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American dates confirmed

Sao Paulo 2009 by Pedro Abib Cristales 1

Almost all dates on the North American tour in June have been confirmed by Deep Purple’s management. Only June 7 in Boston and the three Canadian dates still remain unconfirmed at the time of this writing, despite tickets being on sale for quite a while. Stay tuned for further developments.

The tour is being billed as Songs That Built Rock and the band will be accompanied by a 30-piece orchestra.

Full details in our Purple calendar.

Update: As of April 8 all North American dates are confirmed.

48 Comments to “American dates confirmed”:

  1. 1
    rob says:

    I’m sure that two Beacon shows will be filmed by NYCBC crew so we will get a nice DVD, possibly multicam ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. 2
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    Looking way forward. Nailed great seats for Tropicana one minute after they went on sale. They’ll be sure to burn up that gambling house….

    Bring it on!



  3. 3
    SEVEN-55 says:

    I can’t wait, tickets go on sale 04/09/11 for the Minnepolis show. It has been since 2005 since their last visit to Minnesota. ERNIE & THE AUTOMATICS are opening, should be fun!

  4. 4
    Joe says:

    I’m so bummed ! no dates in the south, ( specifically Florida )

  5. 5
    Eric E says:

    Will be in the front row in Atlantic City (my home town…nice to know people:)…possibly at the Beacon

  6. 6
    al says:

    I bought tickets for the Casino Rama shows and i am really bummed with this orchestra thing,cmon already enough with the orchestra just play rock and roll.

  7. 7
    al says:

    I wished they toured less and concetrate more in the studio efforts,and I am not a big fan of the producing of the last 2 albums.I love the band but they are becoming more and more a Gillan/Glover project than Deep Purple.Steve Morse is great but with Lord gone they re not the same band anymore.

  8. 8
    Carl says:


    That was **EXACTLY** what I was going to write.

  9. 9
    George says:

    FINALLY: The full NORTH AMERICAN tour now confirmed officially (including 3 dates in Canada)


  10. 10
    John says:

    Hartford here I come.. Long Live the Morse Era!! “he was playin’ pool and drinkin’ beer”

  11. 11
    c says:

    Great tour….NOT

    Whats with all the NE dates and a half dozen dates in the NY area??

    What about the SE?? Florida guys???

  12. 12
    mike whiteley says:

    Unlike Al(#6),I hope the orchestral arrangements pump some vitality into what we all know will likely be a completely predictable “Greatest Hits” setlist.
    That said,this is probably the last the last time Purple tours the US and Canada,so….Get your tickets now !!

  13. 13
    Robbo says:

    Will also be at Tropicana. This Salem County country boy is pumped up! Seats not far from Ted and Eric. Enjoy!

  14. 14
    brendan says:

    deep purple beacon orchestra beer cheeba awesome time and show

  15. 15
    Purplemaniac76 says:

    Have you noticed that?

    16.07.2011 Switzerland Jazz Festival – Stravinski Hall Montreux Europe 2011
    17.07.2011 USA Fox Theatre Detroit, MI North America 2011
    18.07.2011 Italy Arena Verona Europe 2011

    The management has no mercy for our heroes!!!

  16. 16
    Al says:

    Mike if I wanted to hear an orchestra I could have gone to watch an Opera or some classical
    show.This band is touring way too much for their age.Just concentrate more on the studio and
    bring in some good producer to produce the album not Roger and Paicey.Cmon we have seen what Roger had done to the old catalog of Deep Purple.

  17. 17
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    @10 John,

    Vavoom! Long live Maestro Steve and two great Marks in said Era!

    Oh man, there she went again. I just can’t stop wiggling in my chair…




    P.S. Purpendicular stands right along side any album since the Purple inception….


  18. 18
    Made in England says:

    I wish everyone a good gig but personally I can’t see any legitimacy with the orchestra without Jon Lord. JL is the reason why DP has an association with orchestras and he had to fight tooth and nail to get the others to go along. Fair enough the band celebrated it 30 years later when they toured the Concerto but JL was still on board at that time. I know they’ve toured with brass section before and IG has performed with orchestras but the band as it is today has nothing to do with orchestral fusion. They’re not even going to perform the concerto – indeed why should they? So it sounds like a gimmick to me…. and perhaps gimmicks are what are needed to pump life into the set list.

    I’ll give it a miss when it comes to Europe.

  19. 19
    crabby says:

    Look foward to meeting people in Boston

    I am looking foward to the orchestral arrangments

  20. 20
    jim says:

    Hopefully not the last tour. But got my ticket for the 2nd Beacon show. Ading up the years now, hasn’t Steve been a member longer than Ritchie?

  21. 21
    paice30 says:

    One of the Beacon shows, plus the PNC Bank Artscenter show here.

  22. 22
    micke says:

    I could kill for a ticket (tickets really) to Beacon, how awesome that would be..
    To far away though from Sweden.

  23. 23
    George says:

    16.07.2011 Switzerland Jazz Festival – Stravinski Hall Montreux Europe 2011
    17.07.2011 USA Fox Theatre Detroit, MI North America 2011
    18.07.2011 Italy Arena Verona Europe 2011

    This is STUPID!

    Now I guess why Gillan is going to retire next year (according to his last interview)

  24. 24
    Roberto says:

    @16 this is the reason why Roger must produce Purple’s last album…

    @18 I see legitimacy with the orchestra without Jon Lord beacause they will not play the concert…it is something different…

  25. 25
    Bob Lawrinz says:

    Can’t wait! Wang theatre Boston. I for one am excited to see what they come up with. I really hope its more than just an orchestrated greatest hits package. However, I won’t complain if it is just that. I’m just grateful to see them again.
    ‘April” would be cool and lots of Morse era stuff.
    Maybe even a taste of the promised new album! Its a good time to be a fan, BCC and BN heading this way also.

  26. 26
    Andres says:

    Adding up the years now, hasnโ€™t Steve been a member longer than Ritchie?

    Yeah, but with whole respect, check out the credits:


    Shades of Deep Purple
    The book of Taliesyn
    Deep Purple
    Concert for group and orchestra
    In rock
    Machine head
    Made in Japan
    Who do we think we are
    Perfect strangers
    The house of blue light
    Nobody’s perfect
    Slaves and masters
    The battle rages on


    Rapture of the deep

    Enough said.

  27. 27
    MarinStoikov says:

    Nick, the 4 dates aren’t on deeppurple.com yet, where did you see that they are confirmed?

  28. 28
    Nick Soveiko says:

    Marin: it’s on the other official site

  29. 29
    Al says:

    the Born Again is coming out in may only remastered not remixed and it sucks ! they said they couldn’t find the original multi-track for the proper remix.Let’s hope that this remaster is better and the good news is they re going to do it later on at some point.That’s a consolation at least.I am excited about the live cd though,since that was never a official release of the tour with Gillan.

  30. 30
    Vadim Stern says:

    WOW…my prayers (well wishes more or less :)) were answered!!! So a thought ran through my head not too long ago as to how nice it would be to see Purple this year and as I’m walking home my neighbor asks me ‘are you going to see deep purple?’…’um..excuse me?…what did i miss? i just checked not too long ago if there are any shows scheduled in the NYC area’. So not only are Purple here on June 14 and June 15 at the Beacon but June 14th is my father’s bday. So I’am glad to share with you that I just picked up Row DD in Orchestra Center for my dad, his cousin, my and my brother for what looks like to be a very special night for us on June 14th. US 4 ARE HUGE PURPLE FANS AND ARE EXTREMELY LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS!!!!

  31. 31
    james jay says:

    Tropicana baby******front and center. Saw the “House of Blues” show last time and the stage was too small****Ian P. was stuffed behind a bunch of wall mounted speakers and hard to see. I hope the Tropicana stage is little bigger. That said********cannot wait.

  32. 32
    Gary says:

    The songs that built Rock and Roll…Nice…Now imagine Deep Purple without Ritchie Blackmore, Rock and Roll without Ritchie Blackmore…the songs , guitarists and bands inspired by…

    Nice tribute to Ritchie !

    Cheers !

  33. 33
    Gary says:

    The songs that built Rock and Roll…Nice…Now imagine Deep Purple without Ritchie Blackmore, Rock and Roll without Ritchie Blackmore…the songs , guitarists and bands inspired by…

    Nice tribute to Ritchie !

    Cheers !

  34. 34
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Yeah, THE man s birthday was yesterday.

    Where is the time that this would get a mention on THS?

  35. 35
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    james jay @31, Yeah, no doubt THOB is a small stage. Was there that night. But Tropicana is plenty big, no worry about that. Going to be the usual great energy. At THOB gig, held up an old SM High Tension tour shirt and Maestro Steve gave his usual appreciative, fan friendly connected GRIN. As did the other lads the entire night. Goes such a long way with happy musicians getting so well along whilst on stage. No water tossing at anyone, no sireee…. :>

    Ain’t no denying that….



  36. 36
    Larry R. Toering says:

    What does Blackmore have to do with anything? I keep these issues separated, like they should be. It’s no tribute of any kind, it’s business as usual by a band he chose to leave nearly two decades ago and should be seen that way, not looked at as if they left him and are defrauding in his name, rubbish that thought because it’s not the case at all… fact! People do what they have to do, and sometimes the result is just too hard for some to handle I guess. There is no law against what they’re doing, and no moral devaluation in the process either. What are you supposed to do when a team member leaves… find another career all of a sudden in your fifties or something? If Ritchie were still playing rock this would not even be a thought, I guarantee you that because you’d be a lot more satisfied with what he is doing, to the point where the activities of the band he chose to bail on would be of so much less interest to even care about. Ritchie not rocking is the problem, not Deep Purple continuing without him for all these years. Think about it, if he were playing hard rock there would be less to detest of the Purps, in fact it would more likely have more of a best of both worlds effect, like Blackmores Night already has for me. Milage obviously varies.

    All I see it as is crusading against a Deep Purple without him, simply because he is no longer there, while the rest just concentrate on enjoying music or not. It all tends to look like a brigade platform to shut a Blackmoreless Purple down. Silly indeed.

    But wait a second, yeah, no mention of his b-day here on this site… what’s up with that? I do have to say that is kind of ignorant indeed. ๐Ÿ™‚

  37. 37
    Gary says:

    Let me explain, Mr. Toering ๐Ÿ™‚

    You are indeed correct that I should not have singled out Ritchie for his contributions to the Mk 2 era. Now, that being said…the title of the tour is ‘ The Songs that Built Rock ‘. One can only assume that for an American tour that would mean the Mk 2 era. Heck, for any part of the globe. ( I’m singling out MK 2 for the songs for this American tour because you well know as does any Deep Purple fan that the current lineup does not do any Mk 3 songs, and generally only one from MK 1, ‘ Hush ‘ .

    So, in sum…..’ The Songs that Built Rock ‘ tour is an excellent tribute to Deep Purple Mk 2, and their guitarist was Ritchie Blackmore, who wrote almost all of MK 2’s memorable riffs.

  38. 38
    Gary says:

    And let’s get this ‘ Water tossing ‘ incident clear…….

    On that night Deep Purple was playing a smaller stage than usual. Ritchie’s master amp was always on the far right , and on that night it was closer to the audience than usual,
    along with the infamous water bucket.

    There were a few times during that concert where a single obnoxious fan kept grabbing at Ritchie’s leg as he went to his Master Amp, almost tripping him on occasions.

    So Ritchie tossed teh water bucket’s contents in HIS direction. It’s all on video. I’ve seen it.

  39. 39
    Gary says:

    And here’s a question for debate…and I not against the current line-up in any way. I’ve stated this several times, but I need to be succinct here, and am in no way denigrating the current line-up. I am a fan of Steve Morse as well.

    I pose two questions:

    1- Is / was Deep Purple more or less successful without
    Ritchie Blackmore ? A simple yes or no will do.

    2- Steve Morse plays Ritchie’s songs. Does Ritchie play
    any of Steve’s, and why ?

    This anti-Ritchie Blackmore thing is ridiculous. He has started so many careers , prosperous ones…Have many if ANY
    surpassed their work with Blackmore ? And that’s one helluva list !

    Deep Purple wouldn’t even have its NAME without Ritchie Blackmore !

  40. 40
    butttocks says:

    hi all s will say that this is sad day for us all ( Knowing ) purple will be retiring soon. Please go out and support the band that made us fans and have enjoyed the wonderful music they have recorded formany years.

  41. 41
    Annemie says:

    # 37/38/39

    Standing ovation for you 8)

    Most to the point truthfull and very well and clear explained.
    I’m sure many fan’s think exactly the same!

    Cheers ๐Ÿ˜€

  42. 42
    Doug MacBeath says:

    Andres – firstly, it was a different time back then, and pretty much every band churned out albums which were a lot shorter than today’s. A fairer comment would be comparing 84-93 with 94-2011. (Yes, I know Ritchie still did more in a shorter time).

    Also, you include three live albums for Ritchie, so again to be fair, your need to include:
    Live from the Olympia ’96
    Total Abandon
    Live at the Royal Albert Hall
    Live from Rotterdam Ahoy
    The six show Soundboard Series

    All released when their respective marks were going strong.

  43. 43
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Leaving the live albums out of the picture, you re right to say so, still makes Ritchie thye more productive one.

  44. 44
    Larry R. Toering says:

    Nothing anti mentioned, he just has nothing to do with this. Nothing more about it, I see you made your point perfectly clear. ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. 45
    Maybe I'm A Leo says:

    GOT MY Tickets to Las Vegas Show! Cracked the presale code “purple” and got floor center seats! General public tickets go on sale tomorrow. Can’t Wait!

  46. 46
    Michael Peck says:

    I can,t believe Purple is not coming to Orlando l,m really Pissed. Hopefully they will see that alot of fans are mad and change there Mind!!

  47. 47
    LRT says:

    Hahaha, Gary. Look into the entire history of the band, tell me which line-up that did not contain Ian Gillan, did anywhere near the “success” of ANY line-up that did not include him. Now What?! How about shutting it, as that is the clear and present fact of the matter, Ritchie or no Ritchie. It is what it is.

  48. 48
    rob says:

    Omg no florida? !

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