“Black Country” is in trouble
It looks like the future of the band formerly known as Black Country is under one big question mark. Producer Kevin Shirley reports on his Facebook page:
I’m the studio with Journey – producing their next album. Despite not rushing, we already have two new tunes in the can! They are a really special band. Black Country looks to have imploded, with a completed album in the can! We set out as friends and lovers of music, to make something special. Then the managers got involved… and kept changing their wants, ultimately demanding EVERYTHING! I can’t absolve all the musicians – but one I can completely absolve, is the one who actually has a career and has just been voted Best Guitarist in the World – who was 100% open ALL the way. And he doesn’t ride on anyone’s coattails… see below. Maybe they’ll come to their senses…. I’m not holding my breath.
He quickly followed with an update:
OK – I have been urged to amend this – like everything on the internet, things get twisted! I believe there is a salvage operation to rescue survivors from the downed BC plane. I have just had a big conversation with Glenn, who is mortified about the situation, as he has really put his heart and soul into it. I love Glenn. Here’s the salvage plan … See Moreguys – everyone is equal. It’s that easy. Cut out the cancer that is anyone greedy, and this thing will rock. Morality rules….. managers try to. I am mad too!!!
Thanks to Daniel Bengtsson for the info.
Not good, but if this “BC” is dead, then it’s time for Glenn to team up with Lord on organ, Blackmore on guitar and Bonham on drums. WOW!!!!!!!
April 23rd, 2010 at 18:50WTF?! Heads out of ass please….and let’s proceed…..unbelievable!!!
April 23rd, 2010 at 21:02Ugh, I think I’m suffering from Glenn Exhaustion. Enough. Hey, by the way, is there still a band called Deep Purple?
April 24th, 2010 at 02:28I’m German, and my English is OK. But I don’t really understand the text above. Can someone clearyfy in a more simple English (or German) what’s happend? In a few words? Google translator doesn’t help.
April 24th, 2010 at 07:36Here we go again….the same old story with greedy managers, waiting in the wings to get as much of the dough themselves, whispering sweet nothings in their clients ears, boosting their egos to enormous proportions….Jeez !
GH for one should be too old & wise for these antics and JB seems to be a down to earth guy, don´t know about the other two…..suspect Bonham JR having a huge ego problem though ( so noted on several occassions ) !!!!
Kick the F**KING managers out of the building, split everything four ways, concentrate on making great music and stop acting like spoiled brats for gods sake !!! You´re all too experienced and grown up for this shit, get your acts together….NOW ! By the way….Have you all heard the latest news ??? They will stop animal research and use managers instead of lab rats….There are more of them and they have no feelings !!!!!
ROCK ON !!!!
April 24th, 2010 at 08:13Surely the musician employs the manager? Is this hype as surely contracts etc would have been sorted out prior to the band getting together?
April 24th, 2010 at 09:38Bo , I think your dreaming about John Lord .He’s getting on in years . I doubt he has the desire to tour in a rock band for weeks on end .Blackmore back rocking? Also he has said in past interviews that he doesn’t like funky kinds of blues . Great idea though , wish I had come up with it myself.
April 24th, 2010 at 14:28Great hopes, Bo! I like it. Powerful line up
April 24th, 2010 at 16:17stefan is tha man!!! great post
@4 (karl)
1) kevin shirley wrote on facebook that black country was going to “implode” because of the artists’ managers and their greediness
2) glenn hughes called kevin shirley, and they talked
3) kevin shirley wrote that the project is still running, but they need everyone in the band to be equal
April 24th, 2010 at 19:24@ Nr.1 and Nr.7:
“Jon Lord with THIS kind of music …” That is it because dreams are dreams. He will die with a classical piece of his own compositions in his ears. Why not ?
“Ritchie Blackmore back rocking …”
At first: He hates (!!!) any funky kind of music (for example: “Hold on” on D.P. Stormbringer). And G.H.is funky in his own music. And you can hear it very clearly in a japanese TV-Interview with Ritchie and Doogie White in 1996. He hates this funky “Hold On” -stuff.
At second: He loves his sweet clean figured Candy-wife and they both their Renaissance Music. The only thing is, he playes the old numbers with his Strat only for his fans and only on stage, if “HE” likes it AND his mood is in this way AND “the audience has deserved this”!!!
I remember a story about a BN-gig (behind the old iron curtain / St.Petersburg in 2008) were the drunken fans in the front rows only want to hear Smoke… and Black Night and … After a couple of BN-Songs Ritchie asked this nerved fans in front of the stage, what they wan’t to hear. They required Smoke… and … Ritchie says OK. Then he plays a little bit Black Night and a little bit of Smoke … with his Strat and … he leaves the stage and the gig was over (after a less of an hour) !!!
The lesson is clear: HE plays what HE wanted to play. Nothing else !!
And I love his guitar playing (in ANY kind of music).
“BLACK COUNTRY” will be a great chance for the blues and rock music and especially for the fans, but let us have a look in the future and still waiting for that, what happens. We only have to have a little bit of patience.
April 25th, 2010 at 07:04Kraatzy !
Wouldn´t hold my breath concerning Blackmore & Lord, what´s the point flogging a dead horse ???? Lord ( God bless him ) is doing what he wants to do…..being his own boss, composing, touring at his own pace and enjoying semi-retirement ( well deserved ) ! Blackmore….Too wipped, too old, too grumpy and grudgy as hell ! I for one see no point anymore for his return to hard rock music…..that ship has sailed a long time ago, I´d rather have the memories than witness another Blackmore egomaniac antic on stage….Not at his age, it´s unworthy !!! That´s my humble opinion, ROCK ON !!!
April 26th, 2010 at 12:31You all just chew up the same stuff and stories and “dreams” over and over again. Hey “PurplePriest”, if you are around: Do you now see what I was talking about lately? Do you see it now? Whatever Glenn puts big words in, usually ALWAYS blows up in a puff of smoke. To blame the “managers” is just lame and ridiculous too. These things are brought to “have something to say” for the broad audience who have no clue how things are rolling behind the curtains.
April 26th, 2010 at 15:14Well done again, Glenn! Maybe you start to realize NOW why everyone is saying that your “ego” thingy is getting worse again and why your website “forum” is practically “dead”, unlike a few years ago. People are turning away.
The “autobiography” for 300 grand was just another episode of things which make people shake their head about this guy.
Thanks to “fra” for help to my question.
April 26th, 2010 at 16:01Bert, you say bulshit. Go to Glenn’s forum and check out how many people are there every day in this forum and then check out any other Purple-related forum. You’ll understand that you are simply hater and you have no idea what is the truth.
April 27th, 2010 at 10:49Friggin’ typical, from what we have heard the album is complete and ready for release in September. At a certain
April 27th, 2010 at 11:07stage during recording they were all having fun, and couldn’t wait for the public to hear the new album, and now
we seem to be getting a lot of bulls— from all angles.
Where it’s originating who knows.
Dear Bert !
Bullshit….I´ve met Mr. Glenn Hughes exclusively backstage after his gig in Copenhagen in 2006, and a more humble, sweet, down to earth and warm guy you may search for ! I know what I´m talking about, I´ve met many so called stars over the years ( D.C., Lemmy, Phil Mogg, Malmsteen ( complete prat ), etc., etc……. and GH stands out big time as the most genuine & generous of them all ! The man has so much passion for music and people it´s amazing….He´s doing this beacuse he has to….It´s his life, passion & air that he breathe !!!!
About the autobiography…..I´ll give you that….that´s just over the top and tasteless, but was it his own desicion or some greedy publishers or manager ??? ROCK ON !!!
April 27th, 2010 at 15:16Ya, this story is a BIG surprise,,,,,,jeeez.
April 27th, 2010 at 16:09i went to the link , it looks like it’s back on !!!
April 27th, 2010 at 16:31ahahahah,I was sure about this flop… never I was looking foward to this band,it is not a surprise that BC could be a flop..
April 28th, 2010 at 15:37I don’t know whether Hughes needs them, I’m amazed by all his work from 90’s to these days.
April 30th, 2010 at 10:37Say it aint so Joe.
May 3rd, 2010 at 12:31