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RG on RnR HoF: “No, thanks”

Roger Glover, Quebec City, June 4, 2011; Photo © Nick Soveiko CC-BY-NC-SA

The Chronicle Herald from Halifax, Canada, did an interview with Roger Glover. He spoke about the way things are done in the band, the “new” guys, and, for some reason or another, the question of Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame popped up again:

I don’t think we ever will because if they ever ask us, we’ll just say ‘No thanks’. It’s fraught with political overtones and it could get a bit uncomfortable because if we were going to do it, for a start, Ritchie would have to be involved.

Relationships with Ritchie, by his choice, are non-existent, and it wouldn’t be a very pleasant experience. But look at all the other acts that haven’t been inducted either. We’d probably just say, ‘Thanks, but see ya.’

That makes it two for two so far.

Read more in The Chronicle Herald.

Thanks to Monika Schwarz for the info.

46 Comments to “RG on RnR HoF: “No, thanks””:

  1. 1
    George says:

    I’ll be proud if the band gets inducted into RaRHoF.
    But I’ll be even prouder, if they refuse it.

  2. 2
    T says:

    Everyone on this site knows that the “Rock and Roll Hall of Lame” is a joke. The inclusion of artists who either have not had the track record of Deep Purple or who have nothing to do with “rock and roll” illustrates that this institution is a complete sham–to say nothing of other artists who should have been included but were not.

    For some reason, Purple always have been dissed by the media, with Rolling Stone magazine being one of the worst perpetrators. It should be noted that music industry is not immune to politics, and Deep Purple has never been prone to participation in political movements, particularly when Blackmore was in the band. This may be a part of the reason for the exclusion.

    At this point, I agree with Roger. Thanks–but no thanks. We all know that Purple is head and shoulders above the rest, no matter which perspective one cares to take: longevity, musicality, sales, innovation, musicianship, showmanship, influence, and historical impact–to name a few.

    When one compares Purple to some of the inductees, inclusion in the Hall of Fame is almost offensive instead of the honor it should be

  3. 3
    deeperpurps says:

    Ian P. says so, and now ditto for Roger. Forget the R&RHoF – it has lost any credibility it might ever have had. The selection panels have to my mind been deliberately snubbing the Purps for years for whatever bizarre reason. Not totally unexpected when the hall is so inextricably linked to a particular music magazine which in its Album Guide 4th Edition does not even include Deep Purple – they are conspicuosly absent between the likes of DEE-LITE (who is that ???) and Def Leppard. That indicates to me total unashamed subjectivity, a complete lack of objectivity, and zero respect. Deep Purple are too good and too proud to accept whatever crumbs the hall might throw at them now. Tell the hall to save that award for some novel obscurity like so many others in there already, whom no one will care to remember 10 years from now.

  4. 4
    Tim says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but it just seems like absolute nonsense that something like rock’n’roll should need the smug approval of a sanctimonious representation of the Estblishment like a Hall of Fame.

  5. 5
    Woodruff P Hoppinstopp says:

    Are the recovered cds from the space shuttle in rock and roll hof ? Nasa presented them to D.P in Mexico city.

  6. 6
    Purpoz says:


    Excellent point Tim! Rock ‘n’ roll is very subjective and personal – it means different things to different people – and a Hall of Fame is oxymoronic.

    I think the ongoing omission of Deep Purple from the RRHF really emphasises the narrow, US-centric selection policy that prevails. Like it or not, DP has never really had a high profile in the US. My understanding is that DP was the highest grossing touring band in the US in 1974 (and possibly 1985?) but, otherwise, has largely slipped under the public radar.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, DP has consistently had a higher profile throughout its 40-odd year history, particularly in Europe and Japan, and also in smaller markets such as Australia and Asia. If the RRHF was driven by a truly global vision, DP may well have been an inaugural inductee. But it ain’t…

    Needless to say, I’m not a fan of the RRHF – essentially it is an institution which has no meaning or relevance outside US borders and, quite possibly, not a lot within them.

  7. 7
    Russ says:

    As I understand it the R&RHoF and the museum are two separate things. So there is probably stuff in the museum from Purple.

  8. 8
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    For me the R&RHOF is nothing more than an entertainment factor whereby I can see some great performances at the ceremony. Sometimes somebody I care for and sometimes not. But never the less, some great tributes and original performances. As to the relevancy of the institution? Total BS. For starters, to qualify, a band or performer has to have been around for at least 25 years. Sabbath was finally inducted. And then Ozzy Osbourne got a separate induction. Hmmmmm. Funny how this all happened after Ozzy got all the ‘special treatment’ publicity with the ‘MTV’ hit reality show. Suddenly he and Sabbath were worthy of being inductee’s. I’m not saying they didn’t deserve the position. I’m just eluding to the fact that look how long it took and what actually catapulted the induction. Pure politics and timing in the business. Worthiness in the status of the Ass Sucking World. There is no reason for Sabbath to have not been included 10 years prior. Purple actually should have been in before Sabbath. They came into existence 2 years before, with an actual major hit single…. ‘Hush’. They then went on to make monumental music continually in and out of Purple until today. Members of Deep Purple have separately contributed tons of breakthrough contributions to this genre “Rock & Roll”, beyond any other group of players from any other band I know of. Ozzy got personal recognition on top of his Sabbath affiliation. No other Sabbath member was singled out. Purple has connection to many actual Big Name bands that the various members achieved accomplishments with that were successful beyond many bands and artists that have already been inducted, yet been nowhere near as long in the business. Hell, look at Blackmore alone. His contributions to so many big name artists from the past such as ‘Nero and the Gladiators’, ‘Lord Sutch’, then Purple, Rainbow, now Blackmore’s Night that is getting major notoriety today in yet another genre of R&R. Lord with his concertos and the ‘Flower Pot Men’, the ‘Artwoods’, Purple and later on his classical contributions. Gillan with ‘Episode Six’ and the ‘Javelins’, then Purple then ‘Gillan Band’, Sabbath and back to Purple. Coverdale with Purple, then ‘Whitesnake’…Huge. Just a small sample and snippet into the relevancy of the magnitude DEEP PURPLE and its affiliates have had as an impact on the music world, since even before their 1st album in 1968. In all reality, Deep Purple and most of its many band members should receive the same treatment Sabbath got. Not just the band and it’s frontman, but each member of Purple have done amazing solo stuff also that is as relevant as Ozzy figgin’ Osbourne. But then again, they also haven’t gone out of their way to be in the ‘spotlight’ as Ozzy has with the absolute perfect promotion into the political world that Ozzy’s manager/wife has provided….
    Bottom line, ‘It’s All Bullshit’ but, I’d still love to see it happen, just for as I stated at the beginning, for the awesome tribute performances and the band performance, plus the connected band inclusion eventually and all the tributes and performances. As a fan, its all about seeing and hearing. I WANT IT ALL!!


  9. 9
    ZE says:

    This is not worth wasting anyone’s time. I still (for over 30 years) enjoy Deep Purple’s music as much (or more) as I did when I first heard it. I’m sure most here feel the same. No matter what anyone else says…
    So, who gives a shit (apologies to moderators) about what these “tone-deafs” think. It was wisely said before: “…if I said truth and nothing but the truth – Could I ever be a star?” End of discussion. Screw the “hall”, just put the music on.
    P.S. Best wishes to Jon and his family.

  10. 10
    George Martin says:

    The rock and roll hall of fame is crap! Just like every thing else in this world it is purely political. Until Deep Purple are in there ( and rightfully so! ) I would never go there. It had the potential when it started out to be something very special but as always people screw it up. Looking forward to a new album and tour.

  11. 11
    b miller says:

    I think the rock and roll hall of fame is a disgrace. Deep Purple is the greatest band in the world and of all time. The rock and roll hall of fame is well below Deep Purple. The same can be said for the national football league hall of fame. Players with superbowl rings are not in it and are all great players. If you keep up with football and see who is in it and who is not you will see same thing in the rock and roll hall of fame. I think Deep Purple should tell the rock and roll hall of fame to shove it up their ……. One other thing I can not understand is the nfls choice on who performs the super bowl halftime show. This year it was madonna. Last year it was the black eyed peas. The show is the most watched perfomance in the world. So instead of having artists like that why not have the best bad in the world perform the show. Who ever makes the decision on who perfoms in the halftime show or becomes a member of the rock and roll hall of fame are idiots. Praying for you Jon Lord and thank GOD for Deep Purple


  12. 12
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    b miller @11;

    Though I agree with you regarding the Super Bowl Half time Show, unfortunately the rest of America doesn’t. I just saw where this year’s Halftime Show had the highest viewing over all the past shows. Unfortunately, that’s the sad state of music here in the US and why we don’t see such great acts as Deep Purple doing those shows. Although, a couple of years ago, the WHO actually did, which was a surprise. Unfortunately, I have a feeling they didn’t spark the interest that these ‘pop stars’ bring.


  13. 13
    George Martin says:

    To b miller

    They would never ask Purple to be the halftime show at the super bowl but I would love it if they did. The best you could ever hope for is a classic hard rock halftime show. Since you only get 15 minutes here is what I would like to see.

    1st – Ozzy – Crazy Train followed by:
    2nd – Scorpions – Rock you like a hurricane and finally:
    3rd – Deep Purple – Smoke on the water / with Ozzy and Scorps joining at the end with fireworks!

    All of these songs are played at stadiums throughout America during football games.
    How cool would this be!

  14. 14
    Scott W. says:

    Tracy, Blackmore was never in Nero and the Gladiators but he was inspired by them in the mid 60’s when he caught one of their shows. He was impressed when he saw them play ‘In the hall of the mountain king’ which he then recorded in 1965 under the name ‘Satans Holiday’ by the ‘Lancasters’, then recorded (and played it live at shows) again, as ‘In the Hall of the Mountain King’ on the Rainbow ‘Stranger in us All’ album. What impresses me about Ritchie’s pedigree is that he recorded with Tom Jones of all people, then, toured with two of the best early rockers ever; Gene Vincent and Jerry Lee Lewis. I think Gene Vincent was one of the best singers Ritchie ever played with. He had a god given beautiful voice!
    Also, we can’t forget how many people Ritchie played with ended up in Black Sabbath! Gillan, Dio, Hughes, Powell etc.

  15. 15
    Reno says:

    Three CHEERS For Roger & Deep Purple !!!!! R&R hall of SHAME !!!

  16. 16
    b miller says:

    Please forgive misspellings on my comments, I wanted to say the best band not the bad band. My appollogies. b miller

  17. 17
    Scott W. says:

    Just in case anyone is interested in the Pre-Purple bands chck out this site. i love it! It is VERY informative.Nick Simper’s bands, Purple’s (roundabout) first drummer Bobby Woodman Clarke WAS in Nero and the Gladiators. Ritchie’s Pre Purple Bands: The Dominators, The Outlaws, The Trip, Lord Ceasar Sutch and The Roman Empire, Heinz and the Wild Boys, Niel Christian and the Crusaders etc. are all covered on this site in detail. Check it out.


  18. 18
    Gary says:

    There is no one who would agree with anybody more than me that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame without Deep Purple isn’t worthy of the name, considering their many years of eligibility. I agree wiith Roger’s and Paicey on this.

    However, if you consider what a Deep Purple induction would mean to the band NOW, an Induction would not only bring recognition to their glorious past, but also bring attention to the current excellent line-up. A fabulous promotional tool for their dwindling fan base.

    It’s an Honor long overdue, unfairly overdue for EVERY reason given, and it would also give legitanacy to what is called the ‘ Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ‘.

    Yes, there’s a Ritchie Blackmore exhibit, and I believe a pair of Paicey’s drum sticks. NOT ENOUGH !!!

  19. 19
    daviep79 says:

    Tracy @ # 8 sums up my feelings too about the R&RHOF, as well as reading all the other comments, this band has gotten the shaft! Nuff said. Thoughts & prayers to Jon Lord & a speedy recovery! Hope Deep Purple plays the halftime show when the Cleveland Browns are in it!! Probably aint gonna happen!! LOL! Long Live DP!!!

  20. 20
    Jerry says:

    I think the underlying theme coming across from the other comments is that this doesn’t matter. And I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. Some people seem fixated by honours and awards, but fundamentally they don’t have anything to do with music. Music is such a personal thing and merely to tell some artist they have been honoured with an award will have no impact on anyone. Those that don’t like the music won’t suddenly start buying the records and those that love the music won’t suddenly start loving it even more.

    The greatest honour Deep Purple has is knowing it has sold millions of records and concert tickets and has touched many, many people with its music. If I was in a band, the joy I gave the fans and the rewards I reaped from it would be more of an honour than a plaque on the wall or an obelisk on my mantlepiece.

    Let’s just enjoy Deep Purple as we do, each in our own individual way whether we favour MKI, MKII etc. At the end of the day, as Mick Jagger once said, “I know, it’s only rock ‘n’ roll, but I like it, like it, yes I do.”

  21. 21
    Les Hedger says:

    I live in the USA. In 1973 Purple werethe biggest album selling band in this country as perrolling Stone magazine. They are on of the biggest bands of all time in the world. The RNRHOF is a big joke. A lot of the musicians inducted into it don’t belong there. Deep Purple does!

  22. 22
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:


    Yes and also during the Reunion Tour in 1985, if my memory serves, they were the highest grossing Touring Band. They had some truly great landmark moments throughout their career. They just did a poor job capitalizing on it in the media. Truly the Greatest Best Kept Secret in the business…

    Purple not being inducted in the R&RHOF is like leaving Jesus out of the Bible and Church. Makes it a useless institution with no substance toward the reality of what it’s about.


  23. 23
    Roberto says:

    @20 Mick Jagger even said, the first time he watched him, that Blackmore was the best guitar player he ever met…and Ritchie was 14 years old….

  24. 24
    Jussi says:

    IMO main reason that DP has allways been “hated” in rock press is that Blackmore really was (and are) better player tahan Page. LD was bigger (strange?) in USA, and there are also today RoF peoples…
    I try to tell what I think: I remember when I first heard Yngwie, I realised that he can play somethig faster than tahan Ritchie, my big hero. Then I though Yngwie is only a widdler without any other skills. Todays music pres USA (and also then about 70s) maybe think same about Ritchie? Ritchie is only a widdler… (about Yngwie thats maybe right, but maybe U undestand what I mean)

  25. 25
    b miller says:

    I go to this website because I love Deep Purples music and all I can say is Ritchie Blackmore is the greatest gutair player of all time. However, this is like the nfl. Its a team or band thing not any one individual and the nfl policy is what have you done lately? But just think for a minute Deep Purple has been doing it for over 44 years and are still the best band in the world and of all time.

  26. 26

    Con toda honestidad estoy de acuerdo con R.Glover y con todos los fans que dejaron su opinión sobre lo del salon de la fama del R&R,es una verdadera porquería ,inclusive hay artistas que ni son rockeros y ya estan en el salón de la dizque fama.Seguire siendo Fan de DP,hasta el final de la vida.(larga vida a DP).

  27. 27
    paice30 says:

    Any entity that includes The Pretenders, but not Deep Purple or Rush … well, just isn’t worth the time.

  28. 28
    LRT says:

    @Nero & The Gladiators are often crossed with Neil Christian & The Crusaders. Common oversight since all there is to go by is history and those names stopped getting mentioned as their artists worth mentioning grew over the years.

    Sales mean very little in the pitcure… to bring home just over one million between them, Van Halen had to gross 90 million on their 2007 tour. So forget about the numbers anymore, they’ve always been way off to reflect the most fame while the suits make off with it all. For every someone who’s famous, there are at least three rich around them, or no one is getting either. Make them rich and you’ll be famous alright, it’s the least they can do for you. 🙂

    @23-Roberto…. interesting, do you recall where you heard that?

  29. 29
    Gary says:

    Hi Jerry,

    Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, and Ian Paice greatfully acknowledge the ‘ Classic Rock Innovators ‘ award in England in person. Jon Lord wrote a note expressing his gratitude, apologing that he couldn’t be there that night,that appeared on this page. You may need to scroll down a bit.

  30. 30
    LRT says:

    I’m becoming fairly inclined at this point to think that if Roger wouldn’t accept such an accolade, why would anyone who was ever in the band? Just an interesting thought, not knowing who else really stands where concerning their thoughts as to whether or not they would attend and accept the induction and/or even perform for any reason. I also don’t understand why they have not even been invited to present for anyone?????

    That stinks of bad overall relations. Sometimes over 40 year musical institutions(Deep Purple) are transparant, either that or they breed some sour grapes with certain industry elbows because they’re so good it’s intimidating to those who don’t get it, to the point where they’re uptight about it.

    Either way the HOF is becoming famous for it’s ignorance, and Purple are one of the leading examples. And it might be better publicity than getting inducted would manage. 🙂 Afterward the subject would not be around to discuss anymore, and certainly won’t be replaced with talk about a one time thing. Purple milk… mmm, good stuff!

  31. 31
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    FYI pertaining to R&RHOF….

    I just read that the Original Line-up of Guns & Roses will be attending this year’s ceremony being they were inducted. If they can all get together for it, then so could Purple. Purple’s animosity towards past members is nowhere near as deep rooted and hardcore as what transpired in the G&R camp. Thus, using the Blackmore crap as an excuse for it not happening doesn’t fly. So Purple, if you ever are finally considered and inducted…… Show up, play and state your opinion about it at the ceremony. That’s Rock & Roll and I would like it.
    Remember how you guys always talk about being so ‘dangerous’ LIVE? There’s your chance…..Hope to see it someday.


  32. 32
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I read that about G & R too but I shrugged my shoulders.

    They are way overrated and should be so honest that DP was superior.

    Be glad for once the left overs of DP show some backbone saying R & R Hall Of F is a joke!

    Forget about adventure.
    Not without him.
    Although saying NO to R RH F would be cool : )

  33. 33
    Gary says:

    I appreciate Roger’s, Ian P, and now Ian Gillan’s view on the subject. I really do. But a significant portion of their fans for many years would like to see this happen. And Rock and Roll is about the fans as far as bands are concerned, right ?

    Many years from now, despite the ignorance of previous Nominators, many new fans of newer generations will wonder why it took so long for Deep Purple to be inducted. And they will find all the reasons we all, and the band as well, said today.

    Thank you to LRT and Tracy for helping me make this point.

  34. 34
    Gary says:

    You’re missing the point, Purplepriest…..

  35. 35
    Vavoom says:


    Rolling Stone magazine took a right position, which reflects typical American view.
    Since Purpendicular, DP never made chart success on US billboard 200.
    Ian Gillan claimed that “Rapture of the Deep” sold 1,500,000 copies worldwide.
    Where did it sell mainly? Brazil, India or China?
    So his remark is quite untrustworthy, current DP should be thought as the indie-rock band, which was refused a contract extension from EMI records in 2004. Actually, Bananas sold only 40,000 copies worldwide.

    Canadian progressive rock band, Rush also does not enter Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, probably because they look like a clone of Yes.

    Blackmore has been usually avoided politically by MTV, probably because he looked like a clone of Yngwie Malmsteen, though is now henpecked.
    RB certainly didn’t support Margaret Thatcher in the late 80s, of course didn’t support Tony Blair.

  36. 36
    Nigel says:

    While he understands how important the honour would be for fans and for some of his bandmates, he’s always thought it would be the antithesis of what Deep Purple was all about.
    “I wouldn’t go to war over it and I wouldn’t hold out too hard on it but my position is this: One of the things I fought against as a kid, when I got into this line of work, as I rebelled from my post-Victorian background and childhood and upbringing . . . is to avoid being institutionalized. And that to me seems as near as an institution as you could possibly get,” he says. “So, I’m not in favour of it, I’ve never looked for it, I don’t want it. If it happens, it happens and I’m staying well clear of it.”

  37. 37
    purplepriest1965 says:


    I m of those people who feels proud and exited DP somehow is mentioned inbetween the “madness of the day” after a lot of neglect.

    But this Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame is a joke.

    They induced ridicilous artists and neglected great ones.

    When it would come to it I think the original members should be there as well or maybe(oh oh)only them.

    Right now I dont think Mister Never Cared About Being A Nice Guy cares to join such circus, so…..


    I missed the part where Maggie’s farm was brought up but I do recall RB mentioning her way back somehow.

    As often he excelled in a strange answer mode that “Maybe Magareth Tatcher can do something about it….” when someone asked him about something.
    I forgot what the question was : (

    For decades I ve been hoping that he did NOT mean he voted for the Tories.

    Yep, always the grandson of a communist, moi : )

  38. 38
    Scott W. says:

    Blackmore a clone of Yngwie??? Isn’t it the other way around?!?

  39. 39
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    The Blackmore/Malmsteen issue is actually a good point regarding the ‘MTV’ mindset. Yngwie truly was a huge standout guitar hero whom capitalized on the fact that Purple and Blackmore was his main mentor in his style and influence. He helped fill the void that existed during that oh so solemn period that Purple were gone. Amazing how with all that attention and reference toward his Purple and Blackmore ‘cloning’, the actual band and members in all due respects have never achieved the continued notoriety and ‘spotlight’ attention that their ‘clone’ achieved. The reason? Malmsteen made himself more available and didn’t shun the press and spotlight, where Purple and Blackmore did. His stints with Alcatrazz, Rising Force and Solo were quite popular and spotlighted on MTV. Promo Videos, Concerts and interviews. Actually Blackmore did it well while in ‘Rainbow’. They got plenty of exposure on MTV. Then came the Purple Reunion in 1985. Purple pretty much shunned MTV and the rest is history. That’s why today if you took a poll with the mid to younger generation, the majority would have knowledge of Malmsteen more so than Blackmore which is quite a shame. That’s why the song ‘MTV’ on Rapture of the Deep is quite ironic to me. The song basically complains about how Purple is known only for the ‘Classics’ and how MTV was a bad thing. Though I do agree that MTV has definitely evolved into something that shouldn’t even be connected to Music in any way these days, back in the 80s and 90s it was very influential and was the mainstream gateway and catapult into the music arena and the way for present stars to maintain their exposure. Purple shunned that too. Yeah, it’s great that they don’t suck up and sell out, but if you are going to take that stand, don’t write songs like ‘MTV’ or complain that nobody knows you exist. It all boils down to the same old story. Lack of promotion….’Stupid is as stupid does.’


  40. 40
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Even worse…….

    Malmsteen became succesful in the same period DP rose from the ashes.

    I really am crazy about the ALCATRAZZ albums and espescially go bananas watching Bonnet and Vai together in that excellent DVD.

    Such a shame still Graham could not work a bit longer with Schenker.
    ASSAULT ATTACK, DTE and the first 2 ALCATRAZZ albums are true classics.

    Schenker is my favourite next to Blackmore but most of the time I cant listen to his music because his awful choice of singers.

  41. 41
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Hey Priest;

    You should be a happy camper then…
    Schenker is going to be touring in May with Doogie White on vocals. I’d like to see an album come from that duo.


  42. 42
    Scott W. says:

    Tracy, Doogie is on the new Schenker album ‘Temple of Rock’ along with R.McAuley, M. Voss on vocals, Don Airey, Simon Phillips, Carmine Appice, Pete Way, Niel Murray, Rudolf S., Herman Rarebell, Brian Tichy, Etc. Etc. Time to emerge from the cave!

  43. 43
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Sorry Scott W but I’ve been out of the cave for a while. I just haven’t been following Schenker’s escapades these days. Lost track of him a few years ago. Might have to look back into him though. Thanks for the info.


  44. 44
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 41

    Well, on the upside…it saves me money.
    Funny that you say you are such a big Schenker fan but lost sight of him many moons ago.
    FYI : On YT there are loads of clips from last month in America(…)with Mc Auley on vocals.
    Schenker seems to be, again, losing weight but plays impeccable.

    Friends of mine are going just to see him, the rest is hopeless.

  45. 45
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Actually Priest, my Schenker fandom isn’t all that high. I do like a lot of his music but in the casual vein. My main draw to him was the Purple connection due to Graham Bonnett, Cozy Powell and Don Airey in the early MSG days. I then began digging into the rest, UFO, Scorpions, etc. I can do with or without his material. Now, Gary Moore is another story. I am still drastically affected by his death. He truly moved me with his playing and the fact that there will be no more Gary Moore songs in the future really has me heartbroken…..


  46. 46
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Right now a lot of news about passing away rockers.

    Time waits for no one.

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