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The Highway Star

T-shirt saga continues

Blackmore has issued a statement through his lawyers in reply to Gillan’s interview to Rockpages.gr which was published in October:

In an interview he gave to a music website recently, Ian Gillan made a number of comments about Ritchie Blackmore that twisted facts and which require setting the record straight.

Read the whole thing at Rockpages

Thanks to Blabbermouth for the info.

105 Comments to “T-shirt saga continues”:

  1. 1
    Gillan89 says:

    That’s fantastic, Ian has a naked pictures of Ritchie’s mother in law 🙂
    So thats the reason why is Ritchie so blocked with his musical history.
    I don’t have nothing against Candie, but i’m very sure that her mother is one horrible, not to mention cynical (in baddest wasy) person. I don’t like that kind of persons.
    The Blackmore family now looks like this:
    Ritchie – The Dark Knight
    Candice – The Gorgeous Princess
    Her Mother – Wicked Horrible Witch
    Jurgen Blackmore – The Baby of Rainbow

    A little joke, can’t harm anybody 🙂

    Long Live Gillan, Ritchie, Lord, Glover and Paice

  2. 2
    Fernando says:

    Gillan and Blackmore , both act like teens when talking about each other.
    Could them someday get over it all (sounds unlikely , I know) they could write a terrific song about this 40-year quarrel.

  3. 3
    TheWall says:

    Well.. it seems to be poor old Gillan was BUSTED!

  4. 4
    More Black says:

    As soon as mk III be reunited these things will come to an end.Yeah Burn will be back.

  5. 5
    Tom says:

    I agree, Ritchie is my favorite guitar player. He is the reason why I started and stil play guitar after 35 years. Ian is also my favorite singer. They should both just shut up and think about how much great music, fame and money they made together.
    Blackmore Gillan Glover Lord and Paice were the best version of Deep Purple. I loved Mark III DP but they still come in a distant second. Mark I was aslo important. The rest I could have done without. Not that I disliked any of the other Marks they just didn’t and don’t have the spark or magic that all 3 of the original marks did.

  6. 6
    scott says:

    the battle rages on!

  7. 7
    More Black says:

    Viva Deep Purpleeeee

  8. 8
    Gillan89 says:

    To MoreBlack

    There aren’t a slite chance that Blackmore is going participate in some ridiculous project called Mark III reunion. And in this point it would be the most stupidiest thing to do. I also like the music of Mark III, but not as much as MII. It would be also a discrease to do such a thing. Ritchie would prefer playing with Gillan (including the fact that he doesn’t like him at all) but he would play with another MII reunion (if there ever would be) instead of playing together with two members which he never liked. Coverdale & Hughes.
    Knowning the fact that Ritchie hates Gillan, they’re bouth more similar (in musical sense) than him and horrible funky crap Hughes.
    Anybody will agree that G & B made better and more perfect music comparing to the music of MIII.
    In that period Ritchie was the most powerfull one in the band, with a slite bits of other “new” members David and Glenn. To make a conclusion.
    If ever Blackmore goes back to pure Rock music, he would prefer playing in DP reunion as MII instead of MKIII.

  9. 9
    Gillan89 says:

    To Fernando

    You’re absolutely right Fernando.
    It would be fantastic that bouth of them made at least one song together, not to mention an whole album, or a concert or a whole tour!

    But i’m said because of the fact that’s never gonna happen, nevertheless dreams are always beautiful 🙂

  10. 10
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    How many ‘One More Albums’ do you want? They already made that ‘Last Album’ together…..’the Battle Rages On’…..just pust PLAY.

    It’s Over now. You too must get over it….


  11. 11
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Rock Pages had better be sure they didn’t botch that story themselves.
    As far as I know, the lawsuit was originally filed after spending his royalties for the bootleg box sets, after threatening to sue them over the remasters, which would not have been cost effective for him, as he stands to make more in the long run if he didn’t sue.

    I’m of the opinion that Ritchie is running dry and planning his next pay off, and things like this just show signs all the more.
    The book access story is new to me, the way I heard it was that the above story is what really happened and that Ritchie asked to be discluded from any retro DP merchandise or be paid, and that is why the image was removed, he should not have told them to “disclude” him “or be paid” which on paper gave them that option… know your law or this will not be easy to solve. Believe whatever you want, folks. But the operative word here is “hype.” It seems the whole thing is constructed for drama purposes, and now getting redirected because it didn’t originally get enough attention or something.

    For one instance about Rock Pages, they even got the story twisted themselves about just how Ritchie departed concerning his solo album and the order in which the record company offer went.

    Something tells me Ian was taking the piss anyway, which is his right, and less harmful than the sort of antics he and many others have had to put up with on tour from Ritchie, sometimes pretty sick stuff even. Probably ‘taking the piss’ because the interview was over drinks!lol!
    (but one thing I don’t see, is Ian telling anyone what and what not to publish… the interviewer, editor and Rock Pages are suspect here, as well as Ian)

    It’s funny how Ian comes off so differently to everyone, a very strange thing it is.

  12. 12
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Makes one yern for a celebrity boxing match between these two… problem is, it wouldn’t be a fight, just the wind of Ian’s swing would produce a TKO! LOL!

  13. 13
    Barfly Gypsy says:

    Gillan89 If Ritchie in the time when he started to think about Startin Rainbow, Asked Mr Coverdale to participate before he asked Dio and the company of Elfs. Was that because he did dislike Coverdale? Or in fact liked his vocals?
    He certenly dident ask Ian.
    I would like to say that made in Europe is one of the best live albums ever. And a reason for that is that it only includes Mark 3 songs. But Coverdale and hughes did mark 2 songs ok. Listen to final conserts cd The only bad thing on that album is when Gleen has his wailing solo something that didnt fit in at all. It would be intresting to hear A Gillan try to do Mistreated, Burn for example or Stormbringer. And see if he manige just as good

  14. 14
    Gillan89 says:

    Ritchie didn’t asked Coverdale to join Rainbow.
    His biggest wish was that he could get Paul Rodgers in any band with. Rodgers refused to join his project “Baby Face” which included Phil Lynott on bass and Ian Paice on drums.
    And yes he did ask Gillan to join Rainbow!
    In 1979 when Dio left the band Ritchie did go to Ian to ask if whether he would join Rainbow. And if you ask me that would be one hell of a good band, it would save of disaster which happend with horrible Down to Earth album.
    And that would be one fantastic line up.

    Rithie Blackmore – Guitar
    Ian Gillan – Vocal
    Roger Glover – Bass
    Cozy Powell – Drums
    Don Airey – Keyboards

  15. 15
    More Black says:

    To Gillan 89
    I know that.
    I was just kiding.
    Only Machine Heading!

  16. 16
    Gillan89 says:

    I got say it’s real optimistic joking 🙂
    I’m also one of those who wants to see The Man In Black, Back in action. I adore Blackmore’s Night but not as much as his 70’s

  17. 17
    More Black says:

    Ritchie ask to David sing the solo project and send him some demos.David said yes but after hearing the demo decline the invitation saying the material was a hard rocker in the machine head vein and it was out of his actual musical vision.Ritchie had never forgive him.

  18. 18
    More Black says:

    To Gillan 89

    And if…
    DP would have recorded another album after Stormbringer?
    At that time they were promissing a come back to a haevier aproach.
    People use to limit mk III to funky,but that was the fever of the moment in England then.
    Well maybe mk III would have something to say but not now.This would have happen 20 years ago.

  19. 19
    More Black says:

    Last night i was thinking about how great are these two artists:Blackmore & Gillan.They influenced a lot of people.Defined the modern rock.Rock was allways Vocal and Guitar music.
    40 years theaching us how to play or sing better.How to create great music.

  20. 20
    Gillan89 says:

    That’s true

  21. 21
    stoffer says:

    MK III reunion, Rainbow, Coverdale, Rodgers??? Blah, Blah, Blah, who cares??
    I agree with our resident “Purpologist” (Crimson G).
    Lots of “hype”.

  22. 22
    Ryan says:

    Some surprise here, just Gillan b/sing again to continue on his 15-year cheap moral victory. Oh well, Blackmore isn’t the one dying on stage hacking up God knows what complaining about former members and dead issues. He’s actually enjoying himself, which is all we can ask for. Naturally, I too for the Nostalgia of it all would love to see him do another rock album, but Gillan has made a Purple reunion impossible. Gillan’s the two year old here, Blackmore seemed to grow up when he quit.

  23. 23
    Al Cornish says:

    Ritchie came into my restaurant where I am the cook. My place is called “ShiShi-FooFoo-PooPoo.” He ordered our large whole wheat pancake then sent it back because he said it was shaped like Ian Gillan.
    I lost my Michelin Star over this.

  24. 24
    Martin Davies says:

    Lead Singers Disorder, a.k.a LSD drives all singers, including Ian Gillan to say stupid things. That’s the unfortunate side effect of having that certain something that makes you want to be up there on stage as the front man in the first place. Let’s just enjoy the music and forget about the LSD symptoms.

    Blackmore dropped the grudge back in 1994, always speaking highly of the talent of the rest of the memebers on Mark II.

    To this day I read Gillan interviews where he reduces himself to name calling and insults towards Ritchie. LSD = Lead Singers Disorder

  25. 25
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Always nice to see your spin on things, this one is as clear as day.
    When Blackmore makes a record like OETM, then perhaps he might show some musical maturity anyway. But as far as ‘maturity’ itelf goes, I think I’ve heard from the last person who knows anything about it. But again, always nice to read spin.(Gillan has likely succeeded on every level aimed here, because you’re once again clearly “annoyed” by him, and he is doing better at it apparently than Blackmore, who admittadly lives to annoy)

    Get over it before you expire.

  26. 26
    Crimson Ghost says:


    I agree it’s “LSD” a common disease I suppose, just like “ND” with guitarists “narcicism disease” lol!

  27. 27
    Peter Elliott says:

    Blackmore has made it very clear in recent years that he would love to do a one off gig or two with the mk2 line up. As soon as that became known, it was Gillan who instantly said “no way” and that he can “never” speak to Blackmore again for personal reasons.

    I love these guys as much as most of us do here but I do agree that Gillan can be very childish at times. OK, so can Blackmore but at least he is genuinely willing to cast differences aside for a gig or two whilst Gillan cannot. And indeed Blackmore has been complimentary of mk2 since. Blackmore and Jon Lord remain on good terms, but it does seem that the bond between Blackmore and Glover was destroyed in 93… Roger’s a very conciliatory man but the fact he doesn’t appear to talk to Blackmore anymore and that he and Gillan go back to the mid 60’s I think is a factor we tend to overlook.

    Sadly, a mk2 reunion of any kind is never gonna happen again. I can hardly see Gillan, Glover and Paice expecting Morse and Airey to happily stand aside to allow Blackmore and Lord to return for one or two gigs.

    I do agree with post #22 who said that Blackmore seemed to grow up once he left Purple. One thing is definite and certain… we have seen a much happier Blackmore in the last ten years… he seems more contented than he ever used to be and is simply getting on with his career. At least Blackmore’s Night seem to keep writing and recording new material, unlike Purple who take an age to write and record an album and then spend 3 years touring it round the world with a predictable setlist centered too heavily on oldies.

    God bless ’em all at the end of the day. Whatever happens, their places in the annals of rock history are secured and we have plenty of music to enjoy.

  28. 28
    Ryan says:

    @Crimson Ghost

    Yeah, a 63 year old likes getting enjoyment out of random fans and likes annoying them. That was always Blackmore’s bag, not Gillans. Gillan is a two year old in the body of a 63 year old. Hopefully he matures enough to heal the problems. He has an ego issue based on very very little performance. At least Blackmore deserves what ego he has. Look at his output with Rainbow and all the riffs he’s come up with. Gillan never did anything solo.

  29. 29
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Can he sing or lyric write? Can he come up with VOCAL RIFFS? Could he ever? At least Ian can play a guitar better than Ritchie singing or write lyrics put together.(four decades have proven so)

    But who cares? The point is that you’re lost in some kind of fantasy land, ducking reality like it’s aiming for your head. I don’t think you’ll ever understand how press hype works either, but keep reading and trying to figure it out.

    You mention age, but you can’t seem to see it for what it is.(the only real enemy here)
    Now give us some more facts on this topic instead of continuing to try and establish him as a criminal for commiting legal activity.

    You missed the boat, and that puts you in the bitter bunch where all seem to have self inflicted wounds that they claim Ian is responsible for.(crimeny!) Concentrate on things you enjoy and sod the rest, or bitchschool will only get tougher and your stress level will never subside concerning trival matters.

    And just a tip for your Blackmore whining, you should commend his solos before his riffs, any day… the riffs are ten times easier to come up with…. now what? “A GUITAR RIFF…. THE GREATEST MUSICAL ACHIEVEMENT THERE EVER WAS!” (for christ sakes)

  30. 30
    Crimson Ghost says:

    …and Gillan wrote plenty of the music on OETM, besides his contributions to some thriteen albums or more outside of Purple. Ritchie made eight outside of Purple before BN. You can argue the quality versus quantity factor, but then you’d be as retarted as everyone else who uses it, so don’t go there.lol!

    “Gillan never did anything solo”
    Now we’ve heard it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. 31
    HZ says:

    CG, no insult – but Blackmore’s riff’s are what made DP legendary and different then any other band of their kind. His charisma and ingenuity in DP and Rainbow are just undisputed. True quality came from his side, and SOTW is, as Martin Birch said, what it is because of Ritchie, no Gillan and lirics. Same goes for most of their songs. That’s why Rainbow made so big influence on other HM and PM bands, while Gillan band was good (I have everything made by Gillan and by Ritchie), but never close to Blackmore’s work. In the end all this is not important – I’d like to see Ritchie and Lord doing some kind of hard rock retrospective of their work (DP and Rainbow) with other musicians (let’s say Lars on drums and Lande as lead singer) as ultimate by by to hard rock.

  32. 32
    HZ says:

    And let me tell you, CG, I saw DP 3 days ago in Dubai, and BN about month and half ago in Zagreb – and belive me that Ritchie is still so vital in his approach to music, I mean you can see in his eyes that he’s all into doing something inovative and new – that guy is just progressive, he’s composer, true composer. I know that I like to hear DP things more then BN, I like hard rock very much, but all his career is just inovation and inovation – and despite him being rude sometime and moody, he’s just undisputed as artist and musician. So, hopefully we’ll see some retrospective things from Blackmore. I have to say that I wouldn’t like him to do that with MK II, I’d like to see him doing DP and Rainbow tunes with some bad crew and give us seal of his unique career and art. He’s so able to do that now better then ever, I know because I saw him rocking month and half ago (Ariel, DTC, SOTW and WFT) beside ordinary BN Set List in Lisinski. Belive me, his sound is so special and different, totaly different then others.

  33. 33
    HZ says:

    This doesn’t mean that I don’t like what DP did after Blackmore – there were some really good things. Morse is great guitarist, and I’m a huge fan – looking at him 3 days ago from only 6-7 meters doing Contact Lost – Well dressed guitar – Screaming was great experience and joy for me.

  34. 34
    alf+ says:

    the comment #29 is very very stupid
    and #31 is very very clever

  35. 35
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I’m needing so badly to be told about Ritchie Blackmore, as I don’t have the faintest clue in hell about him, I’ve never traveled to see DP or BN so I can’t comment, lol!. Right then, why I still can be bothered to care, I’ll never know… but the last thing I need is guidence concerning it, I follow quite closely, thanks.(click on my username for the latest)

    alf, you supply quite a lot of infos here… keep up the good work!

    Sorry to provoke those of the ‘stuck up Ritchie’s bum variety’ but it is what it is.
    No trash talk is going to change the facts for either side.(neither will some little boy who’s wheels are spun over this nonsense)

    I stand corrected on the inner workings of the craft of songwriting. I also roll my eyes.

  36. 36
    HZ says:

    CG, it’s cool man! No bad feelings. Opinions…. And I said what I think, also from my expirience – I’m very good with the guitar (classical education and so on), so I just expressed what’s my opinion, and based on what DP is for me (Burn is as good as Machine Head, that’s my point). Nevertheless, no bad feelings.

  37. 37
    Crimson Ghost says:

    By the way, all DP members are “composers” and that is a fact! Not just one guy who held his mud with them till he couldn’t handle their well earned independence anymore. I take nothing away from Ritchie, yet I’ve given so much to support him, I’m just not interested in the direction his career is going… if and when it takes a turn, I’ll be interested.(it’s like watching paint dry though… life must go on)

  38. 38
    HZ says:

    Agreed, CG, they are, no doubt. Still, Blackmore is No.1 for a lot of reasons (I love all those guys as part of DP family and people that did some really good things in music, but I’m not so personally involved in what happened between them, I’m just out of it), even though he did what he shouldn’t in late 80s and early 90s. All what I said was based on musical creation they’ve made together and individually in my opinion. And yes, Blackmore is my favorite guitar player, his work is what I admire, I’m not just simply taking his side – I’m not taking any side in “DP’s wars” 🙂

  39. 39
    George says:

    Hey, what’t goin’ on here? I’ve read lots of Blackmore VS Morse posts, or Gillan VS Coverdale/Turner posts, or whatever… But I’ve never read and heard about the topic: “Ian Gillan better singer, or Ritchie better guitarist?”… how can you compare them to each other? both of them are MASTERS in their own way…
    and yeah, Deep Purple is NOT SOTW, r WFT, or HS… It was NOT ritchie who put the band on the top of the world in the 70’s, as well as it was NOT Gillan, it wasn’t Lord, Glover or Paice… it was THE WHOLE GROUP, MKII, DEEP PURPLE – the crew of the best musicians of their period (and untill now)…
    Some people keep on saying: “SOTW made DP so popular, and the riff was written by Ritchie”. and what then??? what about Gillan? well, SOTW’s riff is consideed to be THE GREATEST RIFF of all time… but D’you know that Child In Time’s screaming parts [right, by GIllan, NOT by Ritchie] is considered to be THE GREATEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE of all time? I’ll find the link and forward it to you.
    So, DP is the luckiest band in the world. when you have Ritchie on the guitars, Ian on the vocals, LORD – ON THE ORGAN & KEYBOARDS, Glover on Bass and PAICE – ON DRUMS – no one should say: Ritchie made DP big, or Gillan made DP big, or whatever…
    It was THE WHOLE MkII – crew of absdolutely talanted and ‘gifted by God’ musicians.
    But don’t forget MkI, the classical influence and absolutely OUTSTANDING compositional structure of MkI’s songs & Instrumentals, MkIII’s hard rockin’ and hard funky tunes, MKVII’s bloody fresh and probably the most various, absolutely colourfull pallete music, MkVIII’s vitality, creativity and modernism – all of this is the reason why Deep Purple is probably the biggest name in hard rock, why they keep on movin’ for 40 years with almost no low points and why we do love them.
    think of it…

  40. 40
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Neither am I, I just have to provide some reflection when I see people overzealous about opinions and theories, leaning them in factual directions.lol!(my post was actually directed at someone who goes around begging for that, and not meant to show any disrespect for Blackmore to anyone but him, as an example to his trash talking about Gillan… not meant for another vs. debate. It’s just part of an ongoing one of his) I already explained that no trash talk from Ian, Ritchie or this person about Ian is ever going to change anything.
    Besides the fact that this “one off’ business being some fault of Ian’s that it won’t happen, ha, right, the fact is that Ritchie will never take part in any event managed by Bruce Payne again, as that’s where the real struggle lies here, and that needs to be dealt with by all as the reality it is! So Ritchie’s being his usual joking self when saying anything thing is remotely possible there. He is done with BP way moreso than DP, but you cannot have one without the other, so he just wants people to think by saying he was up for it… although that was a while ago now… notice how nothings been said since, and don’t expect Ritchie and Roger to ever be good friends again, there is bad blood boiling there, on Ritchie’s end anyway.(Roger isn’t even like that, but Ritchie considers him a ‘backstabber’ over business concerning their intellectual property)

  41. 41
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Address has been reset, now my username is actively linked.

  42. 42
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Ask Ryan, not me… he brought it up! I just couldn’t resist humoring it.

  43. 43
    HZ says:

    Agreed, CG, a lot of bad things out of art… I’m not going there. Just said: Blackmore & Lord should do retrospective with some bad crew, for the sake of the art, long away from Bruce Payne or anybody else from “Bloodsuckers” – management side, in term of one last big hard rock event (some album, maybe if they are in good mood – but concert or concerts surely). New singer like Lande and drummer like Lars could help them to put seal on what millions of people love and have loved. Just opinion. Blackmore is in good shape and creative state of mind, I saw him – he and Lord are first legendary guitar-organ crew, so they’d managed them selves very well, I’m sure about it.

  44. 44
    George says:


    no, it was HZ who said that SOTW made DP such a big name… Still can’t understand, while people talk about Ritchie’s SOTW riff as THE GREATEST RIFF IN ROCK HISTORY, why do they forget that Ian Gillan’s screaming parts on Child In Time is considered to be THE GREATEST VOCAL PERFORMANCE IN ROCK HISTORY. So, plz, don’t discuss DP like Ritchie’s band, or Gillan’s band, or Lord’s band…

    Sorry but, d’you really think drummer like Lars Ulrich is worth to be allowed to play DP songs? he’s a one tone, or one-bit drummer. the only thing he has, is the power in his hands, he’s very powerful drummer but that doesn’t mean ANYTHING, during playing Lars uses only one bit, and that’s what he’s able of. Personally I don’t even want to imagine how Lars can ruin Purple’s material…

  45. 45
    HZ says:

    George, never said that SOTW made DP such big name, I qouted Martin Birch in term of personification of Blackmores role in composing DP’s tunes – therefore I said, in my opinion Burn is as good as Machine Head (for me Burn riff is way better then HS, but that’s taste). From composers and pro’s point of view, Burn is indeed unique tune, unbelivable how contract in itself classical and hard rock ways. Well, I don’t know who’d be good to play drumms, I think Lars can manage it very well, and he could play both DP and Rainbow with great deal of confidence – Lars has offered himself for MK3 “reunion”, he’s a large fan and dream about some kind of “ultimate DP live opus with Blackmore and Lord together”, he learned “ways of Paice” – Cozy is natural for him to follow (double bass) etc. And he’s great drummer. Well, just my opinion.

  46. 46
    George says:


    aha well… Burn is indeed one of DP’s greatest tracks, especially the main riff and keyboard parts still blows me away, just great…

    what about Highway Star, this track is the DEFINITION of hard rock. I still keep on listening to it on my player, turn the basses aloud and I feel the strength from the first bass-line., then Gillan’s UNREPLACABLE and ‘can’t be covered’ singing, Lord’s and Blackmore’s soloes… al in all, the track is really definition of hard rock…

    what about Lars, ok, it’s your opinion… but I think many would agree, that if he will play DP songs, it will be titled not “Lars Playing Purple”, but “Lars Ruining Purple” – my opinion, as well…

  47. 47
    George says:


    AND HERE IT IS: “Ian Gillan – 4 octave singer – NOW CONFIRMED”

    3 days ago new video was posted on youtube, video is really groundbreaking, because it lead the past “Gillan 4 octave singer or not” discussion to the end. Ian Gillan could sing in 4 octaves – now truly cinfirmed. Thus Ian Gillan is not only the videst range vocalist in rock music, but the one from few singers who could reach 4 octaves. the video put GIllan’s name in 4 octave wonders’ list…

    THE LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyEbe9deHvM

    P.S. I sent this video to news@highwaystar.com, but as I guess sometimes our mails go straight not in their INBOX folder, but in Spams/Junks. So I posted this news here as well..

  48. 48
    George says:



    3 days ago new video was posted on youtube, video is really groundbreaking, because it lead the past “Gillan 4 octave singer or not” discussion to the end. Ian Gillan could sing in 4 octaves – now truly cinfirmed. Thus Ian Gillan is not only the videst range vocalist in rock music, but the one from few singers who could reach 4 octaves. the video put GIllan’s name in 5 octave wonders’ list…

    video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyEbe9deHvM

    I sent this video to news@thehighwaystar.com, but as I guess some mails go not in their INBOW folder, but straight in the SPAMS/JUNKbox.. thus I posted the news+video here, as well..

    congrats to ANY purple & Gillan fans…

  49. 49
    marcinn says:

    Great interview Larry. Thank you.

  50. 50
    Jeffs says:

    Who is the most important/influential member of MkII? that question is a matter of opinion…for me the five were magical together, such a combination is almost impossible to find.

    Who is responsible for the rifts (not riffs;-)in MkII? that’s easier to ascertain. Ritchie works behind the scenes to manipulates others and get his own way. the genious is flawed, we must all accept that. Gillan and the others had there part to play of course in the MkII splits, but how on earth they let Gillan leave back in 73 is beyond me…Can you imagine Page allowing Plant to leave? Or the management for that matter? How can you allow the lead singer of the biggest selling band in the world (73) to just walk away.

    Ritchie has hired and fired the best in the business on a regular basis…Most if not all of them unknown before they worked with him, we all know that. I for my sins have worked with many musos in the industry and i can tell you for a fact that Mr blackmore is not very liked by his peers.

    It’s the combination of talent and personality that makes things work within a band, the same as any situation: (work, sport, family etc.) Ritchies history would suggest that he has only ever had any real musical longevity with his wife.

  51. 51
    HZ says:

    Yes Jeffs, Ritchie is hard guy, moody etc. But in musical term he’s genius. Agree with you on how to allow Gillan go out in 73. – but Lord himself told that it was management mistake, and if he was in charge as manager, he’d make more money and make all people happy. It’s over now.

  52. 52
    Rascal says:

    More small time celebrity bullshit from Gillan and Blackmore……….

  53. 53
    The Aviator says:

    From WHERE Smoke on The Water riff came from:

    Of course the video from YouTube is a new version, but this is a old brazilian samba by Carlos Lyra, from 1964.


  54. 54
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Yeah, I’d rather be reading BIG TIME celebrity bullshit from John Lydon.

  55. 55
    Rascal says:


    I wouldnt, Lydon’s an ‘ass’……….but it takes all sorts…….. read on!

  56. 56
    Tom says:

    Anyone who knocks Blackmore has to be out of their mind. Without him there would have been no DP. They would not have been anywhere near the same band without him.
    That said, anyone who knocks Gillan should just listen to Child in Time and the whole Made in Japan album among others. There is nothing to complain about, he was a huge part of their success. His solo albums were great as well. Clear Air Turbulance, Glory Road to name a few. Along with Lord and Paice, that was DP.
    PS Burn was a great album, so I have to give Coverdale and Hughs ther due.

  57. 57
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I didn’t exactly knock him, I just used him as the example Ryan failed to mention being his prime motivation for bashing Gillan, who by they way deserves as much respect as any of them.

    Gillan doesn’t help with his comments, and kids do play, but an overall adult understanding is in order.(irony is often misunderstood, Ritchie and Ian rely too heavily on it in interviews for some ‘kids’ to comprehend)

  58. 58
    AndreA says:

    hey The Aviator!

    From WHERE Black Nightriff could came from (1960 ?)


  59. 59
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 56

    I ve been accused many times to support RB too much
    How about you?
    You seem to be on Gillans payroll

  60. 60
    Rascal says:

    Two sides to every tale. And when the full facts aint known, a bit of imagination fills tha gaps.

    To be sure of completing the trick, adding ‘from a reliable source’, or ‘their are things you dont know’……..should help.

  61. 61
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I don’t see whats to accuse for supporting anyone, what’s your point?

    I’m not on anyone’s payroll, I work for myself.(another reason I know how to use computers and the internet, and do so often in a wi-fi city… one thing stimulates the other)

    But why insist on being such an ass? Oh, RB was mentioned, I forgot, because I don’t have him on the brain and haven’t much for a good long time, I’m a free man that way so to speak and it’s refreshing.
    (this is a Deep Purple website, if he were in the band still or again, or even doing something that remotely interests me, I’d spend more time talking about him) I’m not here to sulk about the past and how much better it was than the present concerning them, anyone who does will probably not like me, as I very rarely engage in doom laden fodder… so much for small losses. I know you’re trying to understand me, perhaps you’d be better off giving up, as I’m not here to help with that, lol!

  62. 62
    The Aviator says:

    Nice find AndreA!!!
    I know Jon Lord exchange the Child in Time intro with some lady from Beautifull Day, a song named called Bombay Calling.


    And then he let they use Wring That Neck:


    Both great songs, though of course I preffer DP versions.
    I wonder if they borrowed some more riffs from cyberspace???

  63. 63
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 59

    Ahh, you again……
    I was not speaking to you.
    I do understand what you are writing there but…come on…..why cant you do it in normal English?
    COMPLETING THE TRICK???!!! I m not here for headgames…..

    @ 60

    I knew you would jump on it and be annoyed.
    Which does NOT mean I tried to provoke you.

    It just occurs to me you are very inflammable concerning criticism towards Ian Gillan.
    And no, I dont think I do the same regarding RB.

    Its your right to get aggrevated by some of that just or unjustified criticism towards IG but arent you taking it a bit too personal?
    You SEEM to get really angry now and then.

    After all, why would you care what some dumb ass is shouting about IG?
    Why not be a bit more calm?

    My little piece.
    It was irony, NOT sarcasm like some other guy who likes to thinks he s exploring here.

    I m a sensitive guy but in the end I wonder and shrug my shoulders when people get so agressive.

    A few days I tried to write a piece here concerning our interactions here but it vanished cause I hit a unfortunate, no erotic pun intended, button.

    Essentially it came down to me wondering why WE are on a head on collission course so often here.

    I notice a lot of things in common between you, me and other THS people but still we are each others throats for nothing.

    Ofcourse there are some who enjoy trying conflict.
    A few here who have a ball trying to outsmart others.
    I m not here for that.

    I KNOW it might look like I am being outsmarted by some but that has mainly to do with English not being my first language.
    But my reading of English is better and I m not a retard.
    But hey, people who think they are so damn funny, intelligent, sarcastic……
    Enjoy yourself!!!

    Well, just a thought from me.

    Cheers from rainy Rotterdam.

  64. 64
    Crimson Ghost says:

    No agression toward anything but aggression displayed by you, and of course anyone else that I might bump into that has their doom hat on. Nothing worng with it at all either, I asked my doctor.lol!(does that sound anymore “aggressive” than my last post?)

    Angry, me? Don’t confuse me with yourself, it’s easy to see I tend to look on lifes brighter side of things.

    No one is trying to ‘outsmart’ anyone, you just can’t handle anymore than you say your detractors can’t. And if you’re right, all this adds up to is equality, understand?

  65. 65
    purplepriest1965 says:

    At least you do use the word LOL a lot, hehehe

    Lol in Dutch means FUN…….

    Always awkward to see that word LOL…..

    Should I see an emo instead of LOL instead?

    I dont have my doom hat on today, well not that I know of…..
    Agressive? Well, if it seems so it s not meant that way….

    Well, I m gonna put some agression in my hour of swimming right now….

    Tot de volgende keek.

  66. 66
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I’m Dutch, very much so in fact.
    Happy to stop boring the public here.lol!

    Have a good swim.

  67. 67
    Dennis Hanna says:

    I think it’s a shame that Ritchie and Ian are on bad terms, but there again, not everyone gets along do they? Perhaps they could at least respect each other as musicians and both give a nod to the fact they achieved great heights whilst working together even though tension may have been in the air. May be a start chaps. Speaking as a fan of more years than I care to remember, I thank all the “Purple family” as all of them had their own roles in the history of this great band. Good luck to all of you and love and respect from me.

  68. 68
    Gillan89 says:

    @ 57

    Black Night riff came from Ricky Nelson’s Summertime in 1962. And that is the fact that even Ritchie confirmed.
    The idea for that riff came from Nick Simper who suggested the song to Ritchie.
    Blues Magoos’s song Nothin’ Yet.. was also influenced by Summertime, and even Status Quo did they’re version of Nothin’ Yet

  69. 69
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Also, the tempo was taken from “Canned Heat – On The Road Again” and the title from a blues artist who’s name slips my mind right now.

  70. 70
    Ryan says:

    @ Crimson Ghost

    Man, give it up. Trying to compare Rising and Long Live Rock and Roll to crap like Magic or something is rubbish. Ritchie arranged Rising tunes for violins and cellos, Gillan played 4 bar blues that sounded like shite. Blackmores two sleeper albums hardly compare to crap like Dreamcatcher, Naked Thunder, Future Shock, or pretty much anything else other than Glory Road.

    Press hype? A statement released by Blackmore’s lawyers is not “Press hype” as they can’t spin an officially released two paragraph statement.

    What Gillan’s doing practically is illegal, it’s called defamation or slander. Making a false statement that is putting somebody’s image in jeopardy, which he clearly was doing to a very wide audience. Does Gillan actually come up with very good melodies on any of the hits? Think of Space Truckin’, Highway Star, Smoke, Lazy and Woman From Tokyo. In every single one of those songs, he’s following the riff.

    Woman from tokyo “my woman from tokyo”
    and in syllables on guitar “da da da duh da da duh”

    Highway Star? “Nobody gonna take my car i’m gonna race it to the Gra Hound” Going right along with the riff accents. Lazy is just standard blues, as is Space Truckin’. The only things that make those songs are the riffs. Imagine Space Truckin’ without the Batman riff, Highway Star without the guitar solo, Lazy without the riff, and same with Woman From Tokyo. On literally every single hit, he sang right along with the riff doing nothing creative at all. Lyrics mean zero if there is no song to put them to. The chords come first along with the riffs, and it is that kernal of an idea that is developed. That being said, to me it is clear that 99 times out of 100, Blackmore was the one who provided the kernal of the idea.

    And just so that you know what type of garbage Gillan approves to go on record, listen to crap like Don’t Let Go, Back To Back, Girls Like That, and Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye. If you enjoy that, that’s wonderful.

    I find it somewhat amusing as well that Gillan was apparently plastered for all of the Fireball sessions, almost like he wasn’t really there during the making of his favourite album. That’s just unprofessional and ungrateful. One year after you join a band, and after one album, you decide to get completely destroyed for the follow up putting essentially no real effort or care into it at all.

    I by now am convinced that I know who Gillan is both as a person and a musician.

  71. 71
    Rascal says:

    Wie het laatst lacht, lacht het best.

  72. 72
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Tja, als het je daar om gaat dan zal dat wel als een overwinning overkomen.

    Is alles een wedstrijd?

  73. 73
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Maar, als je het niet erg vindt……., ik ga nu even lekker naar buiten de zon in.

  74. 74
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 64

    Maybe I should go for that diving license Ian Gillan
    After all, replacing him in a band is out of the question
    Love to sing though
    And I did NOT cut my hair!!!

  75. 75
    purplepriest1965 says:


  76. 76
    hans says:

    lol@this debate!

  77. 77
    Jack11 says:

    So I guess no new Blackmore-Gillan album soon?

  78. 78
    Jack11 says:

    So I guess no new Blackmore-Gillian album soon?

  79. 79
    Andres says:

    Ryan is right. Gillan is a man who was born with a priviliged voice and made a career as one of the greatest hard rock singers. Blackmore is not just one of the best guitar players in history, but an oustanding prolific composer. Not one of Gillan records without Blackmore (including the DP Morse era ones) are comparable in quality to any of Blackmore’s. That’s why DP setlist doesn’t change through the years. It’s always MKII greatest hits, two Steve’s instrumentals, SIFLS (in a good night), and a couple of new mediocre songs to justify a new nostalgia tour. It’s so sad…

  80. 80
    andre sihotang says:

    If you want to continue this debate, kind of ‘Gillan vs Blackmore’, people better just apply job to be Gillan’s or Blackmore’s lawyer. Coz’ now words here which blaming someone and defend someone will give an effect to their battle,IMO. Wasting tiiiime..

    Let Blackmore and Gillan do their own. There’s so much things like ‘X vs Y’ happened in music industry, well it’s only rock’n roll. I’m really confused why would we feel so involved personally in their own battle? No wonder, I can somehow enjoy their story as a part of rock’n roll (for me Mk7 and Mk8 are no rock’n roll band anymore since ‘peaceful easy feeling’ and ‘proffesionalism’ seems so real in their musicianship and friendship, as I stated that rock’n roll could be indicated from things like unpredictable acts, confrontations, cigarettes and alcohol, drugs–lucky almost all DP members didn’t connected with this, not like any hard rock bands I’ve known– smashing something onstage, riot, strange and funny moments, etc : well, it’s just IMO) All in all, it’s a wise to take some lessons from their battle and friendship, but sure those are different things from hearing music.

    New Blackmore-Gillan’s album? Yeah, we live in a street of dreams..

    I think as a fan, we’d better just enjoy their music as we keep legacy of Deep Purple’s hard rock music that has been shining all over the world. Please no kinds of blaming, hating, offending, liking, coz it was all Mk’2 members that made the music so important to us all..


  81. 81
    stoffer says:

    Ryan @69
    I notice that you have not mentioned any of Blackmore’s “new” music in your post. Gillan is still making quality solo (as well as DP) music and Blacker is NOT! When RB was with DP and Rainbow there was nobody and I mean NOBODY better, but now has fallen off the Rock ‘n’ Roll map. At least Gillan is still out trying to rock (imo). No I can’t imagine those great DP songs without the riffs, but not without the vocals of IG either.

  82. 82
    Crimson Ghost says:


    The more nonsense you spew the funnier it gets.
    Not that I care because I don’t, there will be no fight after we’re done arguing, although you’d like to engage in one, judging time after time by your chest beating approach. Nor would there be one because you’d obviousy have a hard time just fighting your way out of a paper bag, not, kid, will there ever be a fight between Ian and Ritchie either, lie you want… simply because Ritchie isn’t stupid enough t show up to a gun fight with a knife!

    All of a sudden you’re a law expert now? Alright then, tell me how the hundreds of quotes from Ritchie about Ian have not resulted in any defamation just the same.
    You really are a piece of work… it takes a two year old to know a two year old, in summery.

    Andres…. I think it’s time you took a course on the music business, you don’t seem to have the faintest clue who’s in charge and how it’s all broken down and divided. The rest concerning Blackmore and Gillan, is all opinion, no matter who it comes from, so thanks for sharing.

  83. 83
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Just to add…. “I by now am convinced that I know who Gillan is both as a person and a musician.”

    Wow, you must feel like Cristopher Columbus or something…
    you’ve conquered and divided! Have to found the Holy Grail as well????
    Amazing confidence is often a mask! Just what is it you’re trying to accomplish by thinking you know such a thing?
    (don’t answer, it’s obvious)

  84. 84
    Andrés says:

    Crimson Ghost:
    I didn’t say anything about “music business”… I was talking about “music”, just MUSIC as an art form. Isn’t it the most important thing? I don’t care for anything else…
    And for Stoffer:
    Do you really think only hard rock is good? You think Blackmore’s Night is not good because is not heavy enough? MUSIC is more than screams, distorted guitars and fast drumming (which I love, by the way). Music is melody, harmony and rhythm. At least for occidentals…

  85. 85
    Crimson Ghost says:

    But the business is in the way of your concerns, so understanding something about it helps with such concerns.

    Speaing of BN.
    I like ‘some’ BN, and I like ‘most’ DP without Blackmore. Do I have to exemplify something else in order to equate the situation concerning myself and them? I follow closely whats happening, and that only applies to one of them, because only one of them are happening at my speed. I blame ‘BN’ for their own shortcomings, Purple as well, I just find less of them there I guess. But I just don’t see the point in constantly mentioning the name of someone we all know so well, as if he is still in the picture… life goes on people. It shows you can’t deal with a loss thats going on two decades ago. Loss breeds anger in those who can’t easily deal with it, that anger breeds hate, bingo!

  86. 86
    stoffer says:

    Hi Andres,
    Do I think only hard rock is good? No, however in my opinion it is the best.
    Do I think BN is not good because it is not heavy enough? Yes, not heavy enough “for me” And yes I agree that Music is definitely more than “screams, distorted guitars and fast drumming”, if I thought otherwise I would not be a fan of the present day Deep Purple.
    Now back to the topic. LOL…..Cheers

  87. 87
    Jason says:

    Has anyone actually been able to obtain a copy of the court case that the press release cites? Or has everyone been too busy acting like 10 year olds?

    I tried to get it through my Westlaw subscription, but no dice on UK court cases. I’m taking a law class right now on Contracts and Commercial Law, so I’d love to read it. Maybe even pick it apart. 🙂

  88. 88
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I study contract law, tax law, and tax regulation.
    As I said, knowing is half the battle here, and the whole case outcome is in a language you’re just beginning to understand and most here don’t at all.

  89. 89
    Rascal says:

    If Blackmore has to attend court at any time, will he arrive in his tights, and pointy hat?

    What a photo opportunity!

    de minimis non curat lex

  90. 90
    HardRockPete says:

    For the record: Blackmore asked Coverdale to join him when he was doing what became the first Rainbow album. This was about the same time as Stormbringer was recorded. Blackmore asked Ian Gillan to join Rainbow, yes, that’s right- Ian Gillan, around 1979/ 1980.

    And that’s the facts!

  91. 91
    purplepriest1965 says:

    @ 89

    Thats what I m reading on my innerbag of the Remastered vinyl of STORMBRINGER too, yes.

    I could not remember if I had heard it before
    So much for a perfect memory, ahem…..


    I think you were responding now because someone else here said the opposite, meaning that that did NOT happen?

    As far as me concerns, after all those years of strange and conflicting statements I dont know what to believe, really.

    Should I have pursued my Law study way back just to comprehend DP affairs behind all the BS?

    It did not appeal to me, so I stopped.

    The suggestion that we have to be able to cope with all that Law terminology shit, in my opinion largely designed to create fog to distance an elite group from the masses, is kinda annoying
    It also reminds me of two other things

    1 In highschool, here it is called different and has several levels unlike somewhere else, we had to analyse books, literature.
    It killed my love and passion for READING.

    2 Same thing happened when I went on to study Psychology.
    I hated it because all the statistics, mathematics, methods for research and so on I got tortured with.

    Again I feel that most of us here are being told we do not suffice to understand and should……stay silent?

  92. 92
    Rascal says:

    Its an act of ‘superiority’…….

    Purely pretentious…….

  93. 93
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Reality can be hard to face… if you resent law practice you’re not alone, but that was not my point. You have an idea how it works though, it’s designed for the professionals to understand, thats why they exist and are employed to do the work for the public who does not know the language nor how to use it, and it may be appalling, but it is what it is.
    Understand what you wish, rubbish the rest if you wish.

    This whole thing is stupid, simply because of freedonm of speech.
    The publication is sorely suspect as I said, for one, they’re the idiots who printed it without any care for the artist in question.(hello! too much false self worth there!) Then when a legal statement comes their way about it, they don’t actually retract, instead they cowardly point the finger at Ian.(huge professionalism for all to see, yeah right)

    As far as I’m concerned they’re a joke and have their heads up their collective asses. And I also stand by all of Ritchie’s past antics not being half measured up to in this way by Gillan, as I mentioned Ritchie has done physical emotional damge to people while on tour for years and years, so a few words have now hurt him…. hilarious if you ask me, talk about a “little boy.” Did I mention he is one of the greatest guitar talents of all time? I can’t knock him without saying that or I’ll hear about how much I hate my favorite guitarist. Funny that, here we have two of the best at what they do, yet the worst at acting like adults toward one another.(yes, Ritchie has said plenty at press since 96, sorry to those who missed the published articles, but it’s all in print, and in the usual contradictory fashion) Something tells me they both love to capture the attention of readers in their own ways… I’d just answer the questions and bag the games if I were them… they both play ’em, admit it.

  94. 94
    Crimson Ghost says:


    I can see how you think that, it is ‘superiority’ itself, not an act of it. But without it, chaos would surely run rampant. Think about it, it’s the reason control exists for them, because without it too many of us would function like animals without four squares a day.lol!

  95. 95
    Rascal says:

    A little rampant chaos aint so bad.

    We live a conspiracy theorists dream…..LOL

  96. 96
    purplepriest1965 says:

    REAL superiority does not take the time to write here.

  97. 97
    Rascal says:

    Thats a damned shame……..

  98. 98
    Crimson Ghost says:


  99. 99
    Ryan says:


    Luckily, I don’t have to demonstrate anything, because Blackmore is not the one coughing up crap on the stage every night, going into the “flap and pray” position to try and hit notes that he could only hit 40 years ago. Blackmore is the composer, Gillan is the beneficiary.
    Don’t bother trying to compare Rising with Naked Thunder, because there will always be ten people that haven’t had their minds corrupted by Gillan’s garbage that will be there laughing at you. I can certainly observe that a 50 year old who is arguing with a 17 year old, and losing badly, is just sad. I guess what they say is true, it’s all downhill from 25.

    And about Blackmore’s new music, he’s clearly stated numerous times that he’s “trying” to go in a different direction. To medeival enthusiasts, this is some of the best stuff they’ve heard in a long time, hence the high chart positions. Blackmore has done well on the charts with Purple, without Purple, with Rainbow, with Blackmore’s Night, and all bands can’t function without him once he leaves on the same level they once did.

    That says something to me.

    Maybe next time GM, we all know you aren’t actually laughing, you’re probably crying and then resorting to Gillan’s pornographic pictures for comfort.

  100. 100
    Rascal says:


    I tried my hand at psychology…………and realised that………..

    “It is as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you.”

    ‘I will find humor in my everyday life by looking for people I can laugh at.’

  101. 101
    Rascal says:

    Gillans a porn king???

  102. 102
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Almost amusing… and without even addressing hardly a damn thing I said. I’m not arguing, you are, and I’m certainly not even close to 50!

    17, you don’t have to say it Ryan, you act even younger.
    Btw, when you get out to really see a couple of BN shows and come away without terribly mixed results, then talk to me about how well he is actually doing night to night according to first hand accounting. Otherwise, you know what to do… base your opinion on solid first hand witnessing, but don’t start with the trash talk here, you will only bury yourself swiftly, trust me for once in your brief life.

  103. 103
    james jay says:

    if the t-shirt fits–must aquit.

  104. 104
    Chrissy says:

    WHO CARES!!!

  105. 105
    Crimson Ghost says:

    @102 Lol!!!!!!!!!!

    @103 EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!

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