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WhoCares album samples

WhoCares charity compilation release date has been pushed back to July 13. Meanwhile, their record label has posted teaser samples:

19 Comments to “WhoCares album samples”:

  1. 1
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Are they going to tour this complete 2 CD and bringing ANNO MUNDI and so on sung by Ian Gillan?

  2. 2
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Btw, I expected more REPO DEPO material.

  3. 3
    Héctor de San Martín says:

    I really like although there is nothing new under the sun. Besides, it is for a noble cause. Buy it! Of course

  4. 4
    Buttockss says:

    Should it be gillan,iommi, hughes & friends @ gillan pub?

  5. 5
    max says:

    Same old game…forking out for just one track: Repo Depo – that I couldn`t get anywhere else. But as it is for charity this time…

  6. 6
    Roberto says:

    I was waiting for the first WhoCares album as they said during the last year interviews but here we are with just a compilation of old songs (which, at least, 90% of them yet published or heard before).

  7. 7
    fdr says:

    I’d have loved to see the Gillan track “Eternity” here. One of the best songs Ian sang in recent years.

  8. 8
    Hristo says:

    Please, don’t be such egoists…the recording was scheduled for April, remember? Then comes the news about TI health problems and meantime BS reunion was announced! So to feel the contract the just made this compilation… it’s easy to get!

  9. 9
    Hristo says:

    i meant “to fill”

  10. 10
    Joanna says:

    I also expected more Repo Depo, but glad to see Dick Pimple and The whole in my vest. Thanks for samples!

  11. 11
    purpletemple says:

    With Iommi fighting a disease and recording a new Black sabbath album and Ian Gillan touring the world and (hopefully) recording a new Deep Purple record, you didn’t really expect new material, right?!?
    I think this is great! Nice track selection!

  12. 12
    Brad says:

    Does anybody reading this happen to know if this will be released in the States? I know I can download it if I want to, but my question stands.

  13. 13
    LRT says:

    @PT -“hopefully” -you should know it’s just likely Ian bringing vocal ideas and recording them over backing tracks, mixing and producing as we speak.(there is no other plan) And if you read up on Bob Ezrin you will find that he records vocals a certain way. I think this should apply to his influence on keyboards as well. I’m expecting something good after getting familiarized with his way of producing.

  14. 14
    Roberto says:

    @8-11They could have posticipated the true new WhoCares album or simply fullfilling this compilation with just rare songs…
    @7 that’s what I think too…’Eternity’ is super.

  15. 15
    LRT says:

    This thing doesn’t work.

  16. 16
    mike whiteley says:

    Since #11 brought up recording the new Purple album,does anyone know if they’ re actually in the studio ??
    It was supposed to happen this month in Nashvulle with Bob Ezrin at the helm.
    Any news on that ??

  17. 17
    al says:

    They are in the studio in Memphis and are recording ( Deep Purple ) the next album,hopefully throughout the whole summer with Bob Ezrin.

  18. 18
    Rick Freeman says:

    We have a lot coming our way. I am content with this “WhoCares” album. A new BS album. A new DP album. Glenn Hughes said at a concert recently that next year will bring something to celebrate MK lll. ’13 should be a “lucky” year for us the Purple Fans. Hopefully Nigel’s book will be in our hands by the end of the year. I just hope that Jon’s, Tony’s and Ian’s health well continue to improve. We need them! The joy they have bought us. The release of Jon’s new album will a thing of joy in it’s self.

  19. 19
    buttockss says:

    Is Ian Gillan sick?…..did not here anything about it, knew about tony and jons illnesses. Gee i hope it’s not to serious !…………….man getting old really suks.

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