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Perfect Strangers Live teaser

Eagle Rock has posted preview clip from the the upcoming Perfect Strangers Live DVD. The album is out on October 14 on DVD, CD+DVD, audio download and video download.

Thanks to Andrey Gusenkov for the info.

61 Comments to “Perfect Strangers Live teaser”:

  1. 1
    nupsi59 says:

    Well… new footage… wonderful! Can’t believe, it is 30 (!) years ago!

  2. 2
    Morten Sverre Christiansen says:

    An early version of Perfect Strangers…still …the Maestro Jon Lord shines, as always !

  3. 3
    Svein Knausen says:

    må ha bare ha

  4. 4
    Kim Peters says:

    Pretty decent version.
    I love the fact that there’s no over-the-top smoke ‘n’ mirrors stage show here (like recent reunions).
    Can’t wait to see it all mid October.

  5. 5
    Art Wrinkle says:

    Hmm, good sound quality, decent mix, okay video (considering the age and equipment it was shot on) so-so editing (Black Night clip from New Live and Rare DVD had good editing though) but the performance??

    Gillan struggling and Ritchie doesn’t even seem to bother (and I detect that shrill, cracky 80s tone of his) and the whole thing simply sounds ”off”. I really hope this isn’t an indication of how the whole show is. Though I would prefer a more energetic song for a teaser.

    Btw, I heard this is released a week from now in Japan!

  6. 6
    Kasper Kjærsgaard says:

    I’m gonna buy this as an early christmasgift from myself to me!

  7. 7
    HZ says:

    Voice problem. Warnings at the time. But I’m so buying this DVD…

  8. 8
    Kasper Kjaersgaard says:

    Is it just me or is there a tense atmosfere on the stage?
    Were Ritchie and Ian already started to clash ego’s at that time?

    Otherwise a gem. Another “must have” for my own personal christmas gift from myself!

  9. 9
    Lugnor Wind van Mort says:

    “and if you hear me talking on the wind, you’ve got to understand we must remain perfect strangers…..”

  10. 10
    Rob says:

    Delighted by this Release!!
    A blue light one next??

  11. 11
    Janus Klaus says:

    @8 No clashing of ego’s, I have a video bootleg of this show and Ian and Ritchie smile and play around at and with each other a bit in other songs.

    This is just a weird performance. Don’t judge the gig by it @5. Plenty great performances (Strange Kind of Woman for example – great performance) on this show and big Ian sounds amazing in places. I think this will be a one buy no Purple fan will regret. You just need to forgive and forget a few bumps along the road of course. ‘Tis is a great show but not a perfect one.

  12. 12
    Ignacio Dinamita says:

    It’s a must have ! I’ve seen a lot of Purple footage, I love Ritchie and his way to feel music, but how changed the band’s live behavior with Steve. Vibes are totally different, they are happy people enjoyin’ shows …

  13. 13
    LRT says:

    Oh here come the Blackmoronix! 😀 I’m sure this might help them out of their Now What?! crow eating induced comas? 😀 For editing factors, that Black Night clip doesn’t even come close to this. It’s amazing what different eyes can describe, besides that footage not even being shot by this crew, although they did have a crane cam. If you look closely it’s obviously a different show. For evidence that this concert was mind blowing, watching two sources since weeks of the show, and a fairly recent good source surfacing with some excellent highlights, works for me. Child In Time alone is gonna kill. His voice wasn’t at its best the entire night, but when he belted out CIT, look out!!!!!!! Plenty of fans know just about what they will be buying here because they’ve seen it from two audience sourced cams, that you will see in the show were all allowed to film, so of course a few boots came out of it. Any before the fact opinions would have to based on this clip otherwise, and that is just plain redundant.

  14. 14
    Ray says:

    Don’t ge me wrong but where is the drum kick ? Minute 2:32 is a lot noticeble, not to mention the whole song…

  15. 15
    EdwardsColetta says:

    Barely listenable, I must say. Gillan struggles, Blackmore hardly bothers what happens on stage and the whole thing reminds a dress rehearsal more than live footage. Overall sound is sterile and artificial. We hear the single instruments playing, but we don’t hear THE BAND! And also – has anybody noticed this? – there is no single caption of the live audience during this clip! If rest looks and soundls similarly, then I won’t be running to buy this stuff.

  16. 16
    Bruce Weldin says:

    long live purple

  17. 17
    purpledaniel says:


    Thanks for the review and insight man. Yes I figured that neither IG nor the band would have been in their prime, but just having this show officially released is a must have. Any idea if other 93 shows were multi-tracked or filmed other than Stuttgart or Birmingham?

  18. 18
    MacGregor says:

    Looks & sounds fine to me, Blackmore has that moody appearance, but he always loathed being filmed, so that ‘look’ he has is normal. Cheers.

  19. 19
    HardRockPete says:

    I’ve been waiting for this DVD (or VHS as it used to be) since I read about the reunion a very long time ago. The Perfect Strangers album is the soundtrack to my youth (I was 15 at the time of its release), and I think about it and listen to it almost on a daily basis. I never get tired of it!!! I will of course buy this DVD/ CD, and in the future I’ll buy anything from this period even if they had some dodgy nights during that period.

    Maaaan, I love Purple!! I really do!!!!

  20. 20
    stoffer says:

    A rather bland version of a classic song IMHO, sounds like Ian could be struggling with a cold or something. Jon Lord was an awesome presence on stage (no offence to DA) and yet Ritchie’s hair is darker NOW?! Still this is a ‘must have’.

  21. 21
    Tommy H. says:

    This recording is a gem. Perfect Strangers was a new tune back then and it sounds like one of the earliest live renditions. There’s quite some insecurity here and there. The recording is definitely a lot better qualitywise than all the bootlegs I listened to and watched on youtube respectively. For the first time regarding that era the tone of the guitar, organ and keyboards appear in good shape and I’m positively surprised that they actually sounded much better than I thought. I always felt that both, the perfomances of Gillan and Blackmore, in the 80’s were very inconsistent to say the least. The worst Purple shows were played in the 80’s but there were some very good ones too. Gillan still sounded very good back then although he undeniably had voice problems. You can hear that his voice breaks up at certain points and sounds hoarse afterwards. This happened at other concerts as well. During this particular tour his voice changed a lot and he really started to lose his top notes. He often had a cold too and in my experience the voice box is more sensitive to a cold if the singer overstrains his voice. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to this release!

  22. 22
    al says:

    Pretty decent,good version,in the early stages of Live versions,not the best,cause the song took a life of its own later on and got really “big” and diverse.a few bumps with Gillan’s voice but I cannot wait for the DVD until October.Hopefully Eagle Rock will continue with other concerts from different periods.

  23. 23
    Russ says:


    Yes follow this up with a live House of Blue LIght show.

  24. 24
    Les Hedger says:

    Sounds pretty damn decent to me! 🙂

  25. 25
    Елена Анкудинова says:


  26. 26
    Michael says:

    I´m waiting so long for this release. It´s awsome. not perfect. but strange.

  27. 27
    micke says:

    Sounds and look just great to me!

  28. 28
    Chip says:

    It’s a decent version. I like the way the song has evolved live over the years. My favorite version is the one recorded on the Abandon tour with Morse on guitar. Lord’s keyboard work on that version is just phenomenal.

    That being said, this is an early live version and it is much closer to the studio version than most of the recordings I have, which makes this release even more interesting to me. It will likely showcase at least slightly different versions of many of the PS songs (and possibly the Mk2 tunes) before the band kind of locked down the set list and versions on later reunion shows.

  29. 29
    Chip says:

    This may be akin to the In Concert recording of 1972. While not always the best version of the songs on that live version…they are a slightly different animal then the MH versions as the years passed by….making that an important (and interesting) recording.

    If nothing else the daft between song interplay on that live recording is good for a chuckle…in fact I’m heading out for a drive with that on a CD in my hand. Listen to a bit of “pyromaniacery”

  30. 30
    SF01 says:

    I see a new DVD in my collection.

  31. 31
    Gillan says:

    A miracle unbelievable!!!!
    Ian Paice have more hair in your head today than 30 years ago!!!

  32. 32
    Anthony says:

    I know it was one of their very first reunion gigs but the performance here sounds a bit sterile and Gillan’s voice is rather ‘hoarse’. Ritchie is too reserved and doesn’t inject himself into the song. They did develop the song over the intervening years so can’t be too critical and I hope the rest of the dvd/cd comes ‘alive’ a little

  33. 33
    purpledaniel says:

    I don´t really understand all of the bitchin´. We all have known about IG´s voice problems since the 80´s, but actually at this show they were still not that embarassing. I like this rendition quite a lot. It wil be hard to find a recorded DP gig from the first reunion with no voice problems. Let´s just be thakful for what we will have.

  34. 34
    al says:

    @ 18 Mc Gregor
    do you think we will see more concerts from this periods or even from the House Of Blue Light period on DVD dude ? do you know if more concerts were filmed? just asking.

  35. 35
    Russ says:

    This is a google translation from a website selling the box set. It mentions the tour documentary:


    [Bonus video: Japanese subtitles]

    ■ reunion tour documentary 1984-1985 Soon (about 23 minutes)
    Reunion press conference held in New York on April 27 (1) 1984
    News program for a video interview (2) Canada
    (3) “Perfect Strangers” recording landscape
    Pattern of “Under the Gun” recording, jam sessions of non-album tracks
    Member shot off and John Road to ski and Richey Kyojiru (4) Soccer
    News video of August 24 Texas Jam June 22, 1985 Knebworth concert / tour last day (5) 1985

    ■ Japanese edition limited bonus
    I record the video second day Sydney concert December 13 1984 the day after the main volume “Opening ~ Highway Star!”

  36. 36
    LRT says:

    It turns out with some better editing they do appear to be the same show. Video fools, all the time. Black Night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmkFp-5nOBA&feature=youtube_gdata

  37. 37
    MacGregor says:

    al @ 34- I am not sure as to what concerts may have been filmed from later MK2 gigs, other than the one we all know from the 1993 TBRO tour! On THOBL tour, it looks like they only played 3 tracks off that new album, so we would love to see more new songs promoting the new album at the time! It seems to be the norm for many bands, to only play a few new songs when they head out on a ‘new’ album tour.
    I will check out the quality of this new Perfect Strangers live dvd first, before I commit myself to buying it. Cheers.

  38. 38
    ED says:

    ian doesnt look the happiest here no, but i think he is more aggravated with his throat problems then with blackmore— and as someone else said dont judge the whole show by this 6 minute clip

    i cant wait until this gets released — dp on this tour was the first live concert i ever saw when i was 17 so this is something special for me

    and quite simply even a not so good performance from this lineup will still blow away most bands today

  39. 39
    Russ says:


    7 concerts from the PS tour filmed
    No confirmation on any HOBL shows being filmed. But I hope there was.

  40. 40
    kraatzy says:

    Ritchie looks not very amused @ 1:09 to 1:12 … it seem like in the “Come hell …”- Video, maybe at next he will exploded … ( or not 😉 )

    A very fresh musical version of Perfect Strangers with some very nice parts of little musical variations of the original studio song.

    Very nice



  41. 41
    John says:

    People, people, Has anyone heard Robert Plant live back in the day? His voice cracks on every song. Mick live? Etc. Get over it, Ian sounds great! The banjo player took a hike, what’s that song I used to like vavoom!!

  42. 42
    al says:

    @34 Russ
    Thank you brother! I sure hope so!
    @41 You re absolutely right man,I like this almost album version,and I cannot wait for the whole concert and the DVD!

  43. 43
    Hornoxe says:

    people got to remember that this was one of the very first reunion shows after the long split and all what happened, and so these songs weren’t routine to them yet 😉

  44. 44
    purpledaniel says:

    I find the performance quite good. I´m buying it the first day.

  45. 45
    matti says:

    Some personal memories of that time. In 1984 I was a 19 year old boy in Northern Finland. Sometime in ’81 a friend of mine turned me into Rainbow and Purple. Made in Japan was my desert island record. Perfect Strangers was by far the most anticipated album for me, ever. Of course I was a bit disappointed, because it didn’t quite reach the heights of In Rock or Machine Head. Well, how could it possibly do that? But the expectations were extremely high. After all, Deep Purple was the first big group to make a reunion, at least for me. After that there have been countless groups ‘coming back’ but nothing has quite matched the excitement of this reunion.
    Later in ’85 I somehow managed to mail order a double LP bootleg titled Back in Action, recorded in Melbourne during this same tour. I admit that I haven’t listened to it for decades, mainly because the steady flow of official Purple live albums has kept me busy anyway. But I remember that the organ / guitar duel on Speed King was especially tasty. Oh yeah, and the Jesus Christ Superstar bits in the middle of Strange Kind of Woman sure did make me smile.
    In the summer of ’85 a concert from Paris was broadcast in Finland and I of course taped it on old VHS. I remember that the laser beam show during Difficult to Cure looked cool. Oh boy, haven’t watched that either heaven knows since when! So, I think that this new release will bring back some nice memories of youth for me.
    Sometimes I just stop and wonder, what do these olde releases really mean to us old fans. Is it merely a nostalgia trip, or do they have some real substance? And what is real substance anyway? Well, I’m getting too far from the original point! Cheers!

  46. 46
    Brian says:

    History is important. DP began the Perfect Strangers reunion tour in Australia in Dec 84, and I think this was probably the third or fourth show. Even though they were all professionals in the intervening years, playing live together must have been a bit weird and exciting at the same time. So while things may look a bit awkward, I assure you all that by the time they got to Melbourne, they were on fire!
    @45 I also have a copy of that bootleg. I haven’t heard it for a while, and I think it sounds like it was recorded with the microphone in someone’s pocket. But it was great to be there – for all three concerts!
    I was able to get the five of them to sign a tour booklet too. It meant hanging around the hotel until around 2.00am, but I scored their autographs, and a great picture of me with Roger. It hung on my wall for years. 🙂

  47. 47
    mackan says:

    To me this sucks…
    What so god about it?
    Yeah compared to today´s purple its more dramatic..but what more ?
    Blackmore didn´t care from 81-89 and gillan was deadley out partyed as usual..

    Let´s take the shine of the re-union now yeah they ware prolly better then most of all re-unions and the managers and record companys was in high heaven about it and made a lot of money but?
    where they as god as they could have been?
    NO a wery bad purple what was we got Blackmore made millions and rightley so i might say.
    did ian care or did he just make it an another alkoholic run damage the indredible voice as he once had?
    give us something from the 93 tour where purple was way way much better.
    wont be bying this dravel..

  48. 48
    Scott W. says:

    God for you Mackan…Don’t buy it. I am certain it will be a decent enough Show, nothing mindblowing but rather a nice ‘Snapshot’ of the Band from this Era. I for one, am looking forward to owning it!

  49. 49
    Russ says:

    @47 Well we won’t lose any sleep if you don’t buy this. I will be too busy enjoying my copy.

    I for one think this is an awesome DVD. It sounds fantastic and I have never seen Gillan and Blackmore smile at each other more. You can tell they were having a wonderful time. It is well filmed and has so many great moments. The documentary has footage I have never seen before. Even a short jam session with the band in ’84. This is a must buy for any real Purple fan. I hope this opens the gates and we get a release of the Providence show from March of ’85 as well as a House of Blue Light show (if one was filmed).

  50. 50
    purpledaniel says:

    You can have a look at the back cover of the dvd on amazon .it

  51. 51
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Mac Gregor

    During the HOBL tour they actually played 4 songs of the album. and once they tried out/ruined Mad dog and call Of the Wild.

    Never understood why did not bother to do Strangeways.

  52. 52
    Russ says:

    @51 Actually didn’t they do Call of the Wild a few times? There is a video on youtube of them doing it without Ritchie. And I know they plyed it with him at least once.

  53. 53
    MacGregor says:

    purplepriest1965 @ 51- yes, you are correct with the Strangeways song, a great track indeed, as is The Spanish Archer. Super Purple! Cheers.

  54. 54
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Russ, I think my memory stems from that one.(Call of the wild).

    Mad Dog did I think I heard on a famous bootleg which name eludes me at the moment (Locked in a papercage?).I think they did that in America.

  55. 55
    Tracy(Zero the Hero)Heyder says:

    Here it is Priest:


    And to ditto you and MacGregor, my 2 favorite tracks from HOBL…. Spanish Archer and Strange Ways, neither of which were played live unfortunately.


  56. 56
    Russ says:

    Wasn’t the Mad dog bootleg called something like “Mad Dog in ___name of place___”? or something like that?


    We now need a HOBL DVD. And before we are all in retirement homes.

  57. 57
    Speed King says:

    It sounds like mono, hardly no audience and very dry. Why?
    And just a couple of close up cameras, nothing that covers the band in full. Why?
    As there is bootleg footage and audio available, why not use that as well and make something much more ‘live’?
    Just look how Zeppelin used bootleg footage in their DVD from Knebworth and the more recent London O2 DVD.
    All it takes is just a little imagination and a bit of ‘just do it’.
    Let’s hope the clip is just a rough demo and that the final product is better.
    But I for sure will look and listen carefully before I buy this one.

  58. 58
    Russ says:


    Using bootleg footage in the final product? I say hell no. I can’t stand the Zep O2 footage for that very reason. It completely takes you out of the experience.

    I have had the DVD for a while now. Doesn’t sound like mono to me. And I don’t want constant shots of an audience anyway. I don’t want to see them. I want to see the band.

  59. 59
    MacGregor says:

    Tracy @ 55- thanks for that link, gee it’s a quick version that one. Gillan seems to struggle with it or maybe he just cannot keep up to the faster tempo. They needed to slow it down a little, maybe they ditched it after just one go as it didn’t work out for some reason!
    It looks like 5 songs from THOBL at that gig, according to the track listing. Cheers.

  60. 60
    MacGregor says:

    Russ @ 58 – Yes, I agree with the audience filming rave! I cannot stand live concert filming of people in the audience! Why do the morons film & edit constant crowd shots? We don’t go to a concert & keep looking around everywhere to see other people, so why is it perceived that this is the norm in many live recordings? Yes I can hear some people saying this is the ‘way’ to capture the ‘live’ atmosphere etc, etc! No it isn’t, it is a load of crap, period!
    The best concerts in regards to NO audience filming are the King Crimson dvd’s!
    You do not get any filming at all of the audience, only of the band on stage, the way it should be for all live performances from any artists! Cheers.

  61. 61
    Speed King says:

    @58 > I never asked for footage of the audiense, but footage from the audiece. The way we, the concert goers, experience the show.
    I’m glad to hear that the audio isn’t mono (like that youtube clip).

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