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Streaming Afterglow

BCC Afterglow cover art; © 2012, image courtesy of Noble PR

The entire Black Country Communion’s new album Afterglow is available for streaming from Soundcloud courtesy of Joe Bonamassa:

Thanks to Daniel Bengtsson for the info.

18 Comments to “Streaming Afterglow”:

  1. 1
    Tommy H. says:

    Maybe I’m crazy but it is my way of appreciation to buy a record. It devaluates the efforts of all four musicians to put it up on the internet for free. What a strange move that is …

  2. 2
    buttockss says:

    Already own it, bought it at best bye in morristown nj. Glenns voice sounds like it did 40 years ago, just listin to the song “after glow” sounds like “coast to coast” amazing !.

  3. 3
    evil_louie says:

    Sounds good – can’t wait to get my copy.

    And just wait for the expanded edition which includes a bonus CD of interviews where all they do is argue with each other.

  4. 4
    Roberto says:

    ‘Common man’ is the best song not so much for the melody but for the instrumental parts…great drumming and great electric piano a la ‘Hold On’…

  5. 5
    Carlos says:

    Do the other members know about this?

    I thinks this means he doesn’t care about it anymore about the band so he gave the album for free.

  6. 6
    Phil says:

    Agree this is a strange move and devalues what is a fantastic album. All that hard work, promotional build up then you give it away.

  7. 7
    Jeogger Matthews says:


  8. 8
    Deeperpurps says:

    Gentlemen….I am as perplexed as many of you are as to why one band member would willingly and knowingly forfeit potential revenues fom the sales of BCC Afterglow CDs by posting them for free on a streaming / downloading site. If this was done in isolation, without the knowledge or consent of the bandmembers, it represents a very low blow. Those other bandmembers are now going to suffer the loss of revenue because of the selfish act of one.

    The following is an excerpt of an interview with JB by Ultimate Classic Rock of about 4 days ago:

    “”””Interviewer : It’s harder in this day and age to keep people from accessing your music for free than it is to get it out there in front of them.

    Joe Bonamassa: Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if people take the music for free, because you can’t illegally download a ticket to a concert. Everything now is a bundle in the business. It’s not like before, where there were bands that would just make records. That doesn’t really occur anymore, because everything’s a bundle. There’s not enough record sales to justify it. That’s why you see an absolute deluge of touring bands right now, people saying, “Well, this is the only way we can actually go out there and earn a living.” If you sell a CD, or you sell a t-shirt, or you sell a concert ticket — you have to look at it from those points of view.””””

    So there you have it Gents……from the flow and context of that interview it is quite apparent that JB is talking about his own career in the above statement (and not BCC)……and from there you can deduce that JB has completely thrown BCC down the toilet by giving the public the album for free without any intention at all of going out and touring it, or selling associated band merchandise. etc….In fact when asked if he will tour with BCC, he says “probably not”.

    One must ask why would one bandmember do such a thing. Personally I think it may come down to the self-centeredness of the guitarist. Not only has he deprived the other BCC members of album sales revenues, his lack of intention to tour as a BCC member will also deprive them of the tour and merchandise revenues. Couple that selfish act with the continued uncool dissing of Glenn Hughes in interview after interview, and JB is really coming off as immature.

    Unless there is something I am completely missing here, I would say that JB’s actions and words are the death knell for BCC, the straw that broke the camel’s back….BCC in its current incarnation is over Gents, kiss it goodbye…..start looking for a new guitarist now or file the band in the archives as “could have been a contender”.

  9. 9
    Martin says:

    Incredible. If this wasn’t approved by GH and the other guys, JB will get in trouble.

  10. 10
    Moe says:

    Great disc, but doesn’t the beginning riff of “Common Man” sound a hell of a lot like the main riff in Rush’s Tom Sawyer???

  11. 11
    kraatzy says:

    A very very awesome album.
    Thank you Glenn and thank you to the others.
    And now, we are waiting for the Afterglow-tour !!! 😉



  12. 12
    Yvonne says:

    I wonder if and how this move will affect the sales figures for Afterglow. And no, Joe really doesn’t seem to care about BCC anymore:


  13. 13
    Hartmut says:

    I made an effort to buy the BCC 3 album 2 days ago. And now I see this all to listen here free for all… hm… is this another sign of the music industrie these days? Would I buy BCC 4?

  14. 14
    RB says:

    It does appear that Joe has had enough of BCC, or rather that should read Glenn as he’s the one that has decided to move the goalposts and air his dirty laundry in public, which illustrates his desperation to pin his hopes for greater success on the band. Glenn is still in good voice but for me ‘Afterglow is merely an ok album (and I’m still not mad on the production), with the majority sounding like a Glenn Hughes solo affair but with players of greater character backing him, which is hardly surprising with nearly half of the album penned by Glenn. It made me chuckle on the bonus dvd when Glenn talked about the rest of BBC having put him in the position of chief songwriter. surely that’s more about the others either not having the time or the inclination to contribute more? I found the first BCC release more exciting (despite the dire production) and as Glenn has gradually had more creative control and on the subsequent albums his vocals have returned to his usual OTT style, just as I feel the quality of material has been in decline. I hope the band continues but I fear that Glenn has buggered that chance up. Will he ever learn?

  15. 15
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I really disagree that Glenn worked with inferior people on his solo albums.

  16. 16
    RB says:

    Perhaps I phrased it badly. I’m not saying they were inferior, just with BCC the band plays with a clearly audible sense of authority, whereas many of the guys that backed Glenn on his solo material lacked a certain individuality with regards to their playing, sounding somewhat homogenous (I’m not including Chad Smith here as he plays with a definite authority).

  17. 17
    Tracy (Zero the Hero) Heyder says:

    I say they find a new guitarist and replace the guitar parts on the album with said guitarist, repackage it, promote it, sell it and tour it. I would imagine Joe’s actions have nullified him from receiving further funds off of it. I’d have to label it pure sabotage….


  18. 18
    Paal says:

    Well , the complete album was out on Spotify on the release date, so it was allready out there in the streaming community. Whatever it is a great record, and I will get my CD copy anyway.

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