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Bologna live broadcast

Deep Purple performance in Bologna on December 16th will be broadcast live by the Italian RAI Radio 2 starting at 8 p.m. GMT. You can launch the player at the Radio 2 website or from the main RAI page (select “Diretta Radio” from the top menu, then Radio2 icon in the player window).

Thanks to Francesco from Deep Purple Italia for the info.

55 Comments to “Bologna live broadcast”:

  1. 1
    oz says:

    what time might that be in US time. Eastern time, 3pm maybe?

  2. 2
    Anders says:

    Thanks for the information, i tried to listen to the radio on the net but I can’t hear a thing. So if someone knows how to listen please write and tell me.

  3. 3
    George Kikonishvili says:

    Me and my 5 friends are going to listen it together @ my house…

    can’t wait for the show…
    This is the last concert of Rapture of the Deep World Tour…

  4. 4
    Svante Axbacke says:

    OZ: 3 pm, yes. Everyone wondering about the time in their timezone can click on the “8 pm GMT” link above for a list of times in all timezones.

  5. 5
    fra says:

    @Anders – i double checked the links posted by nick, and they work fine. however, here’s the direct link to the player: http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/popup/player_radio.html?v=2
    the stram should work from all over the world with no problems.

    @Svante – that timezone list thing is smart! :p

    let’s keep fingers crossed and hope that the servers of the radio will not crash due to the number of (unexpected) listeners via web.

    i warned RAI, but you never know what kind of surprises to expect…

  6. 6
    George Kikonishvili says:

    You need RealPlayer to listen it. download it for free from here: http://www.real.com/
    then install the player, restart your browser and then enjoy 🙂

    OZ: go to the link: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/gmt-converter.htm
    it’s GMT converter site, so you can find out when will it start at your town… remember the concert broadcasting begins at 8:00pm GMT…

    dear site admins, please update this post and let users know how to play radio (with RealPlayer) and when will the show start…

  7. 7
    Jim Murphy says:

    Nice, if the show is anything like Manchester last month should be in for a treat, anyone know how to record a radio show?

  8. 8
    rik says:

    ANDERS…i have same issue but i think it might be a simple case of downloading Microsoft Silverlite which is; ” Microsoft Silverlight is a web application framework that provides functionalities similar to those in Adobe Flash, integrating multimedia, graphics, animations and interactivity into a single runtime environment.”

    I mention this because i also tried the main RAI page and i noticed when i clicked on a video it didn’t play but i was prompted to download Silverlite.

    Havn’t tried yet but it seems kinda logical(?).

  9. 9
    Joanna says:

    It’s a great idea to broadcast the gig live by radio. The more so because nobody knows when (and if) the event will be recorded on DVD. Thanks! I hope every fan will be able to catch Radio Italiano 🙂

  10. 10
    Nick Soveiko says:

    i don’t think you need silverlight for the radio. the RAI player is all javascript and audio stream is realmedia.

    just open http://www.radio.rai.it/live/radio2.ram in realplayer. although, i can’t get anything higher than 32 kbps from that stream.

  11. 11
    AndreA says:

    the live transmission starts at 21.00 o’clock (italian o’clock) not at 20.00

    I confirm that streaming is on

    today DP play in my town,Milan,but I lost my job 4 months ago and I can’t go to see Them,I can not afford.

    this is a sad day to me
    very sad

    yesterday in TV I saw news-program and they spoke and showed about DP in Rome:
    great sound and great wors for DP: THEY are still’rocking on over the world!

    take this midley about Rome

    I love you all purplepeople..


  12. 12
    fra says:

    don’t worry about the quality guys, people in italy will most likely rip the DAB signal (digital radio), so hopefully we’re gonna have an HQ boot after the live stream

  13. 13
    fra says:

    here’s the clip AndreA was talking about: http://www.tg2.rai.it/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-71228df9-c3f4-4bbf-8caa-890d1d5cd9c2.html

    it was in yesterday’s daily news update TG2 on public tv RAI2.
    although the player says “deep purple in perugia”, the live clips are from saturday’s gig in rome.

    no mention of tomorrow’s radio broadcast – that’s how smart RAI is.

    also, i don’t really understand why they start talking about led zeppelin, acdc, rolling stones… they probably didn’t know how to fill the space if they had to talk only about DP :S

  14. 14
    ormandy says:


  15. 15
    T says:

    At that very moment, I will be proctering a test for my Spanish II class.


  16. 16
    Robert Daems says:

    My digital receiver only has a channel for Italian Radio 1, I will have to try to find it on internet…

  17. 17
    Roberto says:


    really great performance….I saw them in Perugia…now I wait for a new record and a new show…

  18. 18
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Now then, can’t complain for the life of you Roberto, imagine that! Where is the long Purple face now? Proof that its all in the mind! You should see them everyday, it would likely have a more positive affect on you. lol!

  19. 19
    George Kikonishvili says:

    the show will start in 15 minutes.

  20. 20
    George Kikonishvili says:


  21. 21
    fra says:

    ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!

  22. 22
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Cant help myself
    Listening right now……
    Apart from the bewildering aspect of man not understanding that he gets away with the same soloing all the time……
    After a while Gillan gets in quite resonable shape, including the emberassing parts ofcourse……but hey, what can you do and expect?…..Paicey and Roger are in solid form…….and the sound is good…….some wine and food, its enjoyable not too bad at all…..

    But can someone silence that radio mad man talking bs again and again?

    Its good he tries to educate uninformed casial listeners but hey…….too much is too much.

    How stupid can aman get, talking WHEN a song is beiong played.


    Back to the show,……

    Getting back to ya, if God and Svante allows me…..


  23. 23
    nick green says:

    Listening live at the moment! Currently on “Lazy” sounds great apart from the idiot announcer ruining it by jabbering over the first minute of every song!

  24. 24
    George Kikonishvili says:

    what a song, oh my fuckin’ god… A TRUE ROCK’N’ROLL with blues tunes

  25. 25
    George Kikonishvili says:


    Intro – Romeo et Julliet
    Highway Star
    Things I Never Said
    Maybe I’m A Leo
    Strange Kind Of Woman
    Wasted Sunsets
    Rapture Of The Deep
    ~ Contact Lost
    Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming
    Well Dressed Guitar
    Mary Long
    No One Came
    The Battle Rages On
    Space Trucing
    Smoke On The Water

    waitting for the encore

  26. 26
    paul bush says:

    am now listening to the show, i wish that italian commentator would shut up. To me, I.G sounds a bit rough. I think a well earned vacation is the order of the day.

  27. 27
    George Kikonishvili says:

    Speeeeeeeeeed Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiinggg

  28. 28
    George Kikonishvili says:

    and the encore:

    Black Night

  29. 29
    Robert Daems says:

    Excellent show. A laptop and a headphone with this concert gave me a very pleasant evening!! Happy holidays everyone!

  30. 30
    Ottar says:

    what a treat this was! Thank you for posting the link, this was excellent! This is how you treat your loyal fans. Happy holiday to all here on highway star, webmasters and fans. The most important website for me!

  31. 31
    George Kikonishvili says:


    fantastic show, fan tastic…

    Gillan is in truly better shape than he was in 2007-2008-2009… he really got better…
    A true Rockers & Rollers…

    A huuuuuuuuuuuuuge thanks to the Deep Purple and to the Radio2 for broadcasting this amazing live…….

  32. 32
    fra says:

    what a show! unbelievable. im in tears

  33. 33
    Martin says:

    I’ve just listened the show and was amazing!, best sound ever for a radio broadcast.

    Unfortunately I was confused about the time and recorded only the second hour of the show in wav format with excelente quality.

    You can find this recording in mp3 format here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ENVO4FFQ right now.

    Long live Purple!


  34. 34
    Børge says:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I07gPTq_pfI Wasted Sunsets

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnGiU6oROt4 The Battle Rages On

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mw-VlhaU0Ec No One Came

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBU__tBhy4Y Rapture of the Deep

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXvW5dbAyd0 Black Night

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_JikjWUMUa8 Speed King Part 1

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLe3_-WuOtY Speed King Live Part 2

  35. 35
    andrea says:


  36. 36
    james jay says:

    my 1979 Emerson am-fm-with cassette would not be able to pull it off. sad.

  37. 37
    rik says:

    gloriously wild mix, gillan sounded like he was in the room but roger was barely audible. overall they sounded great!! shame about the dj rambling on between and over songs.

    thanks for the tip nick(10).

  38. 38
    nick green says:

    I recorded Wasted Sunsets and put it on youtube to some of my pictures of mmm, Sunsets!



  39. 39
    Jim Murphy says:

    What a waste of time the broadcast was, either Italian DJs are useless or Bruce Payne said yes you my air the show but no one may listen to it, total waste of bandwidth.

  40. 40
    T says:

    Re: 17

    At the five minute mark, Deep Purple does a tribute to “T”. ;p

  41. 41
    Martin says:

    Well a Russian friend made a nice and complete recording of the show, the mp3 320kb files can be found here:
    part1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=L0DVBIM5
    part2 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ALP5EDRS
    part3 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZC7AM8HG

    BIG THANKS to Fedor-Purpendicular


  42. 42
    AndreA says:

    you can download Bologna here


    but this link works just for few days,sorry but it does not depend on me 😛


  43. 43
    stoffer says:

    Thanks Martin @33 & Borge @34, T@40 clever, even I get it 😉
    Cheers Long Live DP

  44. 44
    fra says:

    you can find the links to download the broadcast in the official DP forum as well.
    forums.deeppurple.com –> on tour

  45. 45
    T says:

    Overall a very clean show and proof positive that even today, Purple can maintain a level of quality that the youngsters can only wish for.

    The announcer’s penchant for gabbing was quite annoying. While his enthusiasm and excitement were appreciated, most listeners already know the stories and are familiar with the songs and personnel. This wasn’t a football match requiring a play-by-play. I can excuse between-song banter, but talking over music–especially over singing–is inexcusable. It’s going to take some creative cutting and cross-fading to make this listenable. Perhaps the über-talking was all intended to frustrate the bootleggers.

    Other than that… Fantastico! Sensazionale! Buono spettacolo!

  46. 46
    Whitesnake's Back says:

    if you search my recording,i’m sure that you’ll be happy of this [W’sB Release]

  47. 47
    fra says:


    i completely understand your point.

    on the other hand, we have to consider that there was a lot of people listening, and they didn’t even know who DP are, who’s in the band, what’s the story behind SOTW, which song was being played, which album was that song from….

    in my opinion, the dj did a good job as he introduced and contextualised almost every song, so that every listener could at least have an idea of what was going on on stage.

    in other words, the live broadcast was not meant for the bootleg maniacs/collectors, but for the “generic public”.

    by the way, RAI confirmed that over 150k people tuned in for the show (this figure doesn’t include the web / satellite stream, so all of you are excluded :p).

  48. 48
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Care to share with us what you mean?

    “US?” Yawn! We don’t matter none?

  49. 49
    Drdp says:

    Thanks Martin (Post #33) for the megaupload link, BUT this is the last half of the show. Does anyone have the link for the first half? Cheers,Drdp

  50. 50
    George says:

    ” RAI confirmed that over 150k people tuned in for the show”
    what does it mean “150K people?” so what’s “K”?

  51. 51
    Svante Axbacke says:

    George: k=kilo=1,000. 150k=150,000.

  52. 52
    George says:

    Svante, thanks…
    wow, 150 000 people who tuned the radio (not including web-listeners) so huge number 🙂

  53. 53
    Martin says:

    Well this was my best Christmas present in many years so far.

    I ThaaaaaaaaankYooooooooouuuu!!! Deep Purple

    Best wishes to you guys forever!

    And nice holydays for all purple fans


  54. 54
    Martin says:

    Want to listen to the show live again? (but with lesser quality), click this link! http://www.rai.tv/dl/RaiTV/programmi/media/ContentItem-6db3074f-e5cf-4452-98b6-c15766d42001-popup.html#

    Yes they still have it!

    But You will have to listen to the DJ first!


  55. 55
    purplepriest1965 says:

    It s a bit sour again but…..

    From a true source……

    What does it mean when the people of DPAS headquarters have other things to do at a moment a show like this is broadcasted?!

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