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BCC YouTube channel

Black Country Communion has launched an official YouTube channel. It is promised to be updated on a weekly basis. The latest track posted is the Song of Yesterday (audio only) off the upcoming DVD Live Over Europe. You can also download MP3 of the track from their website.

Thanks to Guillermo Gonzalez for the info.

9 Comments to “BCC YouTube channel”:

  1. 1
    Roberto says:

    I don’t like so much the audio recording quality…it’s a little bit too distant ingeneral; tom tom’s drums are too up on the volume while the bass is just a little bit too low…

  2. 2
    StratKat says:

    Like Black Country Communion or not, the band has great organization and a penchant for public relations and advertising. Despite being a relatively new band, BCC has managed two very good albums in a short time, has a live DVD in the works, does the interview circuit, and uses the latest social media to keep fans satiated. Little doubt is left as to where the band is going and what it is up to–a model that other bands should follow.

  3. 3
    Drdp says:

    WHEN is this band gonna do a”PROPER” tour of the US? Ferchrissake 6 dates in a country this size is NOT a tour! Jason is touring his LZ Experience again and HE is doing 3X the number of US Dates! When Joe tours HE does on the order of 30 shows around the country.What??? do Glenn & Derek CHASE people away so they can’t fill the same halls that Joe & Jason do? They just did multiple dates all over the continent of Europe & GH is now going out on a solo jaunt, so WHAT gives? I know the economy sucks here but how do you explain Jason & Joe’s abilities to tour? I think it’s Glenn’s fault, either his voice can’t hold up for a long tour or he doesn’t want to be away from home for the time necessary to tour the US. Sorry for the rant but I have been waiting MANY years to see Glenn live and HE never seems to come within easy reach. Regards,Drdp

  4. 4
    Svante Axbacke says:

    @3: “[Hughes] doesn’t want to be away from home for the time necessary to tour the US.”

    Glenn lives in the US so if he wants to be closer to home, he shouldn’t tour Europe.

  5. 5
    Made in England says:

    @3. I’m sure that if the interest was there (i.e. promoters lined up to finance the tours) that BCC would be there too. They’re wise enough to know how to follow the money….

  6. 6
    StratKat says:

    Re: #3

    I do not consider Deep Purple’s 13 dates a “proper” tour of the US, either–given its vast size (they did 13 dates in Germany alone) but at least BCC is recording and doing proper promotion.

    I do agree with your main point. Joe Bonamassa came to my very home town–something neither DP nor BCC has done–and if the solo tours are capable of drawing enough of an audience, certainly the main attraction is equally viable.

  7. 7
    Drdp says:

    @4: Then WHY if Joe & Jason can do it? Is it his voice then? A full US Tour would have to be about 30 dates and take about 8 weeks.Maybe he can’t do it. If it’s finances or the economy, I again refer to Jason & Joe. No Sense to me!

  8. 8
    Drdp says:

    #6: I glad you see half my point. But at least a 13 date tour was more than double the BCC trek. #5: But why is there more interest by Promoters in individual band members than the WHOLE product??? No sense!

  9. 9
    Tracy Heyder (Zero the Hero) says:

    Man, the chronic complainers have multiplied. Obviously the music industry has taken a turn for the worst regarding OUR heroes and their being able to tour in the hopes of making Everybody happy. I think it is obvious these guys either know where they get proper due for playing, or their promoters are just assholes. Either way, it is what it is and unless you are willing to travel long distance to see any of these bands, just keep complaining and don’t see them. I drove 6 hours to see BCC and 8 hours to see Purple the last time I saw them. That’s the closest they came to where I live. Nowadays that’s what it takes. Either go or don’t. I did and it was well worth the trips….Gonna drive 6 hours to see Alice Cooper this December. That is the closest he is coming to my domain. Did the same last time. I would love it if they would plan a gig in my living room, but in the meantime I guess as long as they are willing to tour Somewhere, I am willing to make the effort to see them while it lasts.



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