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Jon Lord: Music is not like taking a photograph…


Metal Express Radio has an audio interview that they conducted with Jon Lord on the eve of Durham Concert premiere. Jon talks about how the Durham Concerto came to life, his approach to writing music and his legacy of orchestral music going back to Concerto for Group and Orchestra, and his plans to “do something” for the 40th anniversary of Deep Purple.

Listen to the interview here (64kb/s mp3, 18 mins).

Thanks to Blabbermouth.net for the info.

70 Comments to “Jon Lord: Music is not like taking a photograph…”:

  1. 1
    dr.robert says:

    We want Blackmore, Lord, Gillan, Glover and Paice.
    This is DEEP PURPLE!!!

  2. 2
    purple-Udo says:

    Blackmore, Gillan, Lord, Glover, Morse, Hughes, Coverdale, Turner, Airey, Simper, Evens, Satriani with concert-parts of their DP-Mark from their Time and at the end with the whole DeepPurple-Family

  3. 3
    George says:


    This WAS Deep Purple which was DYING in 1992-93. WE DON’T NEED DIED GROUP, We need as alive and as fresh, as current lineup.

    Jon Lord is one of the greatest musician of the world, Ritchie was the greatest guitarist of the world, but NOW they are in their own way. Lord makes incredible moderns classic music. wery sorry that Ritchie makes non-spiritual, almost died some kind of pop-folk. Blackmore’s Night is full shit, nobody needs such kind of music. Blackmore’s Night is somehow popular, cause it Ritchie’s project, other way it wouldn’t be popular at all.

    remember that Jon Lord was in DP when they realased too weack album “Abandon”, Ritchie and Lord were in DP when they realased almost Rainbow-esque album “Slaves And Masters”, Ritchie and Lord were in DP when they realased too weack album “Stormbringer”. Lord was in DP when they realased their worst album ever: Come Taste The Band.

    So, who cares about lineup? The main is FRESH AND COOL BAND, WITH FRESH AND COOL ALBUMS. Purpendicular and Rapture Of The Deep are examples of this – coolest albums after Perfect Strangers and even after Machine Head.

    By the way, till the end of 2007, Rapture of the deep sales will be much more, than Perfect Strangers, it’s the fact!!!

  4. 4
    purplepriest1965 says:

    I listened to the interview as well.

    It’s kinda long. That’s cool……….

    But ……….

    I had to go “somewhere” during it…………Ahem……….

    Appearently I missed the part he suggested a (timely?)return of his combo with Blackers………….in 2009(…)


    The friend of mine who gave me this missing piece of the interview said he really liked a return of Simpers and Evans as well.
    I think he meant in the year of 40 years of DP………in 2008(…)

    Although I feel(…)you ‘re being a bit too harsh about BN(I often talk about it the same way, mind you……) :

    It’s more a question of : Does he want to ROCK again?
    It seems not………..

    Sob sob sob?

    I and millions(…) of others are yearning for his return. How much can the yearning for a lost LOVE hurt………..( 1/11/92)

    I think lots of us respected his choice to go a different path around 97………
    Many can/could appreciate BN on some sort of level .


    Indceed, it could have been so much more interesting than it did become.
    Unfortunately , after all these years, I ve lost the hope that it might turn out different…………

    Years ago in DPAS magazine someone, I think it was Simon Robinson himself if I m not mistaken, gave us teh information about more original Medieval music.

    The soundtrack of Black Adder should be very good.
    Never checked it out, but remembered it……..
    Put it away fondly in my more and more stashed brain(getting old sucks).


    btw. I could NOT find at http://www.zakkorama.com

    Hi KAZZ!!!!

    Through DP and Rainbow I took a dive(not alone)into Classical Stuff like JS Bach………….

    I tried to dig into older music(Found a disc with some filmmusic, put it on tape, YUP TAPES,..) before BN, but it neve really came into fruition, ………………

    Gotta go now…………

    My coffee is almost finished………….
    Listening to FOREIGNERS LIVE Cd.

    Almost never I can appreciate a different line up. (Duhhhhhhhhhh), but……….

    This line up is really awesome.
    Kelly Hansen is a GREAT singer. One Ritchie could have found as the follow up to JLT.
    Yup, I think Rainbow with JLT made great music as well………….
    I am not very fond of Slaves and Masters, but it had some great tracks. WITH Lordy on ORGAN and BLackers on old fashioned lead guitar………..

    Did I already mention “Come taste the band” is a GOOD album?

    It’s a miracle……….

    I always thought Tommy Bolin was a choice they should NOT have made. Lord himselfd agrees on that.
    But I still like the album.
    Who could miss out on tracks like “Gettin’Tighter” and “You keep on moving”?
    I still can appreciate PURPENDICULAR and BANANAS, but……….


    Gotta go……………..

  5. 5
    purplepriest1965 says:


    I apologise, I think it must be like THIS……………

  6. 6
    purple-Udo says:

    Why not the hole Purple-Familie. They all a part of the DeepPurple History. Good times aand bad times but alway every time it will never stop:
    LONG LIVE ROCK´N´ROLL. The last word – I think about it – will have the musicians thierself. …………. and last but not least ( we live in nearly 2008 ) …….. the money !!!!
    So lets do it – sponsors. The greatest Rock´N´Roll Band are The Stones – but, The greatest Rock-Band of the World is => D E E P P U R P L E.

  7. 7
    korhan says:

    This line-up is the best since 1972.And maybe better than that.So dont spoil it with re forming a dead and rotten line-up.
    But it will only be good if a one gig with all the members.
    So Ritchie will learn how to play rock guitar from steve……..
    Also this line-up have sacrifice,energy,nerve,happiness,joy and purple music.
    god save this line-up.

  8. 8
    Rascal says:

    Do you really think a Deep Purple Family reunion would attract the same attention as the recent Led Zep reunion?

    Im not saying that should matter, its just maybe their isnt the same ‘hunger’ to re-unite, and maybe not the desire by the masses to see a reunion.

    Of course Simper and Evans would love the limelight, but can the same be said for the rest of the family?

  9. 9
    Seven-47 says:

    Dear George;

    Deep Purple dying in 1992 & 1993? I have to disagree. “The Battle Rages On” is an excellent recording, and the live recordings from that era were equally exceptional. “Stormbringer” weak? Certainly different, but hardly weak! “Slaves and Masters” again different, but I thought there were some really strong tracks, and Jon Lord never sounded better. “Come Taste The Band” didn’t sound much like Deep Purple I agree, but I enjoyed the music.

    I think a full reunion would garner quite a bit of attention. What amazes me is the number of people who enjoy Deep Purple’s music, but are unaware that they’re still around. I’ll play “Purpendicular” or “Bananas”
    at work, and I’ll always hear “This band sounds a little like Deep Purple”! I then go on to enlighten the individual as to what’s been going on the past 14 years.

  10. 10
    Rascal says:

    Of course a reunion is bound to be of interest. Would it be enough? Most reunions are dependent on financial rewards. As it is we already have a Deep Purple that consistently tours, playing the classic songs.

    The die hard fans would no doubt love a re-union, but the lesser fans (the smoke fans) may not care who plays guitar, or who plays the hammond.

  11. 11
    AndreA says:

    Ritchie Blackmore could bring only problems to the band and i love only this current line.up,I miss only jon Lord,his face,his history but DON merits to stay into deep purple,into this line up,stop to the nostalgic people 😛

  12. 12
    Patrick says:

    i dont care about nostalgia .. its only a word 🙂 my fav lineup is mark 2 of course but i think mark 8 might be a close second i do agree with a lot of people saying that this band goes out there every night and gives it there all THERES NO DOBT ABOUT THAT .. but ….. iv seen them recently i was just stoked to say the least they even signed autographs .. “ritchie dident but candice did” n e way i would give my right arm to see blackmore lord paice gillan glover ……. im only 23 but iv been a deep purple FANatic for as long as i can remember… hearing king of dreams as a child then battle rages on and so forth ….. but just hearing stories from dad and listining to my extensive collection , it just isent fair !!!!! 🙂 the magic of those guys is just unreal .

  13. 13
    George says:

    Seven-47, Deep Purple was dying especially at the end of 1993, the members were all time fighting, water throwing and so on. in this period DP lost their charisma. for them stage was not place for playing music and enjoing themselves and crowd, but the place of battle. The battle really raged on and this was going to the end, band really was going to the end. Then Ritchie left and band continued touring with Joe Satriani.
    Compare Come Hell Or High Water gig to the any live with Joe, difference is great – in DP and Joe’s lives, they are playing real music, they’re somehow nervous, but they love each other and crowd just loved them. Then was STEVE MORSE, who blowed the soul to the band and they born again, they begin creating fresh music, coolest lives, a lot of smiles and charisma, a lot of loud.


    P.S I don’t mean “The Battle Rages On” Album, it’s one of my favourite album with its Anya and Solitaire, Twist In The Tale and The Battle Rages on

  14. 14
    Patrick says:

    the battle rages on is my fav deep purple album of all time anya twiat in the tale one mans meat … not one weak track thats what i like

  15. 15
    Patrick says:

    i think mabye mark 8 needs some tension you know ??! they need a little fire some unpredictability ” xcuze my spelliin and type-o’s lol” i dunno i just think they need some more danger and fire micheal bradford cuz RG can do a hell of alot better

  16. 16
    deep lavender says:

    DP has never died and never will. It is dynamic band that has changed and re-tooled itself, and as long as there are machines that play recorded music, DP’s music will be around forever, from Mandrake Root, to Machine Head to Mistreated to Money Talks and all the songs, tunes, Mach’s and line-ups in between.

    But I believe the closest this band will ever get to any reunion of any of its line-ups is if the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (a joke in and of itself, but I digress…..) finally wises up to the idea that DP belongs there and all members from all era’s assemble on stage together to accept the award; let the world know that DP is STILL an active, creative, band with a very rich history and exciting future; and then do the obligatory run through of “SOTW”. Or maybe “Hush” to give Simper & Evans their credit.

    And that’s only if everyone even agreed to show up to that one ceremony! My guess is they’d probably have to do it like Van Halen did last year and let some band cover their induction song.

    Please don’t think I believe they need the R&RHOF to validate their career. Far from it!!!! How many other bands can say they’ve had Guiness Records set with fans simultaneously playing one of their songs from Kansas City to Germany! None. Zero. It’s just that I’d like to see DP get that deserved “Thank You” from the establishment.

    Long Live DP!!!

  17. 17
    Seven-47 says:

    Okay George you obviously have more insight on this issue than I do. I never had the opportunity to see them live during 1992/93, and I have not had the pleasure of hearing recordings with Joe Satriani. I stand by my initial statement however that “Come Hell Or High Water” is an excellent live release. I loved when Blackmore incorporated the “Burn” rift into the performance. I will seek out Satriani performances and get back to you.

  18. 18
    George says:


    Did you mean “Speed King”? on speed king RB plays Burn riff. but this version of speed king is recorded in Stuttgart, which, I think was good show. But Ian Gillan declined EMI to realase any 1993 years live. as Gillan said itself, it was the worst period and their worst lives.

    So, have you watched Live At Montreux 2006? have you watched Live At Hard Rock CafeLondon 2005? they’re amazing shows, the band is too hot and united. THIS IS DEEP PURPLE, NOT Ritchie Blackmore throwing the water to Gillan, in Come Hell Or High Water DVD

  19. 19
    Roberto says:

    DEEP PURPLE FAMILY REUNION TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    YOU HAVE TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    GILLAN STOP WITH YOUR EGO!!!!!!!!!IT’S TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  20. 20
    purple-Udo says:

    Hey Fans and Friends………
    It was only an idea to the guys of DeepPurple and their managment to thank ( us ) their fans for the last 40 loyally years.
    That was my idea, to gave the fans a big THANKS back.
    Why not a BIG “DeeP Purple-Family-Festival-Tour” with little support-acts ( 2 or 3 songs/hits per act) by the ex-members with their own bands and then the Deep Purple greatest-hits-acts with the historical-lineups: MARK I, (3-5 songs/hits), then Mark II … to current lineup und at last all the guys together with 3-5 song together ( Hush, Smoke…, Black Night … ).
    The all-guys-together-songs should be sheduled by the highwaystar-fans.
    That’s my motovation.
    Isn’t is ???

  21. 21
    Seven-47 says:


    I have seen “Live At Montreux 2006”, and love it! I will now be also seeking out “Come Hell Or High Water” DVD! Up until now I have only listened to the recording. Having discussions with you I can see is going to be expensive! 🙂

  22. 22
    4 ECMT says:

    Bravo George !!!

    So much effort to make blind men seeNice that you succeed already in your stimulating replies.

    ThIS line-up NOW is indeed sparkling, hard, dynamic ….brilliant.
    Have you also seen ‘the battle rages on’ song in Houston and Glasgow 2007 on Youtube? Steve is so tempered, that R.B. grows from black till pale! Ian is just fantastic. Don sounds so Lordy… It IS NOW indeed a genious band.

    Freedom of opinion and taste is just normal, but it is weird that people stay hanging in the past, instead of living with the past.
    R.B. WAS a D.P.-member. He could play well, when he wanted to do so. All his ‘spontanious’ funny things in solo’s ect. are repeted over and over again, during many ,many years.(watch him over the years on you tube ) Much show and movement , and often little play.
    Just for a discovery, should fans listen to D.P.with R.B. ,and first, remove all Lords playing…They would be astonished how much work Jon does, and how poor the result without him is. The organ has a true guitarsound, and misleads people who often think R.B. does it all. In Smoke on Machine Head, Jon does almost alone the riff, and at the end you hear R.B. doing still his solo, and Jon does the riff alone.The rhytm of Roger is also underestimated, he is brilliant.

    We don’t like Blackmore’s Night .Candice is acting like a doll that entertains sweet children.Her voice is flat, week and above all very nasal.But we respect others taste. We have said this now, we don’t have to repeat this till 20or 40 years later. So, for fun…should Steve play in Blackmore’s night??? Of course…one pull on the string, and you don’t hear Candy anymore!!! No, we let R.B. do his thing, and we listen to other music.
    This was a lot of writing, George, and when you see how well D.P. NOW is doing, and how loved they are, you know you are right!!!

    To Roberto…

    If Gillan had an ego, he would even like a comparison. J.L.T. may be a nice guy, but he sounds like a hoarse raven, and moves like a marionette.In Lazy , Roger had even to play the harmonics.
    Glen and David are good, but limited in genre. Notice ,that even in that long long time ago ,they needed to be with TWO .Gillan did it all ALONE, ALL the songs , and handled them impecable.And he still does. Gillan is creative and original. His lyrics are beautiful
    With Gillan there is a lot of humor and life.The most important of course is the voice, but that phenominal gift needs no firther publicity.
    Perhaps some fans don’t undestand you can’t force musicians to make good music together, when the vibes and emotions are bad.(like have to eat with a wicked mother in low or sing with your ex-partner…little party, lot mess)
    Sure some other fans just want sensation…it’s their right, but not the truth.

    The current members have lots of fun,splendid music and a great time with their true fans!!!!

  23. 23
    purple-Udo says:

    Hey guys…
    No question -> only one answer: GILLAN is the best !!!!
    But why not in this way, for only one “thanksgiving”-tour:
    Don’t be bearish – be optimistic


  24. 24
    T says:

    The band has always thrived on stress and conflict. It is a part of what made Mark II great. I combined the best of the Stuttgart and Birmingham shows and morphed the two “Paint It Black” versions into a long, seamless jam. Despite the troubles the band were experiencing, they were playing like the Japan shows of ’72. It could be argued they were at the top of their game at that moment. The music wasn’t the problem, and we’ll never know what REALLY happened. Blackmore has been silent on the subject, and I would like to hear his side of the story.

    No question the current line-up is playing some of the most refined Purple ever, and the members are enjoying themselves unlike ever before. It’s even become “comfortable”–dare I say “routine”? The albums are good but not stellar (Purpendicular the obvious exception, along with Abandon and I know not everyone agrees) and they are getting better. It’s a very enjoyable band at the moment that has its ups and downs–just like Mark II did in their heyday.

    Each Mark had its place and everyone has their favorite members and times. I won’t get into the Blackmore vs. Morse thing. That argument cannot be resolved. I won’t convince anyone to my way of thinking (which is Blackmore is great, Morse is great, both versions of DP have their strengths and weaknesses and I enjoy them both–and Blackmore’s Night as well).

    As for a “reunion,” I must have missed the part where Lord said Blackmore would be included. I seriously doubt Ritchie would participate given his tendency to not look back.

    In addition, Blackmore’s Night has not run its course. It continues to sell well, be critically acclaimed (I even heard a cut on a Kansas City radio station–imagine THAT!), concerts are well-attended and fans tend to be very loyal. Blackmore is enjoying himself, his playing has never been cleaner and more refined, there is way too much bad blood between him and Gillan and there just is no need for him to participate. I don’t see it happening.

    Whatever they do, I hope it’s recorded and not a one-off concert attended by a handful of people.

    As big as Led Zeppelin? Zep is overrated. Like so many other groups, they were part of a thriving sub-culture which had a lot to do with their elevated status–not unlike the Grateful Dead. Their popularity has nothing to do with greatness. They had their moments, but I would never put them on par with Purple as far as musicianship is concerned and the guitar playing wasn’t anywhere near Blackmore level. I don’t see them continuing to tour, put out albums, and continuing 25 years from now.

    Without new product, things would get stale fast–and the fear of the reaction to a new album would keep them from doing what Deep Purple did in 1984. Purple disintegrated but had the courage to come back. Zeppelin used Bonham’s death as an excuse to quit.

    In *my* opinion. Do I need to start running? ;p

  25. 25
    foxy says:

    T you’re the one! As always

  26. 26
    Mike & Charlotte says:

    To Roberto,

    Nobody worries a bit that Deep Purple would need you to survive…

    Why should Gillan be affraid??? Do you feel allright…not sick or something..?
    Ian is fantastic, and also very openminded, and enjoying so much singing and working with other artists.

    Just some info to heal your ego…

    Jon Lord says that Gillan is the ultimate voice for D.P.
    Ian Paice says that the human voice is a unique human instrument, and that Gillan was irreplacable for a true good D.P.
    When this is the opinion of both this ‘specialists ‘ Ian’s voice can’t be otherwise than wonderful!

    And now one moment of reality, and personal favours away…

    Where has R.B. leaded D.P. to? The abyss.
    There is no need fot you to miss R .B. You can listnen and enjoy him in Blackmore’s Night. (perhaps even when His Blackness’ finger commands you, when it’s time you may enjoy…)That is R.B NOW!!!
    Steve has his own genious talent, but he could play just like blackmore if would want to do that. This is not reversible. To hold on all solo’s with Steve’s undecreased power, and to lay this unlimited, varied creativity in all songs, every whole concert again, R.B. just sinks away.

    D.P. NOW is pure energy and happiness and joy. We see the world every day PURPLE.

    P.S. In our opinion, R.B. always said he wanted Hard Rock, but it went every time to a pop-direction. Not bad, but another thing.R.B. is not a man for a permanent Hard Rock direction, that proves the past. His playing NOW is rather mediocre, nothing special.Candice’s voice is indeed very nasal, and very fast ennoying. This is however Ritchies choice, NOW.

  27. 27
    dr.robert says:

    Mark II.

  28. 28
    Robert Daems says:

    I’ll listen to the interview later on, but I have read all these replies with great interest.

    It would be very nice if Deep Purple decided to do an anniversary thing.
    What they just need is an additional drummer !

    With that extra drummer you can form a second Deep Purple with Jon Lord, David Coverdale, Glen Hughes and Ritchie Blackmore. That would lead to a Deep Purple show, with Deep Purple as support act. In the end they can all come to stage to play a massive version of Smoke on the Water. With so many people on stage it should be easy to keep Blackmore and Gillan separated.
    Further to that: we don’t need Joe Lynn Turner or Rod Evans / Nick Simper to be part of this, although it would be nice. If the latter three show up too, the grand finale would be a superb version of Hush of course.

    The current Deep Purple Line up would be the headliner, they’re representing the present time and in my dreams Joe Satriani will be on stage with them as well. He and Steve Morse can get along fine, so that should be no problem.

    We’ll see what will happen. The band has never been sensitive to the comments written in these blogs, so my expectations aren’t very high.

    Merry X-mas !

  29. 29
    Rascal says:

    Its amazing how some people know the inner workings of the DP minds. They know what they think, what they mean, they even seemed to be involved in daily conversations with them………..

  30. 30
    Jan says:


    Ask David Copperfield!!!

  31. 31
    Carl says:

    Robert Daems, I totally agree with you. I have thought the same thing about forming a second Deep Purple. They sorta did it with Survivor several years ago. I saw Jimi Jamison’s Survivor one summer, than the next summer I saw the original line up of Survivor with Dave Bickler on vocals. I think it would be great to see sorta MK III reunion, with the exception of Paice. It wouldnt matter what drummer they found, It would definately be cool.

  32. 32
    Seven-47 says:

    Okay George I sought out some video from 1993 performances, and I can see what you’re saying. It was like five individuals playing and not a cohesive unit, but man did it sound good! John Lord’s solo in “Difficult To Cure” was awesome, and I forgot how much I enjoy Blackmore’s playing. I had pretty much moved on with the band when Blackmore chose to leave, and totally love the Lord, Gillan, Glover, Paice, Morse line-up.

    I enjoy Blackmore’s Night, but wish Ritchie would record rock music as well!
    I know chances of him doing anything with Purple are nil, but how about resurrecting Rainbow? Blackmore, Turner, Hughes, Rosenthal, & Rondinelli.

    Thanks for the insight George, and I too am looking forward to a new studio recording from Deep Purple!

  33. 33
    scottbuster2000 says:

    Those of you who are looking for a MEGA Tour of all DP members (Like the YES Union Tour Back in the day) should forget it. It would be too intrusive with what everyone has going now(DP, Blackmores/Night, Lords Classical Solo Work etc.). That’s not to say a a Union for 3 or 4 Nights in England couldn’t be possible(AN EVENING OF DEEP PURPLE MUSIC!).

    As far raising the Spectre of comparison with Zep is fool hardy. First Led Zeppelin are bigger in the U.S. where the big corperate money is. Zep has the luxury of not playing a complete concert together for almost 30 years so the hype is bigger. If all the origional Beatles were still around A full reunion would make Zep look foolish! If DP never got back together in 1984 and next year was the first tour since the demise of Mark 4 it would be huge don’t kid yourself, in fact in certain areas of the world(Eastern Europe for example) BIGGER than ZEP. You must remember the Perfect Strangers world Tour was second only to Springteen’s Born in the U.S.A. Tour (His Peak Peariod as far as Sales and concert Draw). To put what DP made on the Strangers tour($30-35 MILLION!), in 1997 KISS toured with the original group put their make-up on and were chargeing $100 plus a seat (DP under $30 Dollars) and they made $25 million for that tour!(And we know how much Simmons and co. are self promoting corporate whores for which I love them for). The mighty KISS Army made $5 Million or more less than DP and that was with the 1985 dollar. Another example to show you I saw PINK FLOYD IN 87′(Ticket $28.50 Floor Seat), for their next tour in 94′ it cost $120. It cost me $300 for the STONES last year in Halifax/Canada. Zep have sold between 200-250 Million Records World wide (DP 150-200 Million) closer than a lot of people think. DP have outsold Black Sabbath, Aerosmith, Guns and Roses, AC/DC, Rush, Rolling Stones etc and not too shabby!).

    As far as slagging Stormbringer remember it and Burn to a lesser extent are the reason Funk Metal/Hard Rock exsist today, No Stormbringer and the RED HOT CHILLI PEPPERS would not be the same (Maybe not even exsist!). I’ll say this crystal clear in the annals of Hard Rock DEEP PURPLE have NO EQUALS! I maybe preaching to the quire somewhat but that is a fact. Now remember I hale from North America(ZEP/AC/DC/AEROSMITH Land). I do not listen to Classic Rock Radio(DP’s MTV Has it Spot on!) it is Bloody Rubbish!

    Anyways here’s hopeing that their will be a SHORT BUT MIGHTY Purple Reunion in 08′. Cheers!!! Merry Christmas!!! Happy New Years!!!

  34. 34
    Roberto says:

    Many,many people say that glenn hughes still own a perfect voice while Gillan has lost its one 15 years ago(due the lack of high screams).This is the reason why I could think Gillan could have fear of comparisons.
    I think that Gillan is the greatest singer of the story of the music, while Coverdale own the best voice.I am trying to make pressure and as supporter(I spend money for concert’s ticket and for CD)I make a request to them:I’d like to see a concert where there are the other components because a like a lot every mark of my favourite band!I don’t care who is the best because I really like them all!(do you undersatn 4ECMT?)I really think it’s my right to do a request!
    And to Mike & Charlotte:don’t worry about me I am well!I don’t need to judge people as you do,I am not better than others,I have only my opinion.

  35. 35
    Charlotte& Mike says:

    To Roberto

    Of course, Your Honour!!!!

  36. 36
    4 ECMT says:

    To Roberto,

    It sounded indeed more like a demand.
    We understand. Everybody has a free opinion,but so has each Purplemember!

  37. 37
    T says:

    Scottbuster2000: Very good points. I agree completely with the Zep comments. Well put.

  38. 38
    Mike & Charlotte says:



    The second part of our reply : ‘A moment of reality…’ was not addressed to you.
    WE MIXED YOUR NAME WITH DR.ROBERT!!! This comment about MK.II was for DR.ROBERT.

    We wish you nice hollidays, with lots of Purple music-from all times- enjoyment ! ( we wish that for all fans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

  39. 39
    Robert Daems says:

    Let’s all hope that the DP management and all present and past band members will read our requests for a special something in 2008 !!!

    It’ll be worth it for all of us.

  40. 40
    Mike Eriksson says:

    I would be surprised if anything huge happened in 2009, shouldn´t that come from the Purplecamp and not from an ex-member if it was the case?

    Nostalgia is great, but we´ve had two MK2 reunions already and the second one was very unhappy. A band is a place of work, why would they want to go through that again? The old “get them all together for a Festival” idea is nice, but that came from Lord as well, and was denied by Purple.

    And if anything did happen, a MK3 showing, if only for 15 minutes, would be the thing that would bring down the house. That´s how nostalgia works and it´s the one band from the good old days that we´ve not seen since 1975. In fact, most of us were too young to have even seen them at all. So…

    As for Ritchie, he doesn´t care one bit about rock anymore. If he did he could easely guest on other peoples records when being asked (as I know he has). He made his money and he is probably quite happy having the rockdays in his rearmirror. It´s been a decade you know…


  41. 41
    Mr Jone says:

    About “owing this and that to the fans; DP doesn’t owe anything to anybody. They play, you pay. If you don’t pay, they don’t play or if they don’t play, you don’t pay.

    No band owe anything to the public. They can do whatever they want. We, the fans however can choose; We buy an album or we don’t. We go to a show, or we don’t. We can’t demand anything.

  42. 42
    Mark Bee says:

    I was out to dinner in Hollywood a few years back when I saw Jon Lord walk into the restaurant. I said to my wife, “Look honey, there’s Jon Lord.”
    He saw me motioning, walked over and screamed, “What are you looking at homo?”
    I stuttered, that I was sorry Mr. Lord, but I’ve always admired you.
    He replied, “Oh, so you admire me huh? Well admire this…”
    He grabbed me by the back of the neck and pounded my head again and again on the table screaming, “Who’s your daddy? Who’s your daddy?”
    He dropped me by the table, graciously kissed my wife on the cheek and said, “Good night hon.” and he walked out……
    How classless.

  43. 43
    T says:

    Seems like an irrational reaction… Maybe he mistook your gesture for something else. Very odd.

  44. 44
    Seven-47 says:

    WOW! Don’t know what to say about that. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Lord in 1998 during “The Abandon Tour” in Minnesota. It was the morning after a show, in the hotel parkinglot. Mr. Lord was extremely pleasant. We discussed the previous evening’s performance, and he took the time to sign my concert program and a CD. He was a true gentleman that day.

  45. 45
    YZ says:

    Dear All ;
    I lost contact with DP news and their releases since late 80’s . I know it a long way to compensate but really I adore Deep Purple and their style .
    Please ; could anyone enlighten me and keep me updated with their greatest hits .
    Thank you in advance …

  46. 46
    Rascal says:

    Yes but it was a gentlemanly beating……………..what else would you expect?

  47. 47
    Roberto says:

    (I AM 28).
    DEEP PURPLE FAMILY CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. 48
    antonio says:

    I vote for a reunion of all the deep purple family when they turn 65, with even simper and evans, playing each mark one or two songs and ending the show with smoke on the geneva lake, all together.

    Candice night is a good singer and what is doing now mr. blackmore is a mixture of renaissance and folk music, is ecological music, with low amplification and small audiences, playing in castles.

    Mr. Blackmore is an aged man and he don´t want to do antics more on a stage, he wants to play good music and that´s all.
    We can blame blackmore´s night for composing too many songs that ressemble one each other, but not for his current artistic decission.

  49. 49
    Tech.Athenaeum says:

    Strange such obsession for reunion.
    We like to watch The Doors but this wouln’t be possible anymore is it?
    Each individual evoluates, their feelings and desires are not the same anymore as decades ago.
    All we mean is, YOU CAN’T FORCE PERSONS, and if you do so, what shoud be the results, not to mention the ‘celebration fun’.
    It sounds like a threat, that buying or not buying of Purple stuff or concerttickets, do not all fans collect all albums etc.??? (Not nice!)
    What matters in fact such reunion, if the whole ‘Purple Jungle’ wants it O.K., if not… why should anybody lies awake from this?(we are sure, they will be smart enough not to do so)
    Our concerns and wishes are only to enjoy and get lots of energy and high feelings by listnening and watching DP , and be happy if they continue for at least another decade!!!!!!!!!!


  50. 50
    Seven-47 says:


    No Such Thing! I work in law enforcement, I have met Jon Lord, and I seriously question the validity of “Mark Bee”s staement!

  51. 51
    Mark Bee says:

    You work in law enforcement? Mustn’t set our goals too high.
    It only needs a high school degree. And learn to spell.

  52. 52
    purple-Udo says:

    Greetings to ROBERTO, you’ll be right – that is it !!!!
    My thoughts are like this …

    Dear Mr.Purple – Jon Lord:
    I think, if anyone could make an arrangement like this – please make it possible – (why not) only for the fans and the history – ( !!! what a x-mas-present !!! )

    In Peace and Harmony:
    Long Live Deep Purple – Long Live Rock’N’Roll – Long Live Cassic Music

  53. 53
    Seven-47 says:

    Sorry for the typo, and for the record I possess a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology, and in addition to my full time law enforcement job I work as a part time probation officer, dealing with juvenile offenders. So I think I have set my goals just right!

  54. 54
    T says:

    My brother was a police officer for 14 years. There are few more thankless jobs than the thin blue line. It’s not a popular job since if you encounter an officer, it’s usually not for something positive.

    Regarding education, after the academy, officers receive ongoing training and certification, re-certification and re-certification again in everything from firearms to equipment operation and regulations. They often have to purchase their own equipment as well. The stories my brother has could fill a book.

    It’s easy to criticize another until you’ve walked in their shoes. Let’s try to keep the personal attacks to a minimum and remember we are all a part of the Deep Purple brotherhood.

    Everyone has an opinion. Just try to back them up with something other than an emotional response.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  55. 55
    Seven-47 says:

    It was not my intention to attack Mark Bee, and I didn’t mean to suggest that I thought he wasn’t being truthful. I’m sure what he said happened, I just questioned the identity of the assailant, whether it was actually Jon Lord. If it in fact was Mr. Lord, then I apologize Mark Bee and my opinion of Mr. Lord has changed significantly.

    T; as always you are the voice of reason. It’s sometimes hard to accept when you learn something about someone you’ve come to appreciate and respect over the years.

  56. 56
    T says:

    The incident does indeed seem odd and out of character, which is why I suggested perhaps the hand gesture was misinterpreted. I do a lot of historical research, and I have found that two completely different facts that appear to be at odds with each other can coexist–and even be accurate–at the same time. I, too, would be disappointed to find that one of our heroes could behave in such a manner.

  57. 57
    Mark Bee says:

    Gentlemen, obviously my post is fake. I never saw Jon Lord in a restaurant or was ever assaulted by him. Clear? Why did I post it? I was conducting my own research on the gullible individual.

    Mr. Seven-47, I was just busting your chops sir. All cops are cool by me. My only concern is you called ‘sociology’ a major. It’s basket weaving.

  58. 58
    Seven-47 says:

    TOUCHE’ You got me!

  59. 59
    Seven-47 says:

    By the way; have you ever tried to weave a basket?

  60. 60
    More Black, Dammit! says:

    I can’t believe how some of you little pansy’s can cut down Blackmore. Deep Purple nowadays is only Deep Purple in name. No where even close to being the same band that created its legend. Standing on the shoulders of giants is what they’re doing. Blackmore, Lord, and Evans together are more Deep Purple than that band that calls itself Deep Purple now is. So, grow up a little and realize that Ritchie Blackmore is the guitar God that made that band and will hopefully NEVER even come close to doing any reunion with that band. Why would he want to take a step backwards in his career?
    So all you dickheads out there pull your heads out of your asses and send that hillbilly steve morse back to the farm.

  61. 61
    Jan says:

    To dammit More Black

    That explains everything…
    Everybody standing on ritchies shoulders…that’s why he is so little now.
    Long live Steve!!! Long live Deep Purple now!!!

  62. 62
    Seven-47 says:

    Personally I love Deep Purple with Blackmore, but he doesn’t want to be a part of the band. They’ve moved on, and I have moved on with them. I enjoy Deep Purple Mark VII & VIII, but would be the first in line to buy a ticket for a Mark II or Mark III reunion!

    It’s similar to Steve Perry not wanting to be in Journey, or Dennis DeYoung not wanting to be in Styx. Bands evolve; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. With Deep Purple I believe they are moving forward!

  63. 63
    tt says:

    Face it everyone, seeing Ritchie, Steve Morse, John Lord and Don Airey on the stage at the same time along with Ian, Ian and Roger would be the most fantastic rock musical experience ever. If anyone thinks BN is not great music, they haven’t listened with an open mind.

  64. 64
    More Black, Dammit! says:

    To Jan;
    Very funny. Did it take you all week to come up with that one? That’s the kind of mentality I should expect from you Fools on most of this page. I would say Deep Purple is dead but that tribute band that you all refer to, with Steve what-his-face on banjo, can squeak by as them. I’d also like to rip on Don Aiery but he’s too cool. Not a Jon Lord, but a legend indeed. I give Blackmore all the credit in the world for doing something different with playing music he truely loves and “not pandering to the fashionable fluff of the day”. I’ll drink to that.
    So, quit reading this crap and tip a few pints to some Blackmores Night, you drunken bastards.

  65. 65
    Seven-47 says:

    I believe I will have a few Budweisers, and listen to some Blackmore’s Night. I can appreciate the direction Blackmore has taken, and own all of Blackmore’s Night’s CDs. I will then follow with “Purpendicular”, because I can also enjoy the direction the current Deep Purple have chosen.

    Blackmore and Gillan are both doing what they enjoy, and I enjoy listening to both talented artists.

  66. 66
    Jan says:

    To sweet More Black

    All that booze makes your brain slacking and your language abusive . Who knows you could keep me awake, B.N. can’t! Although,I prefere sleeping above slanging.

  67. 67
    BILL MAJOR says:


  68. 68
    Seven-47 says:

    I believe I will turn it up!

  69. 69
    dr.robert says:

    Jon Lord

  70. 70
    BILL MAJOR says:


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