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Funky Claude

“Funky” Claude Nobs has been injured in a skiing accident during the Christmas break.
“The Montreux Jazz Festival communicates that during the Christmas holidays Claude Nobs fell while practicing cross-country skiing. As a direct consequence of this accident, Mr. Claude Nobs underwent surgery at the CHUV (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois in Lausanne). He has remained to date in a state of unconsciousness. His condition requires further additional tests, the results of which are not known yet.

All necessary measures have been taken to currently ensure the perfect management of the Festival in accordance with a planification in place for a long time. The Secretary General of the Festival, Mathieu Jaton, assumes all of Claude Nobs’ responsibilities. The Festival shall not fail to further inform on Claude Nobs’ condition when receiving more information.

Meanwhile, there will be no further comments in order to protect the private sphere of Mr. Nobs and his close family. The entire team of the Montreux Jazz Festival wishes a full recovery to its boss.

The Foundation Board.”

The Highway Star sends our best wishes and hopes for a speedy recovery.

17 Comments to “Funky Claude”:

  1. 1
    Karl-Heinz says:

    This is a very tragic news. “Funky Claude” is a key figure in the history of DP, a prime organizer and a good soul.

    I hope he gets soon back on his feet.

    I wish him the best!


  2. 2
    Micalonues says:

    You’re in our thoughts Claude.

  3. 3
    Tommy H. says:

    Wow, sounds terrible. I know why I don’t ski …

    Best wishes to Claude for a fast recovery from this seemingly heavy accident!

  4. 4
    buttockss says:

    Get well soon ya old “geezer”……haa’ haa’.

  5. 5
    Aldenir says:

    Nobs is Montreux, hope he recovers soon …
    Be Strong.

  6. 6
    HardRockPete says:


  7. 7
    Rajaseudun Rampe says:

    We all hope he is going to recover soon. BTW: I probably sound ignorant here, but where did he get the name Funky? Its first literal appearance, to my knowledge, was in SOTW. Did IG and/or RG give it to him? Was it because he loved funky music? Or was it because he IS so funky?

  8. 8
    Robert Prior says:

    Sending love and prayers to Claude and his family. Really hope he pulls through.

  9. 9
    Drdp says:

    Obviously a Head injury , possibly a TBI ~ Traumatic Brain Injury. I lost a dear friend to TBI due to a fall down just 4 steps.
    All the best to him and his team of Doctors as they battle this problem.

  10. 10
    Another Martin says:

    Claude Nobs,

    The Lake Geneva shoreline wants you! Come back to us safe and sound!

  11. 11
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 7

    Yes, interesting question.Would like to know that as well.

    Way back,in 1978 something, I heard this kinda music for the first time in my life and was still a largely uneducated man considering things Purple.

    I was wondering :
    What has this band got to do with FUNK?!
    Isnt that something we stay away from?
    We had yet no such things as Red Hot Chili Peppers and almost all of us hated Glenn for his funkleanings and the album Stormbringer.

    Simply minded I was still and considered everythjing made by a black man shitmusic.
    Hey, I was 13 and was ignorant!

    It did not take long I developed myself in a broad sense, not only musically btw.

    But hearing Santana’s guitar combined with negrovocals by Greg Walker and great, sometimes Purpelish, keyboardwork started my confusion and then fanatical exploration.

    Walker is still my favorite Santana singer, I completely can go berserk at concerts by Mother’s Finest and Living Colour.
    Not to forget after a while I almost totally embraced Glenns music.
    Not all, some is to sweet and winy for me : ) And I do love mellow music and ballads, so…….

    Hendrix is another example ofcourse.
    Glenn pointed out some artist I went listening to as well.
    Marvin Gaye most of all.
    Stevie Wonder.
    Just to name a few.

    And I came to ” like” Stormbringer in the end!!!

    Gillan sang about funky in some of his lines before Claude appeared.

    It later on became very clear that the Purple spectrum was very wide.

    But that does not mean everything works!

    Get well soon, Claude, you Funky loveable man!

  12. 12
    Jack says:

    Get well Claude!!!! We want you back in action!!!!

  13. 13
    jeremy says:

    rip funky claude

  14. 14
    Craig Neely says:

    Best Wishes to Claude for a quick and full recovery.

  15. 15
    Jack says:

    Funky Claude… now you’re rocking with Lordy!!! Rock in Peace dude!!!

  16. 16
    Tracy(Zero the Hero)Heyder says:

    @ 7 & 11,

    Apparently “Funky Claude” got his name strictly from the lyrics from ‘Smoke on the Water’. According to a statement by Ian Gillan printed in the NEWS section of their official site:



  17. 17
    Roberto says:

    @7-@11 Have you ever heard a rare song called ‘Smoke on the water’ from Deep Purple?

    @11 “almost all of us hated Strombringer”: I’m not a huge funk fan but I love ‘stormbringer’ and I think it’s one of their best abums ever…

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