Gillan on More Metal
During his recent “Rock Meets Classic” orchestra tour Ian Gillan gave an interview to More Metal which was recorded in Berlin on January 23. He also gets a gold record for “The Definite Smoke On The Water Show” CD. This CD was released in 2007 for the Guitar World Record (which we have announced).
Thanks to T. Krieger for the info.
Hi, thanks from the Guitar World Record Team for the short audition with Ian. We always the talks with him and still hope, he can make it for our next record in Germany Stuttgart Schleyerhalle September 1st 2012:-) Best wishes Andreas
February 2nd, 2011 at 13:49Ian silenced a few noisy people in the background in this clip.
Who did he HUSH with a look of authority?
Began to look back due to this thread.
It confronts me that I forget sometimes or that I missed out on replies.
When I dont reply thats most of the times because of that reason.
So, apart from the ” moderating factor” and being too busy with other things I do not try to insult someone with sheer discontempt.
I d like to sometimes though.(…)
I m still trying to ignore now and then but fail to do so too often.
Can someone point me out where to find this ” A light in the sky BLOG” ?
Funny to see George in 2007 already frustrated because he wanted a new album, whahahahaha.
Cheers, Mark
February 2nd, 2011 at 15:25He shouldn’t be so arrogant… What happened to IG’s claim of anti-RB-arrogance and looking on fans from “upthere”?
February 3rd, 2011 at 08:48I did not see so much arrogance.
He looks rather tired.
Let The Health Assessment(THA) begin : )
February 3rd, 2011 at 20:52A man with his schedule, his past, his energetic life, his age, his extraordanary enthousiasm : no wonder he now and than looks tired. But, I’ve NEVER heard big Ian complaining about being tired himself 😉
February 3rd, 2011 at 23:32I think he would respond to a question like ‘you seem to be tired’ : it’s my choice how to live life.
And I would respect that. 😉 😉
Cheers to you all.
In an interview situation other people in the room should be considerate and keep the noise to a minimum…………..surely? Its not arrogance to expect that.
February 4th, 2011 at 09:00Maybe this time they should stick the title MORE ROCK on the studio wall?
February 4th, 2011 at 13:07Like they explained way back in the HOBL days about titles.
Why is it that some of the people here always pick at some minor, irrelevant detail and try to interpret the thread and voice their opinions through the prism of the aforementioned detail? Especially when it comes to any Gillan related topics. Ger is of the opinion that is very much alike mine, but there’s no point in explaining it because I don’t want to get into a boomerang discussion. Of course the return of some points is inevitable.
…’Where do you get the power to do all this?’
‘Well most people go to work five days a week, don’t they?’
It would not be invalid to enumerate some of Ian’s major achievements, I’d certainly do it had I more time. Time? What’s that? Einstein said time is what clock measures out. I’d concur and add for Einstein and people who generally contribute something relevant for mankind time is much more than ticking in constant hurry , clock. Be it quantum physics or music; time will last for those who inhabit people’s minds, hearts and souls. Ian Gillan and Albert Einstein… One of the greatest, multifaceted singers on the planet and one of the greatest scientists. Ian’s work will never cease to amaze people, it’s never going to be forgotten… and there’s much more on his horizon, and Einstein’s work will definitely inspire scientists for centuries to come.
Those who constantly throw mud on Ian, whatever he does, whatever he says, and now you seem to judge the look in his eyes (how childish); sometimes it worries me because I see a different man in him than you do.
Ian’s career will be discussed many decades after your puerile comments fall into oblivion. Want proof? I bet no one is going to return to this thread months from now on.
February 5th, 2011 at 12:40This clip is all potatoes and no meat, hence the flashy videography. And nothing like a little comedy mistaken for arrogance, hilarious what some will do to keep dark shadows on the brain.
February 7th, 2011 at 11:06If you don’t believe Marcin, check out his website 🙂
February 8th, 2011 at 03:28At#8,
Very eloquent….
‘Nuff said….
February 8th, 2011 at 20:46A little respect when an interview is taking place is not asking for much.
February 9th, 2011 at 07:46Comes down to simple good manners , and if it only took a look and a short
word, then maybe people were not unaware it was going on.
Fair play on Ian showing repect to the interviewer by controlling the situation.
Always nice to see this placed balanced with my good friends taking precious time to get involved here, I see several of you, good on all of you. As for HZ, well I don’t know the guy but he sure comes off miserable and it’s ALWAYS Blackmore infused somehow, so it goes to show what the motivation is. Concentrate on the music and take don’t take the rest so personally or the hate police will cuff you everytime. Balance your anger before it gets the best of you, please. It may not be you, I don’t know, but I just address your comments sir, and they’re usually absurd. I hope it only happens here for the sake of everyone who’s physically around you. Be nice, just another suggestion to the one who tells me to f off.
February 12th, 2011 at 10:57I wish you guys could take one of those ‘takes’ back, but I meant well.
February 12th, 2011 at 10:59CG became my fan, I can see now 🙂
February 19th, 2011 at 09:26