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Jon Lord and Deep Purple jammed at Sunflower

Deep Purple were joined by Jon Lord for five songs at this year’s Sunflower Jam on Thursday evening in London.

Photo copyright: Rasmus Heide

Long versions of Hush and Wring That Neck made sure fans of Jon Lord’s Hammond style were sent home happy.

Ian Gillan had the flu and as a consequence the band reshuffled the setlist to include more instrumental pieces:

Pictures Of Home
Strange Kind Of Woman
Hush – w/Jon Lord
Wring That Neck – w/Jon Lord
Mary Long
Highway Star
Contact Lost
Steve Morse solo
Well Dressed Guitar
Smoke On The Water – w/Jon Lord + Bruce Dickinson
Black Night – w/Jon Lord + Bruce Dickinson
Lucille – w/Jon Lord + Bruce Dickinson

52 Comments to “Jon Lord and Deep Purple jammed at Sunflower”:

  1. 1
    Fabio Soto says:

    get back Jon!!!!!! Please!!!! You’re the Lord of Hammond

  2. 2
    T says:

    Certainly nothing wrong with “long jams”. It’s what Purple were known for, e.g., “Wring That Neck,” “Mandrake Root,” “Space Truckin'” et. al.

    I notice an occasional return to roots of late–be it with Jon Lord or the resurrection of older numbers like “Wring That Neck”. It a direction much discussed on this site and perhaps we will see more of it.

  3. 3
    Bo says:

    A BIG Yes to more old & rare songs from Mrk I, II, III and IV. And more often guest apperance by Lord and this other guy in black.

  4. 4
    cp says:

    With absolutely no offense to the amazing Don Airey, there’s a lot of joy on the faces in the pic. Steve and Jon had an amazing bond on stage that hasn’t been replaced.

  5. 5
    micke says:

    With Led Zeppelin together next year touring a few gigs with Blackmore/Lord in the lineup would be something else….

  6. 6
    Roberto says:

    wow Bruce Dickinson singing with Gillan!
    many many people likes more Dickinson than Gillan but they don’t enough Gillan which inspired Dickinson himself and that has a bigger vocal range

  7. 7
    purplepriest1965 says:

    And in the meantime I ll be attending a peculiar night with Orleans and friends?


    JlT Jimi,once in the picture for replacing IG,and , for me, some unknowns,playing 70,s rock.

    Something under the flag Classic Rock Nights, I believe

    I KNOW I ve to endure things like Smoke ,,,but Woman from Tokyo?

    Long versions of HUSH and Wring that neck, mmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh
    Is there a youtube to watch it?

  8. 8
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I meant to type , ofcourse, Joe Lynn Turner

    And Orleans and friends without question remark, I DID buy a ticket actually

    Really, really doubted but…

    Well, what the hell

  9. 9
    Ray says:

    Not forgetting Walking in the shadow of the bues with Jon, Bruce and Moody been played ending the first part of the show, before DP…the house shaked with the hammond riff …and, if memory serves me, Gillan introducing or dedicating a song to Amy Winehouse…Mary Long
    Fantastic.What a night

  10. 10
    Chrissy says:

    I would have loved to have been there.

  11. 11
    Danny says:

    And nobody filmed any of this??? Come on peeps in the UK… it’s called youtube.com and we are already Saturday….

  12. 12
    rob deluca says:

    danny you are right someone pleeeez john on ring that neck !!!

  13. 13
    Cole Serbia says:

    Deep Purple is the best rock band in the world. I am a big fan but I
    never be on the Deep Purple concert.Sorry for my english.

  14. 14
    BruceFans.com - A Bruce Dickinson News Portal | JON LORD, BRUCE DICKINSON Perform With DEEP PURPLE In London says:

    […] to a posting on the DEEP PURPLE fan site The Highway Star, PURPLE was joined by former keyboardist Jon Lord for five songs at this year’s Sunflower Jam […]

  15. 15
    purplepriest1965 says:


    Well, a lot of people seemed to be content with the evenings but quite frankly I thought it was saddening

    To say the least

    Never knew Orleans as a band
    But they seem to draw their own following

    JLT singing about 5 tracks incl hush, woman from T, Smoke…, Street of dreams , stonecold,…

    I thought Jimi Jameson was the positive point of the evening
    Reminder of what a grand voice the man still has
    I still wonder how things with DP would have worked out with him

    I got some vinyl of RAINBOW signed, so….

  16. 16
    Tracy Heyder says:

    OMG…..(Oh My God!!!!)

    Priest, surely you are not eluding to fantasizing about Jimi being in Deep Purple.
    Another left over from the 80’s? The singer from the POP Group “Survivor”? The “Eye of the Tiger” Fag? You truly are a self destructive human being and you are of the type whom live’s in the realm of “Misery Love’s Company”. Just because you are miserable in your own skin, doesn’t mean everyone around you, including Purple have to constantly chase that which you can never find……TRUE HAPPINESS!!!!PLEASE. Purple are doing a great job. And they are happy. Stop sobbing like a little girl.

    All that ‘Friends’ show was, is a repeat of the “Scrap Metal” show that I reviewed and showcased here before. Look it up…never mind, here you go….

    Dude, nuff said…..I have truly tried. You are hopeless. Join Ritchie in his merry little forest. Put on some tights and a pointy hat. You are his bitch, now go and SUCK IT. Jump into a Cat fight with Candice over who worships him the most. Have JLT be the Court Jester and while wearing his makeup, have him spank you in the ass until you see who you really are……

    Oh that feels sooooo much better.


  17. 17
    Tracy Heyder says:

    I know…I know. I’m a Redneck A-Hole……

    “Hell Yeahhhhh”.

    This boy just Loves MK8. If I was that unhappy as all you unappreciatives are with the present status of the Purps, I would probably throw in the towel and resort to something else. What’s the point of it all unless you guys love being so friggin’ miserable. There are tons of other bands whom you can enjoy. Maybe not. Maybe you are like those unhappy married broads who go through their whole courtship with no problem until the wedding, then forever more they want you to change.

    Never Happy……..tisk tisk.


  18. 18
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I do agree on a certain level apart from the pleasure you seem to develop with a personal attack

    I do not see any strenght in that

    The reason I went to the show was that I did not have the complete information on it
    I would NOT have gone if I had known more
    I HOPED that it would include amongst other things a large amount of JLT live, not this strange mix

    Degrading JIMI is really strange
    This man can sing!
    And including him might have turned out as awkward as with the other Americans, I don,t know
    But ofcourse you know better?

    Me just trying to find out if there was a possibility to have a good evening with a guy I love in several settings, The 3 Rainbow albums, Odyssey, Brazen Abbot, etc……
    Is that being self destructive?

    I just gave IT a chance, that,s all

    Same with possibly going to one of the MSG shows in october.
    That man has had a strong sense for self destructiveness as well but seems to back in control of himself again
    Is he a leftover of the 80,s and to be dismissed because of his black past?

    I m not really overwhelmed by his latest discs but reliving live all that classics with the right singer and lead guitarist motivates me to try this gig.

    Yeah, I could be depressed after seeing the show
    I could also feel depressed not going hearing it was something I ought to have seen

    One thing is for sure after all those years
    I can truly enjoy DP mk 8 , live but the moment the soloing is there THAT depresses me.
    If that,s proof that I m too ungrateful or negative or something, well…..

    Btw, stop repeating this me being a RB groupie or something

    I said before, over and over, I m NOT overjoyed with the long career of BN
    I have more criticism
    Stop writing nonsense, you are better than that.

    Or do you just have too much time on your hands?

  19. 19
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Priest:…..I do not judge you negatively for attending the ‘Has Been Show’. On the contrary. That’s why I included the reference to the fact that I too witnessed the ‘blasphemy of JLT and his Left Overs during the “CRAP METAL” days. As a matter of fact, I will be seeing the same crap you saw in October, here in Nashville…I entend to get more pics and video as last time….and share with the masses. Review to follow.


    I am an avid Purple fan and I will attend, as you did, all things Purpleish, if given the chance (even a JLT Gig). But, let’s be frank here. Purple exists already. MK8 IS DEEP PURPLE. Anything else at this time is some disappointed fan’s fantasy. Constantly ‘wondering WHAT IF’ is like a chic watching Soap Operas and wishing….’What If’. I think you get my drift…..(that’s where the cats come in).

    No disrespect intended. You and me go a longways back. I truly do enjoy your input and entries into this site, and the controversy that it develops. But I also enjoy a pencil in the eye every now and then…..so….


  20. 20
    purplepriest1965 says:

    There are already way too much thorns in my side and eyes, thank you.

    Although it might appear otherwise sometimes I do not indulge in pain

    The house of pain is a no no for me as well
    It was only yesterday I found out on the Net that that has erotic connotations as well, like with DP

    Not that I am not in favour of certain pleasures, but hey……I m the Romantic one, remember.

    Still hate Love Conquers All, though.

  21. 21
    Tracy Heyder says:

    I Love ‘Love Conquers All’. It truly is a revelation towards relationships. Great ‘Rainbow Tune’…..I mean MK5 Tune…..if your into cats. Not ‘Cat Scratch Fever’ mind you……that would be too ‘rockin’ for someone whom dwells on missing JLT or Jimi…..

    Get a grip!!!!!! You are starting to scare me. Don’t make me come and “Rescue You”………ME?

    What ever…

    See what I’m sayin’?


  22. 22
    Rascal says:

    Arrrrhhhhhh…………..Lets not go the way of ‘mutual masturbation’………….

    It just aint right!!!

  23. 23
    Annemie says:

    Humble me, expierenced that at โ€˜ Classic Rock Nightsโ€™ JLT proved that he could sing!
    So did all of them! Great style, great voices!
    I never ever expected to be so close to this performers , shaking hands and making fun with them during all the show!
    Joe had a strong voice, was in terrific shape an reached the highest notes !I NEVER expected that!

    After Priest had a long friendly chat with Joe and some others, I could shake hands with Joe and I became overwhelmed (yessss) by his friendliness , kisses and autograph (one made lovely personal for me!) ๐Ÿ˜€

    For me ,the only truly negative terrible disaster, was the absence of the famous Dutch beer ‘Hertog Jan’, and so, I had to endure Dommels beer all evening ๐Ÿ™
    Still in doubt for MSG…a long distance for me…perhaps I better find out first what beer they will have 8)
    Cheers with blue sherry for now ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. 24
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I really love Ted,s Gonzo live double album

    I did not really understand English when I first heard things like Cat SCRATCH Fever, that helped to like it, maybe
    The same with lyrics by DP. It was always like that that I did not really LISTEN to the lyrics
    And I still do not understand a lot of lyrics by IG, 30 years later, hehehe

    I also like several S and M tracks like King of Dreams, The cut runs deep, Fire in the basement and espescially Truth Hurts.
    Fortuneteller and Wicked ways are also ok, I think.
    The INTRO of Breakfast in bed I still like too

  25. 25
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Mutual Masturbation? That reminds of the first time I had sex. I was scared to death. I was all alone…….

    Priest I sympathize totally on the Lyric aspect. I too never paid attention to the words of songs. Just the body and format. It wasn’t till much later when I joined a covers band and began singing. I realized I knew not one song lyrically and also found that I couldn’t memorize the words very well. I had to rely on referring to a lyric sheet as a crutch while playing drums and trying to hold the correct note. I did ok for a semi-retard. Was very nerve racking though.


  26. 26
    Bruno says:

    Ian Gillan & Bruce Dickinson. Voices great!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. 27
    Bruno says:

    I’m from Brazil, I like singers Gillan e Bruce Dickinson. I have cd Ian Gillan Live in Anaheim 2006 is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Ian Gillan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. 28
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Always nice to notice reflective tendencies in a person

  29. 29
    Rascal says:

    Id need plenty of ‘Dutch Beer’ before a JLT gig………….

    I think maybe Id just stop in the pub……

  30. 30
    George says:

    Once In Interview, Dickinson said that his idol-vocalist was Ian Gillan…

  31. 31
    AndreA says:

    Dear Jon,
    I “love” you so do what you wish for your life and music,I don’t dribble for seein you back to DP,
    make what you love for your life!


    wishin’ well

  32. 32
    Annemie says:

    I thought to share the same wisdom Rascal but I WENT…..and I survived ๐Ÿ˜€ and enjoyed …
    But when I see how the wind blows cold…I will stick to the pub ๐Ÿ˜‰
    cheers with plenty of (Belgian) beer anyway :D!

  33. 33
    Joshua Collins says:

    What I really appreciate about Deep Purple since Blackmore decided to not participate is that Roger Glover has been able to deliver more of his bass guitar; which I enjoy on the Fireball album. Jon Lord never disappoints. Lord contributes totally to the musical experince like no other musician I know. I would like to go to a Deep Purple concert and see Jon Lord do a solo for at least thirty minutes; he could go from astrological to classical to Jerry Lee Lewis with no problem. Jon Lord encapsulates the sound brought in during 1967 by Ray Manskowickz, George Harrison, and Brian Jones.
    I think that the Gibson ES-335 guitar gave Blackmore a lot of discipline in his technique. Many people might say that Page or whoever is the best guitarist, but I’ll stick with Blackmore on that issue. I enjoy the Deep Purple sound and I wish that Blackmore would enjoy playing his music from the Fireball and Who Do We Think We Are albums. Rat Bat Blue is great as well as Super Trouper. I can’t understand why Blackmore would not own up to his his own talent.
    The energy and aggression in the drumming of Ian Paice and the tremendous vocals of Ian Gillan are unsurpassed; the best hands down. There is so much to explicate on the talents of Deep Purple that it could go on all day.
    I hope that Ritchie Blackmore and Jon Lord do realize that they are missed and that fans such as myself wish they were touring with Deep Purple showing the world who the best, loudest rock and roll band truly is.


    Joshua Collins

  34. 34
    Phil Jones says:

    Well as someone who was actually at the show, all I can say is, its better if you dont see any footage of the show-it was a shambles-Lordy sounded dire, and Gillan shouldnt have been onstage-he was dog rough!! Being out of the fold for a few years obviously means that John couldnt remember the songs, or the arrangements-I actually found it quit embarrassing to watch (like a bumbling old man to be honest!)
    Sorry to spoil it for all you Lord nuts, but thats how it was im afraid…….

  35. 35
    purplepriest1965 says:


    C mon guys, bring on the mud

    The MOMENTUM seems to be growing
    It s definitevely leaning towards a broad call to change the line up again


  36. 36
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Since somehow this blog went into the JLT subject……,just for grins…read on.

    Below is the shortcut for the site which is a promo for the Orleans/JLT show that I will be attending on the 16th of October. I can’t refuse to see this. It’s like when you are driving down the road, and there is this horrible crash. You see the emergency vehicles everywhere and the twisted metal. You know it will be a disgusting and gross thing to visualize, but you just can’t help yourself. You know better, but….
    You Look……AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

    JLT does it again. Just like “Crap Metal”.


    Listen to the Soundbite Promo for the show. For JLT they are giving “Smoke on the Water” and “Woman From Tokyo”. Funny, I didn’t know he had anything to do with those tunes…..

    Poor Sap.

    Can’t wait to go and see him wallowing in his poofy soup of self gratification….He truly is the “King of Dreams” and is all about being the ‘Spotlight Kid’. Hey Joe, you ain’t no Kid anymore and you definitely ain’t a King. Except in your dreams…

    Dream on Joe, dream on.


  37. 37
    Renato says:

    please put on DVD

  38. 38
    Arik says:

    Tracy Heyder Hi:
    jlt is really a crap, watch this:


  39. 39
    ILO says:

    i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    io c’ero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    from Italy….
    JUST AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  40. 40
    Rascal says:

    I just cant watch him…………The pub is always the best idea when JLT’s in town…

    He spends most of his time firmly rooted up his own pretentious ass.

    What a fucker

  41. 41
    Arik says:

    lol !!

    yes he is so annoying!

  42. 42
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Watched ALL the short U Tjoebs , 11 in total.

    Well, maybe we should return to the thread

    And hope we get to see some more MK 2 tendencies

  43. 43
    Rascal says:

    Yeah, your right!

    Joe Lynn who????

    Lets return to a thread thats a least based on ‘something’ Deep Purple!

  44. 44
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Yes, you are right Rascal and Priest. JLT deserves no time here. The only reason I commented was in answer to Priests post which started at #7. Then, when I researched and found that JLT was using Non-JLT Purple tunes for the add and promo of the shows, that is what created my fingers desire to respond.

    Back to the topic: Judging by the set list above, Purple either played a really short gig, or extended some tunes. Hope it was the latter. 12 tunes is ridiculous if played as original. I’d be rioting and demanding my hard green cash back. Come on boyz……us fans deserve a little more than that….


  45. 45
    Rasmus Heide says:

    Tracy, being a charity event, no one was promised a full Deep Purple show.

    The band played for just over an hour (far longer than any of the other artists on the bill), and what we got greatly exceeded anyone’s reasonable expectations – particularly considering Ian Gillan’s health on the day.

  46. 46
    stoffer says:

    Arik, thanks for the link to “scapegoat”!!
    jlt….what a freaking JOKE

  47. 47
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Thanks Rasmus, that is very comforting. I would hate to see them decline into short winks of a performance, while on tour. I have driven or flown cross country to see them and especially now that the fuel costs are so high, one would be quite disappointed to find that being the set to be played after buying the tickets and feeding the gas pumps…..

    Cheers and thanks again….

  48. 48
    Syed Al-Jamalulail says:

    I never miss all the Deep Purple concert or any member of DP concert. agree they are the LOUDEST HARD ROCK BAND/GROUP IN THE WORLD!.
    I’m a keyboard player myself, so when ever I hear a hard rock song with Hammond sound, I can tell that must be Deep Purle playing.
    Who ever replace anybody in DP member, the sound of Hammond screaming still there.
    I love to see Deep Purple concert, with all members of DP past & present DP except for Tommy Bolin, on stage together JUST One Time/ one night only. That’s must be cool.
    DP 4 ever!

  49. 49
    Syed Al-Jamalulail says:

    Arik, thanks 4 the link man, JLT surely is a crap.
    does he forget that Richie put him with Rainbow, than with DP, then critise DP & Richie?, What a crap.

  50. 50
    Rascal says:

    Be careful badmouthing JLT you may invoke the wrath of the ‘The Fanatic One’……….

    His sedation is wearing off……..

  51. 51
    Highway Star says:

    I just want to see the performance!!! *_*
    there’s anything in web?

  52. 52
    Naldoni says:

    Hei Jon, come back, we miss you a lot! You’re the soul of Deep Purple, nobody can replace you.

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