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It’ll all fall together

Roger Glover, Dortmund, June 10, 2009; Photo © Nick Soveiko CC-BY-NC-SA

An interesting interview with Roger Glover in Toronto Sun:

Why an orchestral tour?

Well, it’s good to have a new hook to hang your coat on. We’ve toured so much and so many people have seen us. So we thought this was a different kind of challenge. We’re best known for the old songs, so it’s about time to try something a little different.

It’s been six years since your last record — your longest break between albums when you weren’t on hiatus. Is that because nobody buys albums anymore?

There’s an element of that. There’s been disagreement in the band about whether to do another album. They really don’t make money any more. My opinion is that we are an album band and should make them even if it costs us money, because that’s what we do. Maybe I’m a traditionalist, but I believe we should stay what we are. We can progress with our music, but the way we do it should be the way we’ve always done it. There’s nothing wrong with that. An album is like capturing a moment in time. And in a band with a history like ours, those moments mean a lot.

Read more in Toronto Sun (and never mind rather bizzare Photoshop job).

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the info.

39 Comments to “It’ll all fall together”:

  1. 1
    Gillanfan says:

    This is interesting…

    It looks a bit fragile. Glover leaving the band first time after 40 years…
    Disagreement about new album…

    Who knows what might happen

  2. 2
    Chris Hayward says:

    Deep Purple with an Orchestra at the O2 not for me . I have been a fan since 1968 and apart from the Concerto which by the way I also saw at the Albert Hall I cannot bring myself to attend this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. 3
    Rob says:

    HMMMM So it’s all about the music guys? I agree with Roger but these comments do make another nail in an over used legends coffin.

  4. 4
    Peter says:

    Nice and funny interview. “These days, we like to leave people with their hearing intact. Brains we don’t care about, but hearing…” – nice to read that Roger was in that mood! 🙂

  5. 5
    Andra Thompson says:

    No more albums!?!? Who do they think they are !?!?

  6. 6
    Hard Rock Pete says:

    @2, Hey Chris I’m with you. I couldn’t go either,even if they bought it to Oz. It smells of,”running out of idea’s-lets change the spark plugs, see if she runs better”-Its all a bit “Vegas” to me, and obviously I’m not alone !
    The “Concerto” is a different beast, and cant be compared, considering it was written for “Group and Orchestra”, not as a bolt on to an already existing work. Sure they sound great live still but, so do a lot of their contraries. I really do think they have lost the ability to “rock”. I mean REALLY ROCK. I mean “sit you on your on your ass” in a Speed King sense. I would buy a new album , with trepidation, but I fear it would be just going through the motions, just like this current orchestra tour. I know I would be disappointed. Sadly. All IMHO of course.

  7. 7
    Peter says:

    I think that you did not read whole interview. Rog said that they had a session in Spain and that they will work on the tracks later this year with 2012 as release date for new album… He just describes the reality – albums are not main money source, from previous interviews it was clear that IG did not want to kill the time that they could spend “in better way” (I mean by live shows) in studio, and that others wants to do new stuff (Steve and Don said this recently numerous times), in spite the fact, that these two had a largest conflicts about shape of some tracks during ROTD sessions (Steve´s words). Dont forget that Ian´s solo One Eye To Morroco was recorded in few (as far as I know just in 3!!!) days, because all songs were already written, WhoCares track (I mean that basic tracks for Out Of My Mind – vocals, Tony´s guitar, drums and Jon´s keyboards) was done during one day. That´s probably one and only think that IG and Ritchie both has a same opinion – they both hates work in studio. 🙂

  8. 8
    Paul Jacklin says:


    Free country mate so you’re entitled to your negativity, of course.

    But I suggest a better use of the time would be to crank up the volume on your sound system and ROCK to those old classics – if you don’t like what they do anymore that’s fine, but you don’t own them and some fans continue to be grateful for their ‘current’ output, knowing that time marches on and that DP will soon disappear as a touring act ‘forevermore’.

    Can’t wait till the O2 gig, hope it’s not my last DP concert but would not bet against it and hope there’s a good enough attendance (16,300 seats to fill approx) to not take the shine off what I think will be a memorable night.

    As a band with a considerable classical influence, the orchestra gig makes great sense to me (and doesn’t JL often play DP classic with orchestral backing?) as well as spicing up the set list/old tunes a bit

  9. 9
    john says:

    Iam a 2nd of forth genaration fan well IG friend! if it wasent for purple i would not been able to say good bye to my mom!IG made that possible.Ive shared the love and music with my mom she didnt like the screaming but she loved touch away and the aviator.and she enjoyed it till the end.my son has been with me to about 10 shows. my grandson and I went to his first show in 2007 in wallingford Ct.he is still talkin about that show Iam goin to suprise him bye taking him to the bushnell on june 8 should be a sweet time. being a purple fan has been a life long event that I hope will never END!!

  10. 10
    indra kusuma says:

    i don’t think the musicians could make money by producing albums, time has already changed …hightech digital makes people easy to steal downloading.

    so sad

  11. 11
    MrPtheDPfan says:

    Oh Brother ,this is not exactly what I bargained for when I bought tickets . How the hell do you bring an orchestra with you and not rehearse .I would rather see the band straight up .

  12. 12
    scott says:

    ok… but, with spending some time writing a new album, they will have some new songs to add to the setlist when and if, they tour again… i for one could use some new purple tracks to replace the worn out setlist.

  13. 13
    kraatzy says:

    Roger tells us:

    “… There’s been disagreement in the band about whether to do another album. They really don’t make money any more. My opinion is that we are an album band and should make them even if it costs us money, because that’s what we do. … An album is like capturing a moment in time. And in a band with a history like ours, those moments mean a lot… ”

    I think, they (our Purple friends) have enough money and because of that, money would not be THE argument to make no new records. (To make money with music is totaly okay.)

    But specially because of …
    “An album is like capturing a moment in time. And in a band with a history like ours, those moments mean a lot”,

    so why we – the fans – don’t get a lot of more new records ???
    WE – the fans – are paying for the records AND for live-concerts. But live-concerts are only a little piece of happiness and memory for us, but records are permanent memorys. We could play records all the time and so often we will.

    I think, there is a little bit of laziness in the band to come together only to
    W O R K O U T a new album !!!

    And – another question – why the other (not only DP family members) are making so many records ? Because they don’t make money with that records ?
    Why Ritchie and Candy making so many records ? Because they make no money !!??
    Why Ian Gillan makes solo records ?
    Why Don Airey makes solo records ?

    A likely story!

    I think, they ARE LAZINESS (maybe because of to many touring). And I think, it requires a lot of dicipline and time to come together and make records. There are writing sessions, recording sessions.
    Not so easy to play live on stage (with no demand to rehearse).
    “… “Rehearse?” he laughs. “I don’t even remember that word. We haven’t rehearsed for years. We all know what we’re doing. We’re good musicians. …”

    Good musicians ? Okay, no protest, accepted !
    But – were is your responsibility to your fans ???

    Or am I being too simplistic ?

    * LLRnR *


  14. 14
    The Holy Chair says:

    But HE delivers albums very regularly.

    What a generous and friendly man, that Blackmore chappy : )

  15. 15
    iain says:

    it really irritates me when fans go Highway star of all places! and say negative things, why bother? if you love the band , defend and support them,they are not here to pander to the individual they have earned the right to do it their way..i would love them to record, who cares proves ian still has great ideas. i also can not wait to see them, Purple are the last of their kind with the talent and legacy to deliver live. if you dont like orchestra and classical influences then you never really got purple in the first place.I wish they could go on forever..if youve got issues thats easy go see the Foo Fighters and spare a seat for true fans

  16. 16
    Tomekk says:

    Maybe the records do not sell as much as before but they still easily will sell couple of hundred thousand around the world. Sure its less profitable than touring, when they receive easily over 100.000 Euro each night (of cource it is not the profit as they also have to cover cost of touring). But on the other hand cost of recordings are low, all you need is a good computer. They also do not have invest in promotion as everybody knows them. If it is not profitable why Gillan makes charity single to raise the money for Armenia if there is no profit in it. Why he records solo stuff which is selling probably in 1/10 of what DP would sell.
    Also new record means more hype and more people at the concerts. So it also adds to their touring proceeds.
    So I do not buy the argument on no profitability at all.

  17. 17
    Rudy Tamasz says:

    I’ve been a fan since ’88. Over 23 years I’ve been to their shows two times. I’ve listened to their records thousands times. I guess this is the case with many fans, too. Now DP folks need to go figure what makes more sense, having another tour with Sinatra-like arrangements and Gillan barely able to sing, or another decent album.

    P.S. Is it that detrimental to their finances to record an album given the fact that they all are very wealthy people. Or money whispers in their ears too much?

  18. 18
    John Bartone says:

    Gonna be a great tour…Support DP you idiots or they might not come back!!

  19. 19
    Roberto says:

    you don’t make money with albums….so why you record solo albums?
    …but you want come out now with a killer album, this should not be everytime you go on studio?

  20. 20
    Frank says:

    I don’t see any negative in “Roger leaving the band” only for the Med. tour! He was there for the birth of his child; nothing wrong with that! They do seem to be drifting off the regular road lately: new orchestral twist and still a lot of touring. In order to keep it all going perhaps taking the time to record and fine tune the new stuff and intertwine it into the current tour would make sense. New stuff should revitalize! I’m going to see them with an orchestra – it’s been too long since they’ve been in the US. I have a feeling there might be a couple of surprises – perhaps they’ll make a statement. Seems like they’ve maybe had enough of catering to the “classic rock” stations expectations as observed by the last few US tours. It’s time to play what’s important to DP, and let the real fans come out. I know that might not sell out the “arenas”, so perhaps a venue change would suit.

  21. 21
    Made in England says:

    I don’t get it?

    A new album is where the band exercise their creativity. The live performance is where they exercise their improvisational skills – stretching numbers and/or allowing them to evolve. This has always been Deep Purple’s mantra. Even if certain members were uneasy performers in the studio it has always been necessary to put new material out. I accept that IG has always said that DP were a live band and an album should only be seen as an introduction to their live show. Now if the band were known for introducing new numbers into their live show on a regular basis I could accept the argument that their creativity and improvisation continues through their live performances but…… as we all know….. Deep Purple are unfortunately not renowned for performing new numbers….

    I can only deduce that the “disagreement” about making a new album comes from IG. Glover states here that he’s all for it. Airey is surely gagging for it – being the new boy. Morse’s creativity knows no bounds and Paicey is apparently ensuring – along with Glover – that the new album will mark a return to a hard rock format. It doesn’t bode well that not ALL the band are 100% behind this effort. I’ll go out on a limb here and predict that only one or two numbers from the new album – if it ever sees the light of day – will be performed on it’s promotional tour (remember those?) and they’ll be dropped quicker than hot potatoes in favour of the MiJ purple rinse medley sing-a-long nostalgia set…

    I remain hopeful of a hard rock swan song.

  22. 22
    The Holy Chair says:

    The band might not be obliged to us,thats true.
    Although one could easily have a debate about that for 1 or more reasons.

    I always felt the band members owe it to themselves to have some integrity and show a certain HUNGER.

    If they made new tracks they could at least soften the criticism by playing some of them live very soon.

    If not I ask : WHY NOT?

    Arent the songs yet not clever enough?

    Where are the times that HIGHWAY STAR was born on the bus and played the next moment they got on stage???

  23. 23
    stoffer says:

    Lets not “complain” too much or too loud, if there is a new album it will most likely be their LAST. The US tour could be their LAST, so enjoy (?) them while you can, I know I am, because when they are gone THAT’S IT! You can get all the solo LP’s you want but Deep Purple as a band will have breathed its LAST. 🙁
    @ 15 Right On!!

  24. 24
    Larry R. Toering says:

    @100.000 Euro each night…. are you trying to insult people’s intelligence?

  25. 25
    HZ says:

    Ritchie and Glenn are the only ones to work out albums regularly, inside reasonable time frame and within satisfactory standards in last 10 years. I think that this DP shouldn’t go to the next record as they’re in only for money reasons, no exploring things or something like that, and they have enough material – mainly the old one – for that purpose. Roger said it clearly if you’d like to listen and understand.

  26. 26
    Steve B says:

    It does seem that the the various snippets we have heard from band members recently, that this is the beginning of the end – sad but that’s how I see it. They seem more interested and enthused by material and projects outside Deep Purple.
    Let’s go and say goodbye in our numbers.
    Otherwise you may regret not seeing the last tour!!

  27. 27
    Tommy H. says:

    Making music – especially writing new songs – should be fun and a wish to express yourself through your instrument or the words. I don’t care if a band has a tradition or not. It’s easy to rely on a big name and make money out of it. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t earn it over the years. The name Deep Purple in my mind stands for a lot but not for taking advantage of old achievements. If that’s how it goes then Deep Purple already died and the live shows carry them anywhere the money calls. I hope that they remember again what they were all about before they became a tribute act and find their honest reasons to create new music together.

  28. 28
    Roberto says:

    @16 I totally agree with you…
    @19 I totally agree with myself…
    and I can’t understand people who say we HAVE to support the band…here we are just discussing about Deep purple inner situation about making an album…I will buy the new album and in july I’m going to see them for the 9 time but I am not an “idiot” as someone said, I am lucky to have my brain and to judge…I can’t accept anything just beacuse they are my idols…

  29. 29
    Hard Rock Pete says:

    @6: Hey Paul, thats right. I am entitled to my negativity, I prefer to call it frustration, as you are your enthusiasm.FYI i rate Purpedicular as good as anything they have EVER done, A_BAND_ON has its moments too, I just hate to see a once great band, turn into a Vegas style,cabaret act. And IMHO that is what this pretentious “The Songs That Shaped Rock” orchestra tour is. They are almost becoming a parody of themselves. Sure Jon plays with and orchestra, but it is his NEW material that gets the treatment. Anything played by Jon of DP is due to obligation to the audience in part,I’m sure , not the reverse. So, Jon and Ritchie liked JS Bach and Beethoven. With Jon and Ritchie in the band, yes this current tour, probably would make sense, but they are not. It should be called the “Wring that Neck”tour, because they are really wringing the neck out off every possible angle left. I tell you the best DP gig I ever saw, apart from the 1984 reunion tour, was 2005 Milwaukee Summerfest,Miller Lite stage. 5000 hard partying americans, wanting to see some real,gritty,dirty Rock n roll and DP delivered! They were awesome and could have broke up there and then as far as I was concerned. But alas when you got a “cash cow” you gotta milk it, to hell with credibility.

    @16 Rapture of the Deep didn’t even make the Billboard top 200, which means sales of less than 10,000units in the USA, so that means 190,000 for the rest of the world. I don’t think so. Gillan dreams about those numbers!

    @21 Agree

  30. 30
    Darth says:

    So did any of you cry babies actually go to the Casino Rama show or were you to busy whining about stuff outside your control.

    The show rocked BTW.

  31. 31
    Roberto says:

    @29 Hey,I am a fan of deep purple 2005 usa tour…one of the best of their career together with 1998 summer tour…I look for the foxfest michigan gig….there where tv cameras and a crowd of 100.000 people…Blue Oyster Cult surrounded them…do you know if a dvd exist?

  32. 32
    Paul Jacklin says:


    Child in Time is recent?


    It smells of,”running out of idea’s-lets change the spark plugs, see if she runs better” – subtext, I’m moaning cos they haven’t done anything new in a while

    “I would buy a new album , with trepidation, but I fear it would be just going through the motions” – subtext, I’m moaning because I wouldn’t like a new album even if they did one, even though I’m moaning earlier that they haven’t done one(see above).

    IMHO they are not turning into a cabaret act but who cares what MHO or YHO is? However, if I thought a band was a cabaret act you know what I’d do? I’d ignore them and anything to do with them. If I liked them once upon a time, then I’d play their old stuff that I liked and live on the nostalgia/sentiment/memories. I wouldn’t try and get up the noses of people who still liked them, not least because I’ve got much better things to do and its all subjective anyway.

  33. 33
    The Holy Chair says:


    Nihilism is spreading like a disease.

  34. 34
    Chip says:

    I have enjoyed Morse era Deep Purple. I also think the 4 studio albums are all good recordings….with Purpendicular in particular a classic.

    I would love to see a new CD as it will almost certainly be there CODA. I live in Va. I trekked up to Hew Hampshire to see a show on the Bananas tour and it was fantastic. That being said…

    I’m not driving 8 hours to see this bloated show. I love the Concerto but this is just pretentious and I just don’t get it. I saw a couple of YOUtube recordings from the show and, while it wasn’t as bad as I feared, it did nothing to make me want to trek 300 miles north to see a show.

    And that makes me sad.


  35. 35
    mike whiteley says:

    I was at the Rama show,quite enjoyed it.I sent in a review to THS,but it’s not yet been posted.
    It would be nice if the “new hook to hang the coat on” was some new music.The more interviews with the Purps that I read,however,the more I’m convinced there will be no new album.

  36. 36
    Hard Rock Pete says:

    @31 Hey Roberto,
    I,m sure there’s video, but nothing official that I know of? There is ofcourse the LIVE 8 dvd, which was recorded in Canada, 2 days after I saw them in Milwaukee. Thanks.

  37. 37
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    At #29,

    Great opinion. Purpendicular is masterpiece material….



  38. 38
    The Holy Chair says:

    @ 29 and 37

    Are you sure you want to say PURPENDICULAR is as good as IN ROCK and Machine Head?

  39. 39
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    As good? Sure, I’d say it stacks up. There are some great songs on it. No Fillers as some like to complain about. This was a groundbreaker and fully stands out as a landmark effort for this band. 27 years into their existence. Only the hardcore Blackmore Worshipping-Morse Basher would object….


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