Writing BCC4
Glenn Hughes posted on his Facebook page that him and Joe Bonamassa have started writing new music for an upcoming Black Country Communion album (scheduled for release in May 2017):
Here we go #BCC friends – followers & fans .. Here is @joebonamassa and I @glennhughesonline ?we started writing BCC4 at my LA home today ..full of #gratitude & for our #friendship .. I want to thank all of you for your love and support.. #musicisthehealer #loveistheanswer #blackcountrycommunion #brothers ??
— with Joe Bonamassa.
Thanks to Blabbermouth for the info.
don’t fuck it up this time around,Me,myself and Glenn.It is not about you,but the band.
September 6th, 2016 at 19:23YABBA DABBA DOO!.
September 7th, 2016 at 02:58Yeah
New good rock n roll and blues will come to us
Can t wait
September 7th, 2016 at 06:02God knows how many times I played BCC first three albums. The music is so powerful and rich and leave you wanting to play it again MUCH louder. Maybe the guys from DP could learn and lesson or two on how to write rich songs from starts to end instead on relying on world class producerto glue bits and pieces from a Mickey Mouse writing sessions by the band. I thick Glenn Hughes is the best DP member of the DP family tree after Richie and Lord and Paicy.
September 7th, 2016 at 09:17I think ‘Now What?!’ kind of proved that Purple could still write, and working with the right producer certainly helps (as it did for BCC). Glenn is certainly talented, but I have always felt that he needs to write with others to get the best out of him, otherwise his solo work is littered with too many fillers. I do like BCC’s work, although the third album was the weakest (for me at least), probably due to the majority of the writing being left to Glenn. I want BCC 4 to be great, hopefully Glenn will keep his ego in check and not screw it up again. I think it’s admirable that the other chaps have decided to give it a second go, especially Joe, whose solo career is very successful; he doesn’t need to do this but clearly wants to give it another go. PS. Looking at the above photo I hope that those high-heeled boots aren’t Glenn’s haha.
September 7th, 2016 at 11:27Glenn Hughes has the strongest back catalogue of most the Deep Purple Alumni (the exception being Blackmore). There is gold to be found in many of Hughes’ solo albums, but where he excels most is in collaborations with others such as Tony Iommi (Dep Sessions 96, and Fused); Voodoo Hill albums with Dario Mollo; and of course BCC.
September 7th, 2016 at 13:32good news, at least!!!!
September 7th, 2016 at 14:39Perhaps Purple should work with Kevin Shirley !!
September 7th, 2016 at 17:44I disagree #6. Gillan was a very good band with some great albums and Born Again is the best Sabbath album since Master of Reality. Plus he sang the part of Jesus on the original Jesus Christ Superstar album.
September 8th, 2016 at 23:07Hi Dr. Bob @9. I don’t disagree about Gillan. He put out some fine albums under his name in the late 70’s / early 80’s and I love Sabs’ Born Again album, which in my opinion is one of the best and heaviest in their catalogue. I have JC Superstar too. And Gillan has put out a few solo projects here and there since the late 80’s, of varying quality. Of course his work with D.P. speaks for itself.
As for Hughes, he has been releasing solo albums or been in joint projects with others consistently since he departed Purple in 76. He is much more prolific than Gillan and in sheer numbers, his more recent catalog the past 20 years dwarfs the output of Gillan.
Individual taste will dictate whether one prefers Gillan or Hughes. I like both in equal measure, as each are unique and are fine writers and performers. I think the edge goes to Hughes for overall musicianship and writing, especially when he collaborates with other top notch artists such as Iommi, Voodoo Hill and BCC. I do think however that overall Gillan’s lyrics are deeper and more clever.
September 12th, 2016 at 02:34