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The Highway Star

Official Deep Purple video channel

The brand new official Deep Purple video channel has opened:

Encompassing the band’s ongoing 42 year career, and backed by multi label collaboration, Deep Purple is proud to release DPTV as part of the growing MUZU phenomena:


MUZU.TV is a video streaming site dedicated to music. MUZU.TV serves high quality video and provides a constant stream of Deep Purple videos as part of the viewers’ play list. In the coming weeks more video content will be uploaded, and we can confirm that the stunning 2010 remix of Rock Aid Armenia’s “Smoke On The Water” will be launched through the site.

The channel aslo has an RSS feed to keep you updated of all the official video developments.

23 Comments to “Official Deep Purple video channel”:

  1. 1
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Sounds nice and all, but at this stage in the game it will have collectors rather annoyed. We put years and years of hard work in locating the stuff, so when its all exploited it really makes it a defeated purpose. ‘Remaster’ of the SOTW for Armenia? How do you know its beautiful, have you seen it yet? The quality going around of the color clip if you have it on DVD can’t get too much better, thats for sure. This is all good for non do it yourselfers, but it will get grabbed none the less by eople who have the means to download streams. I’m not holding my breath for anything much I haven’t seen or don’t have archived, but ‘m sure it will get its share of viewing by the right audience. Have fun gawkers, lol!

  2. 2
    Crimson Ghost says:

    After looking at it I’d say its no different from any Purple Youtube Channel, except for one very important thing and that’s its official status! I do find that so much less annoying. Seems a bit dysfunction on my end, but its either kinks or my connection sputtering. It also looks to be well secured so far, another good thing.

  3. 3
    T says:

    Re: #1

    That’s a rather elitest assessment. There are plenty of other people who would applaud the effort to make this material easily accessible for all, rather than the property of those who would prefer to keep it hidden or exclusive to themselves.

    This is another demonstration of how technology enables the masses to enjoy those media in a relatively effortless manner. Anything that furthers the Purple cause and promotes their legacy is a step in the right direction, collectors be damned.

  4. 4
    T says:

    Re: #1 Continued…

    Have said that, there is an upload utility that these same collectors should use to make the channel as complete a record of Deep Purple as possible.

  5. 5
    HardRockPete says:

    It’s a natural progression. Whenever I want a bootleg of a show, I download it instead of trying to find someone to trade with or buy from. Easier, faster and as long as you share…. Mind you, I’m talking about bootlegs. Not official recordings. Those you buy!!!

  6. 6
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Tried to log in and or registre but……

    1 I dont seem to get in or registered
    2 Larry said it should be secure but I do get a WARNING which I do not fully comprehend

    Btw, I wish I had the money in the last 30 years to buy me EVERYTHING DP involved but I never was rich
    So its about bloody time people like me get to see rare material.

    I m almost 45 and started in 1977 so it would be nice after vall that time to finally witness what I wanted to see all along!!!!!
    Is that asking too much?

    Cheers, Mark

  7. 7
    Svante Axbacke says:

    You don’t need to login or register, the videos are right there on the page linked from the article above.

  8. 8
    L E O N A R D O says:

    Ok Welcome
    one of the “UNOFICIAL” deep purple’s Channel


  9. 9
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    Checked it out. Seems to be very user ‘friendly’…..(must be why Priest is having trouble….he he he).

    Nothing new here that isn’t already available elsewhere thus far. That being said, the fact that it is well organized and devoted to Purple is pretty cool I think. The streaming seams pretty smooth and loads fairly quick.

    I kind of understand Ghost’s affliction toward the feeling that it waters down the ‘Collector’s Club’ efforts and exclusive nature of rarities, but in this day and time, with the digital corruption we now live in, the times have changed and that ship has basically sailed. All is available one way or another in some form or another, and this just puts a well organized place to look and listen. I doubt there will be a huge amount of stuff offered here that isn’t already being exploited on YOUTUBE or the likes. At least here, it seems they are using quality versions of vids and giving Purple fans, new and old a place to see more Purple.

    T, is correct on his statement regarding the elitist assessment toward Ghost here. As a collector myself, I never cared whether I had something somebody else didn’t have. I just wanted as much as I could find. God bless All who have it all. As to the rarity thing, I don’t hold much value on owning or having ‘Rare Clips’ that can be copied over and over again and shared. They actually are only as rare as the it exclusiveness and in all actuality with the present way to copy and share, those days are truly gone. To me, a rarity is an actual official release, such as a record in it’s original sleeve from the past. Something tangible and real. A video that can be copied or song which can be copied is not rare. It is only as rare as it isn’t shared. You can’t duplicate an official release in it’s original package. Example, having the actual vinyl official release of “Little Brown Jug” by the “Ritchie Blackmore Orchestra” is owning a Rarity. The song has been released on a few compilations since for our listening pleasure. But to actually own the original 45 that the song was originally released on is true collectivity. I spent years looking for that. I already had duped recordings of the song, but having a copy of the original 45 was what I really wanted, along all the original Episode Six singles and so on. Bootleg versions of performance are great and before the digital age were very exclusive and Were very collectable, but now that the internet and digital life has taken hold, no longer is it a big deal. There is so much availability that it no longer is important to me. I enjoy seeing performances of something new that I haven’t seen, but don’t hold it as valuable commodity. The Rare Official Releases are where the prestige is as far as I’m concerned and am glad I began searching for those back the 70’s, because I surely wouldn’t be able to afford them now….Also, the original Bootleg Vinyl Albums in their original sleeves from back in day before the digital revolution are also collectable rarities. Digital copied recordings of those are of no valid collective value other than for it’s listening enjoyment.

    This new site gets my total approval and support and am glad to see yet another effort towards exposing our great band Deep Purple to the masses.


  10. 10
    Crimson Ghost says:

    You haven’t the faintest clue where I’m coming from, nice try though. Collectors be damned huh, damn you then, you’re still a collector, obviously just not a serious one, and with an elitist approach yourself toward those who are. What a crack of bologna. It also sounds like you’re remotely suggesting I’m not a supoorter, well… if so, now you’re really tripping.

    Tracy, you’ve got me wrong too, but I appreciate you thinking you understand. Its not about all of that, check your ego at the door. It was however an instant reaction to the existence of such a thing, reading further, if you did, you will see a mild retraction but of course no Eagle landing or aynthing. To each their own, period! Also, I don’t want it all and will never want it all, its not about that, just looking for something, mostly new/unseen by me and good. It was an assessment, too much can be more than enough, where does it end, don’t tell me you know… and I do ‘approve of it’ but I don’t have to, understand me? So far I actually find the best thing aout it to my eyes is seeing a bit I haven’t had the opportunity to see, so something coming from a source unknown is actually nice, ya think? I know you relate to that and would be lying if said you didn’t… like the gal introducing ‘No No No’, for that tiny piece I find salvation, you may be entertained by all of it althugh you’ve seen all of it already, I tend to thrive on what I haven’t seen but don’t lose any sleep searching for so this does help somehow, espcially when something like this comes along having inadvertently done a bit of the work for me. I find it useful so far for at least that reason. And the’elitist’ factor is a cop out, I could be lying and not own one single recording. lol! WTF do you know? lol, Its really about expression and I pointed no finger, you did boys. Its yours to ponder now, thats for sure.

  11. 11
    james jay says:

    the more PURPLE I get my nubby hands on the better. the more i hear and see on commercials–promos–etc–the better. i just heard “Strange Kind of Women” blasting while in a gas-n-go in NJ. that was a first and hopefully gets repeated the next time i get gas and a cup of joe. made my day–thanks.

  12. 12
    metaljim says:

    All the clips I see listed are from the official History, Hits & Highlights DVD. Are there some rare bits on this site that I’m not seeing or are they waiting for fans/collectors to upload the rarities?
    Too bad they’ve used the edited Demon’s Eye (with the audience interviews) from the History, Hits & Highlights DVD instead of the uncut version. The interviews are so annoying and completely spoil the mood of the song.

  13. 13
    Joanna says:

    Thank you! How nice to hear “Love child” and “You keep on moving” live!

  14. 14
    Sami says:

    A pleasure to read your comments, gentlemen(Ghost, T, Priest, Tracy & Pete). Been collecting Purple-related stuff for years also(some rare, some not).I don’t consider myself a serious collector but gotta admit that within some circles there are these ‘elitists’, for the lack of a better word, who should check their ego at the door(or get a life)…same applies to the ‘who’s a bigger/true fan of DP’, ‘tribute band or not’ etc. etc. mambojambo…let’s just enjoy it all, there’s plenty for everyone.

    Well ,just my two cents for this one, take care & Cheers

  15. 15
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Great cents you have Sami, as everyone here for what its worth, T, Tracy, Metaljim, etc… but it gets rather hair splitting when some leeaap to conlcusions as to who’s status might be what, just bcause someone opines and other have to opine about them opining instead of just sticking to the feaking topic and adding their take on it instead of going after THOSE who added their take before them. Simple forum courtesy, in my initial posts I didn’t say who’s who about anything… yet I get treaded upon as if I were pointing fingers or mentioning names. This is ridiculous! Good advice would be to read the topic, opine on the topic, then read the comments and proceed to either go there or not concering others posts. Do I always do it myself, NO, but I very well should, although anytime I don’t, I have no problem being addressed for having done so.

    Now then… @12, I for one cannot be sure of the sources here, but it does remind me where they came from, but the thing is with me for instance, I have never opened that DVD to see exactly whats on it, so that’s probably why I myself had not seen the gal announce ‘No No No’, but I suppose I’ll get around to viewing the DVD some day when I have time to watch a double set full of clips I’ve seen more times than I can count because I spent years gathering them and compiling them on disc already. Not that you or anyone else doesn’t know by now, but I think my point is clear by now, and of course the latter not directed at you, only the former addressing the sources. Cheers to all!

  16. 16
    purplepriest1965 says:

    “Check your ego at the door.”

    Whahahahahaha, THAT s funny!!!!

    Have a nice weekend, guys.

    Lets celebrate the spring and everything with the great new Lord album.



  17. 17
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I went into the LEONARDO site.

    Its great although unfortunately the only foreign language I kind of understand is English.

    But great things on this site.

    It might have been me being impatient of nature and so not getting into succesfully registering at the other one.

    I m also not very fond of having to registre again and again and again and again…….
    It gets on my nerves.

    Just give the people the chance to JOIN so that can write something down in this so calles “shoutbox”!!!

    Why should sites have all kinds of data from everybody?
    So that they can track them down more easily when they “misbehave or something”?

    Moderating in overdrive again, thats my opinion.

  18. 18
    Sami says:

    Ghost: I wasn’t deliberately jumping to conclusions/pointing fingers/going after someone etc., honestly. I wasn’t malicious, although I didn’t put my words very wisely(nothing new there, eh),and in no way were they addressed to you/your actions…just off topic & !

    Try to change my ways(my english ain’t that good, unfortunately) so there’ll be no more misunderstandings.

    Got to check that Lord’s new album out, although I’m not a fan of classical music as such.

    It WAS funny, Priest, right 🙂

    Have a good weekend everyone, take care & cheers

  19. 19
    Tracy Heyder (aka Zero the Hero) says:

    Uh oh…..Crimson Ghost seems to be politicking for another job…THS Moderator???? What’s wrong, working in a Record Store not satisfying enough?

    Dude, you took the points made WAAAYYYY too personal. And actually contrary to your last entry, you are the one whom took the Subject off track by pointing out your dismay regarding how it and other sites affect the ‘Collecting Efforts’ you have made. Mine and T’s response was aimed at Your typical bloviating on how it basically treads on Your Turf, that you seem to hold to be prestigious in your little bubble of gathered recordings and videos.

    Relax, come back down to Earth and just enjoy your stuff. That’s what it all about.


  20. 20
    Made in England says:

    No need to visit the new official DP store and buy downloads then?

    The entire HH&H DVD is on there so I expect sales of that will go down….. way to go.

    I’m not against the site. I’m all for sharing but I fail to see how it all hangs together.

  21. 21
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Tracy, I’ll relax on the last fifteen years worth when it turns into twenty and we see where things are. And don’t try to label me, I was trying to be nice. lol! Add ths website to the fifty other Purple related ones in your browser, I hope it stays updated often enough to keep you interested. From looking at it on my phone its pretty handy.

  22. 22
    hans says:

    I´m off buyig dvds, now that I am able to watch it on the net 🙂

  23. 23
    randy ramos says:

    Rock On !!

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