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South America – Fall Tour 2014 – Updated

We’re receiving reports of dates on sale for a South American Tour this fall, with shows in Brazil on sale now.
Please check with local promoters/press for more details and do not make non-refundable travel arrangements on this say-so, these dates *Have Not* been confirmed my management!

Looks to be starting in Mexico on 4th November 2014 but no venues/dates for Mexico available. We will post them as soon as we know!

Brazilian dates as follows:
7th November Brasilia
9th November Curitiba
11th November Sao Paulo (Area of the Americas)
12th November Sao Paulo (Americas Space)
14th November Florianopolis
15th November Porto Alegre

Tickets for the Sao Paulo shows are on sale at www.ingressorapido.com.br

with thanks to Rodrigo Victor for the details

The Argentina show is reported to be happening on November 18th 2014 at the Luna Park Stadium
http://www.akemusic.com/index.php?module=detalles_show&idShow=211 for more details…
thanks to Juan Ignacio Flier….

and Mexico City Arena has a date of November the 4th reportedly.
The Legalize Festical in Chile lists the band playing on the 23rd of November, here so it looks like there are more dates to come…..

19 Comments to “South America – Fall Tour 2014 – Updated”:

  1. 1
    Antonio Segura Lopes says:

    Tá muito caro os shows, fora da realidade brasileira.

  2. 2
    Diego Spi says:


  3. 3
    Guillermo - HeavyRock77 says:

    Yes, in Mexico city the tickets began to be sold since 12-09 and the venue is Arena Ciudad de MĂ©xico / Nov 4th:

    Cheers and see you there Purplefans!!

  4. 4
    Felipe Riveros says:

    Uruguay or Argentina….please!

  5. 5
    Alfredo Vega says:

    I have two tickets. In MĂ©xico. Nov. 4th

  6. 6
    guntis says:

    You definitely must see this: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=836528083058932&fref=nf Two men on a street with Russian garmoshka & drums perform DP medley – great!!! Howeer, they seem to be from Ukraine. Superb.

  7. 7
    Andres says:

    What about Ecuador….are they coming back to Ecuador_???

  8. 8
    Victor says:

    The tickets are way too expensive (average of 100~150 US dollars) and the start time is way too late (10pm). Seriously, what the hell are these venues owners thinking? The concerts will be half empty, unfortunately, and great fans of Purple like myself won’t be able to go due to budget restrictions and the obligation to wake up early for work the day after.

  9. 9
    Guille says:

    Argentina is waiting for the storm!!!

  10. 10
    lddg says:


  11. 11
    Ernesto Soto says:

    Efectivamente. Los boletos para Deep Purple en MĂ©xico (4 de noviembre) ya están a la venta. Me gustarĂ­a saber si para esta fecha habrá “Meet and Greet”????? Saludos!!!

  12. 12
    Samira Blackmore says:


  13. 13
    Edmilson Freitas says:

    I asked the local promoter in Brazil, but they not confirmed the 15th November Porto Alegre show, but the local press is reporting this show. I hope it happens.

  14. 14
    Ro Purple says:

    Come to Uruguay pleeease!!!!

  15. 15
    Jeremie says:

    French dates are announced too but not official yet…

    lun. 02 nov. 2015 Le DĂ´me, Marseille
    mar. 03 nov. 2015 Patinoire Meriadeck, Bordeaux
    mer. 11 nov. 2015 ZĂ©nith de Paris, Paris
    lun. 30 nov. 2015 L’Amphitheatre, Lyon
    mar. 01 déc. 2015 Zénith Strasbourg Europe, Strasbourg

    Funny how the automnal Parisian date has now become an annual pilgrimage…

  16. 16
    MarĂ­a Guerrero says:

    I am concerned that it has not yet confirmed the date for Mexico, because I already bought my ticket for the Nov. 4. We want Deep Purple in Latin America (Mexico and South America) soon !!!!

  17. 17
    gustavo says:

    What about Argentina???????

  18. 18
    Paulo Glover says:

    We are waiting here in Brazil, but for us is Spring Tour 2014 🙂

  19. 19
    Fede Gillan says:

    We want Deep Purple in Montevideo,Uruguay!

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