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Steve Morse releases new vocal album, Angelfire

Angelfire portrait, Steve Morse, Sarah Spencer

This press release just hit The Highway Star:

Acclaimed guitarist/composer Steve Morse has teamed up with breakout singer/songwriter Sarah Spencer to release Angelfire, an album of haunting, harmony-laden acoustic songs.

Sarah Spencer, 22, grew up in a musical family. She began piano lessons at age six, and was recording original material at ten. At 14, she was cast in a VH1 reality show (ultimately cancelled) that followed the lives of teenage prodigies. She wrote in the operatic pop genre, inspired by orchestral movie soundtracks. Spencer began working with established producers during her teens, recording live-orchestral songs with producers Paul Weston and Al Steele.

Sarah met Steve when she was 16, and they began collaborating on what was to become Angelfire.

“When I first heard Sarah sing, I was amazed…I’d never heard a voice so pure,” says Morse. “My first thought was to write an album with her so I could hear and share it with other people.”

Sarah responds, “Steve has been so generous throughout our collaboration. Everyone knows about his incredible talent, but only a lucky few know about his big heart. I feel so blessed to be able to work with this renaissance man!”

Their collaboration represents several firsts for them both. Even after 44 albums, Steve has never written a vocal album. Sarah is stepping out front as a performer and songwriter. And despite their cumulative experience spanning multiple genres of music, neither has written anything that sounds like Angelfire.

Steve Morse is often described as a “musician’s musician,” acclaimed amongst artists but eschewing the public limelight. The six-time Grammy nominee is renowned as much for his writing as his guitar playing, garnering such accolades from peers as being voted “Best Overall Guitarist” for five consecutive years (Guitar Player magazine).

Morse adeptly fuses a wide range of musical styles, including jazz fusion, bluegrass, southern rock, baroque classical and metal. Whether playing with the Dixie Dregs, the Steve Morse Band, previously with Kansas or with Deep Purple (going on 15 years), Steve continues to leave his mark as a distinctive songwriter and guitarist.

Angelfire, cover

Album credits:

Steve Morse: Acoustic and electric guitars, keyboards

Sarah Spencer: Lead and background vocals

Bass guitar: Dave LaRue

Drums: Van Romaine

Produced by Steve Morse

Track Listing

1. Far Gone Now (3:50)

2. Everything to Live For (4:30)

3. Feelings Are Overrated (3:39)

4. What Made You Think? (2:57)

5. Here Today (3:55)

6. Get Away (4:25)

7. Pleasant Surprise (3:48)

8. Terrible Thing to Lose (4:18)

9. Omnis Morse Aequat (3:36)

10. Take It or Leave It (3:57)

11. Urban Decay (4:18)

Released on Radiant Records. 
Retail distribution by MVD and others

More info:





21 Comments to “Steve Morse releases new vocal album, Angelfire”:

  1. 1
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    Looks to be a real winner from what I can see here. Love the Album Cover. Will pick this up for sure. Yeah, I know…..most of the Hard Core Purpleheads are going a bitch about why there isn’t a new Purple record yet, and of course the Morse Bashers (you know who you are PRIEST and Co.)won’t be impressed, but at least there are records regarding Purple people that are being released and this one looks to be a really good one, and also one that cuts away from the mold of the norm. Congrats Steve.


  2. 2
    HZ says:

    Great! Thanks, Steve!

  3. 3
    Drdp says:

    Does DP suck all the hard rock out of their banjo players? Is this now Morse Night? I will still check it out but the precedent has already been set and the comparisons are obvious. Either way I hope it’s successful. I just trust Steve gets this out of his system and goes into a recording studio soon with the band and they record a KILLER cd! Regards,Drdp

  4. 4
    HZ says:

    Actually I love Steve’s solo work, much better than with IG and Co., have all of it. DP was that band with Lord and Blackmore.

  5. 5
    MacGregor says:

    Great to see Morse working with a female vocalist with his own concept.
    I have been a fan of his for decades & he is multi talented indeed. The Dregs, SMB, Kansas for 2 albums & Purpendicular is the only album from the DP era that I like, probably because it was the first & the rest just doesn’t do anything for me after that! Will be keen to hear this album, & why anyone could be concerned it may be a lighter side to his playing, you are wrong! He has always travelled down this path at times, forget the so called heavy rock, it has all been done before & I can hear the fat lady preparing to sing in regards to DP! cheers.

  6. 6
    Reinder Dijkhuis says:

    I am going to check this one out as soon as it is released. It COULD be another Blackmore’s Night, but somehow I don’t think so. Steve just doesn’t do things halfheartedly and I don’t get the sense that he mixes the professional and the personal in the way that RB has done.

  7. 7
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I dont really care for a new DP record anymore.
    I mean…….I m not waiting for it or have frustration about it.

    That ship has sailed.

    But ofcourse, a lost ship might come back once in a while,I dont know.

    This duo has been mentioned before and I m willingly saying it MIGHT contain decent music.
    Actually, I do remember listening to samples or is that impossible?
    It could be that it was in a moment I was not that open minded.

    Anyway, I dont recall anything of it.

    The association with Blackmore s Night is there ofcourse, but also with others who did things like that.

    DUTCH rocker and composer Arjan Lucassen with his highly acclaimed albums with AYREON moved onto something like this with unknown young Astrid.
    I think it was called AMBEON?

    I like variety and as long he s not spoiling the damn thing with his inclination to go in overdrive widdling it might be ok to listen to.

    Glad for ya that you now own 2 EXTRA Morse albums in a short time.
    Indeed, if you like it, you like it.

    And happy people are the happiest children on earth.

    Cheers, Mark

  8. 8
    Rascal says:

    Of course comparisions will be made against RB’s ‘gyspy adventure’, and this offering from SM.

    Im just glad he aint wearing tights and a pointy hat!

    SM is a great guitar player.

    Just wish DP would dump the ‘old’, ‘tired’, and ‘dated’ RB stuff. Its becoming irrelevant.

  9. 9
    dale says:

    I wish Steve Morse all the best with this project. It might be his exit plan from DP. I still think that DP will finish touring as MK2 format even if it was for one gig. As for a new DP album I can not see them producing any material that betters ‘Perpenduclar’ or ‘Bananas, albums.

  10. 10
    Reinder says:

    I listened to the samples on iTunes after I got home and decided to give this one a chance. It’s early to tell from just 30 second, low bitrate samples, but what I got out of it was that the record contains very typically Morse-esque melodies, similar to those on his solo records, but given meaning and voice by the singer. At first blush, she has a sweet voice not unlike Candice Night, but I think I will find her a much better singer, and (again – early to tell with short samples) there’s a good chance the lyrics will turn out to be good.
    Possible downsides were that I didn’t hear a lot of musical risk being taken. I’m always hoping for the next Kate Bush when a new female singer-songwriter enters the scene, but I don’t think Sarah Spencer is that person.

  11. 11
    Ted The Mechanic says:


    Are you still OK with this particular moniker?

    Wow, I give every benefit of ongoing doubt especially with you! Ah, open mindedness! Great shtuff!

    “Overdrive widdling…” You’re gonna love this. When I saw HE and Sarah open up for HE and HIS trio earlier this year in southern Caleefornia (Governor Schwarznegger pronunciation intact), another afficionado nesxt to me commented, and to paraphrase, “It’s interesting, but HE’S not playing enough…” And I chuckled big time, to this day, noting how many brilliant musical pieces including the BRILLIANT Steve, didn’t need tumeni notes to paint a piece!

    Ah simplicity hits one as much as complexity….

    ….That’s if one let’s it…. :>

    Vavoom! I had no intentions of playing pool (snooker for those across the pond) tonight, but my cue and I have been having some “marital” discourse lately. And I’m in this for the long haul. And it’s screeching at me to grab ‘er and get into the game tonight. Dedicated to said cue and Dem Purps who, indeed, need to get their collective arses into a studio….

    Peace, as per usual,


  12. 12
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 8

    I dont remember seeing Steve in black very often.

    And his hair got bleeched or something?

    Well, at least they make some effort.

    Goodluck to the man and maybe his next careermove!

  13. 13
    HZ says:

    Blackmore’s stuff irrelevant in term of DP, Rascal? Dude, you should check your music doctor, take some pills or similar.. 🙂 Though, good joke, I admit.

  14. 14
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 11

    How many nicks should I adopt?

    I dont strive for a multiple personality syndrome, mate.

    He and HIS trio?
    Are you pulling my legs squire?

    It must be Him and and his……

  15. 15
    Ted The Mechanic says:

    HZ #4,

    Confused beyond compare as to what your post is attempting to tell Rascal….

    Can you even attempt to clarify yourself?


    Regardless, you have a clue. Oh, you have a clue….

    I see nary a joke. But seriously….

    I believe there is a misunderstanding. Steve is the bigger shet, although that is just my opinion. RB is hardly irrelevant, DP or otherwise as I type. Steve has humbly stayed true to RB’s freakshow brilliant licks and yet adding his style to them….

    But, alas, there are Tumeni posters on this blog who just don’t, nor will ever, get it….




  16. 16
    Rascal says:



    You are right RB is hardly irrelevant, he was VERY relevant!

    But that was then, and I just think its time to stand on their own feet with the VERY capable and excellent SM.

    Smoke on the water, Highway Star, Black Night………yawn!! Give it a rest !!

    IM waiting for the day RB does something as relevant as he did 30 & 40 years ago……………….But I wont hold my breath….

  17. 17
    HZ says:


    What I wanted to say is that genuine Morse is way better than his work in DP. With no regard to subject opinion, Blackmore and Lord have defined DP blueprint, and I don’t find that even Morse’s super talent can change that, ever. OK, yes, Ritchie is my No.1, and it’s impossible to change, he’s the reason I’m into DP and Rainbow, but I am huge fan of Steve Morse to, he’s just great and I prefer his solo work to his engagement in DP. Purpendicular was good for me, Abandon OK, the rest is just to pale and not DP. Well it’s just my opinion. From the other side, I can’t stop listening to Steve’s solo albums. Have it all.
    Go Steve! Give us new SM Band instrumental thing!

  18. 18
    T says:

    Re: #11

    Governor Schwarzenegger is the only American politican who knows how to pronounce “California” correctly!

  19. 19
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    Really T???

    ‘Kalleefoneeia’ is the proper pronunciation???? LOL


  20. 20
    nikos says:

    this is a NEW Blakcmor’s night (project) ??????????? xaxa

  21. 21
    jantchc says:

    looking forward to hear it

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