25 years congratulations!………….I’ll drink to that.🍷

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