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Nick Simper and the Nasty Habits

Nick Simper and the Nasty Habit flyer. Graz, Nov 14 2008.Nick Simper will perform in Austria in November this year with the local band called Nasty Habits. They will play a special set of Deep Purple Mk1 numbers.

Shows booked so far:
November 14 — Orpheum, Graz
November 16 — Viper Room, Vienna

We’ve been informed that more dates in Germany are in the works.

Thanks to Peter Brkusic for the info.

51 Comments to “Nick Simper and the Nasty Habits”:

  1. 1
    SEVEN-47 says:

    Nick Simper? YAWN!

  2. 2
    Peter Elliott says:

    Well, I think Joe Lynn Turner is a much bigger yawn and joke than Nick Simper!

    At least it’ll be a chance to hear some mk1 numbers the current Purple would never play. Just a shame nobody can find Rod Evans.

  3. 3
    stoffer says:

    YEAH!! lets hear it for Simper and MKI

  4. 4
    T says:

    I once mentioned Nick Simper’s Fandango (not to be confused with Joe Lynn Turner’s group Fandango), his group from the late 70’s that recorded two albums. Anyone familiar with them? Like Captain Beyond, they’re both underrated with some really interesting stuff on them.

    I’d go see Nick Simper in a heartbeat.

  5. 5
    Sami says:

    I agree 100%, T! Fandango, and especially Warhorse, were

    criminally underrated…talking ’bout bad management and

    bad luck/timing. A tribute to Mk 1 is very wellcome

    indeed & I, for one, still listen the first three albums

    on a regular basis. Must hire a private detective to

    track down Rod Evans 🙂


  6. 6
    Sami says:

    T : I have both Fandango cd’s….I consider Slipstreaming(originally from 1979)a stronger effort than the follow up Future Times, though the latter has it’s moments too.

  7. 7
    Rascal says:

    The DP under funded pension scheme can be realised on so many levels.

  8. 8
    SEVEN-47 says:

    Kind of like the 1980 “deep purple”!

  9. 9
    Rascal says:

    If you cant beat them……..join them, or better still, just use them. Hello JLT !!

    Another dollar (or pounds if you prefer) closer………….

  10. 10
    Crimson Ghost says:

    SEVEN-47 says:
    Kind of like the 1980 “deep purple”!

    Not even remotely… are they doing “Burn?”
    Are they calling it Deep Purple?

  11. 11
    SEVEN-47 says:

    I don’t know what they have in mind, never do with Nick Simper. He’ll state that he wanted his version of Deep Purple to be more hard rock, and berate Jon Lord & Ritchie Blackmore for how Mark I sounded. Yet he’s more than happy to ackowledge his participation if it will make him a few bucks (or pounds if you prefer).

  12. 12
    Sami says:

    Well, I’m happy to acknowledge my participation at work regarding doing overtime for example, and it will make me
    a more than few euros. I’ve got a family to support, bills, a mortgage to pay & a life to live….it costs money but I’m happy to do it, so……

  13. 13
    Sami says:

    …so who can blame Mr. Simper for doing a couple of shows with a cover band!? nothing wrong with that, right!!!

  14. 14
    SEVEN-47 says:

    Absolutely right! I just don’t care for his attitude. In one interview he’ll state how he didn’t like the direction Mark I had taken, and in another interview he’ll comment on how proud he is of the first three albums. Personally I don’t think he has ever gotten over his dismissal.

  15. 15
    Rascal says:

    Simper doing MK1 numbers?

    Will it bring the audience out in droves? Hardly think so……………How about he introduces a few Rolf Harris numbers to the tour??

    setlist as follows:-

    Jake the Peg
    Mandrake Root
    Tie me Kangaroo Down Sport
    Wring That Neck
    Someones Pinched Me Winkles
    Chasing Shadows
    Two Little Boys
    Why Didnt Rosemary
    Sun Arise
    Hey Joe
    Stairway To Heaven (with wobble board)

    Not sure how well known Rolf is in Austria? More popular than Nasty Habits?
    Maybe Rolf could headline the tour??
    Whats Alvin Startdust doing these days?

    Soooo many questions…………

  16. 16
    Sami says:

    🙂 🙂

  17. 17
    Rascal says:


    Alvin said ok to the tour, as long as he headlines, and its called the “My Coo Ca Choo” tour. I dont see a problem with that.

    Unfortunately Rolph doesnt want the gig! So I guess the arena shows are out!

    So, anyone know an Alpine Yodelling act that can help out? How about Focus???

    So the acts are as follows:-

    Alvin Stardust
    Salzburg Dance Trio
    The Wiener schnitzels (Alpine Punk)
    Nasty Habit

    And the venue……….any church hall thats available I guess.

    Its looking real good!!!

    Looking good.

  18. 18
    SEVEN-47 says:

    “Hocus Pocus”; Haven’t thought about that song in years. I’m going to play it now!

  19. 19
    Rascal says:

    Looking forward to Austria…..cant wait!!

    Might write a review for THS, but Im not sure how many of you are interested in down hill skiing


  20. 20
    The Cat-That-Sleeps says:

    If only there could be a similar DP Convention like Uriah Heep does. Look, even Hensley plays with his ex-mates.:) Paul Newton, John Lawton, Lee Kerslake, Ken Hensley, none are afraid to gig with their ex-band. Why not DP members ?
    Even without Evans and Bolin, there could be alternative :
    Mk1-bis: JLT / Simper / Blackmore / Lord / Paice
    Mk4-bis: Coverdale / Hughes / Morse / Lord / Paice

    Then we could have interesting anachronic line-ups :
    Coverdale / Simper / Morse / Airey / Paice
    Gillan / Hughes / Blackmore / Airey / Paice
    JLT / Glover / Blackmore / Airey errr… oops… that’s Rainbow. 🙂

    And a super Fandango JLT / Simper. :))

    Agree about Fandango, Warhorse, Captain Beyond…

  21. 21
    Rascal says:

    ***************Stop Press****************

    Bay City Rollers have expressed an interest in the “My Coo Ca Choo” tour…….OH YES!!

    The tarten army want to talk about a joint headlining spot alongside ‘Mr Stardust’…….steady on boys!!

    #Bye Bye Baby, baby goodbye.
    Bye baby, baby bye bye.
    Bye bye baby, don’t make me cry
    Bye baby, baby bye bye.#

    Although the ‘Shang-A-Lang’ tour has a certain ring to it!!

  22. 22
    Sami says:

    Been laughing my head off, Rascal…great 🙂

    Add to the bill The Rubettes(there are two versions of the band nowadays, so we can choose), Showaddywaddy, Andy Scott’s Sweet(or Steve Priest’s Sweet), Suzi Quatro, Midge Ure’s Thin Lizzy, Trevor Bolder’s David Bowie’s Spiders from Mars, Jeff Fenholt’s Black Sabbath……

    so many wonderful acts, can’t choose….Alvin must headline though.

    Have a good weekend everybody, KIPPIS to ya all!!!

  23. 23
    Sami says:

    Forgot Courtney Love’s Nirvana…sorry.

  24. 24
    Rascal says:

    I like it Sami!!

    Maybe getting Showaddywaddy, and Suzi Quatro (as Leather Tuscadero, or maybe just plain ‘Old Leather’ these days) on board is the way to go…………down at ‘Devil Gate Drive’

    Maybe Jeff Fenholt can give a ‘between acts’ talk on the time he thought he was in Sabbath.

    Its all coming together…….

    And your right of course………Alvin must headline.

    #I really want my coo ca choo#

    The burning question is:-
    “Who Put The Bomp (in the Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)”?

    I guess its a ‘teddy boy’ thing!

  25. 25
    Rascal says:

    Hold on…………….

    Will somebody tell Rod Evans he aint invited!! Theirs enough DP tribute acts out there…………..

    Just leave it alone Rod………youve burnt your bridges Man!!

    And royalties just aint ‘your bag’ anymore

  26. 26
    Rascal says:

    Just had Kim McAuliffe on the phone, you know…. Girlschool!

    Apparently she’d like to bring the band plus special guest for a trip down the 1980’s memory lane. I know what your thinking…’Motorhead’….so did I! It isnt!!

    I said ‘The Leader’ should be available able for November (need to check with the parole board), but sadly Im not convinced it will help ticket sales.

    #D’you wanna be in my gang, a my gang, my gang#

    MMmmm….not really, No

  27. 27
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Nick and Rod’s “Captain Fandago, Beyond the Warhorse Rainbow Orchestra”…….hmmm.

  28. 28
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I suppose Rod takes care of himself very well, but……………….

    Though I thought it was very wrong to put a Deep Purple line up on the map with only him…………in 1980.

    I always thought that the punishment was way too high.

    I think it’s crimininal if he should not have royalties forever since.He’s been a crucial part of MK1
    Nick did choose a one off payment deal, i think?
    Or was it the other way round?

  29. 29
    Sami says:

    You’re right, Priest. It was a stupid thing to do from Rod, but the punishment was way too high(further reading : unofficial (european) Captain Beyond website, very informative & thorough site)! Simper received a one off payment in order to provide some security to his young family…it was the right thing to do at the time, I guess.

    I still love Mk 1 & listen to the albums regularly…got the Inglewood ’68 live on bootleg-dvd as well, very bad sound & image but it’s still nice to have it all the same. Yep.

    Rascal : there are multiple versions of Boney M out there…would be a nice addition to our Extravaganza 🙂

  30. 30
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Too bad there wasn’t a video or recording from the Bogus Purple gig……..

  31. 31
    Rascal says:

    Id go with the Boney M suggestion, maybe a heavy version of ‘Daddy Cool’ ….

    Maybe Im straying from the point……..

    Maybe a gig with ‘has-been’ performers aint the way to go………

    I have to admit though, Ive deceived you all……….’Alvin’ didnt agree to the gig! Ive been wasting your time!!


    Back to the drawing board………

    AAAARRRGGHHHHHH………I just cant be bothered

  32. 32
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Tracy Heyder says:
    Too bad there wasn’t a video or recording from the Bogus Purple gig……..

    July 19th, 2008 at 16:51

    I was set to see them just before the tour was stopped, still have my ticket.
    There is actually a parcial recording, one of the gigs was filmed and aired on TV in Mexico 1980, here is an audio piece, the video has been deleted from youtube or something, but I have it on DVD.

    Enjoy, if you can that is… it’s the real bogus deal.

  33. 33
    Rascal says:

    Doesnt sound like Alvin stardust to me!

  34. 34
    Tracy Heyder says:


    Thanks for that. Is your DVD of the whole show and what was the setlist? I must say here that as bad as this is, it isn’t as hard to take as the Coverdale and Hughes versions from the MK3 and MK4 years. Although I truly love the MK3 and MK4 records, their versions of the MK2 tunes live were horrindous.

    This should stir some flac……

    wait for it……..wait for it…….


  35. 35
    Crimson Ghost says:

    The DVD is just SOTW, but sounds much better than this.
    They did play Burn, but I don’t know what else besides the usual mkII suspects. A small snippet of the video was once up at youtube, and they made it a news piece here, but someone who obviously thinks video footage should remain rare these days, must have reported it… nothing is that rare anymore, by the time they ran that news piece here, hundreds of collectors already had their hands on it in a matter of no time since the Spanish guy circulated it… it’s possible that senior has the rest… now that would be both keeping it rare, but also considered hording it, but to each their own.

    There was a buzz over it, but it fizzled pretty fast, as video footage of the last 40 years pops up like hot cakes since 2005 or so.
    I’ve spent a lot of time gathering it up, and there really will never be an end to it, either old or current, this is the ultimate video age right now, the problem is finding the time for it all.

    I agree, some people heard mkIII and VI the same way some hear Steve Morse, but take away a good singer and things just aren’t the same… no matter who’s playing guitar, it’s waaay harder to pull off unless the singer is so much better there is no disputing it, and thats not something that happens very often, Evans/Gillan, Dianno/Dickenson, to name just a couple. I still rate Evans higher than Cov/Hughes in DP, and I’m not sure why, perhaps it’s the pre-1974 sound that is classic Purple to me, rooted in the 60’s which were completely gone by 74 and things were getting very 70’s by then… Purple will always be rooted in the 60’s, even though they defined hard rock in the 70’s, that was mainly the early 70’s, and it’s true that the decades are usually defined in the last three years, hence the 70’s are best mass remembered for disco, etc… But yes, this does sound more DP than Cov/Hughes did.

  36. 36
    Crimson Ghost says:

    Download the clip snippet, it looks like they credited this site in the file name, hahaha. Should be able to grab it in a quick instant load. Gives you a better idea, but the DVD is a quality .mpg of the full track… apparently the audio bootleg of the whole concert was horded due to people offering the guy money for it, who are trying to keep it rare… one fan says they were working on an album, so there is supposedly some tape of that somewhere too.


  37. 37
    Tracy Heyder says:

    I just checked it out. Now I remember seeing it back when it was first put on the site. Obviously filmed professionaly, with multiple camera angles. I love the “Deep Purple” title that is at the bottom of the screen also. They really did try to pull it off as Deep Purple.

    Now, how about a little walk through another Purple Dimension, just for grins….

    Purple was gone for 4 years by the time this was done and at that time, it was very clear that they were NOT coming back. Rod Evans was the “Original Singer” for Purple during the first 3 albums. I can actually simpathize with his pathetic effort to take the chance and do this. His biggest downfall was not taking the right avenue and at least getting together with Nick Simper or even Glenn Hughes (he was avaliable), writing some new material, and approaching the record company to take over the name. I’m not saying I wish that to have taken place, but the old “What If” does exist and is very intriguing. And probably would flown. There was no Deep Purple at the time, and all the other members were totally dedicated to their own successful projects. Ritchie and Roger were in “Rainbow”, Gillan was in “Gillan”, Ian Paice, Jon Lord and Coverdale was in “Whitesnake”, Tommy Bolin was (and still is) “dead”. Actually, Ian Paice and Jon Lord were somewhat “Session men” in Whitesnake by then and may have even been interested if approached. The masses were begging for Deep Purple to return, and let’s face it. There were already 4 different Purple line-ups in just 8 years. This would have been as legitamate as anything, if done correctly and officially. One thing for sure……we will never know.

    Yeah, I spend way too much time in the Hot Tub, contemplating unimportant stuff these days. Luckily I only indulge in a drink or “10”, and don’t use those ‘other substances’. Can you imagine? You all might even hate me even more. Nah, that would be impossible.


  38. 38
    Rascal says:

    Tommy Bolin dead!!!!!………NO WAY!!!

  39. 39
    Tracy Heyder says:

    I didn’t even know he was sick…….

  40. 40
    Rascal says:

    Wasnt that his epitaph?

  41. 41
    Rascal says:

    Just wondering……….when is Hendrix’s next album out? Its long overdue in my opinion!

  42. 42
    Tracy Heyder says:

    I’m sure someone will “dig up” something….

  43. 43
    Sami says:

    The Hendrix estate will surely continue to milk of whatever
    is left from the great guitarist’s recordings, sad really.

    Just finished reading Noel Redding’s(RIP) biography Are You Experienced, and what a fantastic & informative read it was…a very classy man and musician, who sadly got ripped of by the estate and various record companies/managers. No justice in the world, eh.

    There’s no topic like off-topic 🙂

  44. 44
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Ah well……you can’t take it with you. RIP Noel. Now he can rejoin Jimi and crank some Heavenly tunes out……


  45. 45
    Roberto says:

    Warhorse were very good,great singer (listen I(who have nothin))and great playing but the band was too similar to deep purple while captan beyond were simply wonderful.their first album is a masetrpiece(listen to the last4/5 songs) as the tittle track of their second one.Bobby Caldwell is one of the best drummers ever(together with Mark Nauseef).
    I would like to see Deep purple Mk1 and 3,at least for one show…It could be great!

  46. 46
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Seems I havebeen missing out bits and pieces here and there…………….

    How familiair…….

    Can’t remember having seen that “Smoke….by MK 1980-thing” before…..
    Or did it fade in the gloom and now is reborn again(…)….

    Yeah, Me too would love to see MK 1 or 3…..

    DC really has a problem then, ……
    ROD is still missin’….
    The rest are probably not interested…

    Have been thinking about going for AUSTRIA.

    Why blaming Nick or JLT for that matter(…) for doing the Tribute thing while Ian Paice does it all the time?
    Not to mention Don doing loads of that with stuff from all kinds of bands he was in…..!!!!

    Ian has had his Gillan’s Inn thing and played DP stuff in GILLAN.Hell, he even played them in IGB.
    GH and DC both played MK3 and MK4 songs in their own bands.

    All consisting of NON DP staff as well.

    ***I suppose Whitesnake with DC, Lordy and Paicey was as much Purple as MK is now today?(Ouch)***

    RB uses old stuff with Rainbow and BN
    MK 8 itself is close to a tribute thing…..

    It’s taste…..All the way….

    Lots of people seem to hate JLT while others get depressed because Morsey brings his own sound to the proceedings.

    I have my “hang-ups” as well……..

    Well, me blabbering again……

  47. 47
    purplepriest1965 says:

    Btw, has this PURPLE RAINBOW thing vanished after the fun of April Fools day?

  48. 48
    AndreA says:

    I think only that Simper and Evand have all the rights to play DP music only because they gave us good works even if they were more beat than hard,but I love Shades Of DP and Emaretta is a real good piece that I miss on live.
    It could be fine on stage with the updated sound,it is a pity that Gillan sings only his own songs like he admits,but he plays also Hush that does not belong to him,and mainly to DP…
    long live to these musicians,all of them!

  49. 49
    Jerry says:

    Can’t see why there are so many objections to Nick Simper reliving some of his past.

    Purple are never going to play that material, nor (barely) do any tribute bands that I am aware of, so it will be great to hear some of those early songs again.

    In fact given how many other musicians are treading the boards on the back of their pasts, I see no reason why Nick couldn’t put together a full time band to play the Purple stuff from the first three albums.

    I’m sure any true Purple fan would love to hear stuff like Why Didn’t Rosemary and Mandrake Root. I know I would, and even though it might not excel the versions with Jon and Ritchie, there are guys out there who could do justice to that music. Bring it on.

  50. 50
    Sami says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more on that one, Jerry!!!

  51. 51
    Tracy Heyder says:

    Jerry, you are spot on. Nick, Rod, Jon, and Ritchie should get together for a version of this…….

    What a tribute that would be. Forget MK2 as others are so ready to sell out to. This would be truly fresh and well received. Totally unexpected and different.

    I’ll drum to it……


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