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Hughes: Mk3 reunion not happening

In case any of you had any doubts, now even Glenn Hughes says that he can’t see a Mk3 reunion happening. In his April 11 interview to The Classic Metal Show he says:

You know, David (Coverdale) and I have been discussing this with Jon Lord for the last three years. It’s been on the table, off the table, on the table, off the table. David and I had a long discussion three months ago about doing it one more time. It wouldn’t be a good time to do it in the next year, but there are a lot of things that may stop it from happening. So I’m telling you guys here on the phone tonight that I can’t see it happening. I don’t want to donate any more of my time to doing this. All across the world, the same questions are there. “When are you guys going to get back together?” I can’t see it happening, and I don’t think about it anymore. You guys just asked me the question. I never think about it. It’s not part of the thought process anymore. For many, many reasons, it won’t happen. It’s a shame, because the fans would have loved to see it, but then again, I understand why Jimmy [Page] and Robert [Plant] probably won’t want it together. Let the legacy be intact. I don’t know if people will really want to see guys doing the same songs they did 35 years ago. I don’t know. I know there would be a lot of people, thousands and thousands of people every night that would pay to see this. None of us want to do it for greed reasons. We would want to do it for some kind of artistic revelry. I would want to do it for that reason. I don’t want to get up on that stage and just coast, put on the pipe and slippers and just yawn and get all that money. That’s not what I want to do. I want to give the audience a really, really good time.


Thanks to Blabbermouth and Daniel Bengtsson for the info.

44 Comments to “Hughes: Mk3 reunion not happening”:

  1. 1
    elprupdeep says:

    good on you glenn!!
    and by the way we have one DEEP PURPLE already so what’s the point to reform a second one and let me tell you something the one we have at the moment is probably one of the greatest. long live DP.

  2. 2
    MoreBlack says:

    No news.We never believed it would happen.Maybe with another name like Tony Iommi’s heaven and hell.

  3. 3
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Thanks Daniel!

  4. 4
    Stefan says:

    Well, no surprise really! Like the man said: let´s keep the legacy intact! I´ve never had the chance to see MK III live, and would have jumped at the opportunity at once, had it been 10-15 years ago!

    Today?? Naah, don´t see no reason to soil their reputation! David´s lost his voice and has no chance in hell belting out songs like “Mistreated”,”Stormbringer” or “You fool no one”. The man in black is probably happy living his fairytale life buffing his lute, Paice is thumping skins in DP and is probably not up to qutting his day job with that heavy tour schedule, I can´t see Jon Lord undertake any heavy touring and is probably very content enjoying his semi retirement!

    Leaves Hughes, who is in my opinion the only one who could make such commitment and the only one who´s still progressing musically! Not to mention his physical condition…..the gigs I´ve witnessed the man seems to have a duracell bunny up his arse and is a delight to witness on a stage,the man never cease to amaze me! I guess that´s what high on life means!! Take care Ya´all & ROCK ON!

  5. 5
    Carlos (from Paraguay) says:

    DEEP PURPLE = Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Ian Paice, Steve Morse, Don Airey…. also Ritchie Blackmore, Rod Evans, David Coverdale, Joe Satriani,Tommy Bolin, Nick Simper, Glenn Hughes and of course the great master of masters Sir JON LORD.

    Welcome to the the original and onlyone University of Rock of all time!!

    Long live all MK’s!!! (except MK V, I hate Slaves & Masters!)
    Long Live DEE PURPLE!!!

  6. 6
    Gillan89 says:

    I’m so happy that there is not going to be Mk3 reunion, i really don’t believe that it would worked in anyway.
    Sadlly I must admit that there is no chance of Mk2 reunion (under any weird circumstances), but i will must live with that fact. I’m truely a big fan of Mk2 (especially Gillan & Blackmore) but they’re bouth stubborn in their own way and everybody must respect that. Main fact that they’re all still alive and kicking after all these years. Not like that idiot, which name i will not mention (just initials T.B) who killed the main spirit and inspiration in Deep Purple back in 1976.
    Long Live REAL Deep Purple (1968-1974)

  7. 7
    andre sihotang says:

    At least Glenn, Coverdale, and Lord live in peace together. They had discussed this issue, that’s the indication there’s still love on each other regardless of putting off the reunion idea. We have Deep Purple now, so why we have to dig the history for some strange ideas. The music is still there to celebrated.


  8. 8
    Maybe I'm A Leo says:

    Saw Mark III in 1974, during the Burn tour. I can’t see them having the same drive. Let it rest. Long live Mark VIII!

  9. 9
    moe says:

    A reunion would be impossible… unless someone with DEEP pockets lures all 5 of them into a DEEP purple mk 3 one off…!

    Well, better keep your mk 3 memories as they are, no need to tarnish them.

  10. 10
    George Fotis says:

    The current line up would have to finish up then there would be a chance. One day it will happen, Steve might want to spend more time with his family. Plus Ritchie hasn’t played hard rock in years , he would have to be interested in hard rock again.

  11. 11
    Chip says:

    What’s interesting about this is that Hughes, Coverdale and Lord were interested in a reunion and discussed it on more than one occasion. That means the only stumbling blocks would be to find a drummer (since Paicey has a gig)and convince Ritchie to pack up the tights and the acoustic for a while.

    Without Blackers this project is a no go…and it sounds like (not shockingly) that he’s the person not interested. Blackers hates Coverdale, has a gig opening up for the Free Credit Report.com guys at the Renaisance Faire and his Mother in Law won’t allow it.

    So unfortunately this won’t happen because I’m sure if Ritchie wanted it…it would have already happened.

  12. 12
    Al Cornish says:

    Big Purple fan here, always will be. This is one line up I’m happy will remain retired.

  13. 13
    Bill The Wizard Pierce says:

    I think that at the end of one of their tours, of course I mean the current DP, should have kind of a reunion show! example The Farewell Thin Lizzy tour, when all the past guitarists got up and played their signature songs, or I just purchased a DVD by The Scorpions live in Wacken 2006 A journey through time, when Uli Jon Roth-Michael Schenker-and of course Matthias Jabs all played their signature songs even the past drummer Herman Rarebell played about 3 tunes!! It was great, now thats how Purple could actually get away with it!! It would be interesting to have Gillan and then Coverdale doing vocals, as well as Mr Morse, and then Blackmore, AWESOME man cheers BP

  14. 14
    Dp says:

    George…in my opinion it’s too late for Blackmore and – as well Steve Morse for this kind of experiences. They don’t have 20 or 30 years… Blackmore is almost 65 years old – as Ian Gillan – the oldest one in current Deep Purple.

  15. 15
    hans says:

    – too bad!

    But is it spin, so it´s already in the works?

  16. 16
    John Bartone says:

    Long Live the Morse Era!!!

  17. 17
    The Greek Tychoon says:

    Well, you know, Jurgen Blackmore and Bobby Rondinelli are always available….

  18. 18
    richard rae says:

    Anyone you wanted this is in dreamland. Have seen DP 17 times since 1971 including MK3 twice. They were driven on stage by Blackmore and Paice and neither of them would have the slightest interest in this happening. Sorry but Coverdale and Hughes in my book are only bit players in the history of my fav band. One good album. One crap and another not bad that little to do with DP. But then I’m a grumpy old guy!!!

  19. 19
    Crimson Ghost says:


    I’m not even amused.

  20. 20
    Morten Overgaard says:

    Glenn fucked-up DP once, why should he get another chance? I’m happy it’s not going to happen. I’m however considering going to a Whitesnake-concert when they come to Aarhus, Denmark in June. But I’m very afraid of being disappointed with David. And then of course I’m going to DP (again) when they hit Aarhus in November.

  21. 21
    Jack11 says:

    Couldnt have said it better myself. Cheers

  22. 22
    fernando (chile) says:

    En realidad lo que le agradezco a Glenn es su honestidad y hacer que la quimera se esfumara y volver a mi triste realidad, no ver jamás al MK III.

  23. 23
    Jeogger Matthews says:

    Yes, it could happen…
    Thanks but no thanks!

  24. 24
    Made in England says:

    Thank God for that!

  25. 25
    AndreA says:

    I read in the past that GH was involved to play with DP in ’70s mainly for money..so..I don’t believe to all these words..but mainly I think that it could be nice however he’ll play music in future with D.Coverdale because together they were a real good amusement for all of us in the past.
    They showed to be great performers so I mean that it is not necessary they try to form a new come back of MK3,mainly because it is sure that Jon Lord does not wish to spend his time around the world for trouble-tours.
    Jon Lord loves now what he is doing; He like to join on stage with DP just as special guest for some tracks,but I believe he does it for showing us his love for his old friends,just only this.
    He toke another way different from what DP are doing in these years,a chose of life.
    And you all believe that Ritchie B. needs to join into MK3?
    I think no..I just could happy if he come back to rock.
    So GH and DC could form a new band,with a new good drummer and a new good keyborder,nothin more I pretend.

    MK3 remains immortal at least,like MK2…even if they are disabanded for ever.

    (ps do you understnd my bad english? I have just drunk a glass of red wine…hick..puff..)




  26. 26
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    Finally AGAIN….Over and Out….

    Now, how about something more realistic and worthy….When’s the next Deep Purple album…..


  27. 27
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Dont hold your breath.

  28. 28
    John Bartone says:

    Right on # 26, Even if they don’t put out a new album, I hope they come to the USA this Summer..”He was playin’ pool and drinkin’ beer”.. Long live the Morse Era!! 🙂

  29. 29
    T says:

    #22 Bien dicho.

  30. 30
    alf+ says:

    Estrictamente hablando el MK III es casi imposible que se reagrupe sabiendo que paice esta ahora en el actual DP, y no lo dejaria, entonces con otro baterista el MK III vendria siendo otro Mark más…
    Puras elucubraciones…
    Y ya que por fin DP saque un buen material de hard rock, minimo bien producido.

  31. 31
    Raven says:

    # 6 – Calling Tommy Bolin an idiot because he “ruined DP in 1976” is plain stupidity. The man made some wrong choices and paid them with his life, so I think we can forgive him now for playing one tour with a screwed up hand.

  32. 32
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Tommy RIP

  33. 33
    Jason says:

    I think all of these reunion ideas have only ONE possibility of coming true:

    If/When Deep Purple is inducted into the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame.

    Every year, I am stunned at the list of no-name, flash-in-the-pans who get inducted every year while DP continues to go unrecognized.

    If DP were inducted, the main lineup would obviously play a couple of songs (gee, I wonder which ones 😉 but it would also be a genuine opportunity for Jon, Ritchie, Glenn, and David to get up for a jam without the pressures, money, contracts, etc. that usually get in the way.

  34. 34
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    Here again is the simplicity to this scenario….

    The only ones whom are willing to do Any Reunion of Any sort, are those whom are NOT in the BAND. Except of course for Ritchie whom not only is In a band, but it is run by his BOSS in life. Deep Purple are Alive and Well. Ian Paice is actually the Key player in the Fantasy world of the Dreamers whom are so begging for the past…..
    Ian Paice is not as stupid as those whom are gone from the Band that all the hoopla is about. Those who left or were fired had their chance. MK-8 is what is and it is PURPLE at its BEST!!!!! All else is Past tense….


  35. 35
    Steve says:

    For those that say Hughes “ruined” Purple, who do you think hired him in the first place? They knew who and what they were getting. They heard “We Are The Music…” by Trapeze. Glenn did his job and it’s not his fault Blackmore decided not to use his “best” songs for Stormbringer and save them for the first Rainbow album (according to Lord). Blackmore said that Hughes was the best singer/bassist/songwriter since McCartney.

    And regarding Tommy Bolin, Come Taste the Band is an excellent Purple album. Lord and Paice, and Martin Birch make it a very Purple sounding album. The last great Purple album.

    I saw MKIII on the Burn tour and is was kick ass. Loud, heavy and dark. Made In Europe (although edited and shorter is every bit as intense as Made In Japan. You Fool No One from MIE is Purple at it’s finest.

    Hughes still has a lot to offer including a great voice. Can’t say that about Gillan. Long Live MKIII!

  36. 36
    AndreA says:


    there are people don’t like DP mk4,but there are others included me that loves COME TASTE THE BAND.

    IMHO,it is one of the best of all the time,with hard rock and funky,and this work was recordered with a good cool sound,a great mixage,the sound of this Lp is better than others that were recordered before,the sound is very current, modern..

    COME TASTE THE BAND is a que jewel, not only numerically


  37. 37
    AndreA says:



    unique jewel

  38. 38
    Scott says:

    The only line-up that should be getting back together is MK-2.

  39. 39
    Rover says:

    I’m glad the speculations are finally over. Good that it came from the one who started the whole rumor, and some people got too agitated over this.

  40. 40
    Toto says:

    and I suppose all you guys slagging of mk III wouldn’t go and see them play IF, by some miracle, they did get together again??? And which line up would have the greater claim (morally if not legally) to the DP name???

  41. 41
    Milton Purple says:

    lack is good will and good sense.

    10 concerts of the mk3 would gather easy more than 1 million people anywhere in the world.

  42. 42
    ak82 says:

    long live deep purple!!!

  43. 43
    BlackSparrow says:

    MORTEN at number 20 you got me falling off my chair AS much as we love glenn for his great screaming we hate him for that funky blues music AND ranting that ruined PURPLE and Steve at number 35 maybe Blackers did say Hughes was the greatest bassist vocalist this side west of the missouri but when he left Purple it was because of that funky blues music that fortunately created the second greatest live band of all time RAINBOW with RJD.

  44. 44
    john says:

    get don airey and ian paice, if they have a pause

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