Stormbringer is #2 in the charts
A week after it’s release, the remastered Stormbringer didn’t make it all the way into the BBC Top 40, but landed at a quite respectable #2 on Top 40 Rock Albums UK chart, displacing Chinese Democracy by Guns n’ Roses.
Glenn Hughes apparently did some promo legwork for this release. His interview to the GTFM Rock Show on March 1 can be heard online (MP3, approx 8 minutes) at the Rock Of Ages.
Thanks to Bill Leslie and Mike Garrett for the info.
you can add tot eh info, that Stormbringer charted #99 at THE OFFICIAL UK ALBUMS CHART
March 4th, 2009 at 23:51Deep Purple knocking Guns N’ Roses down the charts, huh? Nice.
Mind you, didn’t Axl start recording his new album around the same time Purple finished Stormbringer?
March 5th, 2009 at 00:44Well, I wonder if this news catch Gillan and his mates attention, as they have nothing to do with this album.
It’s very strange for me since Stormbringer is not a new album and no single released from it now. So please somebody explain to me how this could happen, a remastered album go straight to No.2 on Top UK ROck Album?
March 5th, 2009 at 02:59@3
It’s just so good.
There is for sure some kind of magic in Stormbringer, I really like it (not all songs equally but…).
March 5th, 2009 at 06:07Right on, “Strongbow” does the business!
March 5th, 2009 at 09:30As one of those serious deviates who think that Stormbringer is the single best Purple album – yes we do exist – and easily the best rock album of 1974, I must tell I am very disappointed by the new Glenn mixes. I have been in love with this record for 35 yeard and was excited looking forward to hearing previously hidden details. I love Glenn, but what he did here was just removing the edge from the cuts. He put the guitars back and brought the keyboards forward. Thereby he missed the chance of making people hear how great Blackmore’s guitar is in such magic moments as the chorus of You Can’t Do it Right. A shame.
March 5th, 2009 at 15:56The previously unreleased High Ball Shooter backing track however is wonderful. It is more boogie oriented than the version we had known. It brought me tears of joy. And sorrow, because everytime I hear this miracle I think it is a tragedy that this unbelievable line-up did not last longer.
Is there a US release in the future for this?
March 5th, 2009 at 17:331974?
March 6th, 2009 at 01:57Stormbringer is a very good album, but not close to Burn. Please tell me if any Steve Morse Deep Purplke area CDs has done as good as this old Stormbringer in the charts. I agrre 100% with Andre 3#.
March 6th, 2009 at 08:35I hope that the next DP CD will be a straigt forward DP rock album. Back to the roots please, and you will be back in top of the charts – just like Stormbringer, Burn and people groups like Metalica, Iron Maiden etc.
Stormbringer 35th charted #99 in THE OFFICIAL UK ALBUMS CHART, it charted #2 ONLY in the TOP 40 ROCK ALBUMS…
March 6th, 2009 at 09:03While Purpendicular charted #58, Abandon #76, Bananas #81 and Rapture #88 – in the OFFICIAL UK ALBUMS CHART
So what. I know he asked, but it’s an irrelevant 30 year offset of unimportance concerning the two eras… one was in an era where most charts were not separated, the others way after the charts became a joke in which not to measure true success. This only helps make prior chart success more of an illusion than it already was.
March 6th, 2009 at 20:03Dunno if I’m allowed to say this, But Sally (wife) reckons people are buying it to see how good DC’s voice used to be!
March 6th, 2009 at 20:52#12
Maybe it implies that people there realize DC’s voice nowadays is soooo bad? Hehe..
But I think DC’s voice was sooooo bad too in his years with Deep Purple (except in the recordings). I mean live performances. He made “Smoke”, “Highway Star”, “Lazy”, and “Space Truckin'” just like parodies of MkII. DP’s tribute band vocalists could do way better than him. Listening to Mk.IV live bootlegs, I almost wanted to throw and destroy the recording but cancel it as I want to hear TOmmy Bolin’s live playing (which sadly, bad to be good too).
I really admire David Coverdale’s voice in his first years with Whitesnake until Slide It In tour, while the latter 1987 and SLip In The Tongue show that there’s another Sammy Hagar or Robert Plant in this world. He sang with his power and soul, so deep and full of energy. He is one of my favourite rock singer ever (refers to Whitesnake early days). So, I better wait for Whitesnake early albums remastered than this Glenn Hughes album.
March 7th, 2009 at 06:09I really like the newly mixed Stormbringer, it has stood the test of time better than some of their earlier, and subsequent, albums. Could live without the Glenn remixes, not always wise to let one member of a band loose on the tapes without the approval of the others but all in all, very enjoyable and a good excuse to listen to an album that is a sort of lost treasure.
March 7th, 2009 at 16:46Got mine today. Glenn’s mixes are not too bad. Would have liked to hear the whole album remixed like Machine Head, something different.
March 10th, 2009 at 03:53Great!!!!
Nice to see “Stormbringer” above that crappy outfit called “Guns N Roses”!!!
Let´s hope for a great reissue of CTTB with loads of bonus tracks!!! I´m in heaven…..ROCK ON!!
March 11th, 2009 at 00:41>Glenn Hughes apparently did some promo legwork for this release. His interview to the GTFM Rock Show on March 1 can be heard online (MP3, approx 8 minutes) at the Rock Of Ages.<
That´s just an old interview from 10 years back that they dug out of the archives. Nothing new…
March 13th, 2009 at 11:37Before its too late……….
Thank you
March 14th, 2009 at 20:29