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Signed Blackmore guitar at a charity auction

Signed giutar donated by Ritchie Blackmore to the Sweet Relief Eastern Musicians Fund

Ritchie Blackmore has donated a signed Stratocaster to a charity auction. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Sweet Relief Eastern Musicians Fund to provide food and medicine to the victims of hurricane Sandy that devastated big part of the Eastern US seaboard about three weeks ago. Current bid is at $2,161 and the auction will run until December 11.

Thanks to Marcel for the info.

42 Comments to “Signed Blackmore guitar at a charity auction”:

  1. 1
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    Might as well do something with it since he has replaced it with a lute…..

  2. 2
    Scott F. Feighner says:

    Now that’s cool. Kudo’s to Ritchie for doing something to help.

  3. 3
    Louis says:

    Way to go Ritchie! Being well known as a stubborn, power freak; I’m delighted to see Blackmore’s altruistic side. In fact, now that I think of it – he seems happier these days and smiles much more often. Although I do not care for the magic fairies and castles type music perhaps it makes you happier and being happy and satisfied is what life is all about, my man. Wonderful thing to do and I am going to have to rethink my opinion of Mr. Blackmore from one of the greatest rock guitarists with an attitude to a happier man who is possibly out-growing his immense ego and coming back down to earth and joining the human race. Finally, I sure do miss your rock guitar stylings – but I do have that music to listen to whenever I like. What is more important is your own happiness!

  4. 4
    buttockss says:

    Ritchie has a heart to all those haters out there, thank you for reaching out to those families that have lost so much, for my sister and her family who is dealing every day with the loss of their house from hurricane sandy.

  5. 5
    Bob says:

    He signed a strat, but when is he going to play a strat again?

  6. 6
    Anthony says:

    Good on ya Blackers!

  7. 7
    Alan says:

    Well said Louis. A generous contribution to the cause and not the first time Ritchie has shown his more charitable nature

    Like all of us Ritchie is a complex character and sometimes can seem moody and stubborn. As a nusician he is in a class of his own and not many can compare favourably with him. I had the honour of meeting and chatting to Ritchie nany years ago on the UK 1983 tour to promote Bent out of shape. I found him on that day to be friendly and chatty and had the pleasure of talking music with him after the show for about 2 hours. Undoubtably the highlight of the tour for me.

    Ritchie has given us a rock legacy to be extremely proud of and is now doing the music that he wants to and is happy in both his musical and personal life.

    Like most here I would love to see Ritcie rock out again but I am also quite content to follow his current path. Unlike some other musicians of his generation at least he continues to release regular albums for us to enjoy and long may that continue


  8. 8
    Side Door Johnny says:

    I find all the talk everywhere about Ritchie’s “immense ego” very laughable and so very predictable. The reason people think that and say that is for two reasons.

    1. He’s a genuine artist, and being so, he is uncompromising in his artistry. Therefore, unlike most rock musicians, he doesn’t just sit there smoking a joint and playing the same old mid tempo groove over and over again, and agreeing with everyone else’s ideas. He knows what he wants musically, and to get that, you can’t just agree with the singer and bass player all the time.

    2. He’s not a “Media Show Business Guy” like a lot of the other classic rocks musicians. Nothing wrong with those guys at all, I love their music too, But you see all these “superstar red carpet events” and Ritchie is never there. How does that make him an evil ego maniac, just because he’d rather be doing something constructive with his time?

    So what happens, when you get mediocre “journalists” who don’t actually know anything about music but write about music, they look at those 2 facts and interpret them as Ritchie being a furious egomaniac, and unfortunaely a lot of the fans just accept what those “journalists” say, without thinking about it for a moment.

    The man has been composing, arranging and releasing albums every 2 to 3 years since 1968. Look at the musical output of the man. Look at all the amazing singers and musicans he’s helped with their careers. The other bands he’s endorsed. Those are the actions of a man who loves music, plain and simple. Do you actually think that kind of prolific output comes from being at all the right parties and being freinds with all the right people?

  9. 9
    Moreblack says:

    And the crowd yeld indeed, Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie Ritchie……

  10. 10
    LIBERATO says:

    ritchie is not a bad boy !

    ritchie is a amazing man , has been always more honest with people !

    peoples are not understand ritchie , the man ! (sorry for my english)

    So what happens, when you get mediocre “journalists” who don’t actually know anything about music but write about music, they look at those 2 facts and interpret them as Ritchie being a furious egomaniac, and unfortunaely a lot of the fans just accept what those “journalists” say, without thinking about it for a moment. = amazing comment=thrue

  11. 11
    KlausVonScribe says:

    At the height of the all the rumors of how arrogant, self-centered, and tyrannical Ritchie Blackmore was, my ex-wife and me were backstage at a Rainbow show back in 80s. Meeting Ritchie was one of the greatest experiences of my life, and he couldn’t have been more gracious. His first comment to me was “on your knees in my presence”, which I did not comply with, and was about as sarcastic as he got.

    He then had one of his roadies serve us drinks…ordered everyone not associated with the band out from backstage…except for us. “These two stay”, he said as my ex-wife was helping Joe Lynn Turner select his stage outfit.

    Ritchie spent a significant amount of time with us before his set which was pretty special. He could have just gone about getting ready for the show, or throwing us out altogether.

    Nope…the way he treated us, you’d never hear me see a bad word about him and never saw any indication that he was impossible to be around.

  12. 12
    Svante Axbacke says:

    Both Glenn Hughes and David Coverdale have bigger egos and are a lot more annoying than Blackmore.

  13. 13
    T says:

    I always have been a private person–never one to go out of my way to be “social”. I am uncomfortable in the Kaffeklatsch environment and stay away from office politics. I prefer to work in peace than to be a part of a larger, inefficient team, and I usually produce a better result working alone. In my line of work, I always strive to do my best, and often come out head and shoulders above most of my peers.

    As a result, I am not a popular person in the workplace despite a reputation as the person to go to when something needs getting done. People who get to know me, however, see a completely different person–that is, one willing to go the extra mile to help someone out, willing to share knowledge and experience and not take advantage of the system for personal gain.

    This is how I see Ritchie Blackmore.

    The man has endured his share of grief from band mates and fans alike. I am thrilled to see comments taking his side for a change. Blackmore has paid his dues and has earned the right to do what he wants–and nothing he does will change what he has accomplished. If he decided to take up the ukelele and strum out Don Ho tunes, that is *his* business.

    I happen to be a fan of Blackmore’s Night, and although I agree it might be time to expand the concept in a more electrical direction, much of the music he has produced over the past decade and a half is among his best playing–albeit it in a different genre. The solo in “Fires at Midnight” remains one of my favorites ever.

    Blackmore has no obligation to do anything for charity, but he does live in the area of concern and has a closer connection to the disaster. The people of the metro New York area will not receive the same attention as Katrina victims for reasons Americans reading this will understand. In short, the victims will need all the help they can get, especially in light of impending snows for which this area is famous.

    The instrument appears to be the Blackmore Signature with the quarter-pound Duncans and dummy middle pickup–but the neck does not appear to be scalloped. Does anyone have a better picture? Just as well since I for one would play it once and then put it under glass! I took the pick guard off the Strat Plus Gillan signed and framed it so I could continue to play the guitar. That can’t be done here. This unit will be an instantly collectible museum piece!

    Blackmore is both articulate and intelligent and in my opinion the greatest overall hard rock guitarist–ever. His new career goes to show he can play far more unforgiving and arguably more difficult acoustic music on a consistently regular basis.

    There is very little he could do that would make me change my assessment.

  14. 14
    purplepriest1965 says:

    In the end we have to face the fact that people with great talents/gifts/etc can be very weird, to use a euphemism : )

    Look at the Black Sabbath thing with Bill Ward.

    Shame on you, I dare to say.

    But it is not a surprise.
    Iommi, how great, wonderful, charming, etc he may be USED people like there was no tomorrow.

    It is not only Ozzy(More than often people forgive him everything or just say : he is so weak compared to Sharon or he did not know, and so on…..BULLSHIT!!!!) and Sharon.

    It is remarkable that I almost never get to read about Iommi’s so called bad charactre.

    Some get away with murder, others don’t.

    In real life it is the same.

    You can say what you want to change people’s ” perspectives” but……

    “They” at a certain moment feel something for somebody else and very often….maybe more than often…., that happens on a irrational level.

    And again and again after even if they have been confronted with facts that should temper their sympathy for dorks/assholes/psychopates/and so on…

    They keep repeating the same pattern!!!

    Maybe they get mesmerised by someone or their talents.
    Most people think they are rational beings. I m afraid not!!!

    I m not saying I m all different, but I DO realise certain mechanisms in myself.
    Looking back, I tend to re analyse it all and think : Hey, that coin is falling differently now.

    I feel most people avoid selfreflection.
    Just denying facts and so on.

    @ 12

    I m not sure how to compare them, and should we?

    I met Glenn twice in a backstage surrounding and he was the friendliest guy on earth.
    Yeah, I know, bad charactres can be very charming as well.
    And they have bad or good moments.

    Maybe you ve met them several times?
    And if so, could you elaborate on why you said what you said?

    The problem with us hardcore followers is that we dive too deep into it all.
    Others just enjoy or not(…)music and do not bother with the so called personal stuff behind it all.

  15. 15
    cyclone says:

    @8 you nailed it!

  16. 16
    T says:

    Living in the Long Island area, Blackmore is likely well acquainted with the devastation of Sandy on the New York metropolitan area and felt compelled to reach out. Sandy will not receive the same attention as Katrina and therefore victims will need all the help they can get.

  17. 17
    T says:

    Living in the Long Island area, Blackmore is likely well acquainted with the devastation of Sandy on the New York metropolitan area and felt compelled to reach out. Sandy will not receive the same attention as Katrina and therefore victims will need all the help they can get.

  18. 18
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Talking about Black Sabbath :


    I think a lot of votes went to them because :

    1 DP’s pr department indeed sucks.
    2 Sabbtah’s members were always more eager to give interviews.
    3 OZZY’s fantasy family dross.
    4 BS, espescially because OZZY;s nonsense outside the music has attracted loads of people that normally dont like heavy rock .

    I saw that phenomena already about 30 years ago :

    At my local youthclub DP was approached with negative reactions by people having a taste in alternative or mainstream music while fucking Motorhead got the thumbs up!!!!

    Things like Sabbath, AC/DC and KISS and Guns and Roses got a strong following outside the usual rockscene.
    Because it is more accessible.
    Or should I say : simpler?

    Thats part of the reason why later Sabbath incarnations never got the recognition as it should.

    And who does not recognise that Smoke On The Water, an accessible riff and chorus, is often looked at in a welwilling matter?

  19. 19
    Micalonues says:

    A nice gesture.

  20. 20
    Rascal says:

    Unfortunately I dont Ritchie personally – so I am unable to comment on his arrogance

    I can only make decisions based on on how the media portray him.

    Based on posting here – many of you do know him personally (or just think you do)

  21. 21
    Joey says:

    Kudo’s to Ritchie for reaching out and extending a helping hand. I personally know three people who’s lives have been wrecked because of the hurricane. Well done Ritchie!!!! I only hope more musicians , actors and other high profile people follow the lead of the Ritchie Blackmore’s of the world. Good deed!!!! God bless!!!!

  22. 22
    cookycrawford says:

    for all the people who judge ritchie by what they read,i can tell you he is not the egomaniac or “bad person” they think he is.he really is quite a complex artist and actually a nice guy.i worked for him from 1981-1988 as his guitar tech and was never treated anything but great.i left on my own terms for reasons of my own.he really is a very charitable human being.he showed me the world and indeed helped alot of struggling musicians along the way by giving them a chance to be a part of his “rainbow”.kudos to those who do see him for the person he really is.i’m not the least suprised to see his donation to victims of sandy as he’s always loved the long island we call home.

  23. 23
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    I have to laugh just a little at all of the slobbering over how gracious a gesture this guitar offering is by the MIB. Really? The guitar cost him nothing I guarantee and some ink from a ‘Sharpie’ applied to it. The true kind and defining factor of the donation is the hard earned cash that some collector will spend on purchasing the guitar which will actually benefit the ‘Cause’. Now, if you show me where Ritchie donated some of his cash to the cause instead of a throw down git-fiddle, that would be truly showing an earnest charitable offering……just sayin’….”Money Talks”.


  24. 24
    HZ says:


    Thank you on your participation – actually you know what you talking about, 81-88 with The Man.

    Ritchie is indeed true master and artist, and for him being complex as a person, well it comes with ingenuity.
    That’s why IG and the crew can still earn their daily bread on DP’s tunes (95% of live material is Ritchie’s old “legendary” legacy – what kids want to hear, as IG says). Even Over The Rainbow could be something similar in term of living on old fame (read: Ritchie’s ability to create heavenly riffs and solos).

  25. 25
    cyclone says:

    @13 I hear that too***RB can fart in a can and put it on market for all I care**He paid his dues. As for the Sandy victims–T is right. The East Coast victims will not receive any Guv help except for a one 800 number
    and a bottle of water**Unlike Katrina—who to this day receive bi-weekly checks**

  26. 26
    purplepriest1965 says:


    I ve been told Ritchie does not rave about it but……
    It seems that he DOES do charitable gifts regularly.

    Maybe someone else knows the facts behind it?


  27. 27
    Louis says:

    My thanks go out to Alan (comment #7 above) for the compliment. I am an old-time DP fan and was 18 way back in 1968 when the first album, “Shades of Deep Purple,” was released in the US and I was immediately captivated by that unique sound and my love of Deep Purple continues to this day. There was a special something about Ritchie’s stylings that really grabbed me. There were times during his solos when it almost sounded as if Blackmore would hit a “wrong” note but it always came out sounding great in the end. I still think he was one of the greatest rock guitarists ever. Unlike you, I do not care for his current music, but if it makes him happy – more power to him. Music appreciation is so subjective and it always makes me cringe when I see comments that contain negativity about a particular artist – I guess what I am saying is SOMEONE has to like the Carpenters, LOL. I’m starting to babble so I’ll leave it at that; however it’s great to see him happy and apparently satisfied. Thanks again for the hat tip.

  28. 28
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    @26 PP:

    I wouldn’t know. Since he doesn’t rave about it, who does? I am just referring to this particular offering. Not judging him at all regarding charitable record. Just commenting on the slobbering over this particular gesture when in all actuality, it ain’t all that much. It’s what somebody else will pay for his offering that will actually make a difference, while he gets the kudos for being Ritchie….’slurp slurp’…


  29. 29
    Louis says:

    To Side Door Johnny in message # 8:

    You have given me some food for thought; in fact, I have seen several interviews lately where Ritchie does, in fact, seem likeable and, at times, even humorous. You do make a valid point. With that said, going back to his Deep Purple days, he did seem moody and arrogant at times and this is based not on journalists but on observing videos and personal experience, etc. I canot remember the year but it was the early 70s and I went to see Deep Purple backed by Fleeetwood Mac, and Daddy Cool. The sound system was a little muddy – but Daddy Cool was interesting, I was bored by the Mac as they had already gone pop (loved the Peter Green era) but Purple balked and refused to play. I have mixed feelings about this – one side says that OK, I am not going to play and sound terrible but for the sake of the fans, I felt ripped off and I have a feeling (NO PROOF) that Ritchie was the one being stubborn. I may be wrong, I will admit as I have no facts to back this up. I personally think that Ritchie is now happy and older and that has more to do with his demeanor than anything else. In short, he grew up just as we all do. Thanks for the food for thought and you have made a valid point worth considering. Thank you!

  30. 30
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I ve been told that Gillan said something about it in one of his books.

    I must admit I cant bring up the books again right now, I might have forgotten about it.

    But supposedly he was talking about charity.
    That Ritchie did do a lot but that he(Iommi is being said to think the same)thought it had no use to do it himself.

    What comes up right away is the Armenia thing they did.

    Maybe that was the only thing they did?

    Any news about that so called new SOLO album by Blackers?

  31. 31
    Alan says:

    Louis @27.

    Like yourself I got into Ritchies music a while ago but for me it was Fireball as a ten year old back in 1971. Even at that age I knew his music would be important to me for many years to come and that has been the case. As a veteran of over 70 shows I have winessted the very best. NEC UK the first night in March 1987 (Purple ) and London Hammersmith in 1995 ( Rainbow ) to the other end of the scale, Brussells 1982 when he walked off stage mid way through Spotlight Kid and Reading 2007 ( bit hazy on the year )? which was….. just awful and lasted barely an hour. I still hang in there though as I know ultimately I will get more satisfaction from following his chosen path than I would any other guitarist. Its been a long and varied journey since 1971 and I dont regret a bit of it

    To all who may read this. Enjoy what ever side of Ritchies music you favour and respect others who do the same.

  32. 32
    Louis says:

    Alan, thanks for your reply and for your info “Fireball” was and still is my favorite MarkII album. Do you ever listen to any of the three Mark I albums? I love the third and self-titled album.

  33. 33
    Alan says:

    Louis @32

    Fireball is a special album for me as it was my first, as are all the Purple albums special in their own way. The mark I albums are very good and certainly showed promise with tunes such as And the address, Wring that neck, Mandrake root and the like. Even the hair styles were amusing ! Rarely does a week go by without me listening to something featuring Ritchie.

  34. 34
    Anthony says:

    @30 Eh! new solo album from Blackers???

  35. 35
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 31

    Hi Alan

    I was there too!

    I m a bit hazy sometimes as well, but I do think that most of the coming story is correct.
    Btw, Rainbow in 2007?!
    Maybe it was 1997?
    Or did you watch BN? : )


    You must have been one of the many fans that appearantly went across the pond to see Rainbow.

    I do remember that day quite clearly.
    For bad and worse.

    I was 17 and went along with a bus full of fans.
    Travelling all the way to Belgium, I thought it was a bold move.
    In hindsight I think I was bit slow for starters : (

    First travelling from my disco minded village to Rotterdam where still a bunch of heavy rock fans were around and even had a place of their own.

    The place, maybe someone here came there too?, was called De Blokhut, and was located near a metrostation.

    I never really became a frequent visitor.
    Heavy Metal was a very strong part of the programmes’s and…….me……dont likah that : )
    Ofcourse the distance I had to travel was a problem as well.

    Could not imagine for the world that I d be living there years later.

    The guys in the bus that went along with me.
    FANS I always reckoned.

    Well, they must have been because they took the trouble to travel so far.
    And Rainbow did gig in Rotterdam as well, so….)to Brussels where we had trouble finding our way in the traffic/the city.

    At a certain moment we are almost coming to a halt when I see Blackmore walking out of his hotel in his white leather jacket.
    Impulsive we started shouting his name and he flew back inside in a split second : (

    A few moments later I saw JLT walking on the pavement and we started again…. yelling.
    JLT reacted laughing.

    None of us appearantly had the idea to stop (Maybe because we were surprised or maybe the november cold had stifled us, I dont know).

    Well, Rainbow started and , well I was always told that’s what happened anyway,Ritchie appearantly took negative notice when several times he was hit from the public with flash bulbs.

    Maybe people who stood in front(I usually tried and try to go early to a show but probably travelling with the bus did cause that I was sitting at quite a distance.

    Blackmore dissappeared before he got his solo.
    I never did mind because David Rosental did a great repairjob by playing Ritchie’s parts on the keyboards.

    Lights went out after the song and about 5 or 10 minutes passed.
    The crowd seemed to get very frustrated.

    Then it was announced that the band would come back but would split definitely if people started throwing stuff on the stage again.

    I heard a lot of voices behind me, talking the UK accent.
    What I also noticed was that it was the English fans becoming very rowdy and verbally agressive towards Blackmore.
    All kinds of foul language were outed.

    And me?

    I just looked around and…….felt exited about it all.
    Ok, I did want to see the show but……..
    Hey, here it was, DANGER!!!!

    I LOVE it.

    Espescially musically ofcourse, and the first song did provide that, but…..

    Remembering the Deep Purple in Amsterdam history, I was not there ….too young…, I thought……OMG, I m gonna witness a riot!!!
    And I m not a football fan, yippee.

    Luckily show went on, although Blackmore did stop halfway Stone Cold, maybe because the incident had imbalanced his mood, I dont know.

    Straight into Power, yuck!
    I hate that song.

    Overall I think it is true when I say that when he played it was wonderful.
    A quite emotional long I Surrender with extended soloing from Ritchie I do still feel when goiung back remembering it.

    We were very fortunatein getting great live rendtions of several other SBTE tracks but I always felt frustrated he did not play Eyes Of Fire.

    Hell, I never got to hear a live rendtion of Death Ally Driver because, when it finally got played, they did not show up in Belgium or Holland.
    In hindsight I felt bad about not taking the ferry to England because Rainbow split due to the DP reunion.

    In recent years I finally had a bit of solace because OTR did play the song.

    Frustration is your middlename when being a DP family fan/ follower.
    I guess you all know what I mean.

    OTR did great, but ofcourse……
    1 They split.
    2 No official DVD or albums.
    3 No Tearing Out My Heart or Stranded or Love’s No Friend.

    But seeing them together was giving a lot of fulfillment.
    JLT did sing better than expexted, not to to say excellent.
    Witnessing JLT and Bobby together was great. I LOVE the SBTE period.Period.

    Yeah, I know…….

    This is probably too long again. : )


  36. 36
    stoffer says:

    SOLO album by RB??? sounds very interesting if it is true……no BN….no Candice…..just Ritchie being Ritchie… 🙂

  37. 37
    purplepriest1965 says:


    Perception can be a real mind fuck.

    I saw Alan writing somewere else that the ” break in Bruxelles” lasted about 30 minutes.

    I m a bit puzzled and curious now.
    In recent years I donloaded the boot of that evening, and ahamedly must admit I dont know wher I left it.
    But……if memory serves me right the BREAK on the tape was definetely not 30 minutes.
    One of us has it wrong, dont you think ? : )

    Today I wondered : Has my memory been compromised by getting that, unfortunately of very mediocre quality, boot?
    If the break was 30 minutes it might have been cut and fell down to the cutting floor.

    Does anybody else remember?

    Cheers, Mark

  38. 38
    Alan says:


    I recall Brussells very well. About 300 of us made the trip from England on an organised coach trip ( 6 coaches in all ) and as the band started I was at the very front immediately in front of Ritchie. He walked off mid way through Spotlight Kid and the show did not resume for a full 30 minutes. I know because I actually timed it. Sad I know but true. Maybe your bootleg was edited as who would want to listen to 30 minutes of no music ! The show itself was great after they started again. As it finished about 30 minutes later than planned the coach I was on just about got back to the ferry in time to get back to England that night. Very memorasble even after all these years.

    The Reading show I mentioned was indeed a BN show.

    At least when watching Ritchie play its true that you can never quite be sure what will happen. Reading will be remembered for me not only for the hour long most disappointing show I have seen, but also on a previous BN tour they played a full 3 hour show one Sunday night breaking the curfew by quite a period and I anticipate being fined quite heavily for doing so. When Ritchie is in the moood he will just play on and pay the fine.


  39. 39
    Alan says:

    @28 Tracy

    Reffering to good deeds I read somewhere that a few years ago one of Ritchies German follows sadly died too young and I believe that Ritchie paid for his partner and a friend to travel to the US to scatter his ashes in Ritchie’s garden. If I’m wrong about this I hope it does not upset anyone, but if this is true then that to me is a very charitable thing to do.

  40. 40
    purplepriest1965 says:


    I already reckoned that a 30 minutes break would never make it to a tape.
    But a great move that would have been!

    I enjoyed the break which I heard on tape, so much atmosphere and it brought me back all those years ago.

    You were lucky to stand in front.
    Over the years I always tried to stand in the middle just in front of the stage.
    I heard that being the near the mixing desk was wiser, but I so wanted to see it upfront!

    I dont know what it is but Blackmore had the ability to come on stage and it was already exiting when he did nothing.

    During a BN show in Germany in 97 he came back on for the electric part of the gig and he only played something that sounded as something to get started.
    Man, I swore that part alone was worth the price of admission!

    Btw, I think I know which German guy you mean.
    I forgot his name but I saw him sitting in front of Ritchie, with his girl/woman or not, and he seemed always to get beer from Ritchie.

  41. 41
    Alan says:


    My days of standing at the front are over now and as you say the best sound is by the mixing desk as you hear what the sound man hears.

    Blackmore has such stage presence its amazing. I remember a gig on the UK 1983 tour in Whitby Bay Newcastle when one of his amps started to feedback. He turned, pointed to it and clapped. Within seconds the whole crowd were applauding a buzzing amp !

    I think the German guys name may have been Rainer, or something close, and if it is the guy I’m thinking of I saw him at many BN shows over the years. Tremendous loyalty.

  42. 42
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Yes, it was Rainer.

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