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JLT touts Rainbow reunion again

Rated X album cover; image courtesy of Frontiers RecordsJoe Lynn Turner gave an interview to Metal Forces promoting the freshly released Rated X debut album. He said that guitar player Karl Cochran suffered a stroke while recording the album and Nikolo Kotzev had to finish it in his stead. He will stay with the band until Cochran recovers. He also mentioned that the band is hoping to book some summer festivals and is already working on a second album. Towards the end, conversation shifted to the rumoured lately Rainbow reunion:

I’m really concentrating on Rated X, and I hope it does very well. So far so good, and of course there’s always the Rainbow reunion (laughs). Always. The completely rumoured, long-awaited Rainbow reunion. You never know with Ritchie (Blackmore, guitarist and Rainbow founder), so we’ll see if that happens.

In my opinion, for Rainbow it would be one last shot and then going out in a blaze of glory so to speak. I think the fans deserve it, and to honour all of the members of Rainbow, past and present. I always feel that in my sets, I play Rainbow, Purple, and things like that because no-one else is doing it. I play Ronnie’s songs and all that stuff, Graham’s (Graham Bonnet, Rainbow vocalist from 1979 until 1980) whatever – I have no compunction about doing that material. I think it’s all a part of the legacy, and that we should do it willingly as singers of the same band. I know Graham’s still out there doing it as well, and Doogie (White, Rainbow vocalist from 1994 until 1997) in his own way. It’s a big family.

Read more in Metal Forces.

48 Comments to “JLT touts Rainbow reunion again”:

  1. 1
    Carlos Mario Ortiz Uribe says:


  2. 2
    Agent Mulder says:


  3. 3
    Michael Labrecque says:

    JLT is not rainbow sorry.. DIO can never be replaced and JLT was never really the voice of Rainbow no more than he was the voice in DP… IMHO. no disrespect intended or implied to JLT.

  4. 4
    al says:

    he should shut his mouth,….his new band Rated X albums is overproduced,and it is really mediocre and cliched,typical JLT product.Ritchie would not work with this bozo again.

  5. 5
    kraatzy says:

    Me too …

    But …….

    Hey Joe … are you a dreamer ???



  6. 6
    Vincent Calabrese says:

    Rainbow was a band with many many members, so Yes, JLT IS RAINBOW! Each incarnation of Rainbow had its own identity which to me makes it one of the most Unique bands in history! Even though JLT did only one DP album, damn what a great album it is!!!

  7. 7
    Larry Ray Toering says:

    I’m for however getting Ritchie to rock again ASAP. Really, I don’t care who’s involved in being any part of making that happen.

  8. 8
    Larry Ray Toering says:

    News flash tho’, JLT is not a bad singer.

  9. 9
    Herb says:

    I would much rather hear Doggie or Graham over Turner. I doubt it would happen anyway. Why does Turner keep speaking about it? I would like to see Ritchie and Glenn Hughes do something
    together. Hughes was awesome on that new Jon Lord DVD.

  10. 10
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    Blah blah blah blah blah. My favorite line in this typical round of JLT bloviating is:

    “I’m surprised to say that these guys are real human beings, and that the egos were totally under control. That’s one of the pre-requisites for the group, is that everybody has to leave their egos at the door. It’s not 1980.”

    Wow! I’d have to say that says it all. Man I wish I didn’t read this whole interview. I really do want to listen to the album, but now I’m afraid all I will be hearing is JLT in the background yappin’ his gums with all this egotistically non-egotistic nonsense.

    Oh Joe, just for once make an album and just sing. Let somebody else do the talkin’.


  11. 11
    Ianzinnk says:

    Joleyn Turner, I hope you read this. Just keep singing someone else’s “drivel” …. try Invay Mamsteer,,,,,,
    Good Luck

  12. 12
    matti says:

    No-one else is doing it … and Graham’s doing it … and Doogie’s doing it… is there something wrong with my reading comprehension??

  13. 13
    Max says:

    Wait a minute here…JLT says he plays Rainbow songs because noone else is doing it. Next sentence, JLT says Graham and Doogie are doing it as well…

  14. 14
    What now says:

    I hope a hypothetical reunion only features Doogie as singer with no involvement of JLT at all.

  15. 15
    Danny says:

    I have been fortunate enough to have seen RB live since the early 80’s in both Rainbow and DP through the years. Although I am skeptical about the possibility of RB giving it one last go around with Rainbow, I totally agree with JLT. It would be amazing to see the man in black on stage in some incarnation of Rainbow to give fans one last chance to see what all the fuss was about. Even if it was a one off, it would be great.

  16. 16
    carlsonrickc says:

    Cut the crap Joe Ritchie will never do it.

  17. 17
    NikosJLT GREEK says:

    Come on JOE . Write new Rainbow album with Ritchie , and world tour 🙂

    Congratulations for amazing RATED X 🙂

  18. 18
    BAD HABITS says:

    Rated X album is so bad produced and mixed.
    My LED Z vinyl from 1969 sound much better.
    Shame on you Rated Group its already 2014.!!

  19. 19
    Chris Blackmore says:

    Sorry about tagging to this post, but I have no idea how to create a new one!?!?? I have a photo to attach… please email me on how to do a new post.thx

    DP in Crêpe Hall of Fame?

    Went to get some dessert the other night and walked into Rockin’ Crêpe, a small restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA. All of the crêpe are named after rock bands and of course, my first question was “Where’s Deep Purple?”. Sure enough, listed under
    Turkey Crêpe Entrees was the real deal… An instant classic! Thin sliced turkey breast, fresh strawberries, dried cranberries, and rich brie cheese. Smoke on the water! (270 calories)

    I have to admit I went for the Led Zeppelin (it was dessert after all) Strawberries and cream, but when I need the real deal to fill me up… I will ask for the Deep Purple (MK II version please)

    Their website doesn’t work, but UrbanSpoon has a copy of their menu, which is pretty fun… http://www.urbanspoon.com/cities/20-orange-county/restaurants/1416608-rockin-crepes/menu

  20. 20
    Scoot says:

    Would Roger sign up for a Rainbow reunion with JLT on the vocals? doubtful

  21. 21
    henrik says:

    It’ll be a cold day in hell…

    It isn’t called Rainbow’s Night for nothing.

    If it were to happen, let Candice front the band. That would be hilarious and typical of Bachmore.

  22. 22
    Ray Barclay says:

    I can’t see Ritchie doing it,but would love to see it! My favorite is the Dio era,and I love Graham Bonnet,and Doogie did a fine job. Joe gets a bad rap by some fans. He is a great singer,and it all wasn’t about radio hits during his time in Rainbow. Check out the epic Eyes Of Fire off of Straight Between The Eyes. It’s a song that would’ve fit in the Dio era. I met Joe & his wife after soundcheck at a solo gig two years ago. He is a super nice guy,and is still a great singer! And for the record the man isn’t wearing a wig!

  23. 23
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    Hey Mulder,

    Being an Agent from the X-Files, would you concur with my suspicion that JLT is from another planet? A better name for the band would be Rated-EX since as he stated, they are all Ex-members of failed projects looking for another short stint to hang his hat on from the past. Funny how he made the point that it isn’t 1980 yet, he can’t wait to play all those 1980’s tunes Live when and if they tour the album. Hmmm, I get the feeling this will be the Ying to the Yang of OTR. With OTR they toured and played all the 80’s Rainbow material but put out no album. With this venture I see an album with no tour…….


  24. 24
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    Correction to #3 above,

    I wrote “failed projects”. I should have written ended successful projects from way back in the past. Though in JLT’s case, both successful and failed is in order.

  25. 25
    Mike says:

    Poor Joe! You keep on living in the past.
    Blackmore will never participate in this circus.
    Rainbow is not possible anymore without two major persons.

  26. 26
    nupsi59 says:

    I guess, Mr. Blackmore is preparing himself for the (last?!) Purple-Gig in London next year…

    Have a nice Day!

    …and dream on, Mr. Turner!

  27. 27
    Ron says:

    I doubt Blackmore comes out of retirement. I saw Blackmore with Rainbow in 81 and Purple in 85, 90 and 93. He was a monster….a true rock star. I saw him with Blackmore’s Night a few months ago and how far he has fallen. Not bad but nothing special. The odd thing he does not care and short changes his fans by skipping encores. Unless Ritchie wants to make some money, he’s done.

  28. 28
    Paul Hogan says:

    I’d much prefer that Ritchie did something interesting and adventurous like – I don’t know, a blues or instrumental album. Or find some truly adventurous collaborators who could take him to new places. I think he is still an immense talent but he’s been making the same album for 15 years, and the same album of a different genre for about 10 years before that. JLT for me coincided with the blandification of Mr Blackmore. I don’t think the world needs another cliched 80s corporate rock album.

  29. 29
    Janosch says:

    maybe i didn’t get every pun or joke, because english is not my mother tongue,
    but it is really boring to read the same bad “critics” on JLT every time.
    JLT played a big part in the RAINBOW history.
    he is a great singer – in my humble opinion.
    that said doesn’t mean i like everything he recorded.
    yes, a more “popular” guitarist would have helped to make it a real all-star-band.
    nevertheless i’m glad JLT keep’s on doing his thing.

  30. 30
    Rascal says:

    Does this man ever shut up?

    The vast majority of JLTs career would seem to have been spent living off the music and the abilities of others.

    He has no claim to fame………nothing…………..zilch…………..zero

  31. 31
    AL says:

    @ 10

    I found myself skipping the songs Tracy,not my cup of tea of course,nothing memorable,It is like 5 professionals playing,but the songwriting is poor and cliche,It is typically a Joe Lynn Turner kind of album,maybe harder sounding songs and over produced.( I think) but every one has their opinion and taste about it.Overall,boring!


  32. 32
    MacGregor says:

    Ok, this has taken me eons to get together, so bear with me! Sheeesh, you would think i have better things to do with my time? You all know the tune, I have slightly altered the lyrics!

    Hey Joe, Hey Joe, where you goin’ with that ego & your band
    Hey Joe, I said where you goin’ with that ego & your band
    I’m goin’ down to shoot my alter ego
    I caught it messin’ ’round with another band

    Yeah, I’m goin’ down to shoot my alter ego now
    You know I caught it messin’ ’round with another band
    And that ain’t too cool

    Hey Joe, hey, Joe, I heard you shot your alter ego down
    Hey Joe, hey, Joe, I heard you shot your ego down,
    He said, “Yeah, I did it, yes I did, I shot it
    You know I caught it messin’ ’round with another band”

    Yes I did, I shot it
    You know I caught it messin’ ’round with another band
    Yeah, and I gave it the gun

    Hey Joe, hey Joe
    Where you gonna run to, now where you gonna run to now
    Hey Joe, hey Joe
    Lord, where you gonna run to, now where you gonna run to? etc, etc.

    Oh well, I thought it was interesting for a second or two. Cheers.

  33. 33
    Svante Axbacke says:

    Don’t you guys ever get tired of bashing JLT?

  34. 34
    AL says:

    @ 33 nope.lol

  35. 35
    MacGregor says:

    My posting at 32 is purely a spur of the moment ‘comedy’ thought that came to me. Just being silly I suppose, everyone has an ego & more than likely an ‘alter ego’, just to keep it interesting. I have always liked Turner in Rainbow & have defended that version to the hilt.
    Didn’t enjoy the S&M album, I purchased it, it’s not a bad album, I just couldn’t get into it & after 5 years or so, a friend liked it more than me so I gave it to him. I don’t follow his career though & if it wasn’t for visiting here & Classic Rock & other sites I wouldn’t even know if he was still on planet earth. Cheers.

  36. 36
    MacGregor says:

    Ron @ 27 – Blackmore hasn’t ‘fallen’ at all, he just doesn’t do the rock gig anymore! How many has he performed over his career? Regarding the money comment, I don’t know why people mention money, seriously, he wouldn’t need it! It is about living the life he can choose, as best he can. He owes nobody a rock album or a gig, nobody! Good to hear you went to a BN concert. Cheers.
    Paul @ 28 – yes I know what you mean in regards to the concept of a ‘different’ album! That ‘instrumental’ album may have surfaced if the maestro Lord had not passed from this world! I would think that may have provided some stimulation for Blackmore, if Lord was able to coax him out of BN for a moment. Don’t agree with the Turner/Rainbow comment though. Everyone changed in the 1980’s, all the artists from the previous era experimented with the ‘MTV’ thing, different technology etc. 80’s Rainbow has some cracking songs & instrumentals. King Crimson changed, Tull also, Yes, Genesis & many others, just a different decade, but there are plenty of defining moments in that period for rock bands! Cheers.

  37. 37
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    SA @ 33:

    As long as JLT gives us the material it will never end. Did you read the interview? Come on, surely you recognize a poor soul when you see, hear or read one.

    I truly have no problem with Rainbow when JLT was on board. THEN. There is no reason for it NOW. The whole platform for ‘Ritchie Blackmore’s Rainbow’ was to make Blackmore music revolving around different line-ups. JLT’s version of Rainbow came and went. Just as DIO’s did. No 2 albums had the same line-up. NONE. And ALL were awesome. Once you were gone, you were gone. If there is another Blackmore album, I truly hope he skips the Rainbow moniker entirely and just does ‘Blackmore’ with some good musicians playing with him and definitely not including JLT. I do love the Rainbow albums he sang on but I don’t look forward to any more, nor any other prior Rainbow singer for that matter. Since he waited this long….. if he finally decides to fill his codpiece with testicles and expose his balls by strumming his Strat, it would be better off with a fresh new group of players with TMIB shining through. TMIB doesn’t need JLT. He needs BALLS. Come on Ritchie, you can do it. Unless of course it’s in your ‘Pre-nup’ that you can’t. Hmmmmm, surely you aren’t that codless.


  38. 38
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I must admist I have not seen Ritchie perform in years.

    Just could not muster the motivation going to shows.

    I saw some BN shows in the first half of BN’s career.

    It had its moments and he still had it/everything.

    I agree that often JLTs material suffered from having a real good partner like he did in Rising Force of Rainbow.

    I still feel a reunion with a bunch of ex Rainbow guys should be possible, not a big tour at all but less shows, enjoying themselves maybe for the last time and record a great DVD.

    Under the wings of Ritchie JLT will always do better than on his own.
    Although I ve witnessed some great shows, both on YouTube and myself with the Over The Rainbow gang.

    So, yes, I m still up for it 🙂

  39. 39
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    MacGregor @32:

    Nice job. That fit this one perfectly. I did one of those a while back in another post about whatever he was boasting about at the time. Don’t remember where. Will look for it. He gives us so much material. He sang Hey Joe a few times with Purple on tour back in ’91. You know he was in complete self adulation at that time (even though he was singing somebody else’s drivel).


  40. 40
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:


    I located it. Oddly enough it was due to yet another ill-fated JLT Tribute attempt. This was regarding the Purple Rainbow/Over the Rainbow debacle way back in 2008, where JLT promoted a Tribute Act that was supposed to result in a studio album of original material but after a few Live shows fell apart. Ring any bells? This particular Blog was probably one of the longest discussions of opinions on the site with 379 entries. Even Tony Carey came on board and joined the fracas lowering himself into praising himself and JLT as his Caped Crusader. Kind of funny to revisit this era 6 years ago and realize it ain’t much different than today.



  41. 41
    Rascal says:


    I will stop when JLT stops his variety tribute act

  42. 42
    RB says:

    He tends to bring it on himself much of the time. However, I do feel sorry for him in that the pressures of looking a certain way within the rock world has meant that he feels the need to wear a wig (he suffers from alopecia), much in the same way that Ritchie does (although in his case it may be a series of transplants) and also Paul Rodgers. It is a shame that even in 2014 we aren’t more enlightened about appearances and letting the talent speak for itself.

  43. 43
    Anthony says:

    @27 Not too sure what you mean by ‘fallen’ ? Just because Ritchie is not plugged into a 200 watt Marshall doesn’t mean he is any way better or worse than his so called hey days of the 1970s. In fact it is much more difficult to play an acoustic guitar ( well ) than an electric and we all know Ritchie has mastered the technique of playing an acoustic!

    JLT and Rainbow reunion=not gonna happen. If it didn’t happen back in 1997 when rumours were rife that Cozy and Ronnie would re-join Rainbow it ain’t gonna happen now—“Can’t happen here”

  44. 44
    MacGregor says:

    Tracy @ 40 -thanks for the link. I don’t recall reading your ‘version’ of Hey Joe before, but I liked it all the same! Wow, that was some banter going down on that Purple Rainbow section, sheeesh, nearly 400 comments. Intense also at times, must have been a test for the moderator! I have to admit I didn’t scan the pages of THS as often back then.
    Was that Tony Carey, the ex Rainbow member or an imposter? I suppose it could of been, some musicians do drop in to forums every now & then. Yes, I remember the ‘tribute band’ Over The Rainbow. Predictable that that band didn’t last long! Cheers.

  45. 45
    Svante Axbacke says:

    It was the real Tony Carey, ex-member of Rainbow.

  46. 46
    tony carey says:

    Leave me out of it….

  47. 47
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    Good point and well taken Tony. Sorry for throwing you under the JLT bus. Unless of course you are coming in to be his ‘guardian angel’ again…. 😉
    Sorry you weren’t chosen to be a part of Rated Ex. Actually, congrats!

    “Somewhere under the Rainbow, lies a pot of gold
    JLT is digging and digging, man it’s getting old.”


  48. 48
    russ fleenor says:

    I really feel Ritchie will do something full throttle Strat, he’s playing better than ever these days. I haven’t been to a BN show because they only do east coast venues but if you’ve ever checked out BN videos Ritchie rocks out quite a bit. We’ll be hearing that Strat before to long, it’s a natural thing.

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