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Cheers to the open lines

Glenn Hughes Resonate cover; image courtsey of Frontiers Records

Glenn Hughes spoke recently to the Hard Rock Haven. He talked about his new solo album (by the by, it is called Resonate and will be released on November 4), Black Country Communion upcoming reunion (studio sessions are planned for January 3-11 next year with tentative release on May 21), Coverdale’s Purple Album (“David and I are as close as you can get”, yet he had to learn about the album through third hands), and the HoF induction. He also claims that Blackmore asked him to take part in the recent Rainbow shows:

HRH: Well, you mentioned Ritchie when we were talking about Purple. He recently went out on the road with a new version of Rainbow. As a vocalist from that era and as a friend of Ritchie’s from back in the day, what are your thoughts on the new Rainbow?

GH: He asked me to do it with him.

HRH: Really?

GH: And I said no because he wanted to, funny enough, he wanted to use an unknown singer and I said, “It’s not me. It’s not me to do that.” I’ve done that with David and it was good. I don’t want to do it again. It was something…I said, I very eloquently said, “No thank you. I really would like to see you, but I can’t do this at the point where I am right now.”

HRH: It’s still nice to know that that kind of communication exists between you two.

GH: It’s completely open.

On his schedule:

[…] I’m completely booked until Christmas and then January is Black Country. Then late February I start my next American tour in the spring and then all the way into Europe and festivals in Europe and America.

Read more in the Hard Rock Haven.

Thanks to Team Rock for the heads up and to BraveWords for additional info.

6 Comments to “Cheers to the open lines”:

  1. 1
    Chris says:

    Great album cover

  2. 2
    nupsi59 says:

    I think I mentioned it some time before: “What is the opposite of name-dropping?”

    Have a nice Day!

  3. 3
    James says:

    Gosh …does he really believes what he says? I wonder what’s wrong with this man. I really do.

  4. 4
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    Glenn HUGE!. ♡.

  5. 5
    uwe says:

    His driving bass playing would have done the two lame Rainbow gigs I saw sure a lot of good. And given Mistreated a funky feel it lacks with any other bassist on earth.

    Say what you will about our beloved bigmouth, but I’ve seen him work his ass off before mini-crowds of a hundred people, stage is stage to him, whether it’s a club or the California Jam.

  6. 6
    MacGrgor says:

    I read this comment a few weeks ago before I went offline to move interstate. Blackmore allegedly asking Hughes to perform with them. His bass playing would have been appreciated big time, maybe some supporting vocal & then we would have no need for the backup singers. But would Hughes put up with Blackers laying down the law as to his antics? Also of interest is that Hughes had his knee replacement surgery not long ago & how he would have handled being on stage playing a few gigs. On another perspective, not that long ago he was pushing for a MK3 reunion of sorts. I guess his recent solo activity may have been the reason also, keeping focused on that. But I would have thought Hughes would have taken that opportunity to play with Blackmore again for a blast, even if he didn’t like Rainbow & the medieval classical thing that the Dio era performed. Interesting comments indeed!

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