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BCC back in the studio in June

In an interview with Artisan News Service, Glenn Hughes says Black Country Communion is heading into the studio in June 2012 to record the group’s third album. Hughes says he already has some new material ready for the album.

48 Comments to “BCC back in the studio in June”:

  1. 1
    Gillanfan says:

    DAmn, their fast !!!!!!!!!!

    I have nothing against new BCC album, and i’m even looking forward to hear Glenn’s new solo album, but i’m afraid from new Bonamassa’s album….

    Everything that he made on his own in the past 3 or 4 years (BCC not icluded) was same mono type crap in the same soft tone !!!!!!!! Absolutely horrible.


    He became a clone of his own, i have stopped listening anything that he did outside BCC !!!!!!

    Same crap !!

  2. 2
    MacGregor says:

    Gee I bet these songs that Glenn Hughes is churning out are really great…………………………Not! Most people realise that these so called super groups are over hyped big time! The songs that I have heard of BCC are very mediocre indeed……….but wait, I can churn out even more very ordinary songs……..I have so many songs in me! What with solo material, collaborations with other artists & BCC? It reminds me of a mega successful rock band from the past decades, that were bragging they had so many songs, that they can write an album in a few days! This is after decades of material of which some is good, but as we know songwriters run out of ideas after a while & that is if they are decent songwriters! Very ordinary songwriters run out if ideas even quicker than that, that is if they have ever had any decent ideas in the first place! Ho hum…….. what a sad era musically we live in……………..burn out the charade guys……….churn it out!

  3. 3
    George says:

    this is a CREATIVE band!

  4. 4
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Well as with all other ‘Purple spin Offs’ from the past, I welcome this. Whitesnake, Rainbow, Gillan Band, etc. BCC is a force to be reckoned with, and I do believe Glenn Hughes has finally found his ‘Place in Line’ whereby he can put HIS stamp on an effort that finally gets a Broad spectrum of notoriety. His ex-Purple buddy Coverdale did it with ‘Whitesnake’. Hughes never succeeded to that level. Now he is taking this and running with it because it is most likely his last shot and he is going for broke as a hungry, starving musician. It’s working and I like it.

    Kudos to you GH. First 2 are ‘fine as frog’s hair’. I expect no less from numero tres.

    Can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2012 shows to be a really good year for Purple People. A new Prez in November will make it PERFECT!


  5. 5
    purplepriest1965 says:

    JOHN Bonham?!

  6. 6
    HZ says:

    Glenn is the man!

  7. 7
    dave_wallis says:

    And what about Glenn’s solo album, he promised to record one this year???

  8. 8
    kraatzy says:

    Happy New Year friends …

    The 3.th BCC-album in nearly 2 years …

    But our Deep Purple guys said, that CDs are not commercial rentable …

    I am laughing 🙂

    They are old lazy grandpas …



  9. 9
    ormandy says:

    BUT, the Rapture of the Deep album blows away these BCC albums in my opinion.

    I can say this because I’ve bought both BCC albums and they collect dust.

  10. 10
    John S says:

    Hey Gillanfan:

    Did you bother to check out the collaboration JB did with Beth Hart last fall?

  11. 11
    SpanishArcher says:

    ROTD blows away BCC albums… and Lulu by Metallica & Lou Reed blows away Slayer’s Reign In Blood and Seasons In The Abyss.

  12. 12
    Lazy says:

    @ormandy: It’s your opinion. In my opinion BBC albums blow away Rapture of the Deep. 🙂

  13. 13
    kraatzy says:

    Yeah. BCC is very very good and busy.

    You have not to be an artist, to realise, that DP will never ever blow anyone away, if they do nothing …

    It is like figure scatin – touring is FREE SCATING – album work is like HEAVY DUTY.

    nothing = lazy = touring <- in my opinion – chears 🙂



  14. 14
    Roberto says:

    the main modern music problem is just one: songwriting…Glenn Hughes is affacted by poor songwriting as most of the people out there…never liked so much his songs…I prefer for example one album with just 7 songs but with a great songwriting (like in the ’70) or just an album every 5 years with 12 songs but with great songwriting than the way BBC are doing…

  15. 15
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Read this and weep.


  16. 16
    Gillanfan says:

    @John S

    On the mater of fact i did, and that’s one of the resaons why i wrote all that about Bonamassa…

    I’m still considering will i listen to his next record.
    Cause i’m afraid i will recognize most of the songs, cause i’ve already heard them !!!!!!!!!!!

    I was impressed by Bonamassa couple of years ago, but know i lost any interest in his works
    (accept BCC albums)

  17. 17
    Sami says:

    @1 What a load of crap, get a grip. Glenn’s on a roll, making great music & I for one am very happy for it/him!! Tracy: I know you were kidding(right!?)as GH going for broke, hungry, starving musician as we all know he was set for life with his Purple-earnings…he didn’t shoot it all into his arms, you know…@12 Yeah, BCC blows ROTD clear of the map, no comparison, unfortunately.

  18. 18
    LRT says:

    @McGregor – with all due respect, from which brief magazine article snippet from the 70s-80s are you poliushing where Blackmore said he believed mkII ran out of ideas after the wheel(Deep Purple InRock) was created? Can you please find something else to constantly repeat…. he even once said he didn’t consider himself an artist, and on most days thinks he is just an ‘average’ guitarist. One might make a stronger case concerning what he said so long ago having something to do with anything, but hanging onto it and applying it to everything you read here is too small of a point to keep banging away with and get anywhere doing so. It’s insulting to the woodwork around here.

    Anyone not listening to BCC II enough to get it, is just depriving themselves. Listen, don’t just pop it in and expect miricles without fully absorbing it. But whatever… as for ROTD being better than it goes, hhmm… let’s take a look at it. Song for song ROTD loses, production wise ROTD isn’t even in the same ball park. What does that leave, perhaps the playing level, well, ROTD wins hands down there, but it’s not all about that, so BCC for me not only tops it, but is a leading example for anyone making retro-rock these days. Purple just haven’t really been doing that as much on their last three albums, instead they seem to avoid sounding like Deep Purple for the most part altogether, so much that it might sound funny, but even BCC could somehow go more recognized trying to sound like DP. It’s a case of not being able to win unless you present your new oldness in a way that the people will not be able to evaluate as anything but a good thing in every way. No way to please all of the people all of the time, so there goes ideas new or old, and here comes me wishing them all good luck, in a musical landscape that is too tarnished for it’s own good.

    We can say what we want about anything we want… of course, but sheesh! Having said this all, I have to agree that JB is a lost musical soul on his own at this point, but perhaps he just met his match with the BCC factor, and can’t get out of his own comfort zone. I certainly can’t place much stock on him without others around him sparking what talent he does have, so I agree on his own he is insispid.

  19. 19
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @15 Read what? There are lots of articles on that page.

  20. 20
    MacGregor says:

    LRT @ 18- waffles on big time – [McGregor – with all due respect, from which brief magazine article snippet from the 70s-80s are you poliushing where Blackmore said he believed mkII ran out of ideas after the wheel(Deep Purple InRock) was created?]
    What crap are you on about? I don’t recall saying anything about reading an article regarding Blackmore’s views on Purple, let alone commenting on it, ever?
    [Can you please find something else to constantly repeat…. he even once said he didn’t consider himself an artist, and on most days thinks he is just an ‘average’ guitarist. One might make a stronger case concerning what he said so long ago having something to do with anything, but hanging onto it and applying it to everything you read here is too small of a point to keep banging away with and get anywhere doing so. It’s insulting to the woodwork around here.] It is indeed insulting what you insinuate someone allegedly says, but never did!
    People hear what they hear, it makes no point in trying to tell other people what they should be hearing, that in itself is insulting to ones ears!
    [We can say what we want about anything we want… of course, but sheesh!] Wrong again, that is why a web site forum usually has a moderator, to sort out the drivel!
    [Having said this all, I have to agree that JB is a lost musical soul on his own at this point, but perhaps he just met his match with the BCC factor, and can’t get out of his own comfort zone. I certainly can’t place much stock on him without others around him sparking what talent he does have, so I agree on his own he is insispid.]
    It isn’t JB’s playing that I hear is a problem at all, it is the quality of the songs that I am talking about, meaning the melody! All the players in BCC are wonderful players, but the so called super group, need a songwriter of distinction, IMHO.

  21. 21
    Karl-Heinz says:

    I love the last 2 albums and looking forward. But I hope there are not so much Led Clones as on BCC II. Please more from your very own style.

  22. 22
    Bill Major says:

    #4 God bless you Tracy. I don’t know what I am hungry for more, a new album or a new Prez. We are is serious need of both.

  23. 23
    Roberto says:

    @19 probably he was referring to this…: http://darkerthanblue.wordpress.com/obituaries/larry-rhino-reinhardt/

  24. 24
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I clearly remember having read that DP will be touring for the next three years.
    Conclusion : …………….

  25. 25
    purplepriest1965 says:

    DTB 2011/2012 Review •

    Quote 1 :

    It’s been a busy year as ever for Deep Purple fans, culminating in a handful of live shows with the Orchestra in Britain.
    Well received by many who went but a worrying number of people who opted not to bother, ourselves included.

    Yet in terms of new material it has been a little sparse.

    Nothing new studio wise from the group of course, despite a short writing break and plans for this to happen (next year possibly maybe?).

    The word from the tour is that the group are likely to be in the road at least for another three years or so, but you feel it will be hard to sustain the core support without something new to get people interested.

    The gaps between albums these days are almost as long as the entire career of the original four line-ups!

    Quote 3 :

    On the retro scene it has also been pretty quiet.

    Phoenix Rising promised much but was a lot of hot air when you actually came to analyse the content, with the audio remixes sounding worse than on the last stereo edition.

    I suspect this is the way future reissues will be treated, there seemingly being no enthusiasm to carry on the in-depth archive projects.
    The trouble is of course that the longer they dither, the less people will be interested.

    Quote 4 :

    I confess to not having got around to even watching Montreux 2011 on DVD yet.

    And this and more all from the Lion’s mouth, the mother of all Deep Purple fanclubs!!!!!

    Mark : Dont shoot the messenger : )

  26. 26
    stoffer says:

    Everyone has a right to their own opinion of course, and mine is that ROTD and even Bananas is better that BCC I or 2. Hopefully BCC 3 has a little something different, BCC’s albums are good and all but sound so similar much like the LP’s BN puts out quarterly. I will wait patiently for the next DP release hoping it will be Deep Purple trying to sound like Deep Purple!

  27. 27
    stoffer says:

    @ 4 & 22 If I have to wait for a new DP album until AFTER we get a new prez I will………..both are needed! 🙂
    this post not paid for by any political party..LOL

  28. 28
    ormandy says:

    Sami says:
    BCC blows ROTD clear of the map, no comparison, unfortunately.

    No way.

    BCC lyrics just aren’t as interesting as Ian Gillan’s. And music wise I find both ROTD and Bananas to have a lot more color and depth to it. And believe me, I wish I did enjoy those BCC albums, cause it cost me quite a bit of my hard earned money.

  29. 29
    LRT says:

    @20 -You didn’t have to do all that to conclude agreement, specifically about the songwriting. But it’s a clear visible effort from Glenn, who wrote what, 85 to 90% of the songs on both albums. It’s never been his strong suit to me, but it comes around now and then, and it’s some of his best on the second album.

    Using the term ‘ideas’ time after time… just guide me to better ones and there will be no observation of it. JK -it’s all good. 🙂

  30. 30
    Yvonne says:

    Who is Joe Bonamassa compared to Ritchie Blackmore, Jimmy Page or Eric Clapton? And have you ever heard that DP needed a ‘Street Team Coordinator’ to promote their concerts?


    Btw, Joe was a bit miffed for not being nominated for a Grammy…


    I wonder how many line-ups of BCC we will have the pleasure to see.
    Go, Glenn, go!

  31. 31
    Roberto says:

    yes BBC make songs with recylced ideas…and I can’t see nothing exceptional on Bonamssa or Bonham…anyway is always good when an artist wich I appreciated achive some success….

  32. 32
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:


    Sami, I wasn’t referring to Hughes being hungry for money. I was referring to him being hungry for the recognition and finally the spotlight in the music world that he hasn’t been able to achieve since leaving Purple, such as what Coverdale achieved with Whitesnake. He landed a great opportunity with BCC that has been given much attention and he is running with it as hard as he can, as he should. As I stated, like a hungry, starving musician. Exactly what Purple should have done when Blackmore left in 1994. Had they pushed and capitalized on their success with Purpendicular, with proper exposure and promotion of the new line-up as did BCC, they would be in a totally different place now. YOU GO GLENN!!

    @ 18 & 20,

    Really?? JB a lost musician? What the hell? He has a Huge following. He has tons of Blues albums out. He is a Blues/rock guitarist that is now in a band that is becoming world renowned. His fans actually have a name for themselves….”Bonaholics”. He has his own style yet also has no problem showing where his influence derived from. Lost? I’d say he always knew where he was. He has been Found by the world and now he is not only a solo blues/rock artist, he is part of a world class rock band that is becoming more and more popular. Moving into the ‘Purple connection’ does put him under some pressure and scrutiny of course by the hardcores whom are looking for that ‘virtuoso’ style. I’d say he is doing a fine job ascending into that realm. His style of playing has changed some since being involved in BCC. He has had to jump into not only Purple tunes, but also Trapeze and Zeppelin. He does it his way and by all means holds his own.



  33. 33
    Sami says:

    @ 28 Ormandy: just a matter of personal taste, Bananas was/is great but I
    still find ROTD quite a lacklustre & somewhat tired-sounding effort with only a few good songs on it, IG’s intelligent/funny etc. lyrics an exception of course.(I think I somewhat misread Tracy’s post too, gotta practise my english more, HA!)

    I know there’s no point in comparing these bands but like some others too have stated here BCC has the freshness, drive, energy, creativity(songwriting!) which the current Purple(collectively)somewhat lacks. Being a quite new & hungry band/project obviously helps, street team co-ordinators or whatever irrelevant issues, I like BCC very much thank you!(Having said that I found DP’s gig in Helsinki a pleasant surprise/much better in many ways than the new Montreaux dvd presents, they should have filmed it a little bit later on the tour I suppose)

    Cheers, take care

  34. 34
    big al says:

    I saw bcc at high voltage last year and I can tell you they blew the other bands outa the park. jb does play blues so yes his solo albums are hit and miss but live either with bcc or on his own he rocks. hats off to glen too, he still can sing(take note old cov).

  35. 35
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Actually, Yvonne…..

    A long time Blackmore’s Night had “something like that” under their wings.

    I dont know if their Streetteam still exists…..

  36. 36
    Svante Axbacke says:

    Actually, “street teams” are quite common these days. We all know the media isn’t very keen on promoting all kinds of music and it’s a good way to get the word out in new places. You could say this site, or any fan site for any artist, is a type of street team, spreading information for free on a voluntary basis.

    It’s absolutely no indication on the popularity of a band. In fact, I think Deep Purple of all bands would benefit from such an operation, with so many people out there still asking the question, “are they still around?”

  37. 37
    AndreA says:

    I bought only the 1st..very boring..lost on the dust, GH wants to overdo many things .. but he has lost the feeling, especially when he sings ..he seems like aslaughtered chicken with screaming every 3 minutes……where is its melody as in THE 7TH STAR ,FACE THE TRUTH…..and the music does not have anything new and innovative,even playing ledZ on stage….who is Bonnamassa? and keyboards?I never heard a solo…what good is he doing in the band? presence unnecessary…
    it makes me sad, pathetic, he lost in his Catholic faith whereby he justifies his overdoing…

  38. 38
    HZ says:

    I agree with Tracy, JB is realy good, infact great guitarist.
    As for DP’s new album I’m not sure that’ll happen soon. Steve is recording an album with new formed Flying Colors: La Rue, Portnoy, etc., which is only logical thing he should do.

  39. 39
    Roberto says:

    @37 “he lost in his Catholic faith whereby he justifies his overdoing…” this is surely not the reason why you don’t like Glenn Hughes…

  40. 40
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    And speaking of new projects & albums thereof……


    High expectations especially with the great Peter Collins at the helm….



  41. 41
    Roberto says:

    WHATEVER HAPPEN TO THIS SITE??? there are many news to report…

  42. 42
    Svante Axbacke says:


  43. 43
    LRT says:

    @HZ -said ‘Flying Colors’ album was recorded months ago. How can it have any impact on Purple’s future album efforts when it’s already recorded and set for release? It’s just a question of when, according to them, not if…. when things got misenterpreted last time, there was nothing laid down, now there is… so there is a hell of a lot more to believe in. But people want to be negative because a couple of years ago they talked about recording a new album and didn’t. Read up a little and find this is way different. Getting about as sick of hearing negative speculation after they have reported that work has begun, as I am them taking their sweet time. But I’m rubbishing any remarks about them not getting around to it, based on other projects and distant promises.

  44. 44
    LRT says:

    @32 -just a quick way of saying he doesn’t float my boat to say the least without playing with hard rock artists. He is capable of fantastic playing, sure… don’t get me wrong, but it’s just generic to my ears and I like his mentor so don’t get me started. If I need more of this kid, then you need more Danny Gatton. And I am quite positive of that much! He’s just okay, nothing that spectacular until he’s surrounded by the best of ’em, then he shines for a bit, but that’s all for me. If I am behind there, I’ll gladly stay that way because I have plenty more to concentrate on than Mr. Spotlight of the year.

  45. 45
    LRT says:

    @Priest, yes there are Blackmore’s Night streetteams, many of them around the world. I am a coorodinator of one myself. Is there anything you won’t try and reduce somehow? Some kind of sickness, but then positive never did anything… right!

  46. 46
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:


    Thanks for confirming my condescending point prior…..give anybody enough string and they will hang themselves eventually.


  47. 47
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 45

    I think you need glasses or a better working brain……..maybe new medication?, Larry.

    I cant find anything negative in my post about streetteams!

    I suppose you are a rushed moment and mixed me up whit what Yvonne said.

    Who is Yvonne btw? : )

  48. 48
    Ke79 says:

    BCC 1 and 2 are much better albums than the boring Rapture of the Deep album, I totally disagree with number nine. The songs/tracks on BCC 1 and 2 are great, superb rock music. ROTD makes me bored, easily one of the worst Purple albums ever.

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