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22 years too late

Apparently it happened, nevertheless. There’s no word at the moment whether this involves just the Mark 2, Marks 1 to 3 (or 4), or the whole shebang, though.

Update: according to Billboard, it is Marks 1 to 3 that are inducted, while New York Times gives a list of members that include the first three lineups with the notable omission of Nick Simper.

Induction ceremony will be held on April 8 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York.

HoF Foundation President and CEO Joel Peresman smugly remarked to the Billboard:

It’s very interesting that people have certain opinions about it when they’re not inducted, and for the most part they put that past them and realize what an honor it is and really embrace it.

This reporter sincerely hopes that the band will do the honourable thing and show them the finger.

50 Comments to “22 years too late”:

  1. 1
    Boswell's Johnson says:

    It’s Mk 1-3 only, sadly.

  2. 2
    scottbuster2000 says:

    The one positive of this happening now is Steve who as we all know, is their longest reigning DP Banjo player should get in with them. I don’t see the Dregs ever getting in so this is good….but Jon [Sigh].

  3. 3
    scottbuster2000 says:

    The Hall Deep Purple performer inductees are: Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale, Rod Evans, Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Glenn Hughes, Jon Lord, Ian Paice.
    No Nicky Simper?! Steve?!

  4. 4
    scottbuster2000 says:

    ”The inducted members of Deep Purple — the British band that helped define the sludgy musical language of heavy metal — include most of those from its classic period of the late 1960s to mid-70s: Ritchie Blackmore, Ian Gillan, Jon Lord, Roger Glover, Ian Paice, Rod Evans, Glenn Hughes and David Coverdale. But it does not include Nick Simper, the band’s founding bassist, or Tommy Bolin, who played guitar on only one studio album (“Come Taste the Band,” 1975).”
    DEC. 17, 2015, BEN [Sludgy Musical Language] SISARIO New York Times.


  5. 5
    Bottockss says:


  6. 6
    Andrey Barabanshchikov says:

    The first three lineups. The best news of the last 22 years.

  7. 7
    Stathis says:

    Apparently it does NOT involve Nick Simper, Tommy Bolin, Steve Morse and Don Airey. It does involve all the rest.

  8. 8
    KC1961 says:

    Whatever “Mark” or “Marks” it is, I hope they tell RRHOF to “ram it”.

  9. 9
    Moreblack says:


  10. 10
    George Martin says:


    Morse and Airey should have been included as well.

  11. 11
    Blackwood Richmore says:

    Thar she blows!…

  12. 12
    Steve Hawker says:

    Please, please, please, please, please. Don’t turn up.

    Book a nice gig somewhere and do what you’ve been doing for 40 years: rocking the joint.

    Ignore ALL questions about this stain, except to say “No!” when asked if you’ll play.

    DP don’t need publicity but walking away from the Hall of WHO?? will definitely bring in more publicity than meekly accepting. Lydon was right.

  13. 13
    Scott says:

    That’s a hell of a write up about Purple on the RNRHOF website. Can’t see Purple attending the ceremony. They’re to busy living in the present.

  14. 14
    al says:

    way too late,but it is what it is.Who is going to go to that ? I am sure Blackmore would not even go to that travesty anyway.

  15. 15
    Ivan says:

    I, for one, am very happy of the (very belated) inclusion of my all time favorite band in the RRHF.

    Disappointed that Bolin, Morse, Simper, Airey are not part of the inductees…

    Let’s see who shows up at the ceremony. What’s the over and under of Mr. Black Hat showing up? I will go with a no show on him…

  16. 16
    Scoot says:

    I’m disappointed that Nick Simper has been excluded from the induction into the R&RHOF. He was as much a part of of the Mark I sound as Rod was. Hopefully someone will come to their senses and realize they forgot someone.

  17. 17
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    Boycott it! Do not show up!!!!


  18. 18
    Dave Smale says:

    Whilst the honour of being in the Hall of Fame is long overdue, it is better late than never, but at the same time, it should simply be “DEEP PURPLE”, which would include all past and present band members and not just a select handful of early DP members. And apart from anything else, if you include Mk 1 in this award, you have to include all 5 of them, not just 4! No, just keep the award to “Deep Purple” en bloc.

  19. 19
    evillouie says:

    OK, so Rod Evans WILL be inducted – that’s great, but the guy is in hiding and hasn’t done anything musically since that fake Deep Purple scam in 1980. Doubtful he’d come out of hiding for this…

    Meanwhile Nick Simper, who played just as much part in Mk 1 and is still out there making music to this day, might actually show up to this thing if they asked him, and he’s not inducted with the rest of them? What do they have against Nick anyway?

  20. 20
    CJA74 says:

    They should not accept it and throw right back in their face, and hopefully it hits them in the head and puts some sense into them. Being accepted alongside N.W.A.??!!!
    Chris A, Indianapolis, IN

  21. 21
    Mark says:

    Agree with so many- totally incomplete and insulting not to have Morse and Airey. Also totally agree with those who believe NO ONE from ANY lineup should bother to show up. Return the snub, don’t show. Do it for the fans.

  22. 22
    Marcus Streets says:

    I suppose they could just send Rod and a bunch of American session men – ducks and rus

  23. 23
    Joe says:

    Rod Evans, in. Nick Simper, out. Eh? How do you reach that decision? What were the parameters? Twenty-two years of screw up’s followed by this final screw up. Why am I even surprised? Why do I even care? Shambles.

  24. 24
    purrfect strangers says:

    You guys forgot Joe Satriani. He may turn out to be the greatest musician not to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Joe truly is one of the five greatest guitarists ever and Deep Purple was incredible with him as well. As far as Ritchie showing up? I am all for it. That is what made Purple even more intriguing than all the other bands of their time. A guy with a bad attitude and incredible talent who was so unpredictable yet in total control of the audience and the stage. No not JLT ha ha. Ritchie may not have been in Deep Purple since 1993 but he is still the driving force behind Deep Purple. SAD BUT TRUE. It is time for Ronnie James Dio to be inducted next along with the Scorpions, Iron Maiden and UFO. Had to get a longshot in there along with a band ironically called Ritchie Blackmores Rainbow. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody. Poor Nick Simper talk about the Black Sheep of the Family.

  25. 25
    Art says:

    They were ALL part of this great music through the years. Let’s be greatful we have been able to enjoy it.

    As far as the RRHOF goes, give ALL of the members credit or don’t give credit at all. I hope Deep Purple, if they accept the induction, decide not to play.

    Screw the RRHOF!


  26. 26
    Twoyen says:

    The RRHOF has some goofy criteria about induction. For example, Dave Mustaine wasn’t inducted with Metallica because he wasn’t technically on their first two albums, even though he wrote a bunch of the material on them and had been sacked right before recording the first one. The Nick Simper thing is a stupid oversight, but then again, I signed a petition nearly 20 years ago about this very topic. I suppose CTDB is “post-classic”, so Bolin is out, and both Steve and Don have joined too recently to be eligible (although if they had waited a little longer, it’d be the 25th anniversary of Purpendicular and Steve would be eligible).

    The RRHOF is full of stupid oversights. It’s pretty much their trademark at this point.

  27. 27
    MacGregor says:

    I cannot see why certain ‘fans’ are banging on about Steve Morse etc. It is about the groundbreaking, influential band of the ‘successful’ era! It always was, simple really! Nick Simper should be there, surely that is an oversight & will be amended! I don’t agree with Tommy Bolin being mentioned by ‘fans’ either, he did nothing to contribute to their ‘success’! They were spent well & truly by then!
    The Hall Of Fame is about ‘showbiz’, that is all! And showbiz is about being up in the lights, so to speak! Steve Morse & Don Airey wouldn’t be expecting their names to be included in the classic era of DP & rock music! Those guys are not being treated with any disrespect at all, Nick Simper is though!

  28. 28
    Tracy(Zero the Hero)Heyder says:

    Well with Jon Lord gone, there is only one logical way any of the line-ups can play there and that would be for Don Airey to play. If that is allowed, HELLO STEVE. As for the Nick Simper omission, that has to be an oversight. The induction goes to the BAND. He was in the BAND. As much as I hate the RRHOF at this point, I am still excited that Purple are in and actually hope they take advantage of the situation and the exposure it can deliver. All members, past and present can benefit from it. Including TMIB whom is going out next year on his little Rainbow/Purple Tribute outing. If the cards are played right, this could help all parties here in the States regarding concert attendance and even album sales. But then that would mean the promoters grabbing the moment and being creative and productive. Naaaah, never mind. Why would they start now?


  29. 29
    Scott W. says:

    The idiots probably just missed off Nick’s name…just like they missed DP for this long!

  30. 30
    Black Sheep says:

    I hope Purple tell them to shove it. I find that comment from the CEO,Joel Peresman, particularly irksome.

    Unfortunately I can see Hughes and Coverdale lapping this up and being all over it.

  31. 31
    stoffer says:

    glad they are FINALLY in, but it should be everyone!! If GH is in then its a JOKE that SteveMorse is not, accept the award but don’t play without Steve and Don…….has to be an oversight on Simper!!

  32. 32
    MacGregor says:

    purrfect strangers@24- Satriani was never a ‘member’ of DP, was he? He filled in for them to honour a few dates etc! As for the ‘greatest musician’ comment, well, enough said about that one! A very gifted guitarist indeed, but there are plenty of them, are there not? I agree with the rest of your comments, good to see! Each to their own as we say! Cheers.

  33. 33
    Zlatan Hadzic says:

    Nick Simper yes, the rest: Morse, Airey, and even Bolin – no. Why? Because DP is famous and contributed to the rock because of what Mk1, 2, and 3 have done, when Blackmore and Lord before him were at the helm.

    But if you want to consider feelings of Morse and Airey, well, let them play, Blackmore most probably will not be there, thus Morse can play his tunes and contribute with his twindle-twindle thing, and “fans” can feel for him, and talk some more insults to Blackmore.

    Gillan will smile though, and wave, he’ll make faces trying to scream as well… Then he’ll explain that Blackmore was merely side kick for him, and that he is so mean, etc., and that he, himself, Gillan, is victim and never understood genius behind all of Blackmore’s playing… It will be glorious, and “fans” will be thrilled!! 🙂

    I can’t be more sarcastic than this. 🙂 )))

  34. 34
    Stratpack says:

    I think Nick Simper sued the band/management for loss of earnings in the early days after being fired. Maybe this has come back to haunt him?
    Although Rod Evans also got sued big time for the spoof DP in 1980 – so all’s forgiven for big Rod who has disappeared for 30 odd years??

    Remember this happened when AC/DC were inducted, they left off original bass player Mark Evans from the induction list and the guy was gutted! He played on all the early stuff like High Voltage, TNT etc and he didn’t get put in. I think he had been involved legally after being fired from the band years back and perhaps that went against him (Malcolm probably said no way). How much the band has influence over who is inducted I don’t know but Rod with no Nicky is a really strange one that should be corrected.

  35. 35
    Penny Dreadful says:

    Yes, there are some stupid omissions. Yes, this honor is well overdue.

    Still, I’m so happy! Guys, can’t we at least give the Hall props for showing some good taste at last?

  36. 36
    Jeff Summers says:

    Why would Steve and Don from the current DP be inducted? They had nothing to do with the monumental success of MK 1-3 In fact, for my money, it should be BLACKMORE, Gillan. Glover, Lord, Paice only. With JL posthumously inducted. Mk1 although very good we’re not a premier division band. MK 3 & 4 were again brilliant but not the band that invented a genre. MK 5 on their own without the MK 2 songs just aren’t big enough.

  37. 37
    Marc Davitz says:

    From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Website:

    “Artists become eligible for induction 25 years after the release of their first record.”

    In accordance with this criteria, the Morse Line-up would become eligible for induction in 2021 (25 years after the release of Purpendicular), and the Airey Line-up would become eligible for induction in 2028 (25 years after the release of Bananas)

    Morse, and Airey, as great as they are, just don’t qualify for an induction in the year 2016.

    And when 2021 and 2028 come around, the Induction Committee must also consider if Purpendicular and Bananas qualify in regards to the Influence requirement

  38. 38
    byron says:

    Anyway,Ritchie won’t give a shit.Does anyone seriously believe that he ll make the trip …he wasn’t even at the RAH for Jon’s concert.
    But I’m sure Glenn will be ok!

  39. 39
    Chris says:

    Isn’t Madonna in there? Do they really want to be in a club with her? I say tell them No Thanks.

  40. 40
    Chris says:

    Hell name the next album “No Thanks”

  41. 41
    Jeogger Matthews says:


  42. 42
    Dr. Bob says:

    I would have only expected the mark II lineup, so no point in complaining that a few others get the honor as well. Yes the RNRHOF sucks, but there is no point in any negativity from Deep Purple fans anymore. This is important. I’ll be happy with whoever shows from the band to accept the honor and take the stage. I wonder who will be on stage to induct them. Lars & Kirk? Slash? Satriani? Joe Elliot? Morse & Airey?

  43. 43
    Coronarias says:

    Glenn could just do Georgia on my Mind with Don. These days he can hit the notes.

  44. 44
    al says:

    what a great year this turning out to be.

    Purple back in studio in 2016 with Ezrin to make a new album,Blackmore is playing rock and who knows maybe an album too.and the Hall of fame.

  45. 45
    Fender123 says:

    I’ll have £10 on one member of MK III turning up………

  46. 46
    Rock Voorne says:

    Without Lordy there aint no way this event can be very right.

    Tracy is right, someone has to play keys and unfortunately it is not Jon.

    For that reason alone they should say FUCK THEM

  47. 47
    rik_uk says:

    They should send Rod Evans, he can get a band together and the RRHOF wouldn’t be any the wiser 🙂

  48. 48
    Kevin Staden says:

    A toatal disgrace and a cock-up. The band is the band. By naming only certain people it degrades the others. And why Rod Evans?! If Purple hadn’t become Mkll no one would be the slightest be interested in what he’d done with the band!
    Steve M is the bands longrst guitar member, Don isn’t included either. They can’t even play as any form of Purple without a keyboardist. Walk aeay boys!!

  49. 49
    Rock Voorne says:

    Kevin, without Evans Gillan would never have sung great versions of Mandrake Root.

  50. 50
    Peter Jones says:

    Blackmore. Lord. Paice. Gillan. Glover.
    Accept no substitute……..

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