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BCC rising from the ashes?

Black Country Communion in 2012; © Christie Goodwin, photo courtesy of Noble PR

Extra! Extra!

Looks like the supergroup Black Country Communion that imploded in late 2012 / early 2013 over what at the time seemed to be irreconcilable differences, might rise from the ashes some time next year. Glenn Hughes posted this on his Facebook today, April 20:

The lads …to quote Joe this morning …”maybe it’s time

Which was followed a few hours later by:

Preparing BCC Rocket Ship Re-launch for 2017? all systems go @joebonamassa @glennhughesonline @jasonbonhamofficial @derek_sherinian @kevthecave ✌✌?✌✌✌

Producer Kevin Shirley confirms:

“We’re refurbishing the fuel tanks and refitting the rocket. Getting ready for takeoff in 2017 again, and I’m fired up … Who’s ready for another dose of BCC!?

Jason Bonham responded with a stock picture of the band simply titled “2017 !!!!”

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the heads up.

28 Comments to “BCC rising from the ashes?”:

  1. 1
    Gary Wilson says:

    BCC was an absolute beast……can’t wait to hear the new stuff!

  2. 2
    Hard Rock Pete says:

    Well this is interesting. I think Joe has come to the conclusion finally that Joe Bonamassa “solo” has become boring and uninspiring. I saw him and band last month at Byron Bay Blues Fest, 2 hours south of Brisbane, Australia and left after 30 minutes. It was like being at one of those LA tribute shows, boring and one dimensional. I think if you look, his big sellers have been Joe/Beth Hart and BCC. although I did think “Dust Bowl”2011 was a great album.
    I for one applaud BCC collective decision and wait now with baited breath for 2017.

  3. 3
    nupsi59 says:

    When I read this, I thought, this is a late april fool.

    Joe Bonamassa’s career is going very well, his latest studio album is really superb!

    But when Guns n’ Roses can do it, these guys can do it.

    Let’s see and have a nice Day!

  4. 4
    Jouko Juntunen says:

    Good news, good band! (y)

  5. 5
    Paul Flewitt says:

    It wasn’t really irreconcilable differences was it? Glenn threw the dummy out because Bonnamassa had touring and recording commitments and Hughes didn’t like it. Call it what it is; Hughes being his usual diva self.

  6. 6
    Adel says:

    Best news since my ex wife told me she is pregnant. They are awesome they rock they are the best thing that happened on the rock scene for years.
    I will book to see them not once not twice but at least three times. Come on Glenn it’s time you kicked some ass.

  7. 7
    Tracy(Zero the Hero)Heyder says:

    Well Glenn did say in that recent interview that “BCC” would be his last band that he joins and fronts. Guess he was telling it like it is…

    Glad to see it. Got to see them in St. Louis and they were great! This truly is a SUPER GROUP and Glenn better praise GOD that he is getting another shot at it. He can enjoy an actual successful career finish and stop chasing after a recognizable band for his spotlight. Finally the Great Glenn Hughes has landed something solid and quite substantial. Glad to see it and look forward to it. Seeing him in August in Kentucky and now next year BCC is back.

    Congrats Glenn. DON’T BLOW IT!!!


  8. 8
    peter chrisp says:

    Excellent news i agree with nups his latest album is quite good. Having seen him 4 times he puts on an amazing show, i have not at all been disappointed by any of his concerts so far. And to my surprise he’s announced yet another tour, good news all round on both fronts.

  9. 9
    Raymond Burchfield says:

    Is it real or is it Glen? Time will tell.

  10. 10
    The Velvet Lapel says:

    This could go either way but I hope that it happens and they tour the States again. I was lucky enough to see them on what I believe was the second show of their opening warm-up tour right before the 2nd album came out (I bought an autographed copy at the show) at a place called the Grove in Anaheim California and you could tell that they were working out the kinks and cues of a live show and I would love to see them live as a well greased machine. Soon after they were in Europe on the tour that the DVD came from. Because of the lack of Radio support (I didn’t even hear anything about it on the “Classic Rock” stations until the week of the show and never any BCC songs) and the fact that Joe was not the “Star” that he is today there were fewer people there then at a good cover band, no more than a couple of hundred and that is being kind.

    I think I will listen to them here at work today.

  11. 11
    DeeperPurps says:

    Good to see that Joe B. is now finally seeing the light! This is the best move ever of his career. Could it be that now Glenn Hughes is a Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, that Joe has returned to his senses…..that maybe the big time exposure they need in the States is now potentially within their grasp!?

  12. 12
    josh says:

    Yesss, absolutely fantastic news 🙂

  13. 13
    byron says:

    Great band,no doubt at all..but they’ll make one record,they’ll tour for some monthes and they’ll split again in 2018,with Glen telling us “all the truth”.Same old story..

  14. 14
    Ivica says:


  15. 15
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    Wait & see, egos & emotions etc,. But I reckon a few live concerts where they play some songs from “Afterglow” would be real beaut. Especially “Midnight Sun” & “Common Man”. Hmmm… Just the thought of it,…. yes, I’m gradually rising to my feet & becoming erect!. I say, NURSE!!!. But what about Voodoo Hill I hear you ask?. Well perhaps their latest album “Waterfall” in some way helped to inspire this coming reunion, well it’s a nice thought anyway. Hey!, has anybody seen the remote control anywhere?, I was certain I left it on the coffee table….. Smiles to ya!.

  16. 16
    Phil Reed says:

    “Hard Rock Pete” – what complete nonsense…..Bonamassa is simply the best. If you left after half an hour that says more about your lack of musical taste than anything else!! Hughes has never been anything more than an average singer….decent enough at the lower range, up high a screeching painful noise. Please don’t do it Joe, overall your voice is better or do more work with Beth a truly world class singer..you don’t need a “bit player” like Hughes. I’ve got all the BBC studio albums but rarely listen cos Hughes vocals ruin the great guitar playing or Sir Joe!!

  17. 17
    kraatzy says:

    wow … thats very very very cooooool … 🙂 🙂

    lets rock



  18. 18
    kraatzy says:

    the best NEWs since Blackmore will make some Rock´N´Roll …


  19. 19
    Coronarias says:

    At the rate some of Glenn’s contemporaries and juniors are dropping, 2017 might be a bit of a gamble……

  20. 20
    Tahvo says:

    I have to say that I’m not so excited about this. I hoped that Glenn would have taken still some more adventorous musical directions. He has in any case promised to do a solo album in next summer, I hope that there would at least enough soul & funk and whatever, not just same old cliched blues-based rock, only thing that Joe B always does. I own all BCC albums, but I have to say that have listened much more many of Glenn’s solos albums than them.

  21. 21
    Starchaser says:

    Glenn Hughes gets into Hall of Fame not that he needed it but well deserved. Guess who comes a knocking? I thought , didn’t the blues prodigy do a runner last time? Also took the name of the band with him, GH should be a little cautious consider the other guy who did a runner on him, the guy from Led Zep huh. Remember California Breed.
    Message to Joe get rid of your baby sitter, chissakes that ‘legendary producer.’ Egg.

  22. 22
    al says:

    @ at this point,we know he is playing some rock nostalgia,we don’t know yet whether he will be inspired enough to make some new music.

  23. 23
    RB says:

    Would have been interesting if he got to write and record with Doug Aldrich, but I hope this works out for them. I thought the songs were better on BCC 1(production was dire though) and then there were less choice numbers and more fillers on the other two. Joe’s career doesn’t need this but maybe he fancies a break from the stress of being the main man, just hope Glenn doesn’t screw it up. I like Glenn’s voice, but when he gets excited and screeches then I switch off, hope he can reign-in those histrionics. Good luck to em’.

  24. 24
    John S says:

    Seriously? What Beth Hart, Rock Candy Funk Whatever and Jimmy Barnes’ daughter don’t want to do another covers record? I said this three years ago. BCC should just get another singer/guitarist–Joe Satriani, Joe Perry, Peter Frampton, anybody can be the guitarist in this band.

  25. 25
    Hard Rock Pete says:

    @16. Hey Phil Reed, attack me why don’t you! Hate to pop your balloon but, JB is NOT the best. Sorry. At best he is a very good copier of the best. Try Hendrix, Page, Clapton, Kossoff and Blackmore. All innovators. Just to name a few. You call Glenn Hughes a “bit player’ and an “average singer” and you attack my taste in music? Laughable. I just checked my record collection and don’t see the name “Phil Reed” anywhere. What have you done Phil? to make you such an expert and to cast dispersions on peoples music tastes? Hmmm?
    Where you at the Australian gigs? If you were then you would know I was only one of dozens who walked out of the gig before me. Not only was he boring, he looked bored too, and it showed. At the end of the day Bonamassa is a good businessman who just happens to play guitar, and he knows where the money trail is. BCC. Get used to it.

  26. 26
    Phil Reed says:

    Hey Hard Rock……..thanks for the advice but my balloon is still fully inflated thank you!! I’ve been listening to music since late 60’s so all the guitarists you name I’ve listened to and greatly admire……sadly you miss out the second greatest after Joe and that’s the late great, much missed Jeff Healey!! No I wasn’t at the Australian gigs as it would be somewhat expensive flying to the other side of the world but I have seen him 6 times in the good ole UK and each time he has been totally outstanding. He also was anything but disinterested, maybe he was just responding to a great audience in the UK!! Btw I don’t profess to be a singer Hughes does…..also laughable. Take care buddy.

  27. 27
    Moe says:

    This is GREAT news. I got into JB through BCC and I think they’re both phenomenal. I’m really looking forward to my fourth JB show in Toronto later on this year and a new recording from BCC next year. BCC reuniting is the best musical news I have heard in quite a while!

  28. 28
    BrownBobby says:

    These guys together are the BEST Rock & Roll band in 30 years

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