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Latin American tour confirmed!


More Latin American dates were announced recently on deeppurple.com. All the dates we have posted previously from other sources are now officially confirmed. Mexico, Ecuador and Chile are on the list as well.

Meanwhile, European dates for the summer keep appearing here and there. For many of them tickets are on sale or going on sale shortly. Keep in mind that all these dates so far have not been confirmed by Thames Talent.

See the full list in our tour central. And please email us any updates and corrections.

35 Comments to “Latin American tour confirmed!”:

  1. 1
    Rommel says:

    I think there’s a mistake in one of Mexico dates. On http://www.deeppurple.com it says that the show on February 16th will be in Mexico City, and on THS tour central it says that will be in Monterrey City. So I would appreciate it if you correct the dates. But I’m sure about something; I would like to see Deep Purple in Mexico City.

  2. 2
    Rommel says:

    Thanx 4 correcting the mistake! I will just wait the tickets to go on sale to get them!

  3. 3
    George says:

    NO MORE TOURS – pleaseeeee, we’re tired only reading news about DP tours, we need NEW STUDIO ALBUM PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    and then touring 🙂

  4. 4
    ROBERTO says:

    RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!STOP WITH LIVE DATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!REALLY TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

  5. 5
    Mr Jone says:

    You know, touring is what maked the guys’ living. They don’t sell any albums anymore, at least not to make any money. Besides, I get the impression that they really enjoy playing live so….

  6. 6
    George says:

    Mr Jone
    Don’t agree with you, ok, Bananas and Abandon weren’t comercially succesfull albums (though Bananas was a Brialliant album).
    what about Rapture Of The Deep, it sold MORE copies, than 1984 Perfect Strangers. Perhaps, Rapture is DP’s most succesfull album after Machine Head, Fireball and In Rock. (As I remember WDWTWA and Burn didn’t sell good).

    That’s really great, DP becomes the only band from 70’s (maybe with Rollong Stones) which earns money not only with live dates, but with new studio albums.

  7. 7
    BochoTricolor says:

    I think the guys are doing what they really love to do: be on stage, play live!!!….its obvious they´re enjoying a lot being on tour and being face to face with their fans. They just made brilliant records for over almost 40 years, its time for them to enjoy the way they want….most of us enjoy that way too!
    Its a pity they won´t play in Uruguay again, i´ll have to travel to Argentina again, but with lot of pleasure….see there.

  8. 8
    Ole says:

    I think they should take their time with a new album. They need good songs and a good producer to deliver the goods! On the positive side, every second album is a better one – so hopefully the next one will be just that – a good one!

  9. 9
    alf + says:

    Ya toy hasta la madre de tanta gira de DP por piedad que se pongan las pilas, y se pongan a trabajar en nuevo material en un buen album que buena falta les hace, el billete les viene más facil con las giras y con sus regalias de sus unicos 3- 4 albums buenos, pero es obvio que primero les llego la senectud creativa que la física, por eso de que no se cansan con tanta gira.

  10. 10
    alf + says:

    Please stop the gigs -sorry- the tour dates, better is time DP put the batteries, and make new material, a good material (maybe something impossible), the money is easy whit the tours and the royalties from the only 3-4 excellent albums in the whole discography. Is obvius first came the old age in creativity than the physicaly, I say for a lot of tour dates, maybe.

  11. 11
    George Fotis says:

    They really should stop & give Ian’s voice a rest so he can sing well on the next album. I’m sure they will begin work sometime this year , they should concentrate on the album. As somebody else said they need a good producer, how about somebody like Eddie Krammer ? who is a fine producer. Some of the Van Halen songs sound so good the guitar work , wish Steve could play more liike that on albums his more than capable !

  12. 12
    George says:

    if you pay attention, DP albums are strong, then again strong and then weak. eg:

    on the first hand:

    In Rock – Strongest
    Fireball – Strongest
    Machine Head – Strongest

    on the other hand:

    Burn – Strong
    Stormbr. – strong
    Come Taste – weak(est)
    Perfect. st>. – strong
    House of – Strong
    Slaves – weak
    The Battle – strong
    Purpendicular – strong
    Abandon – weak
    Bananas – strong (briliant one)
    Rapture – Strong

    What will be next? Another weak album or another Machine Head? 🙂

  13. 13
    ROBERTO says:

    George I agree with you about the rating of Deep purple’s albums but I think that ‘Come taste the band’ is a strong album especially live dates(live california 1976 is the best live album after Mande in japan) and Bananas is not so good(too many ups and downs) while ‘The battle rages on’ and ‘Purpendicular’ are spectaculars (even if very differents between them).
    About Ian’s voice: he really need a break.40 years screaming, so many live dates each year, smoke, alchool: that’s how he lost his voice.So stop with live dates!hope for a great return of Gillan’s screams through and Heavy and fast new album!!!!

  14. 14
    George says:


    I think Come Taste The Band is DP’s WEAKEST album.
    Ok, this is great album for any funky-soul band, BUT not for Deep Purple – one of the hardest and heaviest band ever. Dp isn’t soul band, Dp isn’t ballad’s band.

    What about Bananas, it still maintains THE MOST PROGRESSIVE album from Deep Purple. one of the best album of 2000’s from the musicians of 60 years. When such old band as Dp sound like ANY best modern bands, that means that DP is vital and fresh with Bananas.

  15. 15
    George says:

    Again and Again, CTTB is really good album, but for ANY soul band, not for Deep Purple. listen this album again, it’s just good soul album, itsn’t hard rocking Deep Purple. that’s why it sold 20 000 copies and that’s why tha band split!

  16. 16
    George says:

    CTTB went gold in USA? have never heard about it, maybe it’s just roumours? or have you any official info from the internet?

  17. 17
    alf+ says:

    my perception of strong in an album is that material all tracks are strongs.
    The onlys albums with all strongs tracks are:
    IN ROCK ( almost)
    BURN (maybe)
    PURPENDICULAR ( maybe).
    Deep Purple lives thanks the tour dates (with a same set list in a 75%) and the royalties, and the exellency from 3-4 albums.
    Note: Come and taste the band is different but is very good, refreshing.
    Abandon is good, some dark, heavy, is good to me.

  18. 18
    George says:

    What about Rapture? without Girls Like That, Back To Back and Don’t Let go, this album is classic.
    Rapture is classic album only even for Before Time Began and Kiss Tommorrow Goodbye

  19. 19
    George says:

    btw, we’re talking about other topic 🙂
    this topic is about DP’s LATINO TOUR 2008

  20. 20
    jose says:

    Hey Guys!!!!!
    Welcome to Venezuela. First time here although Ian Gillan came in the times of Toolbox Tour. It´s gonna be great. Everybody is already spreading the news and talking about it.
    We love you guys!!!!!!

  21. 21
    alf+ says:

    OK the point is about the tour, is enough of tours, maybe i tell this just for i cant go to the dates in México (is a shame), prefer a new album. And i think DP gain more money with the tours and the royalties than the new material.

  22. 22
    alf+ says:

    Hey Joe! (sorry). Hey George!, I hate don´t let go and back to back this 2 are a bad tracks and girls like that too, too lazy. The last three albums (and others) are unbalanced. Saludos! amigo George my frend.

  23. 23
    ROBERTO says:

    George I always think that Deep Purple are so great because of their changement in musical directions.So if they can play a wonderful soul album where is the problem?the greatness of these musicians is that they can play anything but with their own style.I don’t need a band that play the same album all over again as AcDc, Mothored or Kiss do.
    Please go to listen ‘getting tighter’ on the live california 76 and tell me…..

  24. 24
    Wizard says:

    Hey George, No no #’s from internet on CTTB, but my friend used to own a record shop, she was a big Peter Gabriel fan, but shes got all those Billboard mags from the late 70’s, the last one I looked at CTTB had been out 27 wks and was sitting at # 89 at the top 100 Rock LP’s, and it had the little gold symbol by it’s release name and where it was the previous week, back then in the late 70’s in the USA, I hate to say it but Kiss was the band that got most of the attention, besides Zeppelin, but let’s hope Purples tour goes well, I don’t want to sidetrack what the blogs about anyway.

  25. 25
    ormandy says:

    Right George!

    The CD Rapture Of The Deep without Girls Like That, Back To Back & Don’t Let go would make for a classic. If I’m short on time, I’ll play a very 70’s (seven song) version of the album.

    1) Money Talks
    2) Wrong Man
    3) Rapture Of The Deep
    4) Clearly Quite Absurd
    5) Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye
    6) Junkyard Blues
    7) Before Time Began

    a classic!!!

    Speaking of albums, I’d really love to hear a new DP album in ’08.

  26. 26
    Stefan says:

    The only reason CTTB is considered a weak album, is the fact that the “Blackmore hardliners” could´nt accept reality….He´s gone!!!!!
    Objective…was it really that bad?? In my mind it was a great album! Bolin was composer or co-composer on seven out of nine numbers….a huge input would´nt you say?Basically Bolin had some shoes to fill, but the hardliners would´nt even give him a break…..Why?? I´ll give you some of the reasons:

    1.Blackmore was such an icon 2. Bolins background (jazz,fusion,soul etc.)
    3.Bolin was American (sounds ridicilous today? ).

    Is CTTB really less purple than, let´s say “Bananas” or “Rapture”????
    In my mind absolutely not, but in those days it was considered among the hardliners and fundamentalists as almost sacrilege to have a DP without Blackmore….No matter how good they are!!

  27. 27
    Roberto says:

    Tommy Bolin is the most underrated guitar player : just listen to the wonderful ‘from the archives vol 1′(his best album)
    The worst Deep purple album to me is certenly Rapture of the deep-There are only three good songs:rapture of the deep(super), girl like that(great Rockin’) and Kiss tomorrow goodbay(old strong rock).
    The rest of the album is full of songs that are really nothing special and with BAD riffs(as junkyard blues, money talks or don’t let go for example)
    I hope that for new album Steve will write KILLER riffs (as ‘silver tongue’)
    About CTTB: American people like more Kiss(wich I consider a Stupid band/music than Deep Purple, WHY?what a different music culture…

  28. 28
    vadim says:

    i agree with some of you. too many concerts!!!! gillan cant sing! he not a yang boy! he have a problem with voise

  29. 29
    Wizard says:

    Hey Stefan and Roberto, You nailed it on the head!! The Blackmore hardliners wouldn’t accept it, but it was a great album as is Bananas, and I personally think Rapture is also very good, but not quite as good as Bananas for me. For me since Blackmore has left, the new classic Purple sound for example are the vocals example Wrong Man, the intro and outro vocals are so good the Arabian type or Indian sounding vocals that I personally think first showed up on Perfect Strangers especially live, have evolved, maybe since IG’s screams have weakened a little bit over the years, he’s strengthened his mid range a lot. Along with Morses guitar sound have really beefed up the Purple sound, for me I missed the old Blackmore guitar sound, The classic sound of Blackmore’s solos example, Fires at Midnight was missing on the last Blackmore Purple cd.

  30. 30
    Wizard says:

    Also there are some Americans out there that don’t like the current state of the music culture, I for one have always like Bristish Rock bands better! I don’t know why but Bristish bands rock better, there attitudes are better!! Probably not exactly the wording to put into perspective, but just better!

  31. 31
    George says:

    Pleaseeee, The topic is about Dp’s Latino tour, and we’re discussing CTTB.

    We are off topic, you can discuss DP albums on http://www.deeppurple.com forums, not here!

  32. 32
    alf+ says:

    The weakest albums before CTTB: the three first mark I, burn,stormbringer,slaves & masters,Abandon,bananas, rapture of the deep.
    thanks for the tip George you began this discuss.
    sorry for my spanishEnglish.
    Yes I will go to http://www.deeppurpleCTTB.com

  33. 33
    George says:


    Burn – really strong album, though it has funky sound, it’s really great
    Bananas – the most progressive sound from DP, hard and beautifull
    Rapture – One of the hardest and heaviest after Machine Head

    what about others:
    Slaves And Masters – the best Rainbow album
    Stormbringer – nothing special
    Abandon – just weak
    first 3 albums – good, classic music influenced, but too old-fashioned, I don’t like them

    and, please, talk about Dp’s latino tour here, discuss albums on http://www.deeppurple.com


  34. 34
    George Fotis says:

    There is nothing wrong with talking about studio albums , as long as it doesn’t turn into a Blackmore vs Morse , who is better thing. It’s great the band are still around it’s now been 24 years since they reunited , who whould have expected that!
    I feel the House Of Blue Light is a very underrated album, it has lots of hard sounding tracks Mad Dod, Dead Or Alive , Hard Loving Women etc.
    They sound similar to what they did on Machine Head & In Rock , that was definatley the hardest sounding line up. Plus Abandon has some hard tracks too, that’s another lost album , an all Purple input album no outside producer all Purple.
    I felt the last albums were patchy some good tracks here & there but i never find myself listening to them !

  35. 35
    Albertino says:

    Please come to Brazil!!!! many DP shows here are sold out!!! please come back!!!!!!!!

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