Gillan on Polish TV
Polish TV channel Planete will be showing a program called “Gwiazda autostrady” (Highway Star) about Ian Gillan tomorrow, December 8 at 20:45.
Thanks to Joasia Ostrowiecka for the info.
Polish TV channel Planete will be showing a program called “Gwiazda autostrady” (Highway Star) about Ian Gillan tomorrow, December 8 at 20:45.
Thanks to Joasia Ostrowiecka for the info.
And this is my version of how the proper air guitar is supposed to be played.
December 7th, 2007 at 19:12Yes, there’s going to be a broadcast. Finally my dad will watch it properly
December 7th, 2007 at 19:33And they write his name wrong “Gillian” instead of “Gillan”…
December 7th, 2007 at 22:08He needs to grow his hair back. Much more “Purple” this way. Long Live the Mane”……..
he and the boyz still Rock though, but I miss his long hair in his face all sweaty and stuff. You have to admit it has it’s place.
December 8th, 2007 at 03:15Tracy Heyder absolutely agree with you.
on forum I opened topic about Gillan’s hair. here’s the link:
I’ll be glad if you post your comment in this topic.
December 8th, 2007 at 08:47SURELY BETTER WITH LONG HAIR!
Hang on – “Planete” is definitely not a Polish TV channel, it’s more French than anything else and anybody who has the access to cable or satellite network in Europe can watch it for free.
December 8th, 2007 at 16:03Anyway – very kind of them to feature a film on IG.
Yes,me too I miss Gillan with long hair,He is The King Rocker
December 8th, 2007 at 20:56why you deleted my comment?
December 9th, 2007 at 09:43Long hair and sweaty???
And thats what ‘rock’ is all about???
December 10th, 2007 at 09:061.This Planete is a Polish version of the Planete channel. So the info is almost right:).
December 10th, 2007 at 10:382. Yes you’re right. Down with mowers! Long live long hair.
3. I’m disappointed. This program was a material from the “Journey in Rock”DVD, with a Polish translation. And there were fragments only. The full material lasts at least 2 hours… But the program was very useful for Polish fans who don’t speak English.
On the subjectof Gillans hair – the way it is now is much more approriate for a man in his 60’s…My wife thinks he looks even better than George Clooney (and she is not a Purple fan!!)
Also, in the forum people are mentioning Jesus Christ Superstar, if you go to Youtube and type in Ian Gillan Gethsemane, somebody has posted his version of said song and if you haven’t heard it yet as a Gillan fan I recommend that you definitely should!!
December 10th, 2007 at 15:36Ian’s hair… It might not be a topic for an appropriate discussion.
In his case it is the voice that counts, and the way he sings… He still amazes me to this day. The performances of the Blindman send a chil down my spine every single time I hear it live or on the bootleg. And I agree with Scratchplate1, Ian looks much better and much younger with short hair, and Ian, if the hair are to fall into your bear, simply do your job 
December 10th, 2007 at 19:51Sorry, these opinions “appropriate for men of 60s” are only stereotypes, more wrongful than useful. All is the matter of taste. As for mine, Ian looked very nice in Brighton in 2004 and his hair wasn’t very long. In Vilnius in 2002 he had his hair short, but he looked very nice, too. If he wants to have his hair short, he has to change the hairdresser now. This year in the USA he looked awful. I don’t mind short hair, but I hate all these semi-baldhead so-called hair-dos, independently of one’s age. I’ve seen Adrian Vandenberg lately (53 years old), he’s got long hair and he looks super. As I’ve said, all is the matter of taste, and please don’t try to make me believe something is “appropriate” or “not appropriate” for one’s age. De gustibus et coloribus non est disputandum.
December 12th, 2007 at 09:02Hey,
Seems even a 60+ year old with long hair and sweat stains can make some of the ladies moist.
Your quite welcome to run your hands over my dreadlocks!!
Yeah Baby!!
December 13th, 2007 at 14:55That’s good. BUT!!! WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD DEEP PURPLE’S NEW STUDIO ALBUM. can’t wait. We love Rapture, we love Bananas, we love Abandon and of course we love Purpendicular BUT!!! WE NEED MORE ALBUMS TO LOVE, WE NEED NEW STUDIO ALBUM IN 2008!!!
December 15th, 2007 at 10:08Proud to be longhaired at 42………
The grey is setting in and I don’t like to paint it…….
I HATE FAKE……………..
December 15th, 2007 at 18:55Im So Glad U cut your hair, Mr. Gillan. UR Quite A Handsome Hippie, No Matter the Length of your Hair. Our Dear Gillan.
You Rock, and your band is Superb !! love U Guys !! Muah From America !!
July 8th, 2014 at 06:27