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The right frame of mind

Dutch site FaceCulture has an interview with Ian Gillan (probably done during his media tour around Europe a couple of weeks ago). In conclusion, the subject of a new Purple album pops up:

FaceCulture: Are you thinking about the new album?
IG: […] We’ve got to be in the right frame of mind — where we going make the record, who’s going be the producer, when we are going do it.
FaceCulture: Do you already know?
IG: No. But we are thinking it’s about time.

Watch the interview:

Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for the info.

60 Comments to “The right frame of mind”:

  1. 1
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Only the second one to surface in what I’m told has been a promo he’s been up to his neck with concerning “One Eye To Morocco.”

    Yet not a word here about it… It looks like he is dealing with the same old outlets that haven’t got a clue or concern about what he is actually trying to plug.

    Better than nothing at all though, thanks!

  2. 2
    George says:

    Bring Nick Blagona, Roger Glover and Martin Bitch (I think the spelling for Martin is right) to produce the next Deep Purple album, take a better promoter, promote the album properly and you’ll see Deep Purple topping the charts again…

    If you remember, Deepest Purple Compilation charted #1 in the UK, in 1978, as it was extremely promoted by TV and Radio, and sold over a million copies…

  3. 3
    SEVEN-47 says:

    Martin Birch, 17 years since the last album he produced. Time for another masterpiece!

  4. 4
    George says:



    What about the next album, I think the band understood that they have to do something greater than Bananas and Rapture…
    Though Bananas is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE DP album, I think that they can do something greater…

    the band already thinks about new producer? – that’s great, and means that something special gonna happen…

  5. 5
    Crimson Ghost says:

    He is retired, and Deepest did hit no.1 briefly in the UK, but it was 1980. I don’t think the charts are a focus, who needs them? Please the fan base and success is inevitable, the fan base is huge, just look at how many people have attended shows over the last decade… if it weren’t so many milions, they’d have something to be concerned about.

    The charts are never going to be comfortable with Purple alongside the likes of today’s artists, first you have to get the new release played on the classic rock stations who lie about playing lots of new music by old artists, especially in Purples case.lol!

    “Is it frustrating that your new stuff is not being played on the radio these days?”

    Roger Glover – “Yes, but so is not being able to find my socks in the morning.”

  6. 6
    Roberto says:

    always loved fireball intro and song…so difficult to play with drums…

  7. 7
    Stefan says:

    Yes Ian,It´s about bloody time for a new album!!!

    It´s all about promotion really…..Just take a look at AC/DC and their latest effort “Black Ice”,can´t remember they´ve ever had such a exposure in the media like the last six-eight months!! The result??: Sold out stadiums all over the world,shitloads of albums sold and several no.1´s in the charts!

    With the right exposure and promotion the same can happen to DP…..They deserve it to! ROCK ON!

  8. 8
    jw says:

    The guy that produced the new Metalica or the one that did the black album would be ecxelent producer choices

  9. 9
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I agree about the promotion factor, but apparently they don’t want their name in lights or a billboard in NY Times Square, they seem to have never embarked on a proper promo campaign since 85. It’s always mild, maybe they just don’t believe in it. But it should not have to cost money to promote something, the record company should finance it, and lets face it, when they’re in charge it doesn’t happen.

  10. 10
    james jay says:

    #7 the new AC/DC …well sounds just like all their other work. Nothing new to it except the date. Right on with the promos. DP has been existing with old fans like us—there has to be others out there with our good taste in music. 🙂

  11. 11
    Rascal says:

    @10 ‘sounds like all the other work’……??

    Yeah……fucking brilliant

  12. 12
    james jay says:

    #11 their (AC/DC) music never changes, every album sounds like the last. That is wHy DP is a special group. Fireball is different than Machine Head. Perfect Strangers sounds different than Bananas etc.. Maybe that will make my entry a little easier to absorb. 1 + 1 =2 thanks.

  13. 13
    Roberto says:

    I agree
    AC/DC as MOTORHEAD, always the same formula

  14. 14
    SEVEN-47 says:

    Right on the mark Stefan; AC/DC sold out two arena shows in St. Paul Minnesota during the “Black Ice” tour. I attended the first, one of the best concerts I have ever attended.

  15. 15
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Love ’em both though, perhaps that might be why, but I don’t care, they both make great consistent fun songs. Just like Purple, their wheels are already invented, no need to reinvent them every time out. But it’s a whole different cup of tea than Purple, and one I suppose I could live without myself, but nice to enjoy when it’s called for.

  16. 16
    james jay says:

    If my memory is correct, did AC/DC’s B. Johnson try out for a vocal spot with R-bow? I think that is when G. Bonnet was chosen right? yes/no?

  17. 17
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    AC/DC is what it is. Hard, 3 cord simple tunes overall, with that Prefect Catchy hook that is hard not to like. Yes, they seem to somewhat repeat the sound over and over, but in their case….IT WORKS!!

    Now, just to ruffle some feathers….(hmmmm…imagine me doing that).
    Purple’s formula was very consistent also. All 3 MK-1 records were similar. All 4 MK-2 records were similar (excluding the Concerto). Both MK-3 records were similar….

    Now, that being said, the main difference between variations was when a Line-up changed. You can’t compare “Come Taste the Band” to “Perfect Strangers” anymore than you can compare “Bananas” to “Slaves and Masters”. But within each line-up, the records made were very similar and generally followed the same formula.

    Exception to this?…..Mk7 and Mk8. The line-up is the same, but you truly get a different style and approach with each of these 4 records.

    The Blackmore Formula sorry to say, was the stagnate formula in my book. I loved it either way, but I’d have to say that MK to MK, the present line-up has put much more variety in each album than any other MK…..

    Bananas compared to Purpendicular is as different as comparing it to ‘TBRO’. Rapture of the Deep compared to Abandon is as different as comparing it to Fireball. They truly do change their approach with each record now, you have to admit…..

    Looking forward their next ‘Frame of Mind’. I have a feeling it will be another Great Record and again, much different than the rest, without having to change line-ups to do so….


  18. 18
    SEVEN-47 says:

    I can’t argue with that!

  19. 19
    james jay says:

    #17 pounding the 3 chords over and over again until you like it is what I call brainwashing. Saying most DP albums sounds similiar is a medical issue called deafness or tone deaf. However my friend…to each it’s own.

  20. 20
    Roberto says:

    AC/DC they have said anything what they needed to say with their firsts few albums…
    I like them but after 3 or 4 very exciting songs they turn soon in something boring…
    They remember me porn movies…

  21. 21
    Crimson Ghost says:

    I hope there is some girl action in whatever porn movies five guys remind you of… LOL!


    New one to me, could be true because Ritchie fancies Jimmy Barnes and Dan McCafferty, and since Johnson sounds exactly like them, anything is possible.

  22. 22
    james jay says:

    #21 I think B. Johnson did try out for R-bow—good thing both went separate ways. I do believe AC/DC went on to more commercial success—however R-bow made some great music.#17 some of your points taken-as you can read–I am no AC/DC fan– Their 3 chord system is boring to me. no offense, I have a sense of humour different than some.

  23. 23
    Jeffs says:

    Purple need a commercially successful record whether the know it or not. All of there protegees are now having them. The material on Rapture and Bananas are not accessible enough (as much as I love them)All Mk II albums 70-73 are as strong as anything within it’s genre and there were no fillers. Change the writing format guys…sit down and formulate the songs before you go in the studio. Get a great producer and work on the refineries of the melodies and structures. If you go out with Rapture as your last record it would be such a shame…your legacy, importance and influence within the history of rock and roll deserves more.

  24. 24
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    james jay:

    I didn’t state that I was enthralled by AC/DC music. I just stated that the simplicity and the hooks are what makes them successful. I also didn’t state that all Deep Purple music was similar. I stated that the records within each MK were similar, thus making the change in Line-ups give the band a different overall sound from each. Otherwise, we’d have Machinehead revamped, over and over again. Just as with ‘Blackmore’s Night’. Every friggin’ record sounds basically the same. You can’t deny that. What is the common factor? Blackmore. That’s all.

    As far as the simple 3 cord song success, Smoke on the Water is a perfect example. The simplest tune Purple ever wrote and the most successful. From the Band’s standpoint, it was supposed to be an extra. They didn’t even really like it. It was Too Simple and being that they look at their music as Musicians and not as Hit Sellers, it didn’t occur to them that it would even be worth using at all. You will find that most really successful songs are the simple tunes with great hooks. It doesn’t mean I like it. I am just making a point. Most music listeners aren’t musicians, and are only tuned into a sound or grove that makes them happy or makes them tap their feet. Very few are as critical as fans of Deep Purple whom dissect songs through the instrumentation and singing quality. Unfortunately. Or you’d hear a lot more Purple on the radio. Radio Stations go after the masses and the majority don’t give a Rat’s Ass about any of our gripes regarding what music is better or worst. Otherwise, Brittany Spears, JZ, Madonna, or whoever wouldn’t be so popular. Purple would reign…..


  25. 25
    Roberto says:

    I would have loved Dan Mccafferty with Rainbow…just a dream…he is one of my favourite singers ever…underrated

    I agree…this time Purple shuold think to their songs before going in the studio than just jam in it and recording…

  26. 26
    Crimson Ghost says:


    If damn near every last track on “ROTD” is not what you’d call ‘accessible Purple’ and they need to be even moreso, then I wouldn’t want another album… it plays like a disco record for crying out loud, it has one long groove throughout it.(still enjoy it, but I blame quick production without foresight, if it were produced not so pedestrian perhaps I’d hear what you’re hearing) To think of them going even further with a sound like that to the songs, I wouldn’t want that. Both abums are great, don’t get me wrong, but they’re spit shined imo, especially ROTD.

    I think going out with it is no worse than they did in 76, a fusion tinged Purple with an American guitarist instead of TMIB.(but a more suited singer helps)


    Me too, but it isn’t going to happen, it will be another three week deadline squeeze.

    Nazareth are highly underrated for sure, big time!

  27. 27
    Crimson Ghost says:


    Critical yes, but not negative.

  28. 28
    TJ says:

    I think Purple has recorded 2 perfect albums the past 25 years: Bananas and Purpendicular. I love the sound and all of the songs on those albums. Rapture, for me, was the weakest Purple album since the 60’s. I think it’s the only Purple album I’ve never managed to listen all the way through. There were some awesome riffs, but somehow they all just fell apart with a poor chorus or verse or whatever.

  29. 29
    james jay says:

    #24 correct–but Smoke on the Water is one simple riff and song. They did not make a career out of 3 chord songs. Granted (AC/DC) was very successful in simple repetitive chords in a poppy-rocky way–DP are top of the line musicians bar none. One thing–we know Smoke is a simple riff—-but why do so many musicians butcher it? Blackmore has even mentioned it is plucked not strumed.

  30. 30
    AndreA says:

    I think that a good release should have no more than 8 (maximum 9) songs.
    Thus becomes more comparable and easier to love..

    I appreciate a lot LP/CD with no more 50’/55′ of recording..

    I remember that Rising is so cool even with only 39’…

    I hate lp/cd with 10..13..16 songs (see the last AC/DC how many tracks ?! )


  31. 31
    AndreA says:

    If I remember rightly,I think to have Listened/Read that the riff of SMOKE ON THE WATER was a Glover’s idea in Montreaux..Frank Zappa and flare gun days..

  32. 32
    james jay says:

    #31 NO–Blackmore most of swiped it from an AC/DC song 🙂

  33. 33
    james jay says:

    #32 must of swiped–not most—sorry.

  34. 34
    Jeffs says:

    Guys, it doesn’t matter how many chords a song has, it’s how those chords compliment the melodic structure. As is well documented, Purple write music/riffs first and then big Ian formulates the vocal melody ideas around whats already been laid down. This is limiting melodically to say the least, although in the past it has proven to be successful. Ritchie writes basic chord structures that are sympathetic to a melody writer, hence the Blackmore/Gillan songs were more commercially viable. Steves song structures are more complex and Ian G has an astounding musical brain which pulls memorable melodies from these complex structures (IGB were similar) I just think that like Purple’s contemporaries, more thought should be given to the writing process. Turning up at the studio and writing, recording and producing an album within 3 weeks is hit and miss to say the least even when you have 5 guys who are as talented as they are!

  35. 35
    james jay says:

    #34 correct–my intial argument was the big deal on a new AC/DC album that sounds no different from the previous X-many albums they have out. Versus DP—who’s music sounds different from the last. To me it is the heavy keyboards that most bands lack. Again–I am not a fan of AC/DC but acknowlege their radio success. thanks.

  36. 36
    Jeffs says:

    Thanks James…

    Don’t be fooled guys, The important era of Purple 69-73 featured simple basic song structures. The soloing and performances were of course spectacular. AC/DC’s structures are equally simple but very different in there own unique way. The old adage of “It’s not what you play its how you play it” is not neccessarily correct… I would say its what you play AND how you play it that is important.

    Here’s to a fantastic new Purple record;-)


  37. 37
    Crimson Ghost says:

    SOTW is blueprint for AC/DC’s career, but just another good song by Purple, they had way better, don’t let sales of something simple for the masses fool you.

    Glover came up with the title, not the riff, the only riff on H he came up with is “MIAL” which to me, without, MH would be a 10 for me.
    I say tis because I like every song on all the mkII albums, except MH, so it’s at the bottom of that pack because of it. I rate it a 9.

    I remember a funny one Blackmore said pretty recently.
    “SOTW” is an inversion to Beethoven’s Fifth” intentionally.
    Lol, as if that’s what he sat down in late 71 to accomplish with that or something, hahahahaha, what a crock, but hey, whatever sounds good in his mind at the time. For one, inverted, the notes still don’t even come close to matching. I had to chalk that one, like many, up to his sense of humor… had to be the case.

  38. 38
    Bo says:

    George: It’s funny. I DONT like you attitude to Joe Lynn Turner, BUT I agree 100% here. Bananas is a GREAT album, and I dont understand why they dont use “House of Paine” as opening song. A great and true Purple song.

  39. 39
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Disagree about ‘HOP’ and have to every time you mention it, it’s pure crap except for the harp at the end. Bananas otherwise is excellent to my ears, but a bit suspect in the sound department, especially on ‘HOP’ it sounds like them at the beginning of a show trying to find the mix, it’s full of problems, poorly paces, cut and paste background vocal chorus, where does it end?

    Gawd that song annoys.

    No disrespect Bo, lovin everyone here, even Roberto, contrary to how it looks… I might even miraculously miss old Priest.(I’m that forgiving, lol!)

  40. 40
    Stefan says:

    Crimson Ghost!

    Be careful what you wish for…..You might just get it!!!

  41. 41
    andre sihotang says:

    Roberto, Jeffs

    Oh, come on guys, open your eyes! Do you want Purple go to the studio, turn up, and spend all night long in making an almost perfect or less structured album with concept, lot of options, variety of arrangements that could be out of this world, topped the chart, or whatever you say?
    You can go to alternative rock acts today, or retreat the brilliant artistic musical acts like Pink FLoyd, Yes, Bon Jovi, U2, Genesis (Peter Gabriel era), and many others.

    I guess you didn’t know too much about the charesteristic of our Deep Purple personal,individually or as a band. They are definitely not a studio band, they are huge live band, guys! Never get tired of something to entertain the audience all over the world. They are a band that do not do a plan. They make album when they need it. They make music when they are ready to make music. And if you checked the process of making their last four albums, you know, they were really having fun. Every ideas came as the real sign of their musicianship, not about making comercially album, hit singles and fillers.

    Ian Gillan frequently said that he was sick with the management pressure at the height of their popularity. Who Do We Think We Are was a real sign of their decline at the time, they produce something bad when they got pressured to produce something. It’s the main thing made Gillan went out (with Mr. Black presence, of course)

    If you watched or read much (I proposed 100 or more interviews from 1970 – now) interviews from Gillan, Glover, Lord, or Paice, you could really get a break and find out to understand what I’m saying above.

    Then they do not to promote it that much guys. They do new album as they want to change their diet’s dish (set list), not to sell it into fu**in million times. When they did a concert in my country, they (together) even speaked that they didn’t care too much if both of their two concerts here could raise the number of their album’s selling (Bananas).

    AC/DC is phenomenon, really. Why the ‘never-changing style of music’ band and also at their old age could sell millions CD. Black Ice is almost 8 million sold worlwide, while Stiff Upper Lip was around 2 million or so.
    But Deep Purple is not AC/DC. So let it alone, not to be jealous. Long live Deep Purple!!


  42. 42
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    andre sihotang:

    Never said better……


  43. 43
    Chip says:

    Every time I play ROTD or other Morse era records around my friends, they are always surprised and impressed by the music….Morse era records are really tremendous.

    Having said that, they are the worst band in the world at promoting a record. Get creative (AC-DC) is one model…online promotions can work. Plus more new songs in the live set would help too…TV shows…

    Plus somebody need to pay off the crooks at the Rock and Roll HOF and get them inducted…nice promotional opportunity there…even though the HOF is a frickin joke.

  44. 44
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Reminds me of this for some reason, someone still takes opportunities to give them their due.(got this out of the trash funnies DP forum, believe it or not)


    (I think a separate topic would be good for this)

  45. 45
    andre sihotang says:

    #43 Chip!

    Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame. Some freaks and dreamy ladies here and there will meet ‘the dream come true’ and gonna say that’s the time for reunion of all the DP members. And funny how I predict that they all will crash the stage together to perform “Smoke On The Water” together. What do you think?

    Well, you’re right. Deep Purple deserve Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame. They are the greatest live rock band ever, with musics that inspired many rock acts at the time to nowadays. I just wonder the ceremony itself. Can you guess who will come to the ceremony and who won’t?

  46. 46
    Crimson Ghost says:

    That old Beethoven thingumy clip I mentioned, in case anyone missed it some time ago.


  47. 47
    Jeffs says:

    Andre, Tracy…

    We’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. For my sins, I just want to see them back where they belong…When i was a kid they were the kings of hard rock and were in 73 the biggest selling band in the world. All of there contemporaries are now considered (by the media and uneducated hard rock fans) as more important and that up sets me!

    As far as promotion is concerned, they need a record company with real belief behind them. I personally don’t think that the albums since Purpendicular have enough about them to give a record company the impetus to spend money on promotion, despite Purples considerable history and fanbase. No matter what anybody says, influence and album sales tell you that the new stuff is not as good as the old.

    Lars Ulrich once pointed out live that they (Metallica)were playing a song by Deep Purple called “Mistreated” and the audience neither new or cared. Shame as Metallica are now deemed to be much bigger than there mentors.

    However they approach a new album (I’m sure they won’t heed my advice)They must (In my opinion) get a new producer. The MB production is poor, out dated and lacklustre. I’ve never heard Paiceys kit sound as dead an thin…even on the Mk 1 stuff.

    Great debate… thanks for your input!

  48. 48
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Right, age, changing of the industry guards, changing of marketing and formats, mastering level and compression regulations, musical flexibility and natural progression, general forced oppression, etc… these things have no impact on product outcome whatsoever… give me a break with that one, man.

  49. 49
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Agreed about Paicy and MB, 100% spot on, he mixes drums flat, just like in disco/funk music… he has a weak spot there indeed, at Paicey’s expense. BRING BACK THE THUNDER PLOD!

  50. 50
    andre sihotang says:

    #47 Dear Jeffs

    What can I say, friend? I won’t act like someone that has been around in music industry for years. But some points I’d like to point out :

    1. They MUST kick ‘Mr. Ritchie More Black’ out from producer job. Give Glover a chance again with one new qualified one, so both of them could work together as producer for new DP album.

    2. Music industry these days is a bloody hell for most of rock bands. I won’t expect too much my favourite bands like Deep Purple, Yes, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rolling Stones, The Who, etc; will sell millions album again. Their lives lie on their live performances I think. Their breath and oxygen came from the audience in front of them night after night.

    3. Soo, I won’t give a damn to album sales or chart (except for my favourite musicians from this modern age) I’m 24 years old, do you understand what I mean above?

    That’s all. As long as Gillan sings from the deepest from his heart, I don’t even care their fashion & style.
    Long live Deep Purple


  51. 51
    Roberto says:

    Do you have listened to the last Nazaterh album?
    it’s wonderful!
    last year they played in brazil in front of 20.000 people.
    They have done so many wonderful albums, they are so underrated…DanMcCafferty should be on the top 5 list of the best singers ever…
    listen to:
    Loud and proud
    back to the trenches live
    at the beeb
    the newz

  52. 52
    Crimson Ghost says:

    ‘This Flight Tonight’

    ‘Shapes Of Things’

    Their versions of these classics are top notch examples of their prowess.

  53. 53
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    Nazareth opened for Purple in Miami when I saw them with Bolin. What an outstanding show. It was at Nazareth’s Peak and the end of Purple due to Bolin’s stupid Drug addiction. Had tickets for his solo gig also, which was canceled due to his inability to perform…..He was DEAD!!!

    Damn that is so f..king sad. What a loss. Try scalping tickets when the main performer doesn’t show up due to becoming worm food…..RIP.


  54. 54
    Crimson Ghost says:

    You mean you had tickets to see J

  55. 55
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    Who is J?

  56. 56
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Jeff Beck, the guy he supported on that tour, but don’t quote me though, although I do have a recording, in fact with them playing together even.

    Correct me if I’m wrong.

  57. 57
    Crimson Ghost says:

    A tour was booked and he passed away after the first night, so maybe you had a ticket to an earlier gig, perhaps.
    (btw, as you may know, Jeff played bass on the recording I have, not a live boot, but the Holly Studio jam 76)

  58. 58
    Tracy Heyder aka Zero the Hero says:

    I don’t recall who was scheduled besides Bolin. He died in Miami, just before the gig I had tickets for. Wish I still had the stub. I have most of my stubs from most of my concerts, but somehow I lost that one……Oh, well, he couldn’t have signed it anyway……LOL


  59. 59
    Roberto says:

    I should have been more to the ‘california live 1976’ show than at the ‘made in japan show’…I love that live album with Tommy…I love Nazareth…

  60. 60
    Crimson Ghost says:


    It was a Jeff Beck tour, Tommy was the opening act, a spot he was supposedly proud of and Jeff recruited. After one night though, tragedy struck.(they were acquainted prior to the tour though… funny, Jeff not a Purple/Blackmore fan much to say the least, but was blown away by Bolin, I guess his death scared the hell out of him, so he reported)

    Funny, I have only around 2/3 of ticket stubs from shows I’ve attended, sadly, they get lost, but I saved my canceled bogus Purple ticket, kind of cool. However, I am a ticket collector and have a bunch from many Purple/Rainbow shows,famous gigs some of them, a few Gillan as well, but I’m working on more… ticket collecting is a joy, I love it!

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